Updated: February 3, 2022 7:52am

Item Details - Discounts

On the Discounts tab of Item Details, users can discount the current item by entering a discount amount, a discount percentage, or a specific price.
(Note: You can also enter a line item discount without entering item details. Simply select the item in the list and click the Discount button.)
To discount an item in Item Details:

  1. On a transaction in progress, highlight the item in the item list and click the Details button.
  2. Click the Discount Amount button to enter a specific discount amount
  3. Click the Discount % button to enter a discount percentage.Enter the value (amount or percentage) in the text box.
  4. Click the Price button to enter a specific price (e.g. 9.99).
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Show Discount to view information about the discount.  

Sample Item Details - Discounts tab:
Item Details - Discounts tab

Inventory Item Maximum Discount Percentage
Note: There are many ways that the maximum discount for an item can be reached: Item Max Discount, Customer Max Discount, or Employee Max Discount. This section has information on Item Max Discount %.
When a user lists an item on a transaction and tries to apply a discount to that item, Prism checks to make sure the value does not exceed the Maximum Discount Percentage entered in the item's Inventory record. Depending on the version of Prism, the Maximum Discount Percentage in Inventory can be populated in different ways. In Prism 1.14.7 and earlier there is a special preference provided for backward compatibility with RIL (and Retail Pro 9). The "Populate Max Discount From" preference is in Admin Console - Node Preferences - Merchandise - Inventory - General. There is a similar preference RIL (or Retail Pro 9) in System Preferences - Local Preferences - Merchandise - Inventory - Pricing - General.
The preference has two possible settings: RIL Max Discount % or RIL Max Accumulated Discount %.  
RIL Max Discount %: If selected, the Max Discount % field in Prism Inventory will display the RIL Max Discount % value and Prism POS will use that value to control an item's maximum discount.
RIL Max Accumulated Discount: If selected, the Max Discount % field in Prism Inventory will display the RIL Max Accumulated Discount % value and Prism POS will use that value to control an item's maximum discount.
When the item's Max Discount has been reached, the UI will display the word "Max" in red. Associates can see the flag and quickly understand why some part of a discount was not applied. If the user sees the word "Max" in red beside the discount, the user can assume that the discount has reached its maximum amount and part of a discount may not have been applied.