Updated: December 13, 2022 7:12am

Transactions - Fees/Shipment

In this area of preferences, add/edit/delete fee types. The fee types defined here will be available in Transaction Details on the Fees tab. Fees/Shipment types can only be defined at the subsidiary level or lower. Drill down to the desired subsidiary (or subsidiary/store) and then navigate to Node Preferences - Transactions - Fees/Shipment. A list of existing fee types is displayed. Prism comes with a default set of fee types (Fee1 through Fee8 and Shipping). Users can edit the default labels and add their own fee types as needed.
Fees/Shipment preferences:
Fees/Shipment preferences

To add a fee type:
Click the Add New button.
A blank row is added to the top of the list. Type the fee name (maximum 25 characters).
Select other options for the fee, if needed. Click the check mark to save the fee.
New fee:

Fees - New Fee

Fee Options:

Option Description
Active If selected, indicates the fee type is active and available for use at POS. Inactive fee types are not available for selection at POS. You can click the Toggle Inactive button to display/hide inactive fee types.
Req. Customer If selected, a billing customer entry is required on receipts listing this fee type (before fee type can be selected).
Include Tax If selected, includes tax in the fee or shipping amount (as is typically done when using VAT).
Tax Percent Define the applicable tax rate, if any, for fee and shipping amounts of the specified type.
Class Assign a class to this fee type. You can filter reports by Class to include or exclude a group of fee types. Integer values only. Maximum 10 characters.

About the Shipping Fee Type
The list of default fee types includes a special "Shipping" fee type. The Shipping fee type can be found at the bottom of the list following Fee1 through Fee8. The Shipping fee type is linked to the "Shipping Amount" field on the Shipping tab. When a user enters a Shipping Amount, under the hood of Prism, the Shipping fee type is applied. To include tax in the Shipping Amount, enable the "Include Tax" option for the "Shipping" fee type. If the Include Tax option is enabled and a Tax % defined for the Shipping fee type, then the specified tax rate will be included the Shipping Amount. For example, if the Tax % entered in preferences for the Shipping fee type is 20% and the Shipping Amount is 2.00, the Total Shipping with Tax will be 2.00, Total Shipping W/O Tax 1.67 and Total Shipping Tax will be 0.33. The Shipping and Shipping Tax fields are displayed on the Shipping tab in Transaction Details. On the Shipping tab, users can scroll down and see the Total Shipping W/O tax, Total Shipping with Tax (equal to the Shipping Amount) and Total Shipping Tax.

Shipping Methods
Click the Shipping tab to define a list of transportation carriers that the enterprise uses. Click the Add New button to add a new shipping method name (maximum 25 characters). Click the check mark to save the new shipping method. After the shipping method has been saved, clicking the Edit button toggles the active/inactive status for the method. If a method is inactive, an additional button is displayed for deleting the method.
Sample shipping methods:
Sample fees and shipping preferences, shipping methods tab