9.40 Maintenance Pack installation can become unresponsive

9.40 Maintenance Pack installation can get stuck on the "Post-Patch changes being applied" step.


The 9.40 Maintenance Pack installation can become un-responsive during the Oracle Patching portion of the process.


The Maintenance Pack will not progress beyond the 'Post-Patch changes' progress bar after more than 45 minutes.

Image of a frozen progress bar


The logged-in Windows user account applying the Maintenance Pack is a different Windows user than the one originally used to install Retail Pro 9.4 and is consequently not in the necessary Windows user groups.


Before running the Maintenance Pack installation, make sure the user is in the following Windows user groups:

  • ORA_ODS12cr1_SYSDG
  • ORA_ODS12cr1_SYSKM

Step 1:Go to Windows RUN command and launch compmgmt.msc


Step 2:?Double-click on the group you wish to affect


Step 3: Then use the Add... button to add the account to the group


Step 4:Repeat the steps for each group in the list provided above.

Once your user is in all of the necessary groups, you can apply the Maintenance Pack under that particular user without it hanging during the 'Post-Patch changes' progress bar.

Note:If you find that you are in a situation where the Maintenance Pack is already in this hung state, and therefore must stop installing the Maintenance Pack, do the following.

1. Confirm this issue by locating a process called Perl.exe running on the system in the task manager (under "processes").

2. Kill setup.exe and all of it's child processes. (*End Process Tree)


3. Now add the user you are logged-in as to the Oracle groups as described above.

Published on Jan 4, 2018 in Installation, Configuration & Settings


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