The Case for Uninterrupted Power Supply
Power outages and fluctuations can wreak havoc on computers, potentially resulting in data corruption or even damage to internal hardware components. In fact, over 60% of "system down" calls reported to the RPI Technical Support team are due to power-related events. To protect your computer from damage, connect it to an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system. During power outages, a UPS will provide enough emergency power for you to save your work and shut down the computer properly. Many UPS systems will even shut down an unattended operating system gracefully in the event of an extended power outage or computer power problem. UPS systems will also level out voltage fluctuations (power surges and dips) that can overheat your computer and reduce its performance.
One Database, One UPS ? Make sure each Retail Pro database is connected to a UPS system to protect it from power fluctuations and surges.
Maintain and Test UPS Systems ? As part of your disaster recovery plan, it?s important to periodically check UPS equipment as well. Just because a UPS is up-and-running does not mean it?s fully operational. Newer UPS systems typically come with monitoring software that will allow you to check current power status as well as past performance during power-related events. Some units will automatically perform periodic battery self-tests and notify you if a battery needs to be replaced. Additionally, make sure to visually inspect each UPS as well. Look for wear and deterioration. Remove trash or unrelated materials around the UPS unit to create better airflow. Clean and vacuum the enclosure if necessary.
Bottom line, a UPS unit is an inexpensive investment against the cost of repairing or replacing damaged hardware, the lost in revenue and productivity associated with downtime, not to mention the time and cost of data recovery.
Retail Pro Backup & Recovery Best Practices
This article is an excerpt from a new resource published by Retail Pro University, Retail Pro Backup & Recovery Best Practices.Click the link in the Other Relevant Resources block below to download.