"Invalid filename" error while launching Retail Pro 9
When launching Retail Pro 9, you receive an error that reads, "Invalid filename", as shown below:
This error message may result from a permission issue with the Windows user. Specifically, that the logged-in Windows user does not have permission to write to the TMP location.
If you see this error, check the TMP location (as shown below).
1. Select the Start Menu > Run
2. Enter "%temp%" into Run menu, and execute
Note: The TMP path is typically C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp.
3. Check the folder and see if there is a "repository.dat" file.
If there is,?rename it and try launch Retail Pro again. A new file should be generated in the TMP folder.
If there is not,?the user currently logged-in likely does not the have proper permission to write to that location. Therefore, this user needs to be granted full access to that folder in order to resolve the issue.