Updated: December 27, 2023 2:07pm

Scales (Grid Scales)

A grid scale is a user-defined array of sizes and attributes that you can use as a template when creating new styles. For example, the style shown below is assigned the "SUB1 SCALE2" grid scale that has three attributes and two sizes.
Sample style with grid scale
There are two methods to create a grid scale for a style:

  • The most common method is to define the scale in Style Details > Scales. This method ensures that the elements in the Attr/Size grid will be displayed in that order when the style is displayed (instead of system sorted). Example: Sizes may be defined in the following order: XSmall, Small, Medium, Large, XLarge and will be displayed in that order). Using this method, the grid scale has a name. To assign the scale to a style, you select the name in the Scale drop-down in Style Details. If editing a predefined Scale from here, newly added elements (attr or size) will always be added to scale separately from the predefined elements.  The predefined elements will retain their defined sequence, but newly added ones will be sorted. Example: Sizes 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11 are predefined. If adding 8, 8.5, 11 from Styles> Edit Attr/Size they will be grouped together and sorted separately from the predefined elements.
  • Users can also create a new grid scale for a style "on-the-fly" using the Edit Attr/Size button in Style Details. When created here the Attr / Size grid will always be resorted when a style is displayed (Example: Large, Medium, Small, XLarge, XSmall).  This is for convenience when the order of the rows/columns in the grid is not important. 

Enter OH Qty in Grid Cells to Create New Style Items
When you save a new style that is assigned a grid scale, a new style item will be created for each grid cell that has an OH Qty value. Before saving, click Create All Items to enter a zero Qty in all cells of the grid, or type the desired OH Qty in individual cells of the grid.

Editing a Grid Scale vs. Editing a Style Grid
If you modify a grid scale by adding more sizes or attributes to the scale, Prism adds those sizes and attributes automatically to every style grid that was built using that scale. However, if you modify an individual style grid in the same manner, the original scale is not affected.
New Grid Scale
Navigate to Store Operations > Merchandise > Inventory.
Inventory Lookup screen
Click the Style Lookup button. A  Scales button is now displayed on the bottom row of buttons.
Scales button
Click the Scales button on the bottom menu.
The Scales modal has a drop-down for selecting an existing scale as well as buttons for adding/deactivating/copying scales.
Grid scales modal
In the Scales dialog, click the Add button.
Enter a name for the scale. Click OK.
New grid scale name
To add sizes/attributes: Click the plus sign. A blank row is displayed. Type the attribute. Click the plus sign again to add another attribute.
Add Sizes in the same manner.
Click Save when finished.
Edit attribute and size

About the Scale #
Each scale that is added is assigned a number. The sequence starts with 1 and is incremented by one whenever a scale is added.

Edit Attr/Size
You can edit a grid scale in two places: 

  • Navigate to Style Details > Scales, select the desired scale and then make edits or additions.
  • In Style Details, click the Edit Attr/Size button and then make edits or additions.

Edits made in Style Details > Scales
When you make changes to a predefined scale in Style Details > Scales, newly added elements (attr or size) are added to the scale separately from the predefined elements.  Prism adds those sizes and attributes automatically to every style grid that was built using that scale.
 MY_SHOES style with edited scale
Edits made in Style Details > Edit Attr/Size
When you make changes to a predefined scale by clicking the Edit Attr/Size button next to the Scale dropdown, the changes are specific to that style. Prism does not add those sizes and attributes to other style grids built using that scale. Newly added elements are grouped together and displayed with asterisks. .
Sample Grid Scale showing newly added elements with asterisk:
Newly added grid scale elements with asterisk
If editing a predefined Scale from Style Details > Edit Attr/Size, the newly added elements (attr or size) will always be added to the scale separately from the predefined elements.  The predefined elements will retain their defined sequence, but the newly added ones will be sorted.
Example: Sizes 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11 are predefined.  If adding 8, 8.5, 11 from Styles > Edit Attr/Size the 8, 8.5 and 11 sizes will be grouped together and sorted separately from the predefined sizes.
Adding New Scale via Edit Attr/Size
The Style Details> Edit Attr/Size option will let you create a scale if the style is new or does not yet have a scale assigned.  When created here the Attr / Size grid will always be resorted when a style is displayed.  This is for convenience when the order of the rows/columns in the grid is not important. In contrast, if you add a new scale by navigating to Style Details > Scales, the attributes and sizes added will be displayed as added (unsorted).

Deactivate Grid Scales
By default, a new grid scale is active; however, users can deactivate grid scale if needed. A deactivated grid scale cannot be used to create a new style or be assigned to an existing style.
In the Scales modal, click in the Scale Name. A pop-up menu that lists scale names is displayed.
Grid scale name search
Type the scale name to find it. Click the name.
The scale is displayed.
Click the Deactivate button.

Reactivate a Grid Scale
Navigate to the Scales area and find the desired deactivated scale.
When you click on the scale name to display the scale, the UI will have an "Activate" button.
Click Activate. A confirmation is displayed. Click Yes.
Grid scales with activate button to reactivate scale

Copy Grid Scales
Instead of creating a new scale from scratch, users can copy an existing grid scale that offers a close match and modify the copy as needed.
Click the Copy button on the Scales modal.
Enter a name for the scale. The name for the copy cannot be the same as the original scale's name.
Scale copy name

Click OK.
The new scale is displayed. The next Scale # in the sequence is assigned. The copy has the same attributes and sizes as the original scale. Edit the attributes and sizes as needed, or add/remove attributes and sizes.
Scale copy edit attributes and sizes


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