Updated: November 28, 2023 2:28pm

Excluded Items from Promotions

Retailers often have items that cannot be discounted (e.g. because of agreements with the vendors). To ensure that an item is not included in a promotion, add a filter that excludes the item(s), using the "Does not Equal" operator.
When applying promotions, certain items are excluded from consideration:

Exclusion Description
Order Items Order items, including fulfillment items, are not considered for promotions.
Return Items  Return items are not considered for promotions. Referenced returns retain any discount information from the original sale.
Broken Kit Items (header) When a kit is broken, the header item is not considered for promotions. Instead, the resulting kit components are considered.
Package Component Items When a package is present on a transaction, the components are not considered for promotions.
Gift Card Items Gift Card purchases are not considered for promotions. Conceptually, this is a tender exchange.
Gift Certificate Items Gift Certificate purchases are not considered for promotions. Conceptually, this is a tender exchange.