Updated: September 30, 2019 2:07pm

Vendor Columns

Prism enables users to customize grid layouts in many program areas. Among the areas where grids can be customized is Vendors. You can specify the columns displayed in the UI and select columns that can be added on the fly by the user when working in that area. Define grid formats in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Grid Formats. 

Column Label Type(length) Notes
Account No STRING(200) The retailer's account number with the vendor.
Active NUMBER(1) Active status.
AP Flag NUMBER(1) Accounts Payable flag.
Currency Code NUMBER(5) Identifies the currency used by the vendor
Email STRING(100) Vendor contact person email.
First Name STRING(30) Vendor contact person first name.
Info 1 - Info 2 STRING(10) Info fields. Legacy fields used in previous versions of Retail Pro.
Last Name STRING(30) Vendor contact person last name.
Lead Time NUMBER(5) Days of lead time required to order the item from the vendor.
Min Cost NUMBER(16,4) Minimum order cost.
Min Qty NUMBER(10,3) Minimum order quantity.
Notes CLOB Optional notes.
Regional NUMBER(1) 0 = not regional , 1 = regional
Sbsno NUMBER(5) Subsidiary number.
Term Type NUMBER(5) 0 = Days, 1 = Term_COD, 2 = Term_Credit, 3 = Term_Replace, 4 = term_prepaid, 5 = term_due, 6 = term_pays, 7 = term_eom
Udf String 1 to UDF String 6 STRING(100) User-defined string fields.
Vend Id NUMBER(10 Identifies the vendor.
Vendor Code STRING(6) Three- to six-character code that identifies the vendor.
Vendor Name STRING(25) Name of the vendor's business.