Troubleshooting Unresolved Central Credit Tenders

When working with Central Credit, occasionally a store may encounter an unresolved central credit tender on an already updated receipt. This issue is indicated by the error message: "Some Tender(s) unresolved. Waiting for Centrals to come back Online."

Prism POS screen with a warning pop up in the bottom right corner with message stated previously

Payments window and change window directly below with box with void button and the message Central Credit Issued 0 for $6.00  Centrals Offline in red below, to the right $6.00

This can occur in a few different ways:

  1. If the Central server is offline when the store updates the transaction
  2. If the Customer on the transaction is missing some required field


To start troubleshooting, first set the Resiliency log to verbose logging in one of two ways:

1. Go to the Prism Web TTK and set the logging level for Resiliency to 3 (Verbose).

  • More info on this method can be found here.

2. Go to C:\ProgramData\RetailPro\Server\Conf and add this section to PrismLogging.ini:





Once this has been done, you will need to run Resiliency by either restarting the Resiliency service and waiting a few moments or by going to Administration Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Centrals and clicking "Run Resiliency".

Node Preferences > Transactions > Centrals  Central Server Settings  (red box highlighting around...) Run Resiliency button  Service State: Sleeping Last Cycle: Never Status of Last Cycle: No Offline Transactions Found Next Cycle: Neverutton

After this go to C:\ProgramData\RetailPro\Server\Logs and open the latest Resiliency log

Common Errors and their solution

"Access violation at address 00000000 in module 'PrismResiliencyServer.exe'. Read of address 00000000"

highlighted code: 2024. [ 5032] !Error | TRProLicSvr.ServiceStart: EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 00000000 in module  'PrismResiliencyServer.exe'. Read of address 00000000  2024. [ 5032] !Error | EAccessViolation in asynchronous database connection thread: Access violation at address 00000000 in nodule 'PrismResiliencyServer.exe'. Read of address 00000000

  1. This can be caused when libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are missing from C:\Program Files (x86)\RetailPro\Resiliency. This can be easily fixed by copying them from C:\Program Files (x86)\RetailPro\Server\BackOffice."
  2. [Customer Field] attribute is required and cannot be blank."


This is caused by the transaction customer not having the required fields as defined in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Customers > General.

Customer Required Fields  Customer Field             Required -------------------------------------- Address 1                  ☐ Address 2                  ☐ Address 3                  ☐ Address 4                  ☐ Address 5                  ☐ Address 6                  ☐ Address Location Type      ☐ Postal Code                ☐ Customer ID                ☐ Customer Image             ☐ Email                      ☑

Contact  Addresses ⚠ No Records Found  Phones ⚠ No Records Found  Emails ⚠ No Records Found

This can then be fixed easily by going to the customer and adding the missing field, at which point the next time resiliency runs it will process the unresolved tender.

Published on Jul 25, 2024 in POS, Errors


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