Updated: September 30, 2019 1:54pm

Transfer Columns

Prism enables users to customize grid layouts in many program areas. Among the areas where grids can be customized is Transfers. You can specify the columns displayed in the UI and select columns that can be added on the fly by the user when working in that area. Define grid formats in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Grid Formats.  You can customize grids for the following areas related to transfers:

  • Transfer Order Items
  • Transfer Order Lookup
  • Transfer Slip Items
  • Transfer Slip Lookup

Transfer Order Items columns

Column Label Type(length) Notes
Alt Alu STRING(20) ALU for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
Alt Cost NUMBER(16,4) Cost for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
Alt UPC NUMBER(18) UPC for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
Alt Vendor Code STRING(6) Vendor Code for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
Alt Vendor # NUMBER(5) Vendor number for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
ALU STRING(20) Alternate Lookup.
Assigned Quantity Number(10,3) Doc Qty that has been assigned to stores.
Attribute STRING(8) Item attribute.
Cost NUMBER(16,4) Item cost.
Created By STRING(30) Employee who created the TO.
Created Datetime TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the TO was created.
DCS Code STRING(9) DCS Code.
Description 1 - Description 2 STRING(20) Item description fields. Desc 1 is the Primary description field.
Doc Qty NUMBER(10,3) Item quantity listed on the TO.
Due Qty NUMBER(10,3) Quantity remaining to be sent out on slips.
Ext Cost NUMBER(16,4) Extended cost of the TO item
Ext Price NUMBER(16,4) Extended price of the TO item.
Item Note 1 - Item Note 10 STRING(50) Item note fields.
Item Size STRING(8) Item size.
Kit Type NUMBER(1) Kit Type
0 = No Entry, 1 = Kit, 2 = Package, 3 = Gift Card Stored Value, 4 = Gift Card Prepaid, 5 = Gift Certificate, 6 = Fee, 7 = Gift Card Central
Lot Type Number(1) Lot Type.
Modified By STRING(30) Employee who last modified the TO.
Modified Datetime TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the TO was last modified.
OH Qty NUMBER(10,3) Item on-hand quantity for the item at the user's store.
Price Number(16,4) Item price.
Sent Qty NUMBER(10,3) Quantity sent.
Serial Type NUMBER(1) Serial type of the item: Partial or Full Control.
Source Subsidiary # NUMBER(5) Source subsidiary number.
Status NUMBER(1) Document status: 1 = changed, 2 = cancelled, 3 = normal (default), 4 = finalized.
Tax Area #2 STRING(11) A second tax area (used in multi-tax environments).
Tax Percentage NUMBER(16,4) The tax percentage for the item for the user's store.
Tax Percentage 2 NUMBER(16,4) The tax percentage for a second tax area (used in multi-tax environments).
UDF1 - UDF 4 STRING(60) User-defined fields for the item (taken from inventory UDF).
UPC NUMBER(18) Universal product code.
Vendor Code STRING(6) Three- to six-character code that identifies the vendor.

Transfer Orders Lookup columns

Column Label Type(length) Description
Activate Date DATE Date the transfer order was activated.
Activate NUMBER(1) Activated status. 0 = Inactive, 1 = Active.
Associate STRING(30) Associated who created the transfer order
Created By STRING(30) Employee who created the transfer order.
Created By Empl ID NUMBER(10) Identifies the employee who created the transfer order.
Created Datetime TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the transfer order was created.
Doc Status NUMBER(1) Planning document status: 0 = None, 1 = Changed, 2 = Normal, 3 = Completed.
Document Reason Name STRING(20) The reason for the transfer.
Document Reason Type NUMBER(5) Reason type.
Due Qty NUMBER(10,3) Quantity due.
From Store NUMBER(5) Source store for the transfer.
From Store Name STRING(30) Name of the source store for the transfer.
From Store # STRING(5) Store number of the source store for the transfer.
Held NUMBER(1) Held status. 0 = Not Held, 1 = Held.
Line Items NUMBER(5) Number of line items on the transfer order.
Modified By STRING(30) Employee who last modified the transfer order.
Modified By Datetime TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the transfer order was last modified.
Note STRING(255) Long note field.
Notes 1 - Notes 2 STRING(30) Optional notes.
PO # STRING(20) Purchase order number.
Subsidiary Name STRING(20) Subsidiary name.
Subsidiary # NUMBER(5) Subsidiary number of the store where the transfer order was created.
Tax Area STRING(11) Tax area for the store where the transfer order was created.
TO Type NUMBER(1) Transfer order type. 0 = Single subsidiary, 1 = Multi subsidiary
TO # STRING(10) Transfer order number.
Total Assigned NUMBER(10,3) The total number of items assigned on the whole TO
Total Ext Cost NUMBER(16,4) Total extended cost of the items on the transfer order
Total Ext Price NUMBER(16,4) Total extended price of the items on the transfer order.
Total Order Qty NUMBER(10,3) Total quantity ordered on the transfer order.
Total Sent NUMBER(16,4) The total number of items sent out on the slip.
Unfilled % NUMBER(16,4) The percentage of the items ordered that have yet to be transferred.
Verified NUMBER(1) Verified status. 0 = Not verified, 1 = Verified

Transfer Slip Items columns

Column Label Type(length) Description
Altalu STRING(20) ALU for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
Altcost NUMBER(16,4) Cost for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
Altupc NUMBER(19) UPC for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
Altvendcode STRING(6) Vendor Code for the item from the alternate vendor. (Used with items that can be ordered from multiple vendors).
ALU STRING(20) Alternate Lookup
Archived NUMBER(1) Archived status. 0 = not archived, 1 = archived.
Attr STRING(8) Item attribute (e.g. color or a second size)
Cost NUMBER(16,4) Item Cost in Inventory.
Createdby STRING(30) Employee who created the transfer slip.
Createddatetime TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the slip was created.
Dcscode STRING(9) DCS Code is a three- to nine-character code to identify the department.
Desc1 to Desc 4 STRING(20) Item description fields. Desc 1 is used for the primary item description. Desc 2 - Desc 4 can be used for additional item description information.
Ext Cost NUMBER(16,4) Extended cost.
Ext Price NUMBER(16,4) Extended price.
FC Cost NUMBER(16,4) Foreign Currency cost.
Itemnote1 to Itemnote10 STRING(35) Item Note fields.
Itempos NUMBER(5) Item position in the item list.
Itemuid NUMBER(19) UID for the item.
Lotnumber STRING(25) Item lot number.
Modifiedby STRING(30) Employee who last modified the slip.
Modifieddatetime TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the slip was last modified.
Origcost NUMBER(16,4) Original cost (before any discounts or changes)
Postdate DATE Date the slip was posted to RIL.
Price NUMBER(16,4) Item Price.
Qty NUMBER(10,3) Slip quantity for the item.
Scanupc NUMBER(18) Scanned UPC
Serialno STRING(25) Serial number.
Size STRING(8) Item size.
Snactive NUMBER(1) Serial number active status.
Snadjusted NUMBER(1) Serial number adjusted status.
Snqty NUMBER(10,3) Serial number quantity.
Snreceived NUMBER(1) Received status.
Snreturned NUMBER(1) Returned status.
Snsold NUMBER(1) Sold status.
Sosoreserved NUMBER(1) SO Reserved status.
Sntransferred NUMBER(1) Transferred status.
Taxarea2 STRING(11) A second tax area (used in multi-tax environments)
Taxperc NUMBER(16,4) Tax rate for the store's tax area.
Taxperc2 NUMBER(16,4) The tax rate for Tax Area 2.
Udfvalue1 to Udfvalue4 STRING(50) User-defined fields for the item.
Vendor Code STRING(6) Vendor Code is a three- to six-character code to identify the vendor.
Vendor Name STRING(25) Name of the vendor's business.

Transfer Slip Lookup columns

Column Label Type(length) Description
Active NUMBER(1) Active status. 0 = Inactive, 1 = Active
Archived NUMBER(5) Archived status.
Audited NUMBER(1) Audited status. 0 = not audited, 1 = audited.
AuditedDate DATE Date the transfer was audited.
Carrier STRING(50) The shipping carrier that was used for transporting the transferred items.
Cms NUMBER(1) CMS Flag
Cmspostdate DATE Date the document was posted to RIL.
Controller NUMBER(19) Identifies the controller.
Created By STRING(30) Employee who created the slip.
Created Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date the Slip was created.
Custfld STRING(47) Custom field. Used in customizations.
Daysintran NUMBER(5) Days in Transit.
Eta Date DATE Estimated time of arrival.
From Store NUMBER(5) Source store for the transfer.
Modified By STRING(30) Employee who last modified the slip.
Modified Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the slip was last modified.
Note String (350) Optional note field.
Origcontroller NUMBER(19) Controller where the slip was originally created.
Origstation CHAR(1) Station where the slip was originally created.
Pkg No STRING(20) Package number (if the item is part of a shipping package).
Post Date DATE Post Date.
Price Total NUMBER(16,4) Total price of transferred items.
Procstatus NUMBER(10) Reversal process status (bitwise). 0 = None, 16 = Reversed, 32 = Reversing
Resolvebyid NUMBER(10) Identifies the employee who resolved the discrepancy in transfer verification.
Resolvedate DATE Date the transfer discrepancy was resolved in transfer verification.
Resolvemethod NUMBER(5) Method used to resolve slips: Correct Sending, Correct Receiving, Adjust Sending, or Adjust Receiving.
Resolvestatus NUMBER(1)

Flag to indicate transfer verification status. 0 or null - none, 1 - original doc, 2 - replacement doc

Shipmentno NUMBER(5) Shipment number.
Slip No NUMBER(10) Slip number.
Station CHAR(1) Station.
Status NUMBER(1) Document status: 1 = changed, 2 = cancelled, 3 = normal (default), 4 = finalized.
Tono STRING(8) Transfer order number.
To Store NUMBER(5) Target store for the transfer.
Total Transfer Quantity STRING(10,3) Total Transfer Quantity.
Tracking No STRING(40) Tracking number with the shipping carrier.
Usevat NUMBER(1) Use VAT? 0 = Not VAT, 1 = VAT
Verified NUMBER(1) 0 = Not verified, 1 = Verified.
Verifydate DATE Date the transfer was verified.
Verifytype NUMBER(5) Type of verification: Automatic or manual
Workstation NUMBER(5) Workstation.
Wsseqno NUMBER(10) Workstation sequence number.