Updated: April 16, 2024 1:22pm

Prism Tech Toolkit

Prior version: 1.14.7 Tech Toolkit PDF

Current version: 2.2 Tech Toolkit PDF

The Prism Tech Toolkit provides a central portal for administrators to carry out various system tasks. The toolkit is web-based so users can access the toolkit via the same web browser they use to launch and run Prism.
Important Points

  • TTK can open on any system in enterprise. From that one location, a technician can do all the operations -except Rename Host
  • Avoid making unintended changes to servers. Most of the operations in the toolkit are based on the server selected on the left side. Before making changes, make sure to select the desired server on the left side.

To launch Tech Toolkit:
Append /TTK to the Prism server FQDN or hostname:
3. Enter login credentials. Log into the Tech Toolkit as an Administrator. Many functions of the toolkit, such as starting/stopping services with Service Manager, require administrator privileges.

Top Menu Options
Along the top of the Tech Toolkit screen is a set of tabs that provide access to different areas of the toolkit.
TTK top menu 
The following table lists the top menu options:

Tab Description
System  System information. This is the default.
Services The Service Manager area of the toolkit enables you to easily start/stop services and change configuration from a central portal.
SSL SSL Manager. In this area, users can install SSL certificates on machines running Prism
Scheduler Schedule tasks to be run on a regular interval using Scheduler
Logs Log Viewer. View/search logs for Prism services from one central portal.
Data Utilities This area provides access to various tools including ZIP Code injection, SRO (Sales, Receiving, On-order), and PII Removal Tool.

Side (hamburger) Menu Enterprise Management Options
The left side of the Technician's Toolkit main screen displays the servers in the enterprise in a hierarchical format. The Technician's Toolkit includes functionality for adding and removing servers from the enterprise hierarchy. To work with a server, select it on the left side.
Important! The server selected on the left side is the server to which any configuration changes will be applied. Take care not to select the wrong server and make unintended changes to a system. The server's name is also displayed in the header of whichever tab is selected. This enables users to easily verify the server.

Server Menu Option Description
Client Details Information about the client machine.
Store Assignments

(added in Prism 2.1) This setting enables users to select the installations for which this controller is "in charge" and for which the reference ASNs will be sent downstream.
An ASN will be generated if a transfer slip is received during replication and:

  • The slip has no reference document
  • The controller where the slip is received is the controller for the destination store (To Store on the transfer slip)

After the ASN is created at the HQ, the ASN will replicate throughout the enterprise unless the appropriate Advanced Filters are created for the receiving resource. In most cases, the desire is to replicate the ASN down the enterprise tree only to the destination store.

Add Subordinate server Prism servers must be added to the enterprise in a top-down manner. Select this option to add a subordinate server to the root authority server (or to an intermediate-level POA).
Add Former Server If a server was previously joined to a Prism enterprise and then that server was later removed, use the "Add Former Server" option to rejoin the server to the enterprise.
Remove Server Remove a subordinate server from the enterprise.
Export Identity  Create the Export Server Identity file. If Prism needs to be reinstalled, you must reference the Server Identity File during the Prism Server installation.
Rename Server Provides access to the Rename Server tool.
Log Out Log out of the currently logged-in server.

Click the System tab to display information about the logged-in user's system. Technicians can view operating system, hard disk and memory information as well as Prism component build information. This information can be useful during troubleshooting.
Sample System Info in Tech Toolkit
TTK System tab

The following table has information about the System tab information:
Operating System Information

Fiel Description
Machine name Name of the host or virtual machine.
Operating system Operating system installed on the machine.
OS Details OS version and build information.
OS Architecture OS architecture (e.g. intel x64).
OS Platform OS Platform. (Currently Windows is the only supported platform)
OS System Path Path to the OS system files.

CPU Information

Field Description
CPU Name Name of the processor being used.
CPU Speed Processor speed. For example, a reading of 3392 indicates a processor speed of 3.4 GHz.
CPU Count Number of CPU cores on the system.
CPU Architecture CPU Architecture (e.g. x86).
CPU Identity Additional information that identifies the manufacturer of the processor.
CPU Revision Revision number of the processor.

Hard Disk Information

Field Description
HD Space Amount of hard disk space on the system (in kilobytes).
HD Space Available Amount of hard disk space currently available.
HD Type Hard Disk type (e.g. Fixed Disk).
HD File System Hard Disk file system type.  Currently NTFS is the only file system supported.
HD Volume Name Hard Disk volume name.

Memory Information

Field Description
Memory Total Amount of total RAM on the system
Memory Available Amount of RAM currently available.
Memory in Use Percentage of the total RAM that is currently in use.

Version Information
The Version Information area enables you to easily see the specific build of individual Prism applications and services.

System Information via REST API
Returns details about the host machine in same format as the current TTK.

In the Services area, you can start and stop services, view info about dependencies and change configuration settings. To stop or start services in Services Manager, you must have administrator privileges.
Select the Service Manager tab from the menu and select the desired service from the list.
Click the service you want to start, stop or configure. A set of buttons enable you to start or stop the service.
Click the gear icon to change configuration settings.
Sample Services tab:
TTK Services tab

Prism HealthCheck
The HealthCheck monitors Prism stability and integrity. It monitors Prism services and log files. Each of these monitoring processes can be turned off/on and configured in the PrismTechToolKit.ini file. All keys of the ini file can be updated from the UI. By default, the HealthCheck runs every 60 seconds; you can configure the interval. At the entry point of each run cycle, the HealthCheck monitor checks the config file to determine which monitoring checkpoints are turned on or off, as well as their settings. These settings are loaded dynamically each run cycle so there is no need to restart PrismTechToolKitService when there is a change.

The SSL tool is used to install an SSL certificate to a Prism server, or to revert from SSL secured to unsecured.
The SSL tool has been enhanced in Prism 2.0 by streaming the certificate and key files from a location on the computer used to run Tech Toolkit to the Prism server where it gets applied to that server. These could be the same computer, but they could be different computers. In past versions of the SSL tool the certificate and key files had to be located on the server computer that was to be secured with SSL.
This means it is possible to have certificates and key files for several servers located on a remote computer, for example, at an HQ computer where the certificates may have been created for each store in the enterprise. Then, from the HQ computer, install those certificates on each store computer remotely,
To use the SSL tool, then, the certificate and key files must be on the computer you are using to run Tech Toolkit. This could be the same computer as the server computer, but it doesn't have to be.

To install SSL certificates:
Browse to the location of the certificate file.
Browse to the location of the .pem file.
Click Update Prism Config.

Special Steps for Proxy Only Machines
Machines that have only the Proxy installed (no Prism Server, no DRS) require special consideration.
1.    Install the certificate and the key files.
2.    Click Update Prism. A confirmation is displayed, explaining that Apache and RabbitMQ must be stopped and then restarted.
3.    Launch the Proxy using the desktop shortcut.
4.    You will be prompted to enter the domain name for the certificate. Enter your company's domain name. Click OK. (If you don't enter the domain name, the connection will be insecure.)

SSL Manager check of Prism Components
The SSL Manager will detect which Prism components are on the machine: Prism Server and/or the Prism Proxy. This is especially important when the machine in question is a "Proxy only" machine.

  • If Prism Server is on the machine, the SSL Manager will modify the prism.conf file to apply the certificates.
  • If the Proxy is installed, the SSL Manager will apply the certificate file names to the Proxy.ini file.

Once the certificates are applied, the SSL Manager will alert the user to restart services as needed. If the proxy is being secured, that will also need a restart.

SSL Certificates for Centrals
To use Centrals using SSL, a Centrals server's current SSL Certificate and Private Key need to be loaded in the SSL tab of Web TTK on the Centrals server. After restarting Apache on the Centrals server to access Web TTK again the URL must include the FQDN (hostname + Domain extension) of the Centrals server. Do not forget to clear the browser cache, as it remembers the unsecured connection and will interfere with secure access.
On each Prism server from which the Centrals server is accessed (including the Centrals server itself), the Centrals server name in Admin Console > Installation Defaults, should be entered as the Centrals server's FQDN. Additionally, each machine accessing the Centrals server must have loaded the Centrals server's Certification Authority's certificate IF that CA is not one of the common CAs for which the certificate is already available in Windows.

The Scheduler user interface in Tech Toolkit enables users to adjust the timing and other settings of the currently defined tasks. End users cannot manually add new tasks to Scheduler at this time (like you can with Windows Scheduler); however, certain Prism features such as markdowns, price changes and updating SRO quantities can be scheduled from within the Prism Tech Toolkit Scheduler tool (which will add a task to Scheduler0. The main use for the Scheduler UI in Tech Toolkit, is to provide an easy way for users to adjust the settings of existing scheduled tasks such as time of day to run, interval/how often (daily, every other day), or to turn a task off.
Key Uses of Scheduler UI in Tech Toolkit

  • Adjust default settings of tasks to better match business hours, data loads, or other factors
  • Check the success or status of specific scheduled tasks
  • From time to time, delete once-only tasks that have successfully run

Click the Scheduler tab on the Tech Toolkit menu. You will see the list of defined tasks:
The Tech Toolkit Scheduler is a user interface to the Retail Pro PrismSchedulingService. The PrismSchedulingService is a Windows service that runs in the background and executes tasks defined in Scheduler. Tasks are API processes, technically termed "actions," which perform specific functions.
Existing Tasks in Scheduler

Task Description
Customer History Daily Process Generates Customer History records from POS transactions and customer orders. Repeats every 15 minutes.
Customer History Initialize Process This is a one-time operation set to run during the night after  the new CH feature is first installed. This process generates CH records from past transactions. After that, the CH Daily process is responsible for generating CH records as customer transactions are created.
Purge ScheduledTaskRun records This is a system housekeeping task that clears out past task run history records based on the value in DaysOfRunHistory field in each task record. A value of 0 means keep all task run records. A value greater than 0 means keep only the most recent days. All repeating tasks, should have an appropriate number of "keep" days otherwise the DB will be overloaded needlessly.
Update active season This task updates the Active Season, if needed, based on the date range for Seasons defined in Prism preferences. The Active Season is used for seasonal pricing and is displayed in Subsidiary and Store records.
Cleanup PI Sheet When a user deletes a PI sheet, the UI filters the sheet from the display; however, the actual deletion is handled behind the scenes by the Cleanup PI Sheet task. The task is automatically activated when there are PI sheets. When activated, the task will run once a day by default. You can configure the task to run as often as needed.
Purge Resource The Purge Resource task is used with the PII Removal tool in the Prism Web TTK. The PII Removal tool enables retailers to comply with customer requests to remove personal data from the system as specified under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. The Purge Resource task removes certain personally identifiable information (customer/vendor/employee email/name/address etc.) and replaces it with generic data.

View Task Information
Click a task in the list to display details about the task. Note: There are restrictions on what fields can be edited and which tasks can be deleted.

Task Parameters

Parameter Description
Start Date Day and time the task will start.
End Date Day and time the task will end, If null then no end date.
Start Time Start time for the time frame that the task can be run.
End Time End time for the time frame that the task can be run.
Active True if the task should be run currently. Inactive tasks will not be run.
Task Run Interval (Once Only, Daily, Weekly).
Recur Every Recur Every is based on Frequency, for instance if set to Daily and Recur Every is 1 the task will run every day, If set to 2 the task will run every other day.
Repeat Every (Min) Repeat every N Seconds or Minutes.
TimeOut(Secs) Number of seconds to wait for service to start. Default 60 seconds with a 0 meaning wait forever, -1 meaning do not wait at all, Positive integer is how many seconds to wait.
Days of Week (weekly tasks only) Seven-character string of 0s or one. specifying SMTWTFS with 0 being false and 1 being true.
Max Retries on Error  Tells the Scheduling service to set a task to not active if it throws consecutive errors. User can re-set task to active and execution cycle will attempt again. If Max Retries is null or zero, it is ignored by Scheduling service.
Days of Run History Tells the Scheduling service to keep only number of days of task run records for the task, with days being calculated from the current date. Therefore, this is intended only for those tasks that run on a continual cycle such as Customer History Daily Process. Default is 0, meaning keep all history. Positive number of days will define how many days of run history to keep.
Workstation Must be populated only for some tasks whose action requires a workstation "sit", such as Price Manager actions. Otherwise, can be left blank. However, if populated for a task that does not require it, the workstation populated must be valid otherwise the task will not run.
Action Url Action URL with parameters. This is the path to the resource in the Prism API and the type of action that will be performed.
(e.g.  /api/common/?action=updateseason )
Note: You should not edit the Action URL.
Action Payload If required, a JSON CLOB for the request payload.
Note: You should not edit the Action Payload.
Task Edit/Delete Settings Default = OK Edit & Delete.
Task Type Code Four-character alpha-numeric free-form field to allow users to group or filter tasks. For example: PM for price manager, PMM for price manager markdown, or SYS for system. (Note: Currently grouping and filtering has not been implemented in the UI but will be in later release as more tasks get added to the Scheduler.)   
Public Flag Only Public schedules will be replicated. (Note: Currently not implemented)

Note: Adjust Customer History Daily Process for High Volume Environments
If you will be operating Prism in a high-volume environment in which all or most of the customers are defined customers in the database, special configuration is required to ensure that Customer History is processed more quickly than the default setting of once every 15 minutes. In a high-volume environment, when using the default Customer History settings, transactions will accumulate before the next processing. By setting the processing timer to a smaller value, e.g. two minutes or five minutes, customer history will be processed more quickly, preventing the build-up of unprocessed transactions.
•    High Volume POS transactions for Customer History purposes means transactions with customers that have an account. If half of the transactions are to customers without an account with the store, Customer History processing ignores those when fetching documents to process - so no impact on memory.
•    When setting RepeatEvery to a lower number, Days of Run History should be reduced to 2 or 3 so that Prism is not storing needless thousands of run history records.
•    These edits can also be made directly in the Scheduled Task grid.
•    Default Start and EndTimes should be tweaked per store business hours. Otherwise Customer History will run needlessly and create task run records.

Prism Tech Toolkit includes a built-in Log Viewer that makes it easy to review logs of system activity. Click the Logs tab on the top menu to access the Log Viewer.
A separate log in is required to view logs. The default username/password is "loguser/loguser". After successful login you will see a list of available log areas.
After viewing a log, to return to the log list click the arrow button.
Log Folder Authorization - Creating Users and Passwords
When opening the Web TTK, Log Files tool, the user is prompted to enter valid credentials created using the Apache password tool. After installing 1.14.7 release (or later), at least one password must be created to access the Logs folder from Web TTK. New users and passwords are created or updated using the Apache password tool, htpasswd:
Log settings (for things like the number of days of logs to retain) are stored in the PrismLogging.ini file. The PrismLogging.ini file is found in …\ProgramData\RetailPro\Server\Conf). PrismLogging.ini has a [global] section and sections for each Prism service. The settings defined in the [global] section apply to all services by default. To override the default settings in the [global] section of the PrismLogging.ini file, edit the corresponding section for the service. The settings in the [global] section apply to all services unless a different setting is entered in the file for the individual service.
Changes to the log settings should be made from the TechToolKit user interface, in the Services tool, as explained above in the Services tool section. Making changes directly to the INI file should be avoided as it could cause unforeseen results.

Data Utilities - ZIP Code Injection
The Data Utilities - ZIP Code Injection area of Tech Toolkit is where you populate the database with the list of ZIP Codes defined in Admin Console > Node Preferences > System > General: ZIP Code Lookup.
The ZIP Code lookup feature enables a user to type in a ZIP Code for a customer or vendor address and Prism will fill in the City and State information. In Admin Console > Node Preferences > System > General, specify which address fields should be populated with the City and State information (e.g. Address 3).
Using ZIP Code lookup has several benefits:

  • Ensures addresses have correct address information. It is easier to correctly enter a five-digit ZIP Code than the city, state and zip.
  • Ensures state information is entered in a consistent format (e.g. California is entered as CA, instead of California, Calif., CAL or other variation).

Basic Steps for ZIP Code Lookup
1.    Enable the ZIP Code lookup in preferences.
2.    Use the Data Utilities - ZIP Code Injection feature in Tech Toolkit to populate the database with ZIP Code data (approximately two hours required; plan accordingly)
3.    When entering a customer or vendor address, you must enter complete postal codes 5 digits for US and 7 digits for Canada including the space.
Enable ZIP Code Lookup in Preferences
Navigate to Admin Console > Node Preferences > System > General.
Click the Enable Postal Code Lookup checkbox.
In the City dropdown, select the Address field where the City information will be written.
In the State dropdown, select the field where the State information will be written.
In the State Format dropdown, select Full or Abbreviated. Save the changes.

Populate the database with ZIP Code data
Populating the database with ZIP Code data takes one to two hours. Plan accordingly.
Before you can run the Data Utilities tool to populate the database with ZIP Code data, you need a database connection (not a REST connection). Add a new connection or edit an existing connection so that the Type field is set to "Database."
Launch the Prism Technician's Toolkit.
Select Data Utilities > ZIP Code Injection. Click Execute ZIP Code Injection. The process will take between 1 and 2 hours depending on several factors.
Tech Toolkit Zip Code Injection
Postal Code Lookup at POS
Start a new customer (or vendor) record or edit an existing record. Customers and vendors can have multiple addresses. Add a new address or edit an existing address.
In the Postal Code field, enter a complete five-digit ZIP Code for the U.S. or seven-digit code for Canada. Navigate out of the Postal Code field. The City and State information is automatically entered in the field(s) specified in preferences. During address creation/edit, if the entered ZIP Code matches a specific City and State and then the user edits the City/State values to differ from the automatically populated values, the manually entered values take precedent. In some cases, a single postal code will match multiple locales. If that happens, a list of the matching results is displayed so the user can select the desired locale to use to populate the City and State info.

Data Utilities - SRO Tool
The Prism SRO tool enables you to update sold, received, and order totals for a store for a specific date range. This provides a clearer picture of Company On-Hand and Store On-Hand quantities. Running SRO on a regular basis helps managers and other  key personnel make better decisions about replenishing inventory and avoiding stockouts. For example, if after running SRO, the retailer sees that several quantities of an item are due in on a purchase order, then a new order or transfer may be unneeded.
You can run SRO at any time to update sold, received, and on order. You choose which documents to include when running SRO: receipts, vouchers and/or purchase orders. You also define the date range to consider for each document type.
SRO can be run as a one-time manual operation and/or as a scheduled task.
Why is SRO necessary?
Items are constantly being sold, received, transferred, etc., throughout the enterprise. As a result, the store on-hand and company on-hand quantities that a user sees may be different than the "true" OH Qty when taking all documents into account. Running the SRO utility gives retailers the most accurate snapshot of Inventory.

SRO Data is Maintained Locally
SRO data does not replicate with inventory.

Basic Steps for SRO
Navigate to Technician's Toolkit and log in. To navigate to Technician's Toolkit, append /TTK to the Prism server address:
Select Data Utilities > SRO Tool
Define one or more presets that include the documents and date ranges you want to analyze.
Schedule the preset to run at certain times or run it immediately.
View the results. The results are viewed in the following database tables:
In each table, the following values are updated: ORDER_QTY, SOLD_QTY and RCVD_QTY
You can control employee access to the SRO tool using the following permissions:

Permission Description
Tech Toolkit - Configure SRO Analysis Allows user to edit SRO configuration.
Tech Toolkit - Run SRO Analysis Allows user to perform SRO analysis.

Access SRO
Navigate to Technician's Toolkit and log in. To navigate to Technician's Toolkit, append /TTK to the Prism server address:
Once you are logged in, click Data Utilities on the top menu and then select SRO Tool.
The SRO Tool user interface enables you select the subsidiaries, stores, document types and date ranges to include in the analysis. The table that follows has a brief description of the UI elements.

SRO Tool User Interface

SRO Tool UI Element Description
Load Preset  Select a predefined preset or click New Preset to create a new preset on the fly.
Preset Name Enter the name of the preset. Maximum 75 characters.
Select SBS/STore The SRO analysis can be limited to specific subsidiaries/stores. Click the pencil icon to display a list of available subsidiaries/stores
Receipts Click the Receipts checkbox to include receipts in the analysis. Including Receipts in the analysis updates the SOLD_QTY value in the database.
Vouchers Click the Vouchers checkbox to include vouchers in the analysis. When you click the checkbox, the Date Range element becomes active, enabling you to define a date range for the analysis. Only purchase orders created within the date range will be included. Including vouchers in the analysis updates the RCVD_QTY value in the database.
For Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs), you have the option of using the Arrival Date instead of the Created Date. By default, the Arrival Date on an ASN is the same as the Created Date; however, it can be changed. For example, say an ASN is generated from a PO. The retailer's relationship with the vendor calls for once-a-month deliveries on the final day of the month. In this type of situation, using the Arrival Date can lead to more accurate results.
SRO tool document date range options:
PO on Order

Click the checkbox to include purchase orders in the analysis. Including purchase orders in the analysis updates the ON_ORDERED_QTY value in the database.
If you select Use Order Date, the analysis for PO will be based on the PO order date rather than the created date.

Date Range You can define a separate date range for each document type. The analysis is limited to documents created within the specified date range.

Presets for SRO
Presets are a way of simplifying and speeding up the process of running SRO. Instead of redefining the same set of criteria each time, presets enable you to define the documents and date ranges to include and save the settings as a group. When it comes time to run the analysis, simply load the desired preset.
You can create as many presets as needed ahead of time or create a new preset on the fly when running the SRO tool.
When a preset is selected, it will repopulate the SRO fields with the preset's settings. SRO can only be run for a saved preset, so if creating a preset on the fly, you will have to save it first before you can run the tool.
Once the needed presets are defined, a user just selects the desired preset when running the tool. Users with the required permission can edit presets if needed.
Preset Name is a required field to give a name to the SRO analysis that is about to be created.

Dynamic Date Options
The SRO tool is meant to be run on a subset of the document history.
Each SRO Date Range has two components:

  • Start point: The point from which the duration will start.
  • Duration: The Duration is relative to the Start Point.


  • Four weeks starting five weeks ago: Four weeks' worth of data will be shown, starting five weeks previous. This means data for the current week is not included.
  • One week starting one week ago: Updates SRO by analyzing the last seven days' worth of documents. Note: This could also be achieved by select a Date Range of Seven Days starting Seven Days Ago.
  • Today: For example, run multiple times throughout the day to keep totals updated.
  • Yesterday: For example, run the SRO in the morning, and select Yesterday for the Dynamic Date.

When adding/editing a preset, you define a date range for each included document type. You can select a manual date range or select one of the predefined dynamic date options.

Date Range Options

Date Range option Description
Specific range Enter specific Start and End dates
n day(s), starting n days ago Duration of days starting X days ago.
n week(s), starting n weeks ago Duration of weeks starting X weeks ago
n month(s), starting n months ago Duration of months starting X months ago.
Today The word Today is inserted, and the date is the current date
Yesterday The word Yesterday is inserted, and the date is the date prior to today
WTD (first of week to today) Date from the previous Sunday as the start date and only includes the dates to the current date. (make sure it does not include the whole week.)
MTD (first of month to today) Begins with the 1st day of the month and only include the dates up to the current date. (Make sure it does not include the whole month)
YTD (first of year to today)  Begins with January 1st and only include dates up to current date. (make sure it does not include the whole months date unless current date is the EOM.)
N Days from n Includes the number of days specified starting with the date selected.

New SRO Analysis
Users will typically schedule the SRO tool to run on a regularly scheduled basis; however, you can run the SRO tool at any time.
Navigate to Tech Toolkit > Data Utilities > SRO Tool
Click the dropdown and load the desired preset. Alternatively, click New Preset to create a new preset.
When you load a preset, the Subsidiaries, Stores, Documents and Document ranges defined in the preset are entered on the new analysis. To select different individual stores, click the pencil icon next to "Select SBS/Store."The documents selected as part of the preset are shown below the store selection.
Click the "Run" button.
The user will not see any indication that anything has happened; however, behind the scenes the following values are updated in the database. These values can be viewed using a tool like PLSQL Developer.
Scheduling SRO
Users can schedule the SRO analysis to take place at regular intervals using the Scheduler tool. After the user saves the preset, the user can select the Schedulebutton to transfer the preset to the scheduler module and complete the editing of the record that is required to run the task.
In Task Scheduler, enter the Days to run the analysis, frequency and any other required fields.
Afterward, check the history of the task to verify it ran.

  1. Launch the SRO Tool.
  2. Select the desired preset.
  3. Click the Scheduler button.
  4. Clicking the button opens the Scheduler module. Enter details for the task and save. (Refer to the Scheduler section of this topic for information about the task fields)
  5. The task is added to the list of tasks.

Viewing SRO Task Run
Once the task has been scheduled, you can launch it from the list of scheduled tasks.
1. Navigate to the Scheduler area of TTK. A list is displayed of the tasks being run by Scheduler, including any defined presets.
2. In the list, click the preset you defined. When you click the task, A UI for working with the task is displayed.
3. Scroll down to the buttons at the bottom of the task. The Task Run History is displayed.
4. Click the ‘X' to close the dialog.

PII Removal
The PII Removal Tool in the Prism Web TTK enables retailers to comply with customer requests to remove personal data from the system as specified under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. GDPR is a European Union regulation on information privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
The PII Removal Tool removes certain personally identifiable information (PII) and replaces it with generic data.

  • Intended for use with one customer at a time. For example, a customer comes in and requests the data be removed. The tool is not meant for clearing all customers' data at a single time. 
  • Doesn't remove modified_by, created_by entries.
  • The Customer SID is not touched.

To Remove PII:
Navigate to Prism Web TTK and log in.
Select Data Utilities > PII Removal Tool.
Select the field by which you want to search for the person and enter search criteria.

  • When searching by Customer or Vendor Contact, you can search by First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number.
  • When searching by Employee, you can search by First Name and Last Name.

Click the Search button. A list of results is displayed to the right.
PII Removal user interface
 Select the desired record in the list of results.
Click Purge Personal and Identifying Information. 
PII Removal results
A message indicates the customer's information is scheduled for removal.
Customer scheduled for PII Removal message
Purge Resource Task
The Purge Resource Task runs daily by default. You can configure the task in Task Scheduler to run more or less often as needed.
The records updated by the PII Removal Tool are replicated as part of Core Resources. There is no option to select or deselect. The updated records will be sent to all stores with a connection to the POA.  The updates will be made at the store locations per each store's scheduled Purge Resource Task.
Search for Employee by Last Name if Data was Migrated from V8 using DMT
If you used the Data Migration Tool to migrate data from legacy Retail Pro 8 to Prism, searches for employees must use the Last Name field only. This is because Retail Pro 8 employees use a single "Full Name" field. Upon export from V8 and import into Prism, the V8 Full Name is copied to the Last Name field in Prism; the First Name field in Prism is set to NULL. Newly created employees will have correct first and last name searches

 Rename Server Tool

Differences between Rename Server Tool in 1.14.7 and 2.0

  • In 1.14.7, the tool was run from the Desktop Prism TechToolkit. In 2.0 the is incorporated in the web-based Prism TechToolkit.
  • In 1.14.7, the tool was called the "Reconfigure Host Computer" tool. In 2.0, it is called "Rename Server."
  • In 1.14.7, the process was divided into two separate steps for the user, requiring the user to re-enter TechToolkit following the completion of the after-reboot program to then run Step 2.
  • In 2.0, this is a one-step process for the user. An enhanced after-reboot program now performs all the former "Step 2" processes (e.g., updating Prism tables, restarting services, and installing the RabbitMQ Shovel program if needed).
  • Users used to have access to the tool while connected to an enterprise; now, the option is hidden on the menu if the machine is connected to the enterprise. This ensures the tool is only run on the local machine.


  • A server must be removed from an enterprise, renamed, then rejoined to the enterprise.
  • The process described in this document requires disconnecting data links between servers; therefore, the process should be done when no sales or other activity is taking place.
  • This tool can only be used on a server used to host Prism and running RabbitMQ.
  • This tool is intended to be used only in conjunction with computer name changes not for changes like changing or joining workgroups or domains.  


Before changing the computer name:
1. Cease all Prism activity on the server.
2. Remove the server from the enterprise if it was joined to a POA (Root or intermediate POA). 
3. Revert the server to "Non-SSL" mode.
4. If the server is joined to a domain, the machine must leave the domain before initiating the rename process. Changing the name of a machine connected to a domain requires making changes to the Active Directory and would need the approval and the credentials of the Domain Administrator. This tool does not have the privileges needed to make such changes. When the rename process completes, rejoining the server to the domain will update the Active Directory. 
After the above preliminary steps are completed:
1. First rename the computer in Windows System properties and DO NOT reboot the computer. After renaming the server in Windows, you will be prompted to restart the computer. However, DO NOT RESTART the computer when prompted by Windows. Instead launch the Rename Server tool and simply run the process. 

  • If you should mistakenly restart the computer, the computer cannot be used for Prism in this state. Similarly, if the TTK Rename Server process rejects the rename attempt because the new name does not meet required naming conventions, the system cannot be used for Prism at this point. The remedy in both of these scenarios is to get the computer name back to the original name used by Prism using the Windows Rename PC steps and rebooting the computer until the computer name is (1) set to the original name used by Prism and (2) confirm you can log into Prism or TTK.

2. At this point, start the rename process again in Windows Rename PC settings dialog, entering a valid name. (See below for naming conventions.) Do not restart the computer. Go directly to TTK's Rename Server feature and run the process. 
Note, that when using Windows Rename PC settings dialog, there may be options in the tabbed dialog form to leave or join a domain, or change Workgroups, or change DNS settings. Do not make any of these changes at the same time you are changing the computer name. A machine that is joined to a domain must leave the domain before attempting to change the name. 
3. If several Prism host computers are connected to a POA or to other Prism servers and they also need to have names changed, then before changing any names:  

  • All affected Prism servers must leave the enterprise and have no Prism connections.
  • All affected Prism servers must revert to "Non-SSL" mode.

4. Change the name on each affected computer and run the Rename Server tool to complete the reconfiguration process on each system. This can be done simultaneously if desired.
5. Generate new SSL certificates, if needed, and then re-join servers to the enterprise. 

Detailed Instructions
Step 1. Change the computer name in Windows
The interface dialogs and steps to change the computer name in Windows will vary depending on your version of Windows. Please consult Windows documentation for the steps for your version of Windows. After renaming the server in Windows, DO NOT RESTART THE COMPUTER!
Step 2. Run the Rename Server tool
You must log in to the computer at startup as the user that installed Prism and RabbitMQ. If Prism was installed by a different user than installed RabbitMQ, log in as the user that installed RabbitMQ. Click the hamburger menu for the server and select the Rename Server option.   
When you select the Rename Server option on the server menu, a modal window opens, displaying the old name is on the left and the new name is on the right. 
Click Execute Remote.
execute rename server

Step 3. System Processes and Reboot
Shortly after "Executing Rename", there will be an error message about losing a connection. This is to be expected so ignore the message. Within 60 seconds the first part of reconfiguration should finish; the computer will reboot automatically. No input is required by the user at this stage.

Step 4. Login and Complete Process
Log back into Windows following the reboot with the same username as the user who installed Prism (as explained above). The reconfiguration process will continue, displaying, in a Windows form, progress messages that describe each step being taken.  This part of the process will take approximately 6-7 minutes.
The Windows progress form will inform when the process completes, giving a specific instruction for re-joining the enterprise.
Sample Message:
Rename start message

Sample Message upon completion of RabbitMQ re-configuration:
RabbitMQ reconfiguration complete message

When the process is finished, the Close button will be enabled. Click Close.
Rename process complete message

Rejoin the Enterprise
When the process completes, log into Tech Toolkit at the POA and use the "Add Former Server" option to rejoin the host computer to the enterprise.
Select this server's name from the list. After selecting, be sure to edit the server address from its old name to the new name before completing the re-join steps.
(Note: If the renamed server had any subordinate servers, rejoin those subordinates to the renamed server before rejoining the POA.)
Regenerate SSL Certificates
If Prism or RabbitMQ are using SSL, their certificates must be regenerated after the rename process completes. After regenerating the certificate for Prism, you may use the Prism Tech Toolkit SSL Manager to apply the new certificate.

Tool Limitations, Caveats, and Server Naming Conventions
This tool can only be used to change server names when both the current and new names are 6 or more alphanumeric characters which comprise an identifiable server name. In addition, per Microsoft naming guidelines, the only special character allowed is a dash "-" within the name, which is recommended. Typical server naming conventions easily meet this standard. 
The remainder of this section is for those sites that do not, for example having a current server host name consisting of only two or three letters. This will explain the challenges of automating a name change for a server hosting a business' ecosystem of interrelated products, and what the options are when this tool cannot be used. 
In particular, for this tool to be effective, the current server name must consist of a unique combination of characters which enables it to successfully scan through several directories for numerous settings and config files and file types, as well as registry keys, and tables that form the Prism ecosystem. 
Each file and registry key that may contain the computer name is searched for the existing computer name and replaced with the new name. 
In some files and registry keys where the computer name is recorded, the name is not clearly identified as the server or host name, as for example, with a key name or label, such  as "server_name=", "host_name=", "computer_name=". In the absence of a name identifier which the tool could search for, it must be able to search for the text comprising the computer name to be changed and replace that text with the new value. 
The existing computer name can be embedded by third party services or apps that integrate with Prism in multiple, non-fixed locations within a dynamically changing 500+ string of characters with no indicator that a particular sequence of characters is the existing computer name. One example is the RabittMQ Args registry key. The size and contents of this key will change over time depending on how RabbitMQ is configured and which plugins are used. Server names are also found in RabbitMQ binary files as well as directory names.
As a result, there is no way automate a reliable search and replace process for commonly used letter combinations such as: "TO" or "COM" or "OS" or "THE" when these are used as the current server name. 
Also, many two letter names such as "CO" or "OM" are included in a Microsoft listing of more than 50 two letter combinations that must not be used as host server names.
Even when a setting is clearly identified with a label indicating it is a computer / host / server / address name, such config keys and properties can be added during third product updates to existing or new config files without Retail Pro being aware of it. 
Without knowing the label used to identify the server name value, this tool would not be able to find and replace it (unless the server name itself was searchable), resulting in an aborted Rename Server process. 
For these reasons, the automated processes of this tool require server names that can be reliably searched for and replaced which is not an issue for the great majority of server naming conventions.
If the current computer name fails to meet this requirement, this tool cannot be used and the renaming and reconfiguration will have to be done manually, as was the case before this tool became available. Contact Tech Support for the instructions to manually reconfigure Prism and RabbitMQ when changing the server's name should this be needed.  

Enterprise Management
The left side of the Technician's Toolkit main screen displays the servers in the enterprise in a hierarchical format. The Technician's Toolkit includes functionality for adding and removing servers from the enterprise hierarchy. The process of adding servers to the enterprise is also referred to as joining the enterprise.
Detailed information can be found in the Prism Getting Started Guide and Prism Enterprise and Connection Manager.
The following table briefly summarizes the server menu tasks available in Technician's Toolkit:

Task Notes
Add Subordinate server to... This task enables a server to join the enterprise. At the POA, select Add Subordinate Server To and then enter the new server's details.
Add former server to ... This task enables a server to rejoin the enterprise if it left the enterprise or was removed.
Remove subordinate server    Forcibly remove a server from the enterprise. Special steps are required to safely remove a subordinate server. See the Prism Enterprise and Connection Manager document.
Export Identity Export the server identity file. The server identity file is required when reinstalling Prism, should that become necessary.
Rename Server Perform necessary reconfiguration when a Prism server has had its named changed in Windows System Properties.

Enterprise Manager API
This section describes the POST requests to invoke Enterprise Manager functionality. All Enterprise Manager processes, except Export Identity Script, are protected by Locks to guard against two instances of the web client simultaneously performing Enterprise Manager actions on the same Prism server.
Export Identity Script
Endpoint: http:///api/techtoolkit/?action=exportidentity
  "data" : [
      "oracle" : true,
      "mysql" : false,
      "controllersid" : "452650935000052000",
      "exportfile" : " Prism_Oracle_IDScript.sql"

The api requires a base filename (no file extension) in the payload and the active Controller's sid. The api generates the sql script file and places it in a download folder (location & name TBD) and returns a response payload with the HTTP link where the file can be downloaded by the user or opened it in a text editor of choice.
Join the Enterprise
Endpoint: http:///api/techtoolkit/?action= joinenterprise
Webclient should require user to first test the connection to the POA before attempting to join. There are several reasons a connection can fail (see below) and, in some cases, the response payload will provide user options to accept the reason for the failure and proceed anyway. The webclient will need to present the the user with the appropriate choices based on the payload response. For this reason, it is more manageable for the webclient to deal with the testconnection step first.
However, as a safeguard, a request to join without a preceding test request will still cause the api to run the testing process first and reject the "join" if test fails.
Example payload for the initial request to test the connection with the POA:
  "data" : [
      "poaserveraddress" : "xx-ora-em64",
      "poausername" : "adminuser",
      "poapassword" : "adminpassword",
      "usessl" : false,
      "testconnectiononly" : true  
Testconnection failure reasons include:
•    POA offline
•    Unable to log into POA
•    Different Prism server versions between POA and local Prism
•    Duplicate controller records - User can accept this, Join can be allowed if user indicates in response to test/join failure that local Prism "claims" the duplicate.
•    Conflicts exist - POA and local have some of the same subsidiaries, store records, etc. - User can accept this, Join can be allowed if user indicates in response to test/join failure if user accepts the conflicts, meaning POA data will overwrite the local Prism where conflicts exist.
•    ReversInitialization Required - User can accept this, Join can be allowed if user indicates in response to test/join failure that user accepts the conflicts, meaning POA
Payload to join is same as above with "testconnectiononly": true. If there were testconnection issues that user accepted in order to join, the following payload indicates additional properties (red color) that can be included to proceed with a join.
  "data" : [
      "poaserveraddress" : "xx-ora-em64",
      "poausername" : "adminuser",
      "poapassword" : "adminpw",
      "usessl" : false,
      "testconnectiononly" : false,  
      "ClaimsDuplicateController" : true,
      "AcceptsConflictsList" : true,
      "AcceptsReverseInit" : true

Leave the Enterprise
Endpoint: http:// /api/techtoolkit/?action=leaveenterprise
  "data" : [
      "poaserveraddress" : "panda-em64",
      "poausername" : "adminuser",
      "poapassword" : "adminpw",
      "usessl" : false,
      "AllowLeaveIfPOANotConnected" : false
Remove Subordinate
POA can only remove an immediate subordinate if the subordinate is offline. When subordinate is removed all Prism/controllers that are child and siblings and children thereof are also removed.
Endpoint: http:// /api/techtoolkit/?action= removesubordinateprism
  "data" : [
      "poaserveraddress" : "xx-ora-em64",
      "poausername" : "adminuser",
      "poapassword" : "adminpw",
      "usessl" : false,
      "subordinatecontrollersid" : "502165604000020255"

PrismLogging API
This section has information about specific tasks that can be done using the PrismLogging API.
Specifying Alternate Log Folder
Note: The feature described here is only intended for use in certain specific situations and should only need to be used once or twice at a Prism installation.
To implement this feature, the WebClient makes a PUT request with the path to the alternate log folder as shown in the API sample above. The folder specified in the path does not have to already exist. The API will validate that the folder can be created and then write to it. The API will reject any attempt to write to the root directory or a path that includes the Retail Pro app data path. The latter are reserved for Retail Pro default data paths.
The API will update prismimage.conf as well as PrismLogging.ini and restart Apache to apply the configuration changes.
Apply Log Folder Change during Maintenance Window
If you specify an Alternate Log Folder, do it during non-business hours. Restart all Prism services or reboot the machine after executing the change. The other Prism services will only recognize the log folder change when they are restarted. The log folder change affects Prism services' logging, including the WebModule, but not RabbitMQ or the DB services. So the latter do not need to be restarted.
Revert to Default Log Folder
To revert to the Prism default Log Folder, send an empty string as the value or send "${programdata}/RetailPro/Server/Logs". The api will enter this same value if empty string is sent.
Notes about API updates of PrismLogging.ini
Review the settings in the PrismLogging.ini file before AND after making changes to the log settings from the API.

  • If a log setting change that is requested for a service is different from the exiting [global] keyvalue for the setting, the setting is placed in a section for that service (identified by the base name of the binary). If the section or key does not exist it is created.
  • If a log setting change is the same as the [global] value and the service has an existing setting in its section PrismLogging.ini, the key is removed since the global value can now be used by the Logger. This minimizes clutter and redundancy in the .ini file as there are numerous apps and services that will use the Logger.

Log Entry Types
The following table lists the available log entry types:

Type Description
ltError  Error. Used to log errors and error related information. Developers should be using ltError in TRY>EXCEPT blocks.
ltWarn Warning. Used to log warnings or irregular flow control.
ltInfo Information. Used to log information NOT related to other entry types. Developers should use this to log additional information. This entry type should be used the least.
ltFlow Flow. Used to log flow control markers in the code execution. Developers should use this to track the flow of code execution through blocks of code that are NOT the normal path. This should not be used to track every If/Case/Repeat/Do operation. Care should be used inside of high performance loops to not bog down the execution. Instead log before and after and use ltDebug for the inside of the loop.
ltEntry Entry Point. Used to track the entry point in a method. Developers should use this as the first line in each method.
ltExit Exit Point. Used to track the exit point of a method. Developers should wrap the method in a "try" block and this should be in the final section.
ltDebug Debug Used to provide additional debug information at runtime. Remove once a problem has been debugged.

Log Levels
The following logging levels are supported.

Log Level Description
None = 0 No log entries will be written and the log file will not exist
Minimal = 1 ltError only
Normal = 2 ltError and ltWarn
Verbose = 3 ltError, ltWarn, ltInfo, ltFlow, ltEntry and ltExit
Debug =4 ltError, ltWarn, ltInfo, ltFlow, ltEntry, ltExit and ltDebug

procedure StartLogSession(const AAppLogFileName: string; ALogIsSegmented: boolean = true; AAppLogDir: string = '');

Parameter Description
AAppLogFileName (Required) This is typically the base name of the binary although some services and apps have chosen to use a slightly different name for the log file.
ALogIsSegmented ALogIsSegmented should be true unless for some reason the intent is to use only one file for logging with no rollover based on size or date change.

AAppLogDir should only be used when the app does not have access to the server\logs folder or there is a special need. Two examples:

  • Prism installers logging the DB scripts need to write to the Documents folder because in a fresh install the RP server\logs folder does not exist.
  • PrismProxy (when it is converted to use the new logger) may need an alternate logs folder when it is running on a different machine than the Prism server. For 1.14.7 release PrismProxy will continue using the prior Logger.

Log Method Call Syntax
Logger.Log( ‘The message', TlogEntryType);
Example: Logger.Log(‘Some information', ltInfo);

LogFile Virtual Resource
LogFile is now a virtual resource. The LogFile properties match the data elements returned in the Win32 TechToolKit, except LogFileEndpoint, which has been added.
property LogFileName: Nullable read FLogFileName write FLogFileName;
property LogFileType: Nullable read FLogFileType write FLogFileType;
property LogFileDate: Nullable read FLogFileDate write FLogFileDate;
property LogFileSize: Nullable read FLogFileSize write FLogFileSize;
property ErrorCount: Nullable read FErrorCount write FErrorCount;
property LogFilePath: Nullable read FLogFilePath write FLogFilePath;
property LogFileEndpoint: Nullable read FLogFileEndpoint write FLogFileEndpoint;
The names can be changed. For example, you might prefer to remove the "Log" prefix as redundant:
GET Endpoint:
Returns a listing of all Prism-related log files with the sample info shown below.
"logfilename" : "PrismPOSV1AsService_190905_120515615.log",
"logfiletype" : "PrismPOSV1",
"logfiledate" : "2019-09-05T17:41:05.582-07:00",
"logfilesize" : "20744",
"errorcount" : "0",
"logfilepath" : "C:\\ProgramData\\RetailPro\\Server\\Logs\\PrismPOSV1AsService_190905_120515615.log",
"logfileendpoint" : null
Setting Filters
Filter by LogFile Type to return a payload with only the specified log file type:
Example Request:
Filter by LogFile Date
Currently only used to include log files with a date greater than or equal to the specified date. The api uses the date value, starting at midnight for that date. Therefore passing only a date value in the yyyy-mm-dd format will also work.
Example Request:
Filter by LogFiles with Errors to return a list containing only log files that have errors:
Example Request:
Multiple Filters
Example Request:
Log File Types the api returns
(Note: These are also the values that populate the LogFileType property in the payload.)
The webclient should use these values when setting filters by logfiletype: PrismBackOffice, PrismCommon, RPSRestServiceModule, LicenseServer, PrismMQService, PrismScheduling, TechToolKit, PrismV9, EFTServiceModule, PrismResiliencyServer, PrismPOSV1, PrismWebModule, PubSubService, V9DRSPubSub, PrismProxy, HardwareServices, JTEInstaller

Opening a specific log file
To open a specific log file, select the file from the list that is currently displayed in the UI and click the Open or Download button. The GET request will set the log filename in the filter as follows:
The api will copy the requested file to a new folder and return a payload with the http link where the user can download the file or open it in their editor of choice.
SSL Manager API
SSLApply implements an SSL certificate. SSLRevert reverts SSL to unsecured. The actions affect the Prism Server and Prism Proxy. The SSL cert and key file must be generated first, using an available SSL tool, such as OpenSSL.
Applying SSL
Endpoint: /api/techtoolkit/?action=sslapply  
  "data" : [
      "certfile" : "C:\\ProgramData\\RetailPro\\Cert\\hostname.crt",
      "keyfile" : "C:\\ProgramData\\RetailPro\\Cert\\hostname.key"
Revert to Unsecured
Endpoint: /api/techtoolkit/?action=sslrevert
There is no payload to revert an SSL certificate.

Service API
Service Manager Notes
Currently, the api prevents stopping, i.e., shutting down, the following services, either independently or as part of a Prism RPC call:

  • PrismTechToolKitService - if stopped, neither the TTK webclient or the service can function.
  • PrismPOSV1Service - if stopped, webclient requests will not have access to the auth service and would be unusable
  • Apache - if stopped, webclient requests will not have access to the auth service and would be unusable

A TCriticalSection lock is applied before processing any request to change the state of a service. This protects against the possibility of more than one webclient instance on the same server attempting to operate on the host at the same time.
Prism Config File Updates
Prism configuration files are in the format of .ini files and reside on the Prism server's hard disk. Key values may be updated by Prism Admin users when needed but keys may not be added.
The api supports:

  • Single File Update - Update the settings for any or all keys of a single config file.
  • Global Config Updates - Update specified keys of all config files on local Prism Server.

Only existing keys will be updated by the api. If a key and value are passed to the api that does not exist in the config file, the update will be ignored for that key. The api will not add the key to the config file.
PUT Requests to Update Config Files
To enable PUT requests on configuration files, a generic configuration file virtual resource has been created. The generic virtual resource can handle all sections, keys, and values whether new or removed or renamed - without having to change virtual models or code base.
PUT Endpoint for single or global config update requests:

Example Payload to Update PrismScheduling.ini
"data" : [
"configname" : "PrismScheduling.ini",
"configkeys" : [
"section" : "log",
"keyname" : "loglevel",
"keyvalue" : "3"
"section" : "Scheduler",
"keyname" : "enabled",
"keyvalue" : "true"
"section" : "Scheduler",
"keyname" : "MAXALLOWEDTASKS",
"keyvalue" : "15"
"section" : "SERVICE",
"keyname" : "RECVTHREADCNT",
"keyvalue" : "6"
}  ]
Payload Notes

  • The sequence of sections or keys can be in any order.
  • Only include keys being changed
  • If the section & key in the payload does not exist it will be ignored
  • All values in the payload are strings.
  • Webclient does not need to specify the datatype
  • Sections, keys and values are case-insensitive.
  • Username, Password, and HostName may not be changed. If an invalid keyname is included in the request, the api will raise an exception with message to webclient noting the invalid keyname.

A typical update payload, changing LOGLEVEL for BackOffice:
      "data": [
                  "configname": "PrismBackOfficeService.ini",
                  "configdata": [
                    "section"  : "Log",
                    "keyname"  : "LOGLEVEL",
                    "keyvalue" : "2"
Global config updates payload
Set the configname to the "prism".
Global updates are limited to:

  • All Logging keys

If any other key is included in the request, the api will raise an exception with a message to webclient noting the invalid keyname.
    "data": [
            "configname": "prism",
            "configdata": [
              "section"  : "GENERAL",
              "keyname"  : "RECEIVETIMEOUTSECONDS",
              "keyvalue" : "8"
              "section"  : "GENERAL",                                            
              "keyname"  : "RECONNECTDELAY",
              "keyvalue" : "6"
              "section"  : "LOG",
              "keyname"  : "LOGLEVEL",
              "keyvalue" : "2"
              "section" : "SERVICE",
              "keyname"  : "RECVTHREADCNT",
              "keyvalue" : "7"

CRUD URI for ScheduledTask resource is :

  • In webclient, ScheduledTask records are sorted by Taskname property.
  • Child ScheduledTaskRun records are never added, edited, or deleted by the UI and are excluded from any update requests.
  • ScheduledTaskRun has foreign key on ScheduledTask_Sid column that links it to the parent's Sid.
  • ScheduledTaskRun records are grouped by ScheduledTaskSid property and sorted by CreatedDateTime desc

Rename Prism Server Computer Tool
Endpoint: /api/techtoolkit/?action= renameservercomputer
Step 1 Example Payload:
"data" : [
      "currentcomputername" : "xxx-ora-em64",
      "currentfullcomputername" : "xxx-ora-em64.retailpro.com",
      "newcomputername" : "yyy-ora-em64",
      "newfullcomputername" : "yyy-ora-em64.retailpro.com",
      "osusername" : "dev",      
      "databasetype" : "oracle",
      "renameprocessstep" : 1,
      "newfullcomputernameyuppercase" : false,