Updated: June 21, 2022 8:54am

Shopper Display

The Shopper Display customization enables a regular Genius CED to lists all items, as well as fees, discounts and the total, whereas the standard line display for Genius can only display a single line at a time. When using the Shopper Display, the screen refreshes automatically as items are added or removed. This enables both the customer and the Associate to clearly see all the elements comprising the transaction, resulting in a more satisfying shopping experience for the customer.
When an item is scanned, the item's description is displayed. When configuring the Shopper Display, you can select which item description field to use (Default = Desc 1). When selecting an item description field, keep in mind that the Genius device has a limited screen area for displaying these descriptions (18 characters), with the rest of the description truncated if the limit is exceeded. The ShopperDisplay.exe is installed to the same folder as the Prism Proxy (C:\ProgramFiles\RetailPro\PrismProxy and is run on the same machine as the Proxy.  The ShopperDisplay.exe communicates with the Proxy.

 Basic Steps for Configuring/Using the Shopper Display

  1. Configure Transaction > Tender > EFT preferences and enable use of the Genius device.
  2. Configure Hardware preferences and select the Description field to use.
  3. Add Genius device and configure ( tab).
  4. On the machine with the CED: In the Workstation record, configure HAL Settings > Shopper Display.
  5. Perform transactions in Prism, using the Genius device to take payment.

Genius Options for using Shopper Display
The Shopper Display must be enabled for use separately from the Genius device. Users can use Genius for EFT AND the Shopper Display, or use Genius for EFT and another device for the Shopper Display or only use the Genius for EFT with no Shopper Display. When you install this release of RP Prism, the Shopper Display is automatically registered in the Customization area of the Administration Console. Each Proxy/HAL connected to the server can then use the Shopper Display. You can modify the default settings of the customization configuration, if necessary.

Configure EFT Preferences
In Admin Console navigate to Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > EFT Server Configuration. Select the checkbox for "Use Genius Device" and enter your Merchant Name, Merchant Site ID and Merchant Key.

Configure Prism Hardware Preferences
In Node Preferences > Hardware > Shopper Display, you can select the item description field that will be displayed on the Genius device screen. Description 1 through Description 4 fields are available. When selecting the description, keep in mind that the Genius will only display the first 18 characters of the field value. This preference is inherited from Corp to SBS to Store to WS.

Configure Workstation Preferences > HAL Settings
Enter the LDN in Workstation (HAL Settings) > Shopper Display. Once a Genius Device has been defined for a proxy to be used for EFT, it will become available for selection as a Shopper Display device. Each Genius device is identified by its Logical Device Number (LDN).  The IP address of the device is displayed (read-only). There are two sections for configuration: 'Line Display' and 'Scrolling Display'.  These device types function independently.
Note: To configure the Shopper Display feature, the Genius device must be defined as Active in HAL settings and the "Use Genius Device" setting must be selected in 'Preferences and Settings > Transactions > Tenders > EFT Server Configuration'

Using the Shopper Display at POS

  1. Scan the item(s) being purchased. Add any fees or discounts using the Transaction Details dialog. The Genius device shows each item, discount, or fee entered.
  2. Touch or click Tender Transaction. The "Please wait for Cashier" message is displayed."
  3. Swipe the card. A message is displayed asking "Confirm the Transaction Amount: Accept?
  4. Tap Accept.
  5. Print/Update the Receipt

When a user starts a new transaction, the Genius display is initially blank, as shown above. As items are scanned and fees/discounts entered, the Genius display screen shows each item.


  • Items are listed with a quantity and price. Items without descriptions are displayed as . Fee and Shipping are listed as a single line items, with a quantity of 1.
  • The Shipping value is a sum of all shipping values, item and document level.
  • Discounts (Transaction) are listed as a single line item, with a quantity of 1 or -1, depending on the direction. A regular discount has a quantity of "1" and the amount is a negative value. The example above is a "negative discount". A negative discount has a quantity of "-1" and the value is a positive amount.  Retailers occasionally use a negative discount such as this as a way to apply a third Fee to a transaction (Prism is limited to two "fees" per transaction).
  • If the transaction only has order items, regardless of the number of order items, the only line displayed on the Genius device will be "Order Deposit Due". The value is the "Minimum Deposit Due" on the transaction (based on preferences).

 Shopper Display in Multi-Proxy Environment
The Shopper Display can be used in a multi-Proxy environment. Simply add the customization and assign a port to each instance of the Proxy as needed.

  1. First, edit the ShopperDisplay.ini file to include the ports that will be used. The ShopperDisplay.ini file is found in the … \ProgramData\RetailPro\Server\Conf folder.    
  2. Exit the Proxy.    
  3. Launch the Prism Proxy and log in.     
  4. Go into the Admin Console and drill down to the desired workstation. Click the Edit button.    
  5. Click the HAL Settings tab.     
  6. Select a Proxy from the drop-down.    
  7. Click Add Customization.     
  8. Navigate to the drop-down and select the Shopper Display customization.    
  9. Enter a Port Override. Default = Port 5678    
  10. Click the Save button.    
  11. Click the Exit button.    
  12. Go back to the HAL Settings tab. Select the next Proxy. Repeat the process to add the Shopper Display Plugin and assign the next sequential Port number. Repeat until you have added the Shopper Display customization and a Port to all Proxies.    
  13. Exit the Proxy and then restart.    

Configuring RP Prism Settings in iOS Device
When configuring Prism settings in an iOS device, be sure to assign the correct IP Address for the Genius device.