Updated: April 15, 2024 7:39am


Resend Data Tool

The Resend Data Tool resends a selected data resource from one Prism server to another. It may be necessary to resend selected data from time to time for troubleshooting and other purposes. You can apply filters like Date Range, SID, Document Number or Store to resend only a subset of the selected data resource.
You can run the Resend Data Tool using the following methods:

  • GUI: The Resend Data Tool has a user interface where you can select the database type, resource, and other options.
  • Command Line: You can run the Resend Data Tool from the command line using the provided command line parameters.

By default, the tool will create RESEND and PROCESSED directories when it is run. The RESEND directory is where you would put files which contain the SIDs for data you want to resend. After those files have been processed, they get moved to the PROCESSED folder. Optionally the RESEND and PROCESSED folder locations can be set using the -resenddir and -processeddir command line arguments. Files can be deleted from the PROCESSED folder using the -deleteprocessed argument.
Files should be text files (the file extension doesn't matter). The naming of the files is important. They must start with the data resource name (inventory, receiving, document, etc) followed by an underscore ‘_' and a unique number.
Ex. inventory_1.txt
Inside the files should be a comma separated list of SID's. Length should not exceed 1000 SID's per file.
Ex. 666168449000176332, 666832134000155004, 666832134000155005
Sample Resend Data Tool directory structure:
Resend Data Tool directories 
Version Compatibility
Compatible with Prism 1.14.* and 2.*.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64)
The Resend Data Tool sends data for a selected resource to any connected system that is subscribed to that resource. There is no way to send data to a specific system.

GUI Usage
1.) Navigate to the \dist\ folder and launch the executable for the Resend Data Tool (e.g., PrismResendData_1_13.exe). The Resend Data Tool UI is displayed.
Sample Resend Data Tool UI:
Resend Data Tool UI 
2) Select the DB Type.
3.) Set the Hostname.
4.) Select the data resource to resend.
5.) Select the filter type.
6.) If using a date range filter, enter a From Date and To Date.
7.) If using a SID, Doc Num, Store Code, or Empl ID filter enter them as a coma separated list.
8.) Click the 'Resend Data' button.
Command Line Usage
Example command to resend data to a server named poa1 with an Oracle database. Files in the RESEND directory will be processed and then moved to the PROCESSED folder.
PrismResendData.exe -server poa1 -dbtype oracle
Command Line Arguments
You can see these arguments in the PrismResendData UI by selecting Help > About.

Argument Description
-server Server hostname
-dbtype Database type: Oracle or MySQL.
-deleteprocessed Deletes files in the \processed\ folder.
-resenddir Path to resend directory.
-processeddir Path to processed directory.

You can review logs for the tool in the \dist\LOGS\ folder.
Sample Log Entries
2023-10-13 17:15:14.280 [INFO] System Name: [System Name]
2023-10-13 17:15:14.280 [INFO] Prism Price Update Tool Version: 1.9
2023-10-13 17:15:14.280 [INFO] Server: zc-poa1 DBType: oracle
2023-10-13 17:15:14.280 [INFO] Processing File: C:\PrismResendData\dist\RESEND\inventory_1.txt
2023-10-13 17:15:14.280 [INFO] Resending Data...
2023-10-13 17:15:14.280 [INFO] Resource: Inventory
2023-10-13 17:15:16.476 [INFO] Selection SQL: select count(*) from rps.invn_sbs_item t where t.publish_status = 0 and t.sid in (666168449000176332, 666832134000155004)
2023-10-13 17:15:16.476 [INFO] Record Count: 2
2023-10-13 17:15:16.554 [INFO] Resending Complete
2023-10-13 17:15:16.554 [INFO] Moving C:\PrismResendData\dist\RESEND\inventory_1.txt to C:\PrismResendData\dist\PROCESSED\inventory_1.txt
2023-10-13 17:15:16.570 [INFO] Processing File: C:\PrismResendData\dist\RESEND\receiving_1.txt
2023-10-13 17:15:16.570 [INFO] Resending Data...
2023-10-13 17:15:16.570 [INFO] Resource: Receiving
2023-10-13 17:15:16.633 [INFO] Selection SQL: select count(*) from rps.voucher t where t.held = 0 and t.publish_status = 0 and ((t.vou_class = 0 and t.status = 4) or (t.vou_class = 2 and t.status = 3)) and t.sid in (9140874492233965150, 9135569212285232976)
2023-10-13 17:15:16.633 [INFO] Record Count: 2
2023-10-13 17:15:16.665 [INFO] Resending Complete
2023-10-13 17:15:16.665 [INFO] Moving C:\PrismResendData\dist\RESEND\receiving_1.txt to C:\PrismResendData\dist\PROCESSED\receiving_1.txt