Updated: May 21, 2021 10:27am

Customer Permissions

Permission Description
Customers - Activate/Deactivate Allow group members to activate and deactivate customers.
Customers - Allow Manual Entry of UDF Values Allow group members to type an entry in a customer UDF field.
Customers - Change Price Level Allow group members to change the price level assigned to customers
Customers - Change Subsidiary Allow group members to change the subsidiary on customer records.
Customers - Create/Copy Customer Allow group members to add a new customer by clicking the New button or the Copy button.
Customers - Deactivate with Store Credit Balance Allow group members to deactivate customers who have a store credit balance.
Customers - Edit Charge Balance Allow group members to edit customer charge balances
Customers - Edit Charge Limit Allow group members to edit customer charge limits
Customers - Edit Customer Allow group members to edit customer fields that aren't controlled by other permissions.
Customers - Edit Customer Contact info Allow group members to edit customer addresses, phone numbers and email.
Customers - Edit Info and Mark Fields Allow group members to edit the Info and Mark fields. The Info 1-2 and Mark 1-2 fields are legacy fields used in Retail Pro 8. For retailers who use these fields, this permission can be used to prevent accidental editing of these fields.
Customers - Exceed Charge Limit Allow group members to exceed customer charge limits at POS
Customers - Select UDF Values Allow group members to edit UDF fields on customer records.
Customers - Set Accounts Receivable Allow group members to edit the AR flag on Customer records.


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