Updated: September 30, 2019 2:18pm

Time Clock Manager Columns

Prism enables users to customize grid layouts in many program areas. Among the areas where grids can be customized is Time Clock Manager. You can specify the columns displayed in the UI and select columns that can be added on the fly by the user when working in that area. Define grid formats in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Grid Formats. 

Column Label Type(Length) Description
Employee Full Name NVARCHAR2(60) Full name of the employee who created the time clock record.
Employee Id NUMBER(10) Employee ID of the employee who created the time clock record.
Event Clienttimeoffset NUMBER(5) UTC offset.
Event Datetime DATE Date of the event for which the time clock record was created (may be different than the date the time clock record was created).
Event Localdatetime DATE Date of the event for which the time clock record was created (showing current user's local timezone).
Event servertimeoffset NUMBER(5) UTC offset
Event Type NUMBER(1) Event Type. 0 = Check In, 1 = Check Out
Modified By NVARCHAR2(30) Employee who last modified the time clock record.
Modified Datetime TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date/time the record was last modified.
Notes NVARCHAR2(500) Optional notes.
Post Date DATE Date the time clock record was posted to the RIL database.
Store Code NUMBER(5) Store Code of the store where the time clock record was created.
Store Name NVARCHAR2( Store Name of the store where the time clock record was created.
Store Number NUMBER(5) Store Number of the store where the time clock record was created.
User Name NVARCHAR2(20) User Name of the employee who created the time clock record.
Workstation Name NVARCHAR2(20) Name of the workstation where the time clock record was created.
Workstation Number NUMBER(5) Workstation number of the workstation where the time clock record was created.