Updated: November 22, 2023 9:28am

Send Sale


A Send Sale is a special type of sale that enables retailers to record a sale of items at one store and send the transaction to a different store that has available inventory for fulfillment. The selected Fulfillment Store will then fulfill the transaction, either by customer pick-up, or by sending the items to the customer. The selling store gets credit for the sale.
Send Sale - Basic Steps
1. Configure store records to include the server IP address. Configure replication profiles so send sale documents (and other resources as needed) replicate to participating stores.
2. In Prism, create a new transaction and list the item(s). Change the Item Type to "Send Sale."
3. Select the store to which the sale will be sent. Tender/update the transaction. The transaction is sent to the selected Fulfillment Location through document replication. 
4. At the Fulfillment Location, use Transaction Lookup to find the order. With the order displayed, click the Order Details button and select Fulfill Order. The completed transaction will be replicated to the POA through Prism Day-to-Day replication (profile must include required resources).
5. A Transfer Slip and a Transfer Voucher will be generated to auto transfer the merchandise, recording the reasons on the documents.
Each of the basic steps is explained in more detail in the sections that follow:
Step 1 - Configure Store Records and Replication Profiles
Enter Store IP Address or Hostname in Store record
Enter each participating store's IP Address or hostname in the Store Address field in the Store record. For example, in a three-store chain, at Store 1, edit the Store records of Store 2 and Store 3 to include the server IP address or hostname. Repeat the process at the other stores.  When performing a Send Sale, only stores that have a server address or hostname entered in the store record will be available for selection. 
Configure Replication Profiles
To ensure a Send Sale document is properly transmitted to any desired location a replication profile must be created that allows the DOCUMENT resource to be replicated from any Send Sale creation location to any desired fulfillment location. This may require allowing these documents to flow up to a POA and back down to the fulfilling store. It is recommended that every store defined in Step 1 above be included in this resource or the Send Sale will not be present to fulfill. It is assumed that INVENTORY and CUSTOMERS will also be replicated to properly fulfill the document once it arrives at the fulfilling store.

Step 2- Add Send Sale Item to Transaction

IIn Prism, create a new transaction and list the item(s). Change the Item Type to "Send Sale." Select the store to which the sale will be sent. Tender/update the transaction. The transaction is sent to the selected Fulfillment Location through document replication.

Send Sale store selection

 Step 3 - Fulfill Transaction at Fulfillment Store

Use Transaction Lookup to find the transaction. Note: When looking up transactions, you can set the "Transaction Type" filter to "Send Sale". 
Click the Order Details button and then click Fulfill Send Sale. 
Tender the transaction and update. Day to Day replication will replicate the transaction to the POA.
When fulfilling a Send Sale order, the price level used on the fulfillment transaction is the active price level at the Selling Store.
Notes about Fulfillment Store
The Fulfillment Store CAN reduce the item quantity (e.g. if the ordered quantity is no longer physically available)
The Fulfillment Store CANNOT:

  • Add new items to the transaction
  • Increase the quantity
  • Return deposits for removed items
  • Update a Send Sale transactions after removing all Send Sale items

Step 4 - Transfer Slip Created to Update O/H Quantities
A Transfer Slip will automatically be generated to move merchandise from fulfilling store to the selling store in order to balance the monies taken and the sale of merchandise. This process occurs automatically when the Send Sale is fulfilled at the fulfillment store.

  • A Transfer Slip transferring the merchandise from the fulfilling store to the selling store will be created with a comment indicating what documents caused its creation.  The comment looks like: "Send Sale: order xx , receipt yy" in order to indicate which Send Sale document and Receipt documents were used to facilitate this transaction.
  • A Transfer Voucher will be created at the selling store to receive the merchandise referenced by the transfer slip.  The Transfer Voucher will reference the associated Transfer Slip number.
  • All documents (Send Sale, Transfer Slip & Transfer Voucher) reference the original Send Sale store which originated the transaction.

Notes about Send Sale
Selling and Fulfillment Locations must be on different servers and a network connection must exist.
Send Sale is not yet supported in Sales-Tax Multi or VAT-Multi environments between stores with different tax areas.
The Selling Location and Fulfillment Location must have the same set of employee records available (the same Associate(s) is listed on both the selling and fulfillment transactions.
If the ordered quantity is no longer available at the Fulfillment Location, the Fulfillment Location should first fulfill the order. Next, perform a return and refund the money back to the customer.
By default, the tax area for the fulfillment transaction is the tax area for the Selling Location; however, you can change it to the Fulfillment Location in Preferences & Settings > Taxes > General.
You cannot add order items to a transaction that has send sale items.
You cannot add send sale items to an existing transaction, only a new transaction.
The send sale can only be created for one store.
You cannot edit item details of send sale items after the fulfillment transaction has been updated; however, you can edit notes or associate details.
If the customer does not exist at the Fulfillment Location, the customer will be added.

Closing a Send Sale
If the customer changes his/her mind and closes the order, then the whatever the remaining balance is will be credited to the customer's store credit. This is done on completely unfulfilled and partially fulfilled send sales.

Use Cases
Customer Pick Up
A customer visits Store 1 and wishes to purchase Item A. Store 1 does not have this item in stock. The item is in stock elsewhere and the customer wishes to pick it up at another location. The Associate will identify a location (Fulfillment Store) that has the item. The customer will pick the item up at the Fulfillment Store and complete the transaction. If the Fulfillment Store has less than (or none) of the quantity listed, the store will decrease the quantity on the transaction and return the deposit balance for the item(s) not fulfilled.
Ship Item to Customer
A customer visits Store 1 and wishes to purchase Item A. Store 1 does not have this item in stock. The item is in stock elsewhere and the customer wishes to have it shipped. The Associate chooses a location most that has the item and marks the item for Send Sale. The sale will be completed at the Fulfillment Store and the item will be shipped to the customer.  If the full quantity listed on the transaction is not available at the fulfillment store, the store will ship the available quantity and return the deposit balance as Store Credit to the customer.

Send Sale Security Permissions
The following security permissions control employee access to the Send Sale feature.

Permission Description
Send Sale - Add Item Allows group members to add a send sale item to a transaction.
Send Sale - Fulfill Allows group members to fulfill a send sale transaction.
Send Sale - Change Quantity Allows group members to change an item's quantity on a send sale transaction.
Send Sale - Close Send Sale Allows group members to close a send sale transaction.

Send Sale Tax Location Preference
In Preferences & Settings > Taxes > General, you can select which store's tax area will be used when fulfilling a Send Sale transaction. By default, the Selling Location is selected. If necessary, you can change this to the Fulfillment Location.

Resending a Send Sale
If necessary, you can resend a send sale. This might be necessary if there was a problem with the Internet connection when the original transmission was sent. Use Transaction Lookup to find the send sale transaction. In the Transaction Lookup dialog, select the transaction and then touch or click the Resend button.

Item Details > Fulfillment Location
If you need to check which store was selected as the Fulfillment Location, use the Item Details button and then select the Item Details tab. The Fulfillment Location is displayed.

Changing Item Tax on Send Sale Transactions
Beginning with Prism 2.0, users can edit item Tax Amount. However, changing item Tax Amount is not allowed for send sales when the fulfillment store tax rate is used. If an item on a transaction has an Item Type of "send sale," and the preference for applying tax on a send sale is set to the Fulfillment store, then item tax cannot be edited.

Canceling a Send Sale
At the fulfillment location, perform a return against the sale, and then start over, if necessary.

Send Sale Database Fields
The following database fields are in the DOCUMENT table.

Column Description

 The status of the send sale

2= Fulfillment store does not have a server address
3 = Send Sale Login Failure

SS_LAST_EVENT The date/time of the last activity against the send sale.
SS_LAST_ERROR If there was an error (status <> 1) you will see the error message in the SS_LAST_ERROR column.
SS_FULFILLMENT Indicates this this document fulfills a send sale order.

Sublocations and Send Sale
You can do a send sale transaction using sublocations. Simply change the item type to "Send Sale." In Prism 2.12 and earlier, when the Send Sale is fulfilled, the item will be pulled from the default sublocation assigned to POS Documents for the Fulfillment Store. In Prism 2.2 and later, users can change the sublocation from which an item is pulled when fulfilling a send sale. When fulfilling a send sale, a Sublocation selection drop-down at the top of the screen defaults to the Primary sublocation but users can select a different sublocation if needed. This enables the user to select the desired sublocation, which may be different at the selling and fulfillment stores. Upon change, the subloc_id attribute of fulfilled items is set to the selected sublocation.