WebTAC Administration FAQ Sheet

WebTAC Administration FAQ Sheet

This document is intended to answer some questions about WebTAC user administration from the Business Partner perspective. It will cover the main types of administrative entities, user account types and who Business Partner members should contact for the various administrative tasks.

What are the main entities in WebTAC that have roles in the user administration process?

  • Retail Pro Administration
  • Business Partner Administration
  • Individual Administration

What are the various user administration requirements are for each entity?

Retail Pro WebTAC Administrators
Retail Pro handles the activation of users, password resets, manages the system,configures the interface and post articles.

Business Partner Administrators
The ?BP_Admin_Account? and the ?User-Admin_Only? account holders handle adding users, request user activations (or deactivations) and update company or user information. (such as email or phone info)

Individual Users
Technicians, Lead Technicians and all other users manage their own passwords and user data (such as email or phone info) .

What kind of account definitions are there for BP technicians?

BP_Admin_Account (VP)
ADMIN account. Every new WebTAC customer starts out with one VP account.
The VP account can add other users create cases and has access to manage all cases.

ADMIN account Add Modify users only
 -Retail Pro certification not required

Lead Technician
Add modify cases and manage cases of other users
- Retail Pro Certified techs only

Add modify cases and manage its own cases

Retail Pro Certified techs only

Who should WebTAC users contact for administration issues and when?

If you need to add a user..
Your BP_Admin_Account (VP) holder, or one of your User-Admin_Only users

-If you have added an account..
Retail Pro Admin at WebTAC_ADMIN@retailpro.com

-If you need a password reset..
Retail Pro Admin at WebTAC_ADMIN@retailpro.com

-If you need a new Admin account..
Retail Pro Admin at WebTAC_ADMIN@retailpro.com

-If someone is no longer with your Business Partner and needs to be inactivated.
Retail Pro Admin at WebTAC_ADMIN@retailpro.com

Published on Mar 18, 2014 in FAQ


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