Updated: September 30, 2019 2:01pm

Voucher/ASN Columns

Prism enables users to customize grid layouts in many program areas. Among the areas where grids can be customized is Vouchers and ASNs. You can specify the columns displayed in the UI and select columns that can be added on the fly by the user when working in that area. Define grid formats in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Grid Formats.  


Column Label Type(length) Description
Alt Alu STRING(20) Alternate Lookup (ALU) value assigned to the item by the alternate vendor. Alternate vendor fields are used when an item can be ordered from multiple vendors. Each vendor has its own "alternate" values for Vendor Code, Cost and UPC/ALU).
Alt Cost NUMBER(16,4) Cost assigned to the item by the alternate vendor. Alternate vendor fields are used when an item can be ordered from multiple vendors. Each vendor has its own "alternate" values for Vendor Code, Cost and UPC/ALU.
Alt Upc NUMBER(18) UPC for the item by the alternate vendor. Alternate vendor fields are used when an item can be ordered from multiple vendors. Each vendor has its own "alternate" values for Vendor Code, Cost and UPC/ALU.
Alt Vend Code STRING(6) Vendor Code for the item from the alternate vendor. Alternate vendor fields are used when an item can be ordered from multiple vendors. Each vendor has its own "alternate" values for Vendor Code, Cost and UPC/ALU.
ALU STRING(20) Alternate Lookup.
Archived NUMBER(1) Archived status.
Attribute STRING(8) Item attribute (e.g. color or second size).
Carton No STRING(20) Carton number in the shipping package.
Carton Status NUMBER(10) Carton status.
Cost NUMBER(16,4) Item cost.
Created By STIRNG(30) Employee who created the document.
Created Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date the document was created.
Currency NUMBER(5) Currency assigned to the vendor. Used for determining Foreign Currency Cost.
Cust Fld STRING(47) Custom field. Used in customizations.
Dcs Code STRING(9) Three- to nine-character code that identifies the full department-class-subclass to which the item is assigned.
Description 1 - Description 2 STRING(20) Item description fields.
Ext Cost NUMBER(16,4) Extended cost for the item. Doc Qty x Cost.
Ext Price NUMBER(16,4) Extend price for the item. Doc Qty x Price.
Fc cost NUMBER(16,4) Item cost in the vendor's assigned currency.
From Asn NUMBER(1) Generated from ASN status.
Item Note 1 - Item Note 10 STRING(350) Item note fields.
Itempos NUMBER(5) Item position in the item list.
Itemsize STRING(8) Item size.
Itemuid NUMBER(18) Identifies the item.
Last Received Date DATE Most recent date the item was received on a voucher.
Last Sold Date DATE Date the item was last sold.
Lot Number   Lot Number information
Modified By STRING(30) Employee who last modified the document.
Modified Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date the document was last modified.
Orig Cost NUMBER(16,4) Original cost for the item on the document, before any discounts or other changes.
Orig Qty NUMBER(10,3) Original quantity for the item on the document, before any changes.
Post Date DATE Date the document was posted to the RIL database.
Price NUMBER(16,4) Item Price.
Qty NUMBER(10,3) Doc Quantity.
Scan Upc NUMBER(18) Scanned UPC.
Serial No   Serial number.
Shipping Amt NUMBER(16,4) Shipping amount.
Sn Active NUMBER(1) Serial number active status.
Sn Adjusted NUMBER(1) Serial number adjusted status.
Sn Qty NUMBER(10,3) Serial number quantity.
Sn Received NUMBER(1) Serial number received status.
Sn Returned NUMBER(1) Serial number returned status.
Sn Returned to Vnd NUMBER(1) Serial number returned to vendor status.
Sn So Reserved NUMBER(1) Serial number "Reserved on SO" status.
Sn Sold NUMBER(1) Serial number Sold status.
Sn Transferred NUMBER(1) Serial number transferred status.
Spread Fee Amt NUMBER(16,4) Spread fee amount.
Store Qty NUMBER(10,3) Store on-hand quantity
Tax Amt Excl NUMBER(17,5) The tax amount to be added to the subtotal when calculating the total.  This amount does not affect the cost of goods received unless you spread the tax amount over all items received.
Tax Amt Incl NUMBER(17,5) The tax amount recorded but not included in the voucher total.  This amount does not affect the cost of goods received.
Tax Perc NUMBER(16,4) Tax percentage for the item in the current user's store.
Tax Perc 2 NUMBER(16,4) Tax percentage for the second tax area (used in multi-tax environments).
Udf Value 1 - Udf Value 4 STRING(50) Item user-defined fields, taken from the item's inventory record.
Upc NUMBER(18) Universal product code.