Updated: April 24, 2024 11:02am


Data is replicated between two servers at each end of a connection. As servers join the enterprise, you can create one or more connections for each server. At a minimum, each store server or child POA needs a connection to its POA. You can add other connections as needed.

Link Profile to Connection
Click the Checkbox on the left side of the grid for the desired connection. Click the Checkbox for a profile for both the Send and Receive directions. Above the grid is a description of the connection, e.g. "From Prism HQ to POA 1". Make sure the profiles are assigned to the correct direction. The changes you make on this screen are automatically saved by the system.
Prism dashboard connections

Deactivate Connection
With a connection selected in the grid, you can click the Deactivate Connection button to deactivate the connection. Deactivating breaks the TCP/IP connection.  To reactivate the connection, refresh the screen display, select the connection, and then click Activate.
Disconnect Connection
If you click the Disconnect button, the currently selected connection is removed.

My SQL Considerations
MySQL users must be careful to select the correct connection when activating a connection for initialization. For example, many MySQL users will notice two entries in the Connection drop-down: one for MySQL and one for RPS (see screenshot below). Users must be careful to choose the RPS connection, not the MySQL connection. Keep in mind that "RPS" is the default name for Prism connections.

Connection Types

Connection Type Description
Local Use this type of connection if connecting to an installation on the local machine.
REST The type of connection will use standard HTTP REST statements (GET, PUT, UPDATE, DELETE) to replicate data.
Database  Use this type of connection to create a connection to a MySQL database