Updated: April 12, 2024 8:40am

Vouchers Overview

Receiving Vouchers vs. Transfer Vouchers
Vouchers in Prism record the items and quantities received in the following situations:

  • Shipments from Vendors
  • Transfers

This chapter deals with using vouchers to receive shipments of merchandise from a vendor. (You can filter the list of ASNs/Vouchers by adding the "Slip Flag" column to ASN/Voucher Lookup grids. When the Slip Flag is set to True, it means the ASN/Voucher was created from a transfer slip. If set to False, the ASN/Voucher was not created from a transfer slip. For information about using vouchers to receive transferred merchandise, see Chapter 26. Transfer Verification)
About Receiving Vouchers/Return Vouchers
To bring new items and quantities into inventory, retailers create receiving vouchers. Each receiving voucher records the items and quantities received from a vendor (or in the case of a return voucher, the items and quantities being returned to a vendor).
Updating a voucher does the following:

  • Adds the quantities received into inventory for the receiving store
  • Optionally updates inventory Cost (based on Costing Method in preferences)
  • Updates the Last Received date in inventory for each item received
  • Enters the First Received date in inventory for each item that does not yet have a First Received date
  • If the voucher references a PO, updates the PO fill status.
  • Advances the voucher numbering sequence by one

Note: The following basic steps do not include advanced receiving features like shipping packages and batch receiving.

Receiving Basic Steps

  1. Configure permissions and preferences as needed.
  2. Start a new voucher.
  3. If referencing a purchase order, enter the PO # and then click PO Items to select the PO items to bring to the voucher.
  4. Make any necessary changes to discounts, fees, or freight. Note: Permissions control the ability to edit various parts of a voucher.
  5. (Optional) If spreading costs, spread costs.
  6. Update the voucher.

Sample voucher:
New voucher

Referencing a PO on a Voucher
Referencing a PO is the fastest and most accurate way to receive or return merchandise that was ordered on the PO. A voucher can reference, and thus receive or return against, only one PO. In some cases, an advanced shipping notice (ASN) is generated from the purchase order. You can generate a voucher from an ASN, or do batch receiving.

Spreading Costs
Many retailers also like to include freight, discounts, and taxes when calculating cost. Users have the option of spreading these values on vouchers, distributing the amounts proportionally across the voucher items.

Return Vouchers
Return vouchers are used to return damaged or unneeded items to a vendor. Users with the required security permission can change the Voucher Type to Return.


  • Prism has its own preferences for purchasing/receiving. Retail Pro 9 preferences for purchasing/receiving are not used by RP Prism.
  • You can enter serial/lot number items on POs; however, you cannot enter the items on a voucher to receive the merchandise. This is a known issue. If a voucher has serial or lot number items, you should instead receive the voucher in Retail Pro 9.
  • To print the Cost Handling Code on vouchers, you must create an onBeforePrint method in the voucher document design. See "Printing Lot Type, Serial Type and Cost Handling Code" in the Prism Document Designer document.

Voucher and Vendor Invoice Permissions
A number of permissions enable you to control employee access to voucher and vendor invoice features.