The Loyalty Currency: The Science of Buying ROI [Webinar August 6]

For decades, retailers saw loyalty and rewards programs as a necessary evil to incentivize shoppers toward repeat purchases at discounted rates.

But what was once a loss leader exercise can now instead be harnessed to drive new revenue.

Today, AI-powered loyalty transforms mere discounts into useful currency between a retailer and their shoppers.

As a currency, businesses can trade in points and punches for shopper transaction history, birthdays, home addresses, email, marital status and much more – to help retailers curate better experiences through personalized content and promotions.

Loyalty is no longer a system of distributing anonymous discounts to the unknown masses.

It is the engine for personalization and the path to true, tangible ROI.

Join us on Tuesday, August 6th at 2 PM ET as we dig into top perspectives on loyalty and rewards systems as they have been used for decades, and how you can use it to start buying measurable ROI today.


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