Updated: January 9, 2023 7:25am

Case Quantity Items

This topic has information about working with "case-quantity items," including:

  • Define the number of units per case for items
  • Restrict purchase orders to ordering by cases
  • Options for rounding case quantities up or down
  • Selling items by case quantity at POS

Define Number of Units per Case for Inventory Items
For items that are ordered and/or sold by the case, you can define the number of units per case in inventory and then display/enter the item's case quantities as well as unit quantities in inventory and on all documents (except memos). To display case quantities, you will need to enter the number of units per case. The OH Qty is divided by the Units/Case value to determine the item's Case Quantity.
Note: In Prism Node Preferences > Purchasing > Purchase Orders, you can set an option to restrict orders of case quantity items to whole cases (Order by cases only).
To record case quantities in inventory:

  1. Display the item in edit mode.
  2. Enter the number of units per case for each by-the-case item in the Units/Case field.
  3. Enter the item's total quantity in the Store OH Qty field. The system will divide the Store OH Qty by the Units/Case value to come up with the case quantity in the Case Qty field.

Sample item record showing Units/Case and Case Quantity fields:

inventory item details, purchasing tab with case quantity fields

The Units/Case that you enter will be displayed in the Item Details when the item is listed on a document. Note that you cannot edit the Units/Case value on a document. The Units/Case can only be modified in the inventory record.
item decimals decimal quantity

Restrict Purchase Orders to Ordering by Cases
In Admin Console > Node Preferences > Purchasing > Purchase Orders, select Order by Cases Only to restrict quantities ordered on POs to whole cases for items defined in inventory as "by-the-case" items.

Case Rounding Method
In Admin Console > Node Preferences > Purchasing > Purchase Orders, the "Case Rounding Method" preference determines how quantities should be rounded to equal a full case. Select Up, Down, or Normal (rounds to the nearest whole number).
Example: An item comes in five units per case. You want to restock the item to its Min level, which is 25, and there are currently 9 items in stock. This means 16 items are needed to bring the item to its Min level. Auto PO will round up to the nearest whole case and order 4 cases (20 items). When Auto PO reorders "by-the-case" merchandise, it should always round down to the nearest whole case. Using the same example above, Auto PO would round down and order 3 cases (15 items). When Auto PO reorders "by-the-case" merchandise, it should round up or down to the nearest whole case. Using the same example above, Auto PO would round down and order 3 cases (15 items). If 19 items were needed to reach the Min level, Auto PO would round up and order 4 cases (20 items).

Sample Admin Console > Node Preferences > Purchasing > Purchase Orders with "Restrict Purchase Orders to Ordering by Cases" and "Case Rounding Method" settings:
preferences related to case quantity items


Selling Case Quantity Items
Prism supports entry of case quantities (Doc Case Qty) for items on POS transactions.
Add Doc Case Qty to Inventory Search Grid Formats
To search for case quantity items at POS, add the "Doc Case Qty" column to Inventory search grids. Navigate to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Grid Formats and select Inventory Search (Document) from the dropdown. In the "Show Columns" area, move the "Doc Case Qty" column from the Available to the Selected list. Save the changes.
Sample Node Preferences > Grid Formats showing Doc Case Qty column moved to the Selected (and Default Visible) lists.
Sample grid formats showing Doc Case Qty column in the Selected and Default Visible lists:
Grid formats preferences showing doc case quantity
Once the Doc Case Qty column has been added to the Inventory Search grid, when searching for items at POS, users can enter a Doc Case Qty (or Doc Qty) for the item.
Enter Doc Case Qty in Item Details
Users can also edit the Doc Case Qty in Item Details (for example after adding case quantity items by scanning). Select the case quantity item in the item list and click Details. On the Item Details tab are Doc Quantity, Doc Case Qty and Units/Case (read-only) fields. Editing Doc Qty updates the Doc Case Qty. Likewise, editing the Doc Case Qty updates the Doc Qty.
Sample Doc Case Qty in Item Details:
Item Details showing Doc Case Qty



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