RabbitMQ Log Management Best Practice for Retail Pro Prism

Change your RabbitMQ log level to save hard drive space, reduce administration and backup time. Save time looking at logs for errors.

This article will document log level settings recommended by the Professional Services Team at Retail Pro. You can find additional settings on the RabbitMQ website and on GitHub.

RabbitMQ 3.70 default log level is Info which is one severity below debug. Info-level logging will provide entries in the log tagged as Info, Warning, Error and Critical.

This level of logging is not necessary in a production environment and should be changed to Error in each installation.

RabbitMQ logging and configuration can be changed by editing the RabbitMQ.config file which is in C:\ProgramData\RetailPro\Server\RabbitMQ directory.

The default rabbitmq.config file will look something like this:

RabbitMQ File Example

Edit the file and change the contents to reflect the text in the log file below.

RabbitMQ Config Edit


Text from the above log file:

   [ {lager, [



{handlers, [

{lager_file_backend, [{file, "error.log"},

{level, error},

{date, "$D0"},

{size, 10485760},

{count, 10}]}





  1. Delete old log files in the C:\ProgramData\RetailPro\Server\RabbitMQ directory.
  2. Save the rabbitmq.config file and restart RabbitMQ Service. Lager (Logging Program) will rotate its own logs.
  3. To use internal rotation, use the size, date and count values in the file backend's configuration:

    [{file, "error.log"}, {level, error}, {size, 10485760}, {date, "$D0"}, {count, 10}]


{file, "error.log"}, {level, error}

Tells lager to log errors and above messages to error.log

{size, 10485760}, {date, "$D0"}

Tells lager to rotate the file at midnight or when it reaches 10mb, whichever comes first

{count, 10}

Tells lager to keep 10 rotated logs in addition to the current one. Setting the count to zero does not disable rotation. Instead, it rotates the file and keeps no previous versions.

{size, 0}, {date, " "}

To disable rotation, set size to zero and the date to " "



The $D0 syntax is taken from the syntax newsyslog uses in newsyslog.conf. The relevant extract follows.

Day, week, month and time format



The lead-in character for day, week and month specification is a '$' sign. The particular format of day, week and month specification is: [Dhh], [Ww[Dhh]] and [Mdd[Dhh]], respectively. Hour specification is added on top of this, displayed as [Hmm]. Optional time fields default to midnight.

Range specifications




Day of week

Range 0 ... 6, 0 = Sunday


Day of month

Range: 1 ... 31, or the letter L or l to specify the last day of the month.



Range: 0 ... 23



Range: 0 ... 59




Rotate every night at midnight


Rotate every day at 23:00 hr


Rotate every week on Sunday at 23:00 hr


Rotate every week on Friday at 16:00 hr


Rotate on the first day of every month at midnight (i.e., the start of the day)


Rotate on every 5th day of the month at 6:00 hr


Rotate every hour at HH:00


Rotate every day at 12:30


Rotate every week on Sunday at 00:00

Published on Nov 26, 2019 in RP Prism Services


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