Updated: April 11, 2024 7:51am

New Promotion

This section provides basic steps for creating a new promotion. 
Best Practices

  • Create promotions at the root authority (RA) server and broadcast to the stores that will use them.
  • Plan the promotions you will create, including the time frame the promotion will be active, the Stores where promotions will be used and the unique Reason Codes that will be used.
  • Use the defined promotion types; not the "Custom" type.
  • Keep promotions simple until you are comfortable working with them.

Step 1
At the RA, navigate to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Promotions. Enable Promotions and define other promotion preferences as needed.
Prism promotion preferences

Step 2
At the RA, navigate to the Promotions module. 
Click the New button on the bottom menu.

Step 3
On the General Details pane, enter a Name (max 50 characters), Description, Reason (max six characters) and select a Promotion Type. You can optionally enter a Promotion Group identifier. 

Step 4
On the Activation Details tab, enter the Start/End date and time and other options that determine when and where the promotion will be active. (See the Activation Details section for information about the available settings.)
Sample Activation Details:
promotion activation details

Step 5
On the Validation Rules tab, define the items, quantities, and other options that "validate" the promotion and cause the promotion to trigger. (See the Validation Rules section for information.)
Sample Validation Rules:
item promotion validation rules

Step 6
On the Reward Rules tab, define the discount or other reward that will be applied to the transaction when the promotion is validated. The available Reward Rules will vary depending on the Promotion Type. (See the Reward Rules section for information.)
Sample Reward Rules:
item promotion reward rules

Step 7
On the Summary tab, review the promotion. If satisfied, save the promotion.
Sample summary tab:
item promotion summary tab

Step 8
A prompt for activating the promotion is displayed. Click Yes. Click the Close button to close the promotion.

Step 9
On the Promotions main screen, select the promotion(s) you want to broadcast and click the Broadcast button in the upper-right corner.
Sample promotions main screen with Broadcast button in upper-right corner:

