Retail Pro Prism Monitor

The Retail Pro Professional Services group has developed a utility that monitors various aspects of the Retail Pro Prism server.

This FREE utility is called the Prism Monitor.

What it monitors:

  • Various Prism services: Apache, Prism License/Replication/REST services, RabbitMQ service
  • Prism Windows services memory usage
  • RabbitMQ memory usage
  • Replication issues
  • Replication resources that can cause issues


Actions it can take:

  • Send a notification Email when an issue is detected
  • Send an Issue corrected status Email when the issue is successfully resolved automatically
  • Optionally Auto-Restart service(s) on error detected condition


The Monitor can be run on an ad-hoc or full-time basis.

Additionally, it can be run as a Windows service that will start monitoring when the server is started.


For more information or to request the Prism Monitor utility, please send an email to


Published on Dec 7, 2020 in Performance, RabbitMQ


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