Updated: October 10, 2023 6:59am

Prism Feature List

Prism Feature List PDF

This page has lists of the features added to each release of Prism.


Feature Description
Prepaid and Stored Value Gift Card Items Prism 2.2.1 introduces the ability to create 'Gift Card - Prepaid' and 'Gift Card - Stored Value' inventory items to be used with EFT solutions that support Gift Cards, namely Global Payments (formerly Cayan) and Adyen. This enables retailers to sell (activate) gift cards as an inventory item. Previously, activating a gift card required listing the gift cards as a tender.
Style Details redesign Inventory Style Details is organized into multiple tabs, allowing more fields to be configured at the style level. Previously, Style Details was a single pane with few fields that could be set at the style level. This change gives retailers greater control and flexibility when creating new styles.
Filter Inventory by Price Range You can filter inventory by Price Range. To filter inventory by price, in Grid Formats preferences add the Price column in the "Allow Search By" Price area and save the changes.
Reverse a voucher You can reverse a receiving voucher using the "Reverse Voucher" button on the Options menu. Reversing a voucher creates a copy of the voucher that is a return voucher that removes from Inventory the Received Qty from the original Voucher. To reverse a voucher, display the voucher and click the Options button. On the Options button menu, click Reverse Voucher.
Serial/Lot Numbers on PI Sheets Beginning with Prism 2.2.1, you can enter serial and lot numbers on PI sheets. Previously, there was no way to add counts for serial/lot items on PI sheets. To enter serial/lot numbers on PI sheets, first enable the feature in Admin Console > Merchandise > PI Sheet and optionally select whether to allow discrepancies. When a full-control serial or lot number item has its quantity modified on a Physical Inventory sheet in any way, a modal is displayed to scan/enter the numbers to be counted. If you need to delete a number, select the number in the list and click the Delete icon.
Resolve serial/lot numbers on PI sheet The Resolve Serials/Resolve Lots buttons on PI sheets allow you to view serial/lot numbers entered on the PI Sheet and resolve any discrepancies by adding or removing numbers.
Search PI sheet for serial/lot numbers You can now search a PI sheet for items with a specified serial or lot number. Previously, the search on PI sheets did not allow searching for serial/lot numbers.
Enter item-specific values in Style grid In the Inventory style grid, you can enter item-specific values for style items. Here are two examples of how this feature is used when creating a new style:
  • Enter OH Qty (i.e., zeros) in individual grid cells to create items in Inventory. When you save the stye, cells with a value will show as "created items." 
  • Enter a different Price (or other value) for individual cells in the grid. This enables different items within a style to have different Price or other value when needed.
Previously, any changes made within the style grid applied to all items in the style. New items inherit all grid values from the primary item, except the fields entered to create the item. Margin Amt and Margin % are read-only.
Activate/Deactivate Multiple Records You can activate/deactivate multiple records with one button click, if all records are in the same state (active/inactive). Click the checkmark to select each record to be activated/inactivated and then click the Activate or Deactivate button.
Wildcards in Basic Item Lookup You can use a wildcard when entering a UPC or ALU in basic item lookup. Basic item lookup refers to scanning or typing a UPC or ALU in the Item Identifier text box on the document form (in contrast to Advanced Item Lookup which requires clicking the Search icon and entering search criteria). When a wildcard is included in basic item lookup, Prism will display a multi-match modal with the first 100 matches. This wildcard entry in basic item lookup works on POs, TOs, Slips, Memos, Vouchers, ASNs and Point-of-Sale transactions.
Add new Style in Advanced Item Lookup You can add a new style on-the-fly in Advanced Item Lookup (except at POS). This enables users to add new styles when needed when creating back-office documents. For example, when creating a receiving voucher, a user may use Advanced Item Lookup to search for a style and, if the style is not present, add a new style on the fly so the items can be received into Inventory.
Email receipt to multiple addresses Associates at POS can email receipts to multiple addresses. This makes it easy to send a copy of the receipt to as many people as needed. For example, you can send one copy to the customer's personal email address and another to a spouse's email address. In the "Email Address" text box of the Print dialog, enter each email address, separated by a comma.
Default operator for string searches is CONTAINS When searching for documents and records, the default operator for string value searches is now CONTAINS. Previously, the default was EQUALS. When using CONTAINS, any record that contains the string will be returned in the search results. It doesn't have to be an exact match (like when using EQUALS).
Doc Vendor column on POs, ASNs and Vouchers When searching for an alternate-vendor item (also known as multi-vendor item) in Advanced Item Lookup, you can select the desired vendor in the Doc Vendor column. When you select a different Doc Vendor, the Search Results grid updates to show the selected vendor's Cost (Doc Cost), Price (Doc Price) and UPC or ALU. This makes it easier to compare values and select the desired vendor.
The Doc Vendor drop-down is only enabled if the following are true:
There are alternate vendors for the item (ALT_VENDOR table for the item has a length greater than 0)
The item Doc Qty is 0
The search value doesn't match an alternate record (as opposed to the primary)
Move items between sublocations on adjustment memos When adjusting item quantities on adjustment memos, users can select the sublocation information. 
If the Sublocations feature is enabled in preferences, sublocations are displayed in the bottom "Sublocation Quantity" pane. Enter the desired Adj Value for each sublocation (the Orig Value column shows the current quantity).
PII Removal Tool The PII Removal Tool in the Prism Web TTK enables retailers to comply with customer requests to remove personal data from the system as specified under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. GDPR is a European Union regulation on information privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
The PII Removal Tool removes certain personally identifiable information (PII) and replaces it with generic data.
Custom tables for use by developers of customizations Developers of custom applications for Prism can use up to 10 "custom" tables (CustomData01..CustomData10) in the Prism database.


Feature Description
Auto Transfer (Auto TO) (Auto TO)    Auto-generate transfer orders, slips, or held slips to move merchandise from locations with a surplus to locations with a shortage.
Convert Store Credit to Central Credit A new tool in Tech Toolkit to convert regular customer credit to central credit.
Record Sale on Orders, Send Sale Users can record a sale from orders (customer, layaway, or special order) or send sales. The Record Sale feature is often used to remove layaway items from inventory as a layaway SO is being created. It can also be useful when taking mail or phone orders and recording payment in full if the merchandise is to ship immediately. Typically, a sale is recorded before any deposits have been received or as the customer is making an initial deposit
Import Items on Documents You can import a list of UPCs or ALUs to populate the item list on a document. Importing a list of items is especially useful when a local store has only a single or limited number of POS systems. For example, backoffice documents like purchase orders, vouchers, adjustments, etc. can take a long time to complete and interfere with sales. Using the import feature, a user can create a list of items on a non-POS computer (e.g., a laptop with Excel), save it to the network and then import the list into a purchase order or other document when the POS system is available.
Navigate Lookup Results After a search, if selecting ‘Ok' (or Details) to view one of the results, there will be Next and Previous buttons to allow navigating through the search results. This enables users to navigate a list of lookup results without having to return to the results list each time. In V9, the PgUp and PgDown buttons served a similar purpose.
Edit Document Date permission Users who belong to a group with the permission "POS - Edit Document Date" can edit the transaction date at POS in Transaction Details. A user with the permission set to DENY cannot edit the date. A user with the permission set to OVERRIDE can edit the date with override credentials. This change enables retailers to add missed sales or offline sales as needed.
Edit Pending Voucher permission The Vouchers - Edit Pending permission controls the ability of users to edit vouchers that are not yet updated (ASNs and vouchers). Retailers can assign this permission to those user groups that need to edit vouchers while other user groups can be allowed to update vouchers without editing them.
Note: As part of this change, the following permissions have been removed: ASN Vouchers - Edit Pending, ASN Vouchers - Edit Finalized, Transfer Slips - Edit Finalized, and Adjustment Memos - Edit Finalized
New document state upon switching location When a user changes location on a document, the system is put into a new document state and the user is free to move forward adding items to the document. Previously, when changing location before entering items on a document, users had to click the New button to edit the new document. Putting the system into a new document state saves users time and avoids confusion and frustration.
Search Options for Currency List When a user changes location on a document, the system is put into a new document state and the user is free to move forward adding items to the document. Previously, when changing location before entering items on a document, users had to click the New button to edit the new document. Putting the system into a new document state saves users time and avoids confusion and frustration.
Email PDF Copy of Receipt Retailers can configure Prism to email an electronic copy of the receipt to the customer's email address in PDF format (in additional to previously available HTML format).
To email receipts to customers:
Configure Prism preferences and enter email server information.
Add email addresses to customer records.
Delete Time Clock Records There is now a Delete button on the Time Clock screen that enables a user to delete the most recent Time Clock record for any employee if the user has the appropriate permission.
Override Default Give Tender to last Take Tender A new preference "Set give tender to last take tender if allowed" has been added to Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > Requirements.
Promotion Search By Filters Additional filter types are available in the ‘Search By' list in promotion search: Promotion Group, Discount Reason, Store and Price Levels have been added. You can add any or all of these filter fields to the ‘Allow Search By' list in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Grid Formats
Validate Promotions by Price Range The ability to specify a price range has been added to the Price filter in Item Filters for Promotions. This allows the user to set a range, and any item with a price in the specified range will trigger the promotion at POS. For example, a retailer could apply a promotion to all t-shirts between 10.99 - 12.99.
Validate Promotions by OH Qty You can add an on-hand quantity filter to Promotion validation rules. This change enables retailers to set a promotion to trigger when a low qty threshold is reached to clear out the remaining inventory.
Suggest Leave Amount as next day's Open Amount The Leave Amount of the previous drawer closing is now the suggested Open Amount for the next Z-out, whether the system uses structured or unstructured mode. The user can modify the suggested opening amount if needed.
"Allow Add" option for non-currency tenders The "Allow Add" option in tender requirements preferences enables retailers to limit which tenders can be added in the Non-Currency Count area when closing a drawer. By default, the Allow Add option is enabled for all tenders. Disable the option for specific tenders as needed. Previously, users had access to all active tenders in the Non-Currency Count area.
Style UDFs User can  set UDFs for a style. Previously, styles could not be assigned UDFs (only items could). This change enables retailers to assign UDFs that apply to all the items in a style.
In-transit columns added to Inventory Item Details - Qty tab SO Sent, SO Ordered, PO Ordered, PO Received, Transfer In Qty, Transfer Out Qty, TO In Ord Qty, TO Out Ord Qty, TO In Sent Qty, and TO Out Sent Qty. have all been added to the QTY tab in inventory lookup>item details.
Pagination for memo items Users can now define pagination settings for memo items in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Grid Formats > Adjustment Memo Lookup: Results Per Page. 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 500, 1000
Source OH Qty, Target OH Qty columns on transfer item grids Users can add Source On Hand and Target On Hand columns to the grids that display Transfer Slip Items. This enable users to easily view and compare item quantities at the stores.
Allocation patterns for transfer orders Users can define and apply allocation patterns for transfer orders (TOs). Allocation patterns for TOs work the same as allocation patterns for purchase orders (POs). A pattern can be applied to a specific item, an entire style or to the entire document.
PO Lookup on Vouchers by PO Store, Bill To Store When creating a voucher, users can search for a purchase order by the Bill To Store or the PO Store. The Bill To Store is also known as the "Allocated" or "Marked For" and indicates the store to which the merchandise is allocated (and will be sent). The PO Store is usually a central distribution facility or main store from where the merchandise will be sent on to the Bill To (Marked For) store.
Consolidate like items on ASNs and Vouchers The Consolidate Like Items on ASNs and Vouchers preference (Node Preferences > Purchasing > Vouchers), when enabled, will consolidate line items with the same UPC when added to an ASN or Voucher. If the preference is disabled, item quantities will not be consolidated. This means that items with the same UPC will be listed multiple times if scanned multiple times on the original document. Default = Enabled
Add Foreign Currency symbol to PO doc designs Users can add display the appropriate currency symbol when including FC Cost (foreign currency cost) on PO document designs.
Serial and lot numbers on document designs Serial and lot number information can be included on merchandise tag designs. In Doc Designer, navigate to the Merchandise Tags area and select a Document to edit.
Print preferences for standard, return and orders You can define Print Preferences that are specific to standard receipts, to returns and to orders in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Hardware > Print Preferences. In Print Preferences, click the POS Transactions folder and drill down to the POS Receipts folder. Within the POS Receipts area are sub-areas for Standard, Return and Order.
Document Designer and Store/Subsidiary Assignment A Subsidiary/Store assignment modal has been added to the Document Designer. Users can use this modal to determine what sub/store a design will be able to use the design. Store and Subsidiary assignments for document designs will replicate.
PrismMQPublisher.exe The PrismMQPublisher.exe program publishes records on the sending side of the data replication process. Previously the publishing task was handled by PrismMQ.exe, which also is responsible for consuming messages. Separating the producing and consuming functions into separate executables results in more efficient replication.
Purge D2D Replication History In Admin Console > Connection Manager > Prism Dashboard > Day to Day, there are Purge History buttons added to controller selection screen and resource selection screen. The Purge History button on the first screen purges all active connection history by posting the new action with 0 as the payload sid. The Purge History button on the second screen purges that connection's history by posting the new action with the connection sid in the payload.
Reprocess errors (all errors or single connection) In Admin Console > Connection Manager > Prism Dashboard > Day to Day, there are now options to reprocess errors encountered during Day-to-Day replication. The options are to Reprocess All or Reprocess only for a specific connection.
Separate log settings for replication programs In the Service Manager area of Tech Toolkit, users can configure independent log settings for each of the programs used for data replication. Previously, Retail Pro Data Replication Service handled all.


Feature Description
Shipping customer information on main transaction form Associates can enter shipping customer information directly on the main transaction form via the "Ship To" tab on the form. Adding the Ship To tab on the main transaction form makes it easier for Associates to enter and view customer information. Previously, Associates could only enter Bill To customer information on the transaction form; Associates had to navigate to Item Details to enter shipping customer information.
Search for Receipt by Customer Phone No and Store Code When doing item returns, Associates can search for receipts using Customer Phone No and Store Code. These fields are available in the Transaction Filter area displayed when the "Search for Receipt" option is selected for an item return. The Customer Phone No and Store Code fields are at the end of the list of fields in the Transaction Filter area. Scroll down if necessary to display the fields
Line Item Count field on transactions A Line Item Count field is on POS layouts just above the Transaction Total. This change enables users to easily see the number of items on the document. The Line Item Count field only becomes visible after the user adds at least one item to the transaction.
Filter transaction lookup by Returns Users can search for transactions that have a Transaction Type of "Return" when using transaction lookup. This makes it easier to find returns.
Easy search by Document Number, Document Barcode When using Transaction Lookup to find documents by Document Number or Document barcode, users can now press the key to launch the search (instead of clicking the Search button). Previously, users could press the key to search by First Name/Last Name but not by Document Number or Barcode. This saves time and is intuitive for the user
Case Qty items at POS Prism supports entry of case quantities (Doc Case Qty) for items on POS transactions. Previously users could enter Doc Case Qty on purchase orders but not transactions. This change makes it easier to sell merchandise by the case. Case quantity items are items that have a "Units/Case" value defined in the Inventory record.
Search for Customer by Alternate ID Customer Alternate ID1 was added to the Search By and view for customer lookup grid formats. The Alternate ID1 field helps retailers meet fiscalization requirements
Manage Alternate Vendors for items Users can now add, remove, edit, multiple vendors for inventory items. Previously, users managed alternate vendors in RIL (V9). Each alternate vendor for an item can have its own UPC/ALU and Order Cost. When reordering the item, retailers can select a vendor based upon the most favorable order cost, item availability, or other factors
Manage Component Item lists for Package/Kit items The Package Members/Details UI has been updated to properly handle the adding of component lists. A component list is a list of individual component items (instead of a single component item). When a component list has been added to a package item and the package item is listed on a transaction, the list is displayed so the Associate can select the desired list item.
Prism menu shows logged-in user The currently logged in username is now visible at the top of the main Prism menu. This serves as a convenient visual reminder of who is the current logged-in user.
Additional pagination options New presets of 50, 100, 500, and 1000 are available for "Results Per Page" when defining Grid Formats (Admin Console > Node Preferences > Grid Formats. This gives retailers greater flexibility in viewing more or fewer results per page
Export Bad Scans to Excel Users can now export bad scans and other PI sheet information to a variety of formats. When the user clicks the Print button on the PI sheet, the Print Dialog is displayed. Click the Export Format drop down and select the desired export type: CSV, PDF, XLSX or HTML.
Permissions to access Lookup areas New permissions control access to the following "lookup" features:
Adjustments - Access Adjustment Memo Lookup
Customers - Access Customer Lookup
Disbursements - Access Disbursement Lookup
POS - Access Transaction Lookup
Time Clock - Check In/Out
These new permissions are set to "Deny" initially; users must manually change the permissions to "Allow" for individual groups as needed.
Enable Broadcast permission for Promotions The "Enable Broadcast" permission enables retailers to control which groups of employees can send Promotions to other locations. If the permission is enabled for a group and a group member navigates to the Promotions area, the Broadcast button will be enabled. If a group has the "Enable Broadcast" permission set to "Deny," the Broadcast button will be disabled for group members working with promotions.
Bypass Full-Control Serial, Lot Numbers on Adjustment Memos Two new permissions enable retailers to bypass the required entry of full-control serial and lot number items on adjustment memos.
Adjustment Memos - Allow bypass of full control serial number entry
Adjustment Memos - Allow bypass of full control lot number entry
New Groups have Permissions set to "Deny" by Default
View/Edit Subsidiary on coupon sets Users can set the desired subsidiary when creating a coupon set. Previously, Prism entered the logged-in user's default subsidiary when creating a coupon set and did not allow editing.


Feature Description
Manage Packages and Kits Users can manage package and kit items in Prism 2.1.1. Previously, package and kit items had to be managed (i.e., created, configured, edited, deleted) in RIL.
To add a new package or kit item, add a new inventory item. Enter item information (do not enter a Store OH Qty) and set the Inventory Type field to Package Item or Kit Item. Upon saving the item record, the Package Members or Kit Members button will be enabled. The Package Members/Kit Members button is disabled in edit mode. You must first save or cancel any changes to enable the button
Require finalization of Z-Out reports The "Require Finalization before Reopen" preference (Admin Console > Node Preferences > Reporting > X/Z-Out) when enabled requires that the current Z-Out report be finalized before Prism will allow a new drawer to be opened. This preference is only available if "Use structured Z-Outs" is enabled. The "Require Finalization before Reopen" preference prevents the automatic reopening of drawers before the current report is finished even if the "Open Drawer after Close" preference is enabled. In other words, when the preference is enabled, the current report must be finalized before the next report can be started. This finalization step provides a clear point in the closing process when the Z-Out is finished and can no longer be modified and helps retailers comply with fiscal regulations.


Feature Description
Auto Min/Max Auto Min/Max calculates the desired Min (minimum) and Max (maximum) stock levels for Inventory items. The Min and Max stock levels that are calculated help retailers maintain adequate on-hand quantity levels for items. The Auto PO, Auto TO and Best Replenishment tools use the values generated by Auto Min/Max when generating lists of proposed items for auto-generated purchase orders and transfer orders.
Auto PO Auto PO automates the creation of purchase orders needed to restock Inventory to the desired levels. Auto PO analyzes Inventory and uses each item's Min (minimum), Max (maximum) and current On-Hand Quantity values to determine whether a reorder is needed and how many units to order. The Auto PO configuration settings enable users to order enough merchandise to bring the quantity back to the Min quantity, to the Max quantity, or to any designated percentage in between the Min and Max
Trade Discounts A trade discount is a reduction in the Cost charged by the vendor when a retailer buys a certain item or group of items from a vendor, based on an agreement between the retailer and the vendor. Trade discounts are sometimes given to retailers that order large quantities of a certain product and/or retailers with a good relationship with the vendor
Default Customer Charge Terms Users can add default charge terms for customers in the Customer record on the Payment tab and those terms will be automatically entered on the tender screen when the customer is listed on a transaction that uses Charge as the Tender Type. Previously, charge terms had to be entered manually at POS. This feature makes it easier to manage things like business-to-business (B2B) transactions
Enhanced Inventory Search Prism's Advanced Item Search has been enhanced to allow users to add/edit/delete items. Previously, users could only look up items when searching Inventory. Being able to add/edit/delete items while searching Inventory is especially useful when ordering items. For example, a user starts a new purchase order to order an item. The search for the item in Inventory does not return any results. In this situation, users can now create a new Inventory item on the fly. Similarly, while searching for an item the user may realize some information for the item needs to be updated before listing the item on the purchase order
Hide Inactive Proxies The Proxies list (Workstation > HAL Settings) now shows the Active/Inactive status of workstations and includes a checkbox to enable filtering of the list to show only active workstations. This makes it easier to configure HAL Settings when many workstations are involved with some inactive workstations. A user can click the Show Active checkbox (default = selected) to filter the list. Previously, all Proxies were listed in the drop-down, active or inactive.
Char and Message fields on Tax Rules The Char (also known as Reference) and Message fields are in the Tax Rules Grid in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Taxes > Tax Areas. These fields enable retailers to comply with requirements that an item's taxable status (taxable or non-taxable) be indicated on the Receipt when both types are sold on the same transaction. In the RPS.tax_code_rule table, the fields are labeled Reference (for the Char field) and Legend (for the Message field).
Pop-up message duration The Prism user interface occasionally displays pop-up messages (also known as toast messages) to inform the user of the success or error of an action, to issue a warning, or simply provide more information. To make the message go away, the user must click the message or wait for the popup message duration to expire, in which case the message will go away on its own. In Admin Console > Node Preferences > Themes & Layouts, users can customize the duration of the Success, Warning and Error pop-ups in seconds (default=five seconds). Reduce the default duration to make the messages go away sooner.
Send PI Sheet The Options button menu on PI sheets includes a "Send PI Sheet" option that enables users to send the Physical Inventory sheet to another installation (e.g., from the store to the point-of-authority like the HQ).
Item Discounts on Purchase Orders Users can apply a discount to individual items on purchase orders. This is useful when a vendor offers a special discount on specific items. Previously, users could add a transaction-level discount to a purchase order (via the General tab in Purchase Order Details) but not a discount for a specific line item.
Replication of price markdowns Prism replicates price markdowns separately from other Inventory information using the markdown resource. The markdown resource (when combined with adjustments resource) sends the price adjustment memos that are generated when a user updates a markdown. Previously, replicating markdowns required sending the inventory resource. The inventory resource is a time-consuming resource to process
Customize replication process order Users can customize the process order of resources during replication via the PrismResources.ini file (see Release Notes for important info about this feature)
Pause D2D Replication The Connections user interface includes elements to:
  • Pause day-to-day replication for a connection
  • View a server's paused status
  • Filter servers by connected status
These changes help with scenarios like the following that lead to orphaned queues and queues bloated with messages:
  • A company is rolling out a set of stores. Due to lack of room in the store, the POS workstations are built and initialized in the company warehouse. In between the initialization and when the stores go live, day-to-day messages are generated and remain on the Rabbit MQ buss while the system is shipped to the store.
  • A store goes down or loses the Internet connection. In many non-US countries, outages can be lengthy. While the store is down, day-to-day messages are generated
Finalize Z-Out Reports
Key changes in Z-Out reports for Prism 2.1 include:
  • A separate "finalize" event that enables a cashier to close a register and a manager to finalize the report (a type of two-step approval).
  • A new "X/Z-Out - Finalize Z-Out" permission controls users' ability to finalize reports
  • On the Reconciliation screen, "Over" amounts are displayed in green, "Short" amounts in red and balanced amounts in a neutral color.
  • When users enter the Z-Out area, any unfinalized reports are listed in the pane on the right side.
  • If a register is not yet open, the user interface will include an Open Register button.
  • The "Require Entry of Open and Close Amounts" preference has been removed in Prism 2.1.


Feature Description
Prism Licensing Prism 2.0 is a licensed product. During installation of Prism 2.0, users are required to enter a valid Client ID and License Key (Software Assurance (SA) code). This means that the client must purchase Prism licensing and SA must be current.
Sublocations The Sublocations feature gives a store or warehouse the ability to divide the stock into physical or logical partitions ("sublocations") smaller than a single inventory and allow this stock to be tracked by quantity to a specific partition
SRO Tool DevTrack ID #20600
The Prism SRO tool enables users to update sold, received, and on-order totals for inventory. Running SRO on a regular basis gives users the most up-to-date information, helping managers and other key personnel make better decisions about replenishing inventory and avoiding stockouts. Navigate to Technician's Toolkit and log in. Once you are logged in, click Data Utilities on the top menu and then select SRO Tool. After running the tool, the values can be viewed in Inventory > Item Details on the Qty tab.
Update PI DevTrack ID #20302
PI Sheets created in Prism 2.0 are updated in Prism. Previously, updating a PI required a user to export the PI to RIL (or Retail Pro 9) and do the update there. To update a PI in Prism, when you are finished counting items, highlight the PI on the main screen and click the Update PI button.
Manage Shipping and Fee reasons Users can now manage POS fee types, including shipping fees, in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Fees/Shipment. Previously, POS shipping and fees were managed in RIL. This change helps make Prism a standalone product.
Fees and shipping may only be modified at the subsidiary level (or lower). In Admin Console > Node Selection, drill down to the desired subsidiary.
On the side menu, navigate to Node Preferences > Transactions > Fees/Shipment
Manage Loyalty programs and levels in Prism Users now add/edit/delete loyalty levels and loyalty programs in Prism. Previously, these tasks had to be done in RIL/RP 9.
Track changes when editing style grids DevTrack ID #19521
A checkbox labeled "Track changes" is included in the Inventory > Style View > Style Grids area. When the Track changes checkbox is selected, changes made in style grid cells are color-coded. If unchecked, all cells are shown without color-coding. This feature is especially useful for keeping track of which cells have been edited when working with styles with many sizes/attributes. The Track Changes checkbox is only editable when the user is in Style Details and in edit mode.
Assign item/style images in Prism Users can now assign up to 10 item and 10 style images via the Prism Inventory UI. Previously, users could not assign images to items or styles via the Prism Inventory UI; users had to use the Image Export tool to export images from RIL (or Retail Pro 9) and then move the images to a Prism server. The ability to add/edit item and style images in Prism helps make Prism 2.0 a standalone product.
Available Qty column in lookups DevTrack ID #20838
"Available Qty" is now available as a view column in inventory lookup
Schedule deletion of promotions DevTrack ID #18859
Prism users can schedule the deletion of promotions to occur on a regular basis. This provides an easy way to remove promotions that are no longer needed. When scheduling the "Delete Promotions" task, you target for deletion promotions that have been inactive for a user-defined number of days. The user defines the "number of days inactive" in the task payload. Any promotions that have been inactive for that number of days (or more) will be removed from the database
Up to 500,000 items on PI DevTrack ID #21198

Prism users can now create a PI sheet with up to 500,000 items.

Assign country to customer DevTrack ID #19324
You can assign a Country to customers in Prism. This enables Customer lists to be filtered by Country. Previously there was no way to assign a country to a customer.
Allow voucher to update Inventory prices DevTrack ID #21621
A new "Allow Voucher to Update Inventory Prices" preference has been added to Admin Console > Purchasing > Vouchers. This preference, when enabled, will add a "Price" column to the voucher item grid. By default, this Price column will display the Price for the currently active Price Level. To update inventory prices, the user can edit the Price field. When the voucher is updated, if any Voucher Prices have been changed, a prompt is displayed to the user:
Update Inventory Prices?
Yes - Updates the voucher and generates price adjustment memos.
No - Updates the voucher without generating price adjustment memos (therefore, no price change).


Feature Description
Regional Inventory DevTrack ID #16063
When using Regional Inventory, the retailer designates a master subsidiary and selects which key item information (e.g. UPC, Cost, Price) will be controlled centrally by the master subsidiary. Information that is not controlled centrally (e.g. Description 1, Description 2) can be defined and controlled at child subsidiaries.
Multi-SBS/Multi-Store on Documents and Records DevTrack ID #15063
Allow users to select a different subsidiary and store on documents and records. Previously the only way to change the sub or store was to edit the user's Workstation record.
Web-based Tech Toolkit

DevTrack ID #17420
This release features several enhancements to the Tech Toolkit. The Tech Toolkit is a special area of Prism for performing database maintenance and other technical tasks. Previously the toolkit was accessed by launching a separate .exe. Now, users can access the toolkit via a web browser.


DevTrack ID #19591
All services inherit log settings from a single configuration file: PrismLogging.ini.

Logging Enhancements Logging has been reworked to make the log files more readable and easier to search. The web-based version of the Prism Tech Toolkit includes a Logs area. Click the Logs tab on the Tech Toolkit menu
Days in Transit Status DevTrack ID #18702
Changes have been made to the transfer slip UI to make it easier for users to determine the status of the transfer and the arrival date of the merchandise.The label for the ETA Date field on transfer slips changes to Arrival Date after the transfer has been verified and the date reflects the actual arrival date.The Arrival Status field has been added to the slip header area. The Arrival Status changes from Scheduled to Received to Verified as the transfer moves through the receiving and verification process.
The Status field can have one of the following values:
Scheduled: If a Days in Transit value is defined, then before the voucher is updated, the Status is set to Scheduled. The Days in Transit shows the default value defined in preferences.
Received: When a transfer voucher is updated but not yet verified, the Status is set to Received. The Days in Transit shows the actual number of days based on the slip and transfer voucher created dates.
Verified: When the transfer voucher is updated and verified (per preference setting or Transfer Verification), the Status is set to Verified. The Days in Transit shows the actual number of days based on the slip and transfer voucher created dates.
Caching during Data Replication DevTrack ID #19603
Prism uses the RabbitMQ message broker software to replicate data between servers.  Previously, data messages were sent directly from sender to receiver. Now, Prism caches messages before sending and receiving. This enables replication to proceed more smoothly and helps prevent bottlenecks.
MySQL 8.0 Support Prism supports MySQL 8.0 release. Previously, MySQL 5.7 was the most recent MySQL version supported.
Log Override DevTrack ID #17564
A user can now enable Log Override for any permission that is set to Override. Each time an override occurs for a permission that is configured to Log Override, the date/time, the permission and both users involved will be recorded to an audit_override_log table. If the permission is not set to Override, checking the Log Override checkbox has no effect
Store Qty filter for Inventory Lookup DevTrack ID#19142
Users can search Inventory for items that have a certain Store Qty. This enables retailers to verify inventory quantities at the store level. The Store Qty filter element is only available in the Inventory area. It is not available when searching for Inventory items on documents (transactions, purchase orders, etc.).
Round Loyalty Points preference

DevTrack ID #18404
Now you can select "None" for the "Round loyalty points" preference. Previously, users could only select 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. Selecting "None" means -1 and has the effect of truncating points instead of rounding. This prevents the rounding of the number of earned points for total-based programs. This preference is especially useful for retailers who use a relatively small multiplier for the "Earn" rate of Total-Based loyalty programs.

Dynamic loading of .js and .html files for EFT DevTrack ID#19999
Now, when a user selects an EFT Provider (Cayan, Adyen or B+S) in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Tender > EFT Server Configuration, Prism will automatically load the correct version of the customizations.js and customizations.html files. Previously, users had to navigate to the \ProgramData\RetailPro\Server\WebClient folder and manually edit the files using a text editor.
Multi-Proxy support for Adyen DevTrack ID #18772
Changes have been made to the Adyen configuration file (Adyen.ini) to support multiple Prism Proxies on a single workstation
Permissions for printing documents and barcodes DevTrack ID #17293
You can set group permissions for printing documents and barcode tags. This provides added security by enabling you to control which employees can print documents and barcode tags. Previously, most printing tasks were not controlled by permissions.
Change fulfilling store of customer order DevTrack ID #16366
You can fulfill an order at a different store than where the order was created. This enables a customer to order an item at one location and then pay for and pick up the item at a different location (e.g. the store in the customer's own hometown). This is especially useful if the item is difficult to transport. Previously, orders had to be fulfilled at the store where the order was created
Change Item tax in POS Item Details DevTrack ID #19141
Prism users can set the sales tax amount for each item on a transaction on an automatic or manual basis in Item Details. Previously, only the document-level tax could be set (in Transaction Details). As part of this change, a new Taxes tab has been added to Item Details. All item tax-related fields have been moved to the Taxes tab in Item Details


Feature Description
Export/Import Resources tool  DevTrack ID #18907 The Export/Import Resources tool enables bulk data export and import. The tool assumes child records are replicated already to allow the import of data. See the Export/Import Resources Tool document for more information.
Turbo Initialization tool DevTrack ID #18909
The Prism Export Import Resources Tool helps retailers overcome special challenges in both Initialization and Day-to-Day replication. The tool can work with both Oracle and MySQL databases.
  • RIL/V9-to-Prism Initialization: When initializing a Prism server, certain  resources contain significantly more records than others. They are: Inventory, Customers and Receipts (Documents). Using the Export Import Tool, these resources (and some other supporting resources) are replicated separately in .csv format. Remaining resources must be initialized using standard DRS and Prism Initialization.
  • Prism-to-Prism Replication: During day-to-day replication, certain resources can become bottlenecks. They are: Inventory, Promotions and Coupon Sets. Using the tool, you can replicate these resources separately in JSON format when needed (e.g. when new items, promotions or coupon sets have been added or changed). By exporting/importing these resources separately only when needed, normal Prism day-to-day replication can proceed more smoothly.
Rename Prism Host Computer DevTrack ID #18510: The Reconfigure Host Computer tool in the Prism Technicians Toolkit leads you through the process of renaming a computer that has Prism installed. Special steps are required to ensure the machine can rejoin the enterprise under the new name.
Special Orders DevTrack ID #18709: Special orders enable customers to order items not normally carried in inventory, or to order a special shipment of an item that already exists in inventory. When creating a special order for a new item, the user enters basic item information and the new item is added to Prism inventory with a Special Order flag selected. By default, Special Orders are disabled. To enable special orders, navigate to Preferences and Settings > Node Preferences > Transactions > Orders and select the Enable Special Orders checkbox. After you enable special orders in preferences, the "Special Order" button will be available on the transaction Options button menu
Adyen EFT DevTrack ID #16165: Merchants can use Adyen for processing of Prism credit, debit and gift card transactions. The Adyen Personal Engagement Device (PED) sits on the retail countertop and connects to the POS via the local LAN. The PED accepts all traditional swiped credit cards, PIN debit cards, and gift cards. All signatures are captured directly on the CED screen and stored digitally in the Adyen Database (not in Prism).
Style Grid Management DevTrack ID #15348: Styles enable you to group inventory items that are more-or-less the same but vary in size, color, or some other attribute. Each member of a style shares the same DCS Code, Vendor Code and either Description 1 or Description 2. These fields make up the style definition. Within a style, fields like Size and Attribute distinguish the individual items. For example, a sweater sold in four sizes and two colors comprises a style of eight items. You can find details about working with styles in Chapter 16. Inventory of the Prism User's Guide.
Email Receipts in HTML format DevTrack ID #18799: Prism Email receipts are now sent in HTML format. Previously, Prism would generate a .pdf file of the receipt and attach the email to the email sent to the customer. Sending email receipts in HTML format (instead of as an attached PDF) has the following benefits:
  • Easier to read for mobile device users
  • Less likely to be flagged as a security risk by email servers
  • Can be printed without having to first open an attachment
Prism also has new preferences that enable you to customize the subject line in Email receipts.
Z-Out Audit DevTrack ID #18232: The Z-Out Audit feature enables retailers to monitor sales activity via a Z-Out report without going through the reconciliation process. This enables retailers to flag abnormalities earlier, while still being able to roll up all the Z-Outs at the end of the day. The Z-Out Audit feature is only available when your system is configured to use Structured Z-Out Audit. (Node Preferences > Reporting > X/Z-Out). When using structured Z-Outs, the menu in Z-Out reports enables the user to go through the audit process or the close process as needed. The Z-Out Audit process is like the normal Z-Out Close process minus the reconciliation step.
Genius Mini enhancements DevTrack ID #17410: This release adds functionality for doing Gift Card Add Value, Activation, and Balance Inquiry for the standard Genius device and Genius Mini.
For both the standard Genius device and the Genius Mini:
  • Updated UI for all Cayan features (credit/debit, gift card)
  • Updated workflow for Cayan gift card balance check, add value, and purchase actions that enables retailers to use either the Genius Mini UI or the Prism UI for gift cards.
Change Item Tax Code at POS DevTrack ID #17573: The POS - Change Item Tax Code permission controls an employee's ability to change an item tax code on a transaction. If the user belongs to a group that has the permission enabled, the user can navigate to the Item Details > Item Details tab and select a different Tax Code from the drop-down. If the user's group permissions are set to Deny, the Tax Code dropdown is read-only.
Change Tax Area at POS DevTrack ID #17819: The POS - Change Tax Area permission controls an employee's ability to change the tax area on a transaction. A user who belongs to a group with the permission set to Allow can navigate to Transaction Details > Taxes and select a different Tax Area from the drop-down. If the group permissions are set to Deny, the Tax Area drop-down is read-only. This gives retailers the flexibility to allow certain employees to change the tax area
Print Report Groups DevTrack ID #12642: Design Groups in Document Designer enable retailers to group similar types of documents together and print the entire group with one print command. This saves time for retailers who regularly need to print multiple copies of receipts that have slight differences in the designs. For example, some retailers keep a printed copy of the receipt at the store with the word "copy" on it (to prevent fraudulent returns). This requires two print designs: one without the word "copy" (for the customer) and one with the word "copy" (for the merchant).

Prism 1.14.5

Feature Description
Transfer Verification The transfer verification feature enables retailers to confirm that the items and quantities on out slips match the corresponding receiving voucher for the transfer. Any discrepancies between the sending and receiving documents can be resolved and the document history updated.
Reverse Slips DevTrack ID #16500: Reversing an out slip enables retailers to "undo" the effects of an out slip. Reversing an out slip creates a new pair of slips, marked "Reversed" and "Reversal". Together, these slips zero-out the effect of the original slip and return the item quantities to inventory. Use Transfer Slip Lookup to view the desired slip. Click the Options button on the slip form and select Reverse Transfer Slips.
Zone PI DevTrack ID #17195: The physical inventory zones feature enables retailers to divide a store PI into zones. Using zones makes the physical inventory process more manageable and flexible. You can count the store inventory one zone at a time. As each zone is counted, the zone's counts are merged into the store PI counts. When updating a zone PI, the on-hand values in inventory can be updated with a single zone count, multiple zone counts, or the entire store.
PMQPROTECTASN setting in PrismMQ.ini DevTrack ID#18211: In certain scenarios, it was found that items added to an ASN could become "lost" during replication. Now, extra protections are applied to ensure that any edits made (e.g. adding items) are maintained correctly when the document is replicated. These changes work for both RIL-to-Prism and Prism-to-Prism replication (both are needed if RIL sends the document to POA and then the POA sends it to the store).
A new PrismMQService.ini setting "PMQPROTECTASN=True" has been added to address ASN items disappearing while a newer version of the same document is replicated.
By default this setting is NOT exposed in the PrismMQService UI. If you experience losing ASN items, add the PMQPPROTECTASN setting (set to True) to the PrismMQService.ini file. If you change the value of the setting, you MUST restart PrismMQService. If you haven't lost ASN items, do not add the PMQPPROTECTASN setting
Customer UDF Defaults DevTrack ID #15807: Users can now set a default Customer UDF entry for each UDF field. If the Default checkbox is selected for a UDF field entry, that entry will be entered by default in that Customer UDF field when a user creates a new customer record.
Add Customer to Updated Receipt DevTrack ID#13727: Users can add a customer to a transaction that has already been updated. This is especially useful for retailers with loyalty programs. It enables customers to be credited with loyalty points for a transaction even if they join the program after the transaction is updated. Previously, a customer could not be added to a transaction after update. This is controlled by security. To add a customer to an already updated transaction, a user must belong to a group that has the following permissions: Customers - Add Customer to Former Transaction.
Default Status Filter for Pending Transactions DevTrack ID# 12994: When using Pending Transactions, users can filter the list of results by transaction type (All, Held, Pending or Discard). Now, users can also define a default transaction type for pending transaction lookup. When a user goes into Pending Transaction Lookup, the default filter selected in preferences will be applied. This helps speed up the process of finding pending transactions. The preference is found in Node Preferences > Transactions > General > Default Status Filter for Pending Transactions. By default, the Status Filter is set to "Pending."
Enhanced Date Picker for Document Lookup DevTrack ID#17274: When looking up documents, users can enter a date range. The default date range is the first day of the current month to the current date. This release includes a new date picker that takes advantage of accessibility and internationalization (i18n) features built-into the latest versions of AngularJS to provide a more consistent and better experience for the user
Season field in Transaction Details DevTrack ID #17146: Users can now see the currently active Season by going into Transaction Details. This enables Associates to confirm when seasons change and which season is currently in effect (e.g. to know if certain promotions will be in effect).
Store Credit Balance on Receipt Document Designs    Prism users can now include the Store Credit Balance field on printed document designs. This enables the balance to be printed on the customer's physical receipt. This field is populated for non-central store credit tenders.
"Price Level Price" Discount Type for Promotions DevTrack ID#16434
A new PL Price (Price Level Price) option is available when selecting a Discount Type for the Reward Rules for Item, Qty and BOGO promotions. Previously, the only Discount Type options were Percentage, Amount, or specific price.
BOGO Promotion Changes DevTrack ID#18658
The following logic now applies to all promotions that use Item Filters to validate a promotion.
•    The Promo Name is written to the Item Note field specified in preferences for Reward Items AND Validating Items. Previously, the Promo Name was only written to the Item Note field for Reward Items.
•    The Validating items will be split off from the original item, just like Reward Items are. However, if an Item Note field for storing the Promo Name is NOT specified in preferences, then the validating items will NOT be split (only reward items will be).
•    If a validating item acquires a promotion name (i.e. the Item Note field is selected in preferences) and the item does NOT get a discount - that validating promotion name will be recorded in the Item Note field. If the item gets a discount (i.e. it's a reward item) - the name of a reward giving the promotion will be written to the Item Note field.
Override Customer Price Level DevTrack ID #17207
This release includes a new Activation Details setting for Promotions that enables retailers to control whether a promotion can override a customer price level. On the Promotion Activation Details screen, is an Override Customer Price Level check box.
  • When Override Customer Price Level is selected, and a promotion is applied to items, any existing customer Price Level discount is removed and the promotion is applied to the active price level.
  • If Override Customer Price Level check box is not selected, and a promotion is applied to items, if a customer with an assigned price level is added to a transaction that customer price level takes priority and overrides other changes to price, including promotions.
Tax Code, Tax Area, Tax Rule Management DevTrack ID #15068
Retailers can now add and edit Tax Codes, Tax Areas and Tax Rules in Prism. This enables retailers to manage taxes complete in Prism. Previously, tax codes, tax areas and tax rules had to be defined in RIL.
Advanced Item Lookup Changes DevTrack ID #17791
Enhancements have been made to the search results dialog that is displayed as part of Advanced Item Lookup feature.
Using Loopback interface for Wireless Connections DevTrack ID#12797
Prism can be used even for home-delivery scenarios in which a customer orders merchandise over the phone or internet, with the customer taking payment upon delivery.
Manage Currencies permissions DevTrack ID#17220
Permissions enable you to control employee ability to add/edit currencies and currency exchange rates. These permissions are found in the Admin Console group of permissions.
Manage Currencies: Allows group members to add or edit currencies.
Manage Exchange Rates: Allow group members to add or edit exchange rates.
Zip Code Lookup DevTrack ID#18424, 18507
The ZIP Code lookup feature enables a user to type in a ZIP Code for a customer or vendor address and Prism will fill in the City and State information. You specify which address fields should be populated with the City and State information (e.g. Address 3).
Print Zero Quantity Items DevTrack ID #17514
A preference has been added in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > General, called Print Zero Qty items (checked by default).
If selected, the printed receipt will include any items that have a quantity of zero (e.g. voided items).
If not selected, the printed receipt will not include items that have a quantity of zero.
Resources for Country and Language DevTrack ID #16776
Users can replicate Countries and Languages via dedicated resources. These resources can be included in all Profile types (Prism-to-Prism, V9 (or RIL)-to-Prism, and Prism-to-V9(or RIL))
Biometics replication DevTrack ID #18710
This release has updates to the BIOMETRICS database schema and there are new guidelines for replicating biometric data. Two database columns play a key role in biometric login: user_name and empl_name.
Combine Sales and Tax for VAT DevTrack ID#18019
A new preference has been added that enables retailers to control how sales and tax amounts are displayed on X/Z-Out reports.
The preference is called Combine sales and tax for VAT. The preference is in Admin Console Node Preferences > Reporting > X/Z-Out.
Scheduler: Added Auto Refresh, Schedule Multiple Tasks DevTrack ID #17780
The Prism Task Scheduler in Tech Toolkit has some new user interface elements that make it easier to manage tasks.
1.    Auto Refresh
2.    Status field
3.    Allow Simultaneous Multiple Tasks

Prism 1.14.1

Feature Description
Retail Pro Integration Layer (RIL) Enables new 1.14.1 users to operate Prism in a standalone manner (no Retail Pro 9 needed).

Prism 1.13.2

Feature Description
Cayan Genius Mini Suport This version of Prism adds support for the Cayan Genius Mini on Apple iOS. Prism users can attach the Genius Mini device to iOS devices like the iPhone, iPod and iPad to take credit cards and gift cards as payment.
Profile Creation Enhancements The following changes have been made to simplify the process of creating and working with profiles at the POA for remote connections:
  • Users can copy an existing profile, create a new profile at the desired location, and import (paste) the contents into the new profile
  • All profiles are now displayed regardless of link status; the toggle button "Show Unlinked Profiles/Hide Unlinked Profiles" has been removed from the UI

Prism 1.13.1

Feature Description
Batch Receiving Redesign of the Batch Receiving area.
Shipping Packages Redesign of the Shipping Packages feature to work with the redesigned Batch Receiving area.




Feature Description
Employee Management New Employee Management and Group Management areas for defining employee records, group records and assigning group permissions.

Add/Edit Subsidiaries

Ability to add/edit subsidiaries.
Add/Edit Stores Ability to add/edit Stores.
Add/Edit Currencies and Denominations Ability to add/edit Currencies and currency denominations.
Add/Edit Seasons Ability to add/edit Seasons.
Add/Edit Reasons Ability to add/edit Reasons.
Add/Edit Price Levels Ability to add/edit Price Levels.
Transaction Lookup by Date/Time Can lookup transactions by a certain time range (previously only lookup by date was available).
Serialized Coupons Ability to create a coupon set and generate serialized coupons.
Prism Scheduler Prism Scheduler tool for scheduling Prism-related tasks.
PrismMQ Server Mode PrismMQ Server Mode for utilizing high-performance settings for initialization and other resource-intensive tasks.
PrismMQ Compression Threshold Helps improve performance when replicating large files, such a large Promotions file. You can select to compress payloads above the selected size (default 100k).
PrismPOSv1 Service This service has settings related to thread counts and timeouts, enabling you to scale up or scale down the number of threads to meet changing demand.
Activate Gift Cards for Original Amount

A new preference controls whether gift cards can be activated for an amount other than the original amount. If the "Activate Gift Cards for Original Amount" preference is enabled, gift cards can only be activated for the original amount at which the card was sold. If the preference is disabled, then gift cards can be activated for an amount different than the original amount.

Price Manager Price Plan Ownership This preference enables retailers to specify which installation within the Prism enterprise is the "owner" of a price plan. Being able to designate the owner of a Price Plan is important because only the owner can reverse any adjustment memos associated with the Price Plan.
Merchandise Images on Document Designs (Print on Receipts) Users can include merchandise images (Item or Style) on printed receipts. The following new default receipt designs are available to facilitate the easy printing of merchandise images on receipts: Receipt 40 Col - Image and Receipt 8x11 - Image. When a retailer who uses merchandise images prints a receipt using one of these designs, the appropriate image for the item will be printed, too
Gift Item Promotions Type The Gift Item promotion type uses a special "gift voucher tender" that is handled by a custom plugin. The gift voucher tender and the custom plugin will set the gift item's discount % to 100, making it a free item. This is especially useful for things like vendor-supported gift vouchers. When the gift item promotion is validated, the reward item specified by the promotion is added to the transaction; if the promotion is subsequently invalidated, the reward item is removed.
Default Subsidiary Assignment for New Promotions When creating a promotion, the promotion can only be created for a subsidiary to which the current logged-in user is assigned. This helps ensure that promotions are only created for the correct subsidiaries and by appropriate users. Previously, no check of a user's subsidiary assignment was done and users sometimes ended up creating promotions for the wrong subsidiary
Auto Reload Customizations after Failure The proxy has been updated to automatically detect when a customization becomes unresponsive. After a notification request to a customization times out, the proxy will detect if the customization is running or not. If it is not running, reload it, reinitialize it, connect to it, and repeat the notification request. This saves users from having to restart the customization manually if it becomes unresponsive.
Pass-through Cash Drawer Support

Instead of connecting to the workstation via a USB cable, a pass-through cash drawer connects to a receipt printer via a RG-12 telephone line cable. When the workstation updates a receipt, a command (the kick code) is sent to open the cash drawer, the signal passes through the printer and continues on to the connected cash drawer, triggering the drawer to open. You need to enter the correct kick code for Windows-driver receipt printers so that when a receipt is printed, the cash drawer opens automatically. Previously, only OPOS-driver based printers could be used with cash drawers. This enables retailers to use their existing Windows-driver-based hardware with Prism. You can find the kick code by looking in the printer's manual, or by calling the printer's manufacturer.

Print Tags from POS Options Menu Access a Print Tags button from the Options menu in the POS area. Previously, price tags could only be printed from the item's record in Prism Inventory


Feature Description
SSL Changes (#14128) In earlier versions of Prism, SSL certificates were automatically installed on the Prism server. These were self-signed certificates created by Retail Pro, not certificates issued by a certificate authority. Those self-signed certificates are now deprecated.
Apache 2.4.27 Retail Pro Prism is a web-based application that uses an Apache web server to provide access to back-end services. This release includes a required update to the Apache web server from version 2.4.25 to 2.4.27.
Customer History

This release includes an updated customer history module that has a slightly different workflow. The new customer history module makes it easier to replicate history across stores in the enterprise and verify details of a prior purchase (e.g. for a return)

Price Manager Prism Manager enables you to adjust prices (up or down) for any or all items. This is especially useful for marking down merchandise for sales events, or to increase sales for slow-moving merchandise
Edit Discounts Inline

DevTrack ID#15434, 15447 Users can now edit the Discount $ or Discount % directly from the main transaction form. Previously, users had to go into Item or Transaction Details and select the Discounts tab to edit discounts. This reduces the time it takes to add or edit a discount, helping to shorten transaction time. To edit the item discount, click in the Discount field. Select the desired discount type from the menu.

Advanced Item Lookup Enhancements DevTrack ID #13189 This release includes a new interface for the Advanced Item Lookup feature. The new interface makes it easier to select lookup elements and enter lookup criteria. This new interface is used to look up items on transactions and other document types, including purchase orders, vouchers and slips
Till Management

DevTrack #15073 You can now add and edit tills in Prism. Previously, till names had to be defined and edited in Retail Pro 9 preferences. Adding or editing tills must be made at the store level. (Note: Cash drawers must be added/edited in Retail Pro 9 preferences.)


Sold Qty, Returned Qty, Ordered Qty, Send Sale Qty on form DevTrack #14959 The main transaction form now displays the total Sold Qty, Order Qty, Send Sale Qty and/or Return Qty.  This change makes it easier for users to see how many items of each type are on the transaction and compare it with that actual quantity that is physically on the counter.   Previously, it was hard to add up all the quantities line by line. Note: The fields only display when they actually contain a non-zero value.
Manual flag on Discount Reasons DevTrack ID#12915 This release includes a new flag on Discount Reasons that controls whether or not employees can manually select reason at POS. Only reasons that have the "Manual" flag selected in preferences can be selected manually at POS by users. If the reason does not have the Manual flag selected in preferences, then it can only be assigned by the program (automatically) as part of a POS event. This feature is especially useful when retailers use different reasons for discounts applied manually versus those applied automatically.
New POS Permissions DevTrack ID #12988 New permissions to provide control over key POS tasks that were uncontrolled before.
Max Discount in red on form DevTrack ID#14954 When the item's Max Discount has been reached, the UI will display the word "Max" in red. Previously, associates would sometimes wonder why a certain portion of a discount was not applied. Now, associates can see the flag and quickly understand why some part of a discount was not applied. If the user sees the word "Max" in red beside the discount, the user can assume that the discount has reached its maximum amount and part of a discount may not have been applied.
Enable Tender Rounding DevTrack ID #14126 The interface and workflow for enabling tender rounding has been updated. There is now a "Enable Tender Rounding" checkbox that users must select in order to view the options for Rounding Method and Rounding Multiple. If the "Enable Tender Rounding" checkbox is cleared, then no tender rounding controls are displayed
Deactivate Lot Number when quantity reaches zero DevTrack ID #15625 A new preference enables the automatic deactivation of lot number items when the quantity reaches zero. The preference is in Preferences & Settings > Transactions > Serial/Lot Number. If the preference is turned on, then the lot number item will be deactivated once its quantity becomes zero. If the preference is turned OFF, then the lot number item will not change its Active flag when its quantity becomes zero
Populate Max Discount from DevTrack ID#15390 Each item has a "Max Discount" field that determines the maximum percentage discount that can be applied to the item. Vendors will sometimes require that items not be discounted at all, or only a certain amount (e.g. maximum 10% discount). The new preference is in Preferences & Settings > Merchandise > Inventory > General and is labeled "Populate Max Discount From."
Due Date for Orders DevTrack ID#11733 This release includes a new preference for setting a due date for orders. The preference allows you to enter the maximum number of days that can elapse before an order should be filled. For example, if you enter "20" and create an order on the first of the month, then the order must be fulfilled by the 20th. Previously, there was no way to set the due date for orders.
Item Images in Touch POS DevTrack ID#12526, 15353 Beginning with this release, retailers can assign item images to touch POS buttons. This feature makes it easier for employees to work with items in a touch POS environment. Instead of reading button labels, the employee can look at an item image and click or tap the image to list the item on the transaction. As part of this change, users can also drag and drop individual buttons to the desired position.
Force Cash Drop DevTrack ID#14963 Users will now see a prompt when the amount of cash in the drawer exceeds the trigger amount specified in preferences. This helps avoid a buildup of cash that leaves the business vulnerable to loss from theft. When the "Maximum Balance" preference is enabled, if a transaction causes the cash amount to exceed the amount specified in preferences, an alert displays to inform the associate of the need to do a cash drop.
Switching from Structured/Unstructured DevTrack ID #5716 There is a new process flow when changing from structured to unstructured mode. Now, if a user changes from structured to unstructured mode and an open drawer exists, the user will see an alert. The user can then close the drawer first and then go back and make the change from structured to unstructured mode.
Reverse Slips DevTrack ID#10605 Users can now reverse slips. Reversing a slip "undoes" the effects of the original slip, returning item quantities to the state they were in before updating the original slip.
Require Slip to reference TO DevTrack ID #14529 A preference called 'Require Transfer Slips to reference a Transfer Order' has been added to the Transfer > General area. When this setting is on, Prism prevents the update of a slip that does not reference a TO.
Spread Discount to all BOGO Items DevTrack ID #14453 This release has a new "Spread discount to all BOGO items" option available for BOGO promotions. This option enables you to spread the promotion discount amount across all the items on the transaction that are included in the promotion. Previously, only the "GET" items would have the discount spread. This option is displayed on the Reward Rules section, right under the Sort Order dropdown.
Promotions Permissions Copy and Delete permissions are now available for Promotions.
Manually Apply Promo - Tender Action DevTrack ID#12959 One of the preferences in Promotions has been revised with a new label and a new option. Previously, the preference was labeled "Apply when Tendered" and was a Boolean check box. Now, the label is changed to "Tender Action" and the available selections are None, Prompt and Apply.
Enhanced Coupon Validation DevTrack ID#10606 This release includes a new "Apply" section on the Validation Rules screen where users can define how often a coupon can be validated on a single transaction. Previously, users were required to key in the same coupon code multiple times to apply "unlimited" promotions (or promotions with a certain count).
Create Price Adjustments for Items with Zero OH Qty DevTrack ID#14785 This release includes a new preference that controls the creation of adjustment memos when adjusting the price (via Price Manager) of items with a zero OH quantity. The preference is located in Preferences & Settings > Merchandise > Adjustments and is titled "Create price adjustments for items with zero OH Qty"
Enable Touch Screen Layouts DevTrack ID#15289 This release includes a new preference that is designed to make the Prism interface more friendly to touch screen users (e.g. a tablet). The preference is called "Enable Touch Screen Select Inputs". It is located in Preferences & Settings > Themes & Layouts. If selected, dropdowns are defaulted to a popover instead of a modal by default.
Tech Toolkit - Service Manager The Service Manager area of Prism Tech Toolkit provides a convenient interface for viewing and changing settings for the configuration files used by Prism. You can start and stop services, view info about dependencies and change configuration settings.
Tech Toolkit - SSL Manager Use the SSL Manager in Tech Toolkit to install SSL certificates so you can run Prism using HTTPS. Beginning with Prism 1.12, users are responsible for purchasing their own SSL certificates from a certificate authority. Once you receive the certificate(s) from the CA, use the SSL Manager to install the files to the Prism server (or Proxy).
Tech Toolkit - Installer DevTrack ID #15058 Tech Toolkit now has its own installer. This gives users the option of installing Tech Toolkit to a location of their own choosing. The Tech Toolkit is always installed as part of the Prism Server installation; however, having a separate installer gives users greater flexibility in choosing where to install the toolkit


Feature Description
Committed Quantities (#13276) Beginning with this release, Prism users can configure the system to check available quantities for individual document types. If a user lists an item at a quantity that exceeds the available quantity, a prompt is displayed. When checking available quantities, Prism will include quantities listed on order documents, both quantities headed into and quantities headed out of inventory.
Allow manual entry of UDF values permission (#12805) A new set of permissions controls the ability of employees to make free-form entries in UDF fields in inventory, vendors and customers. Unless a user has the "Allow Manual Entry of UDF Values" permission for the area, the user will be limited to the dropdown selections in UDF fields. Previously, it was possible for users to make manual entries in these fields. 
Prevent update of transaction with no items Beginning with this release, a new permission controls the ability of users to update receipts that have no items listed (e.g. a receipt that only includes a fee).
Central gift card items (#11230) This release includes support for adding Central Gift Card Items. Retailers can add gift card items (assigned the Item Type of Central Gift Card) and then sell those gift card items and take them as payment for purchases.
Enter Totals/Enter Denomination Counts toggle button in X/Z-Out (#12904) This release includes a change to Z-Out reports so that users can enter an Open Amount and/or Close Amount directly on the Count Denomination screen. Previously, users could not enter the open/close amount directly and instead had to enter individual denomination counts. A new Enter Totals button is available on the denominations counts screen. When selected, the denomination counts are cleared and the can edit the currency total (i.e. Total DOLLARS). This button is toggles between Enter Totals and Count Denominations
Open Drawer after Close (#14962) This release includes a new preference that enables retailers to automate the drawer opening process. Previously, users would sometimes go to close a drawer only to find that a drawer had never been opened. Now, using the "Open Drawer after Close" preference, retailers can ensure that the drawer will always be opened after a closing is done. This preference is only available if the "Use Structured Z-Outs" preference is selected. This preference is turned off by default.
Biometrics This release includes support for biometric login of employees. Biometric login enables employees to log in using a thumbprint or fingerprint that is scanned by a special device attached to the workstation.
Use Wedge Barcode scanner preference (#14028) This release includes a new preference that helps streamline item scanning for retailers who use wedge barcode scanners. The new preference is in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Hardware > General: 'Use Wedge Barcode Scanner'.
Enterprise and Connection Manager Various updates to Enterprise and Connection Manager


Feature Description
Serial/Lot Number Validation Validation of serial and lot numbers; Ability to change Serial Type and Lot Type (partial or full control); Add/Edit/Remove numbers in Prism inventory; New preferences to handle lot numbers past the expiration date; Grid formats to include serial/lot number fields
Connection Manager UI Changes New interface for configuring data replication between Prism and RP 9 and Prism to Prism
Prism-to-Prism replication of Preferences Prism replicates preference settings from one Prism server (a POA) to another (Sub or Store pointing to the POA
Image Server Preferences (#12601) A new preference enables retailers to centrally manage customer and item images by selecting the server where the image files are stored. Previously, images were specific to each Prism server and could not be mapped to a different server.
Launch different Prism server via Proxy shortcut

(#11977) New command line parameters have been added to PrismProxy.exe to allow users to launch the Proxy for a server other than the server specified in the registry for that proxy port.
-prismserver:[PrismServerName] (the name of the server)
-prismport:[port#] (the port to use to connect to the server)

Restrict Tenders by User Group (#11697) This release includes a new set of permissions that restrict the use of tenders by user group. There are separate give/take/return permissions for each tender type. Previously, there was no way to restrict tenders for individual user groups. These new permissions give retailers greater control over the tendering process. You can set these permissions at the Global, Subsidiary, or Store level.
Enforce Employee Store Assignment (#12070) A key security requirement for many retailers is to restrict the store locations where individual employees can make transactions. Beginning with this release, store assignments from Retail Pro 9 are enforced in Prism. This means that to create a transaction for a store in Prism, the user must be assigned to the store where the transaction is being created
Option to display/not display Decimal Item prompt (#14176) A new preference enables retailers to control whether or not a prompt is displayed when a user lists a decimal quantity item on a transaction. (Preferences & Settings > Transactions > General)
Copy customer (#13958) You can now create a new customer record by copying an existing customer.
Customer Required Fields preference New preference that allows retailers to pick the specific customer fields that require an entry when a user adds a new customer. The New Customer Required Fields preference is in Preferences & Settings > Customers > General.
Custom HTML Files (#13511) A key feature of Prism is the ability to customize the user interface to match the company's color scheme, logos and other features. Beginning with this release, users can have Prism load a specific customized html page in lieu of the default html page. This simplifies the process of deploying customizations and custom screen designs.
Custom UI Translation (#11897) Beginning with this release, retailers can easily implement translations for their third-party UI customizations by making simple edits to a copy of the appropriate language-specific .json file.
Availability Checking for Slips (#12555) Retailers can now have Prism perform availability checking on slips. This enables retailers to verify the quantity listed on an out slip is actually on-hand in the source store's inventory.
Sort order for Promotions (#13697) A new "Sort Order" option has been added to two areas of Promotions: Sale Item Validation and BOGO Discount Reward. The available values vary slightly.
ClaimAtStartup setting for cash drawers

(14138) Current Proxy functionality allows multiple proxies to access the same cash drawer on a POS workstation. A new option has been introduced. Now the Cash Drawer plugin (OPOSCshDrwr.DLL) will read an additional optional field from the OPOSConf.ini file, called ClaimAtStartup



Feature Description
Transaction Lookup by Date Type (#11738) The Transaction Lookup dialog now includes a Date Type dropdown that enables users to apply the date filter to a certain Date field: Created Date, Ordered Date, Cancel Date, or Ship Date.
OPOS Printer Support (#13627) RP Prism now supports OPOS printers. New document designs have been created for use with OPOS printers.
B+S EFT Plugin Receipt Printing Changes (#13751) Changes have been made to Document Designs for printing receipts for the B+S EFT Plugin.
Availability Checking for Slips

(#12555) A new preference (Preferences & Settings > Transfers > General) enables users to check OH Qty of items when listed on slips.

Access Pending Transactions Permission (#12667) A new permission controls the ability of users to access Pending Transactions.
Prompt when adding decimal quantity to items (#12378) When users list a decimal quantity item on a transaction, a prompt is displayed to enter the quantity.
Require Customer for manual discounts (#12162) A new preference (Preferences & Settings > Transactions > General) enables users to require a customer be entered on a transaction in order to make a manual discount (does not affect automatic discounts such as automatically applied promotions).
Item Details in Advanced Item Lookup (#8243) The Advanced Item Lookup dialog now includes an Item Details button.
Item Quantity button changes Instead of +1 and -1 buttons, there is a single Qty button. When clicked, users can enter desired quantity.
View Order Dates (#11738) When working with orders (via the Order Details button), users can click an Order Dates button to display a pop-up showing each date field associated with the order
Choose Tender when returning order deposits (#11739) Previously, when closing an order that had a balance, the balance would be returned in Store Credit. Now, user can choose from tenders enabled in Tender Requirements