Updated: August 3, 2023 4:27pm

API Explorer


Prism is built upon a REST API framework. Developers of customizations and plugins have access to the Prism API.
The Prism API Explorer provides developers with a convenient interface for:

  • Viewing API information required for implementing customizations
  • Making API calls against the RP Prism APIs

This topic provides basic information about working with the Prism built-in API Explorer.

  • View the RPC methods and REST resources for Prism Services
  • Construct basic API request
  • Use RPC Methods in POST request
  • Notes about adding parameters, filters, etc.

Access Prism API Explorer
Point your browser to the Prism server, followed by: "/api-explorer".

  1. Enter your user name and password and touch or click the Login button.    
    api explorer login
  2. Select an area from the top menu.     
  • Services: View API information required for creating customizations (e.g. Attributes and Data Types).
  • Raw Requests: In this area, you can make API calls against your Prism database.

To log out:
In the login/logout area, click the Logout button.
api explorer logout

The API Explorer is divided into two main areas: Services and Raw Requests.

  • Click Services to browse the individual Prism services and the individual resources for each service.
  • Click Raw Requests to create and send API requests. You can send requests for raw JSON or XML data.

RPC Methods and REST Resources for Prism Services
When you click the Services link from the API Explorer top menu, the list of available service modules is displayed on the left:

  • RPSRESTServiceModule
  • Backoffice
  • Common
  • Replication
  • Scheduling
  • Techtoolkit

Within each Service's main folder are two subfolders: RPC Methods and REST Resources.

Folder Description
RPC Methods Contains a list of methods that can be used to access or manipulate data associated with the resource. The names of the individual methods describe their purpose (e.g., "CentralCreditCreate").
Note: When you make a POST request, you should include the appropriate RPC method in the request.
REST Resources A list of resources associated with the service. Clicking on a resource shows the database columns for the resource, including data type and a description of the resource.

In the Services area, you can view API information required for creating customizations. On the left side is a menu showing the Prism services available for viewing.
Click a folder to open the folder and drill down into the desired sub-area. Select the desired resource for the service.
API Explorer interface
The following table describes the main Services available in the API Explorer.

Service Description
RPSRESTServiceModule This module contains the following sub-areas:
RPC Methods: Methods used with remote procedure calls.
REST Resources: RPS REST resources. REST resources are covered in the first main section of this document.
backoffice  This module contains inventory and other back office services.
common Elements that are common to multiple areas.
replication Resources that are replicated between databases.
scheduling Resources related to the PrismScheduling service.
techtoolkit REST Resources used by the tech toolkit.

When you select a resource, you will see a list of the resource's Attributes. For each Attribute, the grid displays key information:

  • Resource: The name of the currently selected resource.
  • URL: If the resource is accessible via an API call, the relevant API url is displayed. If the resource is not accessible via the API, no URL is shown.
  • Attribute Name: The Attribute name.
  • Comment: A description of the Attribute.
  • Required: Some Attributes require a default value; others can be set to Null.
  • Data Type: The type of data stored by the Attribute (e.g. String, Int64, DateTime, Float).
  • Value List: Some attributes contain enumerated values in which a number is mapped to various string values. For example, in the screenshot below, the DocItemType Attribute  can have a value of 0 ("None"), 1 ("Sale"), 2 ("Return"), 0r 3 ("Order").

Raw Requests
In the Raw Requests area, you can craft your own API requests. For example, a GET request for customers that have a last sold date  Instead of forcing users to manually enter the path to an API resource, a method prone to error, the API Explorer provides drop-down menus that update the API Request URL based on your selections. This makes it fast and easy to create API requests.
When you enter the Raw Request area, your server name will be entered in the API Request URL field. As you make selections from the UI drop-down lists, the API Request URL is automatically updated in the correct format and syntax.
By default, the REST operation is set to GET. You can select a different operation (e.g. POST) if needed. As the screenshot below shows, only the server name is entered in the path. The second drop-down is set to "application/json" by default. This means that the results returned by the API Request will be in JSON format. You can change it to text/xml, if desired, but most users find JSON is easier to work with.
API Request URL 1

In the next drop-down, select a Service Module: RPSRestModule, backoffice, common, scheduling, or techtoolkit. In the screenshot below, we have selected RPSRESTServiceModule. The API Request URL is automatically updated.
API Request URL 2

Next, select a resource. In the screenshot below, we have selected the document resource. The API Request URL is updated to reflect the selection.
API Request URL 3

Next, click Send Request. Notice how the API Request URL is updated to limit the request to one page of data, with 10 records returned. The question mark indicates the beginning of the filter that was applied. In our example, the default filter that limits the results to 10 records was applied. If you define a filter in the "Request URL Params & Filters" area, that filter will be applied instead of the default filter. Certain API calls require values such as Subsidiary, Store, Price Level, or Season to be present. You may need to create scripts to capture these values for your API requests.
API URL Request 4

Scroll down to the Response Details area. The list of records is returned as an array of objects.
Object array

If you hover over any object, details about the object are displayed.
object array hover show details

Expand an object to view the record. The record's details (database columns and values) will be displayed.object array details

Use RPC Methods in POST requests
If you need to do a POST, you will need to use the appropriate RPC method. For example, say you want to create a new inventory item. In the POST Request, set the action to InventorySaveItems. In the body of the request, add an object that lists the parameters you want to include with the request.
You will need to include any needed parameters with the POST request. You can view the parameters available for each method using API Explorer. Open the RPC Methods folder and click the RPC Method. When you click the RPC Method, you will see a list of Parameters for the method.
In the response that is returned, you will see the name of the rpc method called and the details of the item that was added. Many of the fields are auth-generated by the system.

Prism API Explorer Notes
Adding Columns
You need to include the appropriate columns in the appropriate format with each request. To find out which columns are available, run a request without a filter and then click the hamburger icon. A list of available columns is displayed. 

Multiple Parameters
To use multiple parameters, the first parameter is separated from the rest of the URL with a ? and any additional parameters are separated with an &. For example, to filter and use a sort in the same URI the following syntax can be used. e.g. http://.../customer?cols=first_name,last_name&filter=last_name,eq,harkness.

Using a Filter
Use a filter to find a specific record (SID). The basic syntax for a filter is:
The attribute is the name of the field to search
The operator is the type of comparison
The criteria is the value to look for
The following example gets the SID for a customer with a last name "Smith":

Operator Description
EQ Equal to
NE Not equal to
LT Less than
GT Greater than
LE Less than or equal to
GE Greater than or equal to
NL Is null. (Note: Does not accept a criteria element e.g. filter=active,n)
NN Not null (Note: Does not accept a criteria element e.g. filter=active,nn)
LK Like (Note: Uses a * as a wildcard. For example s* matches all entries starting with s)

Compound Filters
Compound filters can take different formats. The most basic format is including multiple basic filter parameters. This format of compound filters will apply the filters with an exclusive or XOR
Example:  http://.../customer?filter=first_name,eq,jack&filter=last_name,eq,smith
Compound filters can also use AND and OR clauses with parenthesis to establish grouping.
Example  http://.../customer?filter=(first_name,eq,jack)AND(last_name,eq,smith)

The resource name indicates the collection from which you want to get data. Accessing a resource is like getting a list of all the records in a table. For example, if you do a GET on http://{SERVERNAME}/v1/rest/customer you will get all the records in the customer container.

System Identifiers (SID)
To get a specific record from the collection, you can specify the SID for that record as well. A SID is an INT64 number that may be positive or negative in your data. For example, http://{SERVERNAME}/v1/rest/customer/87239847928734 will fetch just the customer record with the SID of 87239847928734.  

Some resources have "child" resources or sub-resources. These resources represent collections of data related to the "parent" resource. To access these sub-resources, use the following syntax.
Returns all address records for customer SID of 87239847928734
Returns address with SID 8723984798234 for tcustomer with SID 87239847928734.

Cols Parameter
By default, the only value that is returned for a resource is a list of SIDs for that collection. To get additional data, use the Cols parameter to control what attributes (fields) are returned in the payload. Cols is a comma-separated list of the attribute names that you want returned. The basic syntax for the cols parameter is: cols=attribute1,attribute2,attribute3.
Example: http://{SERVERNAME}/v1/rest/customer?Cols=first_name,last_name
This returns the first name and last name for each customer.

Sort Parameter
The sort parameter allows you to determine the order in which records in the collection are presented. The basic syntax for a sort is: sort={ATTRIBUTE},{DIRECTION}
Direction Modifiers: ASC - Ascending; DESC - Descending
For example, to return customer records sorted in ascending order by last name:
http://{SERVERNAME}/v1/rest/customer?sort= last_name,asc

Return All Attributes
To return all attributes for a resource specify a wildcard ( * ) as an attribute. Note: This method should not be used in production due to the performance penalty.
returns all the attributes for a given resource.

Return Attributes from child resources
To return attributes from sub resources you can specify the resource name and attribute name separated by a period ( . )

Accept-Encoding header
The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client can understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response head.

Services List
This section lists the RPC Methods and REST Resources for each of the Services listed in the Prism API Explorer Services area: RPSRESTServiceModule, backoffice, common, replication, scheduling and techtoolkit.
RPC Methods

RPC Method Description
CentralPing Use this to ping the Centrals server to confirm it can be reached.
CentralCustomerLookup Called during Customer Lookup to find a customer in the centrals database.
CentralCopyCustomerFromCentral Called when a user copies the record of a customer in the centrals database.
CentralCopyCustomerToCentral Called when a user copies a record that is saved to the centrals database.
CentralFetchInvoice Called when Prism needs to find a transaction.
CentralFetchInvoiceItems Called when Prism needs to display the items included on a transaction.
CentralUdpateInvoiceItem Called when Prism needs to update (change) an item on a transaction.
CentralGiftCardActivate Called when Prism activates a new central gift card.
CentralGiftCardActivate (v2) Called when Prism activates a new central gift card (V2).
CentralGiftCardGetBalance Called when Prism performs a "Check Balance" operation on a central gift card.
CentralGiftCardGetBalancev2 Called when Prism performs a "Check Balance" operation on a central gift card (v2).
CentralGiftCardChangeValue Called when Prism performs an "Add Value" operation on a central gift card.
CentralGiftCardChangeValuev2 Called when Prism performs an "Add Value" operation on a central gift card (V2).
CentralGiftCardUndo Called when Prism cancels a central gift card operation.
CentralGiftCardValidate Called when Prism validates a central gift card operation.
CentralGiftCertActivate Called when Prism activates a new central gift certificate.
CentralGiftCertGetValue Called when Prism performs a "Check Balance" operation on a central gift certificate.
CentralGiftCertRedeem Called when Prism performs a "Redeem" operation on a central gift certificate.
CentralGiftCertUndo Called when a user cancels a central gift certificate operation.
CentralCreditCreate Called when a user creates a new central credit.
CentralCreateGetValueByID Called when Prism requests the value of a central payment using the Payment ID.
CentralCreditIDIsAvailable Called when Prism confirms that a Central ID is available.
CentralCreditGetBalanceByCustomer Called when Prism requests a customer's central payment balance.
CentralCreditCustomerHasPositiveBalance Called when a customer has a positive central credit balance.
CentralCreditRedeemById Called when Prism redeems a central payment using the Payment ID.
CentralCreditRedeemByCustomer Called when a customer redeems a central credit.
CentralCreditUndo Called when Prism undoes a central credit.
CentralCreditTransferBalance Called when Prism performs a central payment transfer balance.
CentralCreditTransferBalanceCommit Called when Prism performs a commit for a central payment transfer balance.
CentralTenderTransactionRollback Called when Prism rolls back a transaction that includes central tenders.
CentralTenderTransactionCommit Called when Prism updates a transaction that includes central tenders.
CentralGetDatabaseVersion Called when Prism requests the centrals database version.
CentralLoyaltyGetCustomerLoyaltyInfo Called when Prism displays a customer's central loyalty information.
CentralLoyaltyEnroll Called when a customer enrolls in a central loyalty program.
CentralLoyaltyAdjustPoints Called when a customer's loyalty balance is adjusted.
CentralLoyaltyGetAvailableGifts Called to get the reward item(s) for a loyalty program.
CentralLoyaltyCanReturnGift Called when returning a reward item.
CentralLoyaltyUpdateCustomerLoyalty Called when updating a customer loyalty level or program.
CentralLoyaltyEnroll Called when Prism enrolls a customer in a central loyalty program.
CentralLoyaltyAdjustPoints Called when Prism adjusts a customer's central loyalty point balance.
CentralLoyaltyGetAvailableGifts Called when Prism recognizes that a central loyalty gift can be awarded.
CentralLoyaltyCanReturnGift Called when Prism recognizes that a central loyalty gift can be returned.
CentralLoyaltyUpdateCustomerLoyalty Called when Prism updates a customer's central loyalty information.
CentralLoyaltyUpdateCustomerLevel Called when Prism updates a customer's central loyalty level.
CentralLoyaltyCustomerHistoricalStatus Called when Prism displays a customer's central loyalty status history.
CentralLoyaltyCustomerHistoricalLevel Called when Prism displays a customer's central loyalty level history.
CentralLoyaltyCustomerHistoricalPoints Called when Prism displays a customer's central loyalty point history.
CentralLoyaltyCustomerHistoricalRewards Called when Prism displays a customer's central loyalty reward history.
CentralsResiliencyGetInfo Called when Prism displays resiliency information.
CentralsResiliencyRefreshPreference Called when preferences related to centrals resiliency are refreshed.
CentralsResiliencyRunNow Called when a user clicks the "Run Now" button in the Centrals Resiliency preferences area (Admin Console > Installation Defaults).
SerialNumberGetInfo Called when Prism displays serial number information.
LotNumberGetInfo Called when Prism displays lot number information.
CCTender Called when tendering by central credit.
RecountDrawerEvents Called when a user selects to recount a drawer.
GenerateXZOutReport Called when a user clicks Finish to generate a Z-Out report.
CalculateZOutCloseTotals Called when tender totals are updated.
CheckForOpenRegister Called when Prism checks for an open register.
AutoOpenRegister Called when Prism opens a register automatically (based on preference configuration).
GetDrawerBalance Called when Prism gets the drawer balance.
ConvertCurrency Called when a user selects a different currency as payment.
RoundTender Called when rounding a tender.
CloseSO Called when closing a sales order.
InvnLookupItem Called when a user looks up an inventory item
SpreadDocumentDiscount Called when spreading a document discount.
UnSpreadDocumentDiscount Called when unspreading a document discount.
RecalcDocumentDiscount Called when Prism recalculates the discounts on a document.
V9DRSStatus Called when a user clicks the "View Status" button in the DRS interface.
DocumentPriceLevelChangeApply Called when a user changes the Price Level at the document (transaction) level.
ApplyCustomerDiscount Called when Prism applies a customer discount.
ApplyEmployeeInfoToItems Called when Prism applies employee information to items on a transaction.
PrepareFulfillingDoc Called when Prism prepares a fulfilling doc for an order.
GetOHQtyBeforeItemInserted Called when Prism gets the OH Qty before an item is inserted.
GetOHQtyBeforeItemUpdated Called when Prism gets the OH Qty before an item updated.
CopyDocument Called when copying a document.
PrepareMissingPackageComponents Called when Prism prepares missing package components.
PIUpdateStartQty Called when Prism updates the start quantity on a PI.
PIModifyQty Called when Prism modifies quantity on a PO.
PIModifyQtyByItemSid Called when Prism modifies the item quantity by Item SID.
PIModifyQtyByLookup Called when Prism modifies the item quantity by Lookup.
PIModifyQtyByPOSLookup Called when Prism modifies the item quantity by POS Lookup.
PIClearQty Called when clearing PI quantities.
PIReject Called when rejecting a PI
PIMergeQty Called when merging quantities on a PI sheet.
PIAddItemToSheet Called when adding an item to a PI sheet.
PIMergeZones Called when merging PI zones.
PIUnMergeZones Called when unmerging PI zones.
PIMarkZones Called when marking PI zones.
PIInitPISheetMethod Called when initializing a PI sheet.
PCPromoReloadCache Called when reloading the promotion cache.
PCPromoApplyManually Called when manually applying a promotion.
PCPromoCopy Called when copying a promotion.
PCPromoVerify Called when verifying a promotion.
PCPromoImportStores Called when importing a list of stores for a promotion.
PCPromoImportValidationCoupons Import validation coupons for a promotion.
PCPromoImportFilterElements Import filter elements into a promotion.
PCPromoBatchUpdate (further research required)
PCPromoRemoveFiltersForRule Called when removing rule filters for a promotion.
PCPromoVerifyUniqueName Called when verifying that a promotion name is unique.
GeCurrtInSequence Called when getting the current sequence number.
GetNextInSequence Called when getting the next sequence number.
SetNextInSequence Called when setting the next sequence number.
LtyApplyTotalBaseRedeemProgram Called when applying a total-based loyalty program.
LtyGetMaxTotalBaseRedeemablePoints Called when getting the max redeemable points for total-based programs.
LtyTBRConvertPointsToCurrency Called when converting total-based program points to currency.
LtyGetAvailableRewardItems Called when getting available loyalty reward items.
LtyValidate Called when validating loyalty.
LogEvent Called when writing log entries.
InvSearch Called when searching inventory.
CopyCustomer Called when a user copies a customer.
DocumentOverrideMaxDiscount Called when a user (with required permission) overrides Max Discount.
GetPermissionMethod Called when getting the permission.
DocumentItemUpdate Called when updating document items.
GetUserGroupsMethod Called when changing user groups.
ChangeSubStoreMethod Called when changing subsidiary and/or store.
DeleteSessionMethod Called when deleting a session.

REST Resources

REST Resource Description
inventoryudf\option Inventory UDF options.
preference Preference level: corporate, subsidiary, store or workstation.
proxy\extension Proxy extensions including logging and email.
proxy\hardware Hardware information for the proxy,
session Session information
store\associates The "associates" node for the Store object.
store\employees\check_in_outs The employee node for the Store object.
store\storeassignments The store assignment node for the Store object.
store\subsidiaryassignments The subsidiary assignment node for the Store object.
store\sublocation\segment\preference The preference node of the Store object.
store\tills The tills node of the Store object.
store\workstation The workstations node of the Store object.
subsdiary\store\associate Associates node for the Subsidiary object.
subsidiary\store\employee\check_in_outs Employee node for the Subsidiary object
subsidiary\store\employee\subsidiaryassignments Subsidiary assignment for the Subsidiary object
subsidiary\store\sublocations\segments\preference Preferences node for the Subsidiary object.
subsidiary\store\till Till node for the Subsidiary object.
subsidiary\store\workstation Workstation node for the Subsidiary object.
workstation Workstation information

RPC Methods

RPC Method Description
adjustmentcheckdiscrepancy Called when checking adjustment for discrepancies.
applyallocationpattern Called when applying allocation pattern.
asnsetbatchreceivestatus Called when getting status of Batch Receiving (for ASNs).
calculatemarginfields Called when calculating margin fields.
changepricelevel Change price level on a document.
consolidatedocitems Consolidate items on a document.
converasntovoucher Convert ASN to Voucher.
(research required)
convertnumbertoupc Convert item number to UPC.
cost Cost
customerupdatehistory Called when updating customer history.
deactivatescale Called when deactivating a grid scale.
detailsbytransportkey (research required)
generateasnfrompo Called when generating ASN from PO.
generateslipfromvoucher Called when generating transfer slip from voucher.
getavailqty Called when getting item available quantity.
getdocitemsconsolidatedinfo Called when getting consolidated item info.
getitemstylechecks Called when checking if the item is part of a style.
getpoitemsforvoucher Called when getting the PO items for a voucher.
inventorycalculateitems (research required)
inventorygetitems Called when getting inventory items.
inventorysaveitems Called when saving inventory item.
loyaltycustomeradjustbalance Called when adjusting loyalty balance of customer.
loyaltycustomerchangelevel Called when changing loyalty level of customer.
loyaltycustomerenroll Called when enrolling customer in loyalty program.
loyaltycustomergetavailablerewarditems CAlled when getting available reward items.
loyaltycustomergetbalancehistory Called when getting loyalty customer balance history.
loyaltycustomergetinfo Called when getting customer merge information.
loyaltycustomergetitemrewardhistory Called when getting customer loyalty reward item history.
loyaltycustomergetlevelhistory Called when getting customer loyalty level history.
loyaltycustomerlocklevel Called when locking customer loyalty level.
loyaltycustomermodifyinfo Called when modifying customer loyalty information.
markdownreverse Called when reversing a price markdown.
pochangedefaultstore Called when changing the default store on a PO.
print Called when printing a document.
printtags Called when printing tags.
purchaseorderprint Called when printing a purchase order.
reverse Called when reversing a document.
spreadcost Called when spreading cost.
spreadcoststatus Called when checking the status of spread cost operation.
styledata Called when getting style information.
styledefinition Called when defining a style.
subsidiarymodeling Called to model a subsidiary.
vendorinvoicegetvouchertotal Called to get voucher total for a vendor invoice.

REST Resources

REST Resource Description
addresstype Address types
adjustment\adjitem\adjserial Adjusted serial quantity for adjustment items.
adjustment\adjitem\adjlotqty Adjusted lot quantity of adjustment items.
adjustment\adjitem\adjqty Adjusted quantity for adjustment items.
adjustment\adjitem\adjgiftcard Adjusted gift card item information for adjustment items.
adjustment\adjcomment Adjustment memo comments.
biometrics Biometric login information.
chargeterm Charge terms.
comment Comments for Comment 1, Comment 2 fields.
contacttype Contact types.
customerdocumenthistory Customer document history
dcs DCS information for inventory items.
docposflag\docposflagoption POS Flags on documents.
document Documents (transactions).
emailtype Email types.
extendedcustdochistory Extended customer document history (purchasing history).
inventory\invnquantity\serialinfo Serial information for inventory items.
inventory\invnquantity\lotinfo Lot information for inventory items.
inventory\invnprice Price information for inventory items.
inventory\invnvendor Vendor information for inventory items.
inventory\invnkit Kit information for inventory items.
inventory\invnlty Loyalty information for inventory items.
inventory\invnextend Extended (Aux) field information for inventory items.
inventory\invnmedia Media types for inventory items.
inventorylist Inventory list
inventorystyle Inventory style information.
inventorystylelist Inventory style list.
invnlot\invnlotqty Inventory lot quantities.
invnserial\invnserialqty Inventory serial quantities.
invnudf\invnudfoption Inventory UDF field options.
kitcomponent Kit component information.
ltycustcentral\ltycustpgmgiven Loyalty customer points given.
ltycustlvlhist Loyalty customer loyalty level history
ltycustpointshist Loyalty customer loyalty points history
ltycustrewardhist Loyalty customer reward item history
ltylevel\ltylevelprogram Loyalty levels for loyalty programs.
markdown Markdowns.
markdownadj Adjustments for markdowns.
markdownitem Markdown item information.
mediatype Inventory media types.
pcppromotion\pcppromotionbusinessunit (research required)
pcppromotion\pcppromotiondistrict District information on promotions.
pcppromotion\pcppromotionpricelevel Price Level information on promotions.
pcppromotion\pcppromotionstore Store information on promotions.
pcppromotion\pcprewardgddisctier Reward rule global discount information.
pcppromotion\pcpvalidationcoupon Validation rule coupon information.
pcppromotion\pcprewardotheritemrule Reward rule filter element information.
\pcprewardfilterelement Filter element information.
pcppromotion\pcpvalidationitemrule Filter element validation information.
\pcpvalidationfilterelement Filter element validation information.
phonetype Phone types.
promotionslist Promotions list.
purchaseorder\poterm Purchase order purchasing terms.
purchaseorder\pofee Purchase Order fee information.
purchaseorder\poapproval PO Approval information.
purchaseorder\poitem\poquantity PO Quantity information.
purchfeetype Fee type information for Purchase Orders.
receiving\recvapproval Voucher approval information.
receiving\recvcomment Voucher comments.
receiving\recvfee Voucher fees.
receiving\recvter Voucher payment terms.
receiving\recvitem Voucher item information.
receiving\recvpackage Shipping package information.
region\regionsubsidiary Regional subsidiary information.
resourceclock Time clock resource.
scale\scalesize Grid scale sizes.
scale\scaleattribute Grid scale attributes.
scalepattern\scalepatternqty Scale pattern quantity information.
subsidiary Subsidiary information.
till Till information.
title Titles for Customers.
touchbutton Touch buttons for POS touch menus.
touchmenu Touch menu information.
tranfeetype Transfer fee types.
transferorder\torditem\tordqty Transfer order item quantities.
transferslip\slipitem Transfer slip items.
transferslip\slipcomment Transfer slip comments.
transferslip\slipfee Transfer slip fee information.
transrule Transfer resolution rules.
vendor\vendorcontact Vendor contact information.
vendor\address Vendor address information.
vendor\vendorterm Purchase terms for vendors.
vendorinvoice Vendor invoices
vendorudf\vendorudfoption Vendor UDF options.

RPC Methods

RPC Methods Description
cancelprisminitialize Cancel Prism-to-Prism initialization.
cancelv9initialize Change user password.
changeuserpassword Consolidate resources for a subsidiary.
controlinitializeconsumer Consolidate resources for a subsidiary.
controlinitializeconsumer Control consumer initialization
copy (research required)
getgridsettings Get Grid Format settings.
getnextsbsno Get next subsidiary number.
getprismd2dstatistics Get statistics for day-to-day replication between Prism servers.
getprismdata Get Prism data.
getreplicationmeta Get replication metadata.
getserverstatus Get server status
images Get images
prisminitialize Prism initialize
publishallcontrollers Publish all controllers
reprocessprismdata Reprocess data sent from Prism to Prism.
services Get list of services.

REST Resources

REST Resources Description
assignedemployee (research required)
auditlog Audit logs.
biometrics Biometric login data.
calendar Retail calendars.
company Company information.
country Countries.
couponset Coupon sets for promotions.
couponsetcoupon Coupon set coupons.
Currency\currencydenomination Currencies and currency denominations.
customer\custaddress Customer addresses.
customer\custemail Customer email information.
customer\custphone Customer phone information.
customer\custextend Customer Aux field information.
customerclass Customer classes
customerlist Customer list.
Customerudf\customerudfoption Customer UDF fields and field options.
customschema Customization schema.
Docposflag\docposflagoption POS Flags and flag options.
document Documents (transactions).
Documentfeetype Fee types.
drawerevent Drawer events.
employee\usergroupuser Employee user group assignments.
employee\employeestore Employee store assignments.
employee\employeesubsidiary Employee subsidiary assignments.
employee\employeeextend Employee extended Aux field information.
employee\employeeaddress Employee address information.
employee\emplphone Employee phone information.
employee\emplemail Employee email information.
Employeelist\usergroupuserlist Employee user group user lists.
Employeeudf\employeeudfoption Employee UDF field options.
exchangerate Exchange rates.
griddictionary\griddata\gridsearchby Grid formats - "search by"
griddictionary\griddata\gridcolumn Grid formats - "grid columns"
initializationstatus\initstatusresource Initialization status - resources
initializationstatus\initstatusconnection Initialization status - connections
inventory style Inventory style information.
job Job titles.
Kitcomponent Kit component information.
Language Languages
Plugindata Plugin (customization) information.
Postalcodes ZIP (Postal Code) information.
Pricelevel Price level information.
Pricerounding Price rounding information.
Printarea\reportgroup\reportgroupitem Print area report group information.
Printareavalue\printertypesetting Print area printer type
Printertype Printer types.
Printertypeassignment Printer type assignments
Prismresource Prism resources
Pubnotificationqueue (researched required)
Purchfeetype Fee types used for purchasing.
Reason Reasons (e.g., Discount Reasons).
Region Regions
Replicationstatus\repstatusresource Replication status resource.
\repstatusdetail Replication status information.
resourcelock (research required)
Season Seasons.
Shippingmethod Shipping Method (e.g., UPS, USPS, FEDEX).
Store\storecurrency Store currency assignment.
storetype Store types.
Subscription\subconnection Connections.
Subscription\subresource Resource subscriptions.
subsidiary Subsidiary information.
Systeminformation\sysinfomodule System information.
Taxarea\taxrule\tax Tax rules.
taxcode Tax codes.
Tenant Tenant information.
Till Tills (for cash drawers).
Timeclock Timeclock information (check in/ check out)
Transformdesign (research required)
usergroup User groups
Userpasswordhistory User password history.
\v9repstatusdetail Replication status information.
zoutcontrol\zoutcontrolaudit Z-Out Audit report.


REST Resources Description
addresstype Address types.
Adjustment - adjcomment Adjustment memo comments.
adjustment - adjitem - adjqty Adjustment memo item quantities.
adjustment - adjitem - adserial Serial number information on adjustment memo items.
adjustment - adjitem - adjlotqty Lot number information on adjustment memo items.
adjustment - adjitem - adjgiftcard Gift card information on adjustment memos.
Allocationpattern - allocationpatternqty Allocation pattern quantities.
Biometrics Biometric login information
Calendar Retail calendar information.
Chargeterm Charge terms.
Comment Comments for transactions.
Company Company information.
Contacttype Contact types.
controller Controller information.
country Countries.
couponset Coupon sets for promotions.
couponsetcoupon Coupon set coupons.
Currency - currencydenomination Currency and currency denominations.
customer - customerclass Customer class information.
customer - customerdocumenthistory Customer document history.
customerudf - customerudfoption Customer UDF fields and options.
customschema Customization schema.
dcs DCS codes.
Docpostflag - docposflagoption POS Flags and options.
document - doccoupon Coupons on POS documents.
document - docdeposit Document deposits.
document - docdiscount Document discounts.
document - docitem - docitemdiscount Document item discounts.
document - doctender - tendercentralgiftcard Central gift card tender information.
document - doctender - tendercentralstorecredit Central store credit tender information.
document - doctender - tendercharge Charge tender information.
document - doctender - tendercheck Check tender information.
document - doctender - tendercreditcard Credit card tender information.
document - doctender - tenderdebitcard Debit card tender information.
document - doctender - tenderforeigncheck Foreign check tender information.
documentfeetype Fee types.
Drawerevent - drawereventcurrency Currency information for drawer events (e.g., Paid In, Paid, Out, Cash Drop).
emailtype Email types.
employee - usergroupuser User group users.
employee - employeestore Employee store assignments.
employee - employeesubsidiary Employee subsidiary assigment
employee - employeeextend Employee extended UDF and Aux field information.
Employee -empladdress Employee address information.
employee - emplphone Employee phone information.
employee - emplemail Employee mail information.
employeeudf - employeeudfoption Employee UDF fields and options.
exchangerate Exchange rates.
griddata - gridcolumn Grid formats - grid column information.
griddata - searchby Grid formats - searchy by information.
inventory - invnquantity Inventory item quantity information.
inventory - invnextend Inventory extended UDF and Aux field information.
inventory - invnkit Kit item information.
inventory - invnprice Item prices.
inventory - invnvendor Item vendor information.
inventory - invnmedia (research required)
inventorystyle Inventory style information.
Invnlot - invnlotqty Inventory lot quantity information.
Invnserial - invnserialqty Item serial quantity.
Invnudf - invnudfoption Inventory UDF fields and options.
job Job titles.
kitcomponent Kit component information.
language Languages.
ltycustcentral - ltycustpgmgiven Points given for the item for loyalty programs.
ltylevel - ltylevelprogram For reward items, the loyalty level and loyalty program assigned to the item.
markdown - markdownadj Markdown adjustments.
markdown - markdownitem Markdown items.
mediatype (research required)
pcppromotion - pcpvalidationitemrule - pcpvalidationfilterelement Filter element information for promotion validation rules.
pcppromotion - pcppromotionbusinessunit (research required)
pcppromotion - pcppromotiondistrict District information on promotions.
pcppromotion - pcppromotionpricelevel Price level information on promotions.
pcppromotion - pcppromotionstore Store information on promotions.
pcppromotion - pcprewarditemdisctier Reward item information on promotions.
pcppromotion - pcpvalidationcoupon Coupons used in promotion validation rules.
pcppromotion - pcprewardotheritemrule - pcprewardfilterelement Filter element information for promotion reward items.
Phonetype Phone types.
Pisheetdata Physical Inventory sheet information.
Plugindata Plugin (customization) information.
pricelevel Price levels.
Pricerounding Price rounding information.
printarea - printareavalue Print area settings.
purchaseorder - poterm Purchase order payment terms.
purchaseorder - pofee Purchase order fees.
purchaseorder - poapproval Purchase order approval status.
purchaseorder - poitem - poquantity Purchase order item quantity.
purchfeetype Fee types used on purchase orders
reason Reasons (e.g., Discount Reasons).
receiving - recvtapproval Approval status for receiving vouchers.
receiving - recvcomment Comments for receiving vouchers.
receiving - recvfee Fees on receiving vouchers.
receiving - recvterm Terms used on receiving vouchers.
receiving - recvitem Voucher items.
receiving - recvpackage Shipping packages on receiving vouchers.
Region - regionsubsidiary Regional subsidiary information.
Replicationstatus - repstatusresource - repstatusdetail Replication status detail.
Scale - scaleattribute Attributes for grid scales.
Scale - scalesize Sizes for grid scales.
scalepattern - scalepatternqty Scale pattern quantities.
season Seasons
shippingmethod Shipping method (e.g., UPS, USPS, FEDEX)
store Store information.
storetype Store types.
subscription - subresource Resource subscriptions.
subsidiary Subsidiary information.
taxarea - taxrule - tax Tax rules for tax areas.
taxcode Tax code information.
tenant Tenant information.
till Tills (for cash drawers).
timeclock Timeclock information
title Titles for customers and vendor contact persons.
touchmenu - touchbutton Touch POS menu buttons.
transfeetype Transfer fee types.
transferorder - torditem Transfer order items.
transferslip - slipitem Transfer slip items.
transferslip - slipcomment Transfer slip comments
transferslip - slipfee Transfer slip fees.
transformdesign (research required)
transrule Transfer resolution rules.
usergroup User groups.
userpasswordhistory User password history.
vendor - vendorterm Vendor payment terms.
vendor - vendoraddress Vendor address information.
vendor - vendorcontact Vendor contact information.
vendorinvoice Vendor invoices
vendorudf - vendorudfoption Vendor UDF fields and options
zoutcontrol - zoutcontrolaudit Z-Out reports


RPC Methods

RPC Method Description
deleteschedtaskruns Called to delete a scheduled task.

REST Resources

REST Resource Description

scheduledtask - scheduledtaskrun

Scheduled tasks.


RPC Methods

RPC Method Description
exportidentity Export the identity script.
getcomputerinfo Get computer system information.
getservertimezone Get the time zone of the Prism server.
joinenterprise Join the enterprise.
leaveenterprise Leave the enterprise.
removesubordinateprism Remove a subordinate server from the enterprise.
renameservercomputer Rename the Prism server machine.
servermaintenancestatus Get server maintenance status.
setwinservices Set Windows services.
sslapply Apply SSL certificates.
zipcodeinjection Inject ZIP Code data into the database (ZIP Code Lookup feature).

REST Resources

Resource Description
controller Controller table.
currency Currencies.
logfile Log files.
prismconfig Prism configuration information.
prismresource Prism resources.
Remote connection - remconsubscription Remote connection - subscription information.
store Store information.
Subsidiary Subsidiary information.
Tenant Tenant table.
winservice Windows services information.
workstation Workstation information.