Updated: July 31, 2024 9:15am Release Notes


This topic has information about the release.


  • Users must uninstall Apache 2.4.43, then install Apache 2.4.55 before installing the 2.2.1 upgrade.
  • Clear the browser history cache before you try to log in.
  • Windows 10: Launch the Proxy using the "Run as Administrator" option.
  • With the corresponding 2.2.1 release of the Data Migration Tool, the Export and Import must both be on version 2.2.1 or greater. An export done on an older version of the tool (earlier than 2.2.1) will produce errors on import when the import uses the 2.2.1 version of the tool.

No new requirements for this release.


  • Apache 2.4.55
  • Style Details Redesign
  • Item-Specific Values in Style Grid
  • Add New Style in Advanced Item Lookup
  • Filter Inventory by Price Range    
  • Stored Value Gift Cards
  • Activate/Inactivate Multiple Items
  • Lookup Vendor/DCS when Adding Item or Style
  • See all stores in Style Details
  • Default Operator for String Searches is CONTAINS
  • Merge/Unmerge Zone permission for Physical Inventory
  • Serial/Lot Number Entry on PI Sheets
  • Resolve Serials/Lots on PI Sheet
  • Search PI Sheet for Serial/Lot Number
  • Doc Vendor column on POs and ASNs to select Alternate Vendor
  • UDF 5-6 and AUX 1-8 on PO/Voucher/ASN Grids, Doc Designs
  • Reverse a Voucher
  • Wildcards (*) in Basic Item Lookup
  • Email Receipt to Multiple Email Addresses
  • Item Type field on Lot Number Entry modal
  • Sublocation Information on Quantity Adjustment Memos
  • PII Removal Tool
  • Custom Tables


  • Custom tables
  • LAST_ITEM_POS column added for PO, VOUCHER, TORD tables 
  • PURGE_RESOURCE table for PII Removal Tool

FIXES (175 issues)
The following list outlines key issues that have been addressed with this release.

Issue ID Title/Description Build Found Solution
Adjustment Memos      
25296 When a Doc Qty is entered for full-control serial or lot number items, you are not prompted for the number The system will now prompt a user if the user attempts to update a memo with missing serial or lot numbers.
24923 Serial numbers not recorded when making quantity adjustments when using sublocations

Sublocations are displayed in the bottom pane of the adjustment memo form when sublocations are enabled. Users now adjust the quantity for items on quantity memos in the sublocations pane. When a value is changed for a serial number item, a serial number entry modal is displayed. Item Details also has a serial number pane where the sublocation for each serial number is viewable.

25146 Unable to finalize voucher from ASN when "Restrict to one vendor per PO/voucher" is enabled Vendor code is not required on the form if the voucher has a slip number.
Auto Tools - Auto Min/Max      
24783 Vendor Code is missing in the Auto Min/Max filter Auto Min/Max now has the correct filter label for Vendor Code
24782 DCS Code is not in the Auto Min/Max filter Auto Min/Max now has the correct filter label for DCS Code
Auto Tools - Auto PO      
24685 Auto PO Vendor Filter selection does not work

The Vendor Code filter is now a dropdown list of all Vendor Codes that are in the database and the DCS Code filter is a dropdown list of all DCS Codes in the database.

25375 Customer Lookup: Address fields have no input entry field in 2.1.x You can enter data into Address 1-6 fields.
24800 Customer Details: Store dropdown selection is missing from the UI when a customer store assignment is NULL When a customer that has no store assigned is looked up, the STORE dropdown is now highlighted red because it is a required field.
Not only can we now assign a store to customer that do not have one already, but we have to in order to save changes to the customer because it is now a required field in Prism.
22166 Unable to edit customers from inactive store You can edit customers created in stores that are inactive.
Customers - History      
20701 Add Receipt Date to Grid Formats options for Customer History The Created Date field is added to the Search and Show columns section in Customer History.
25343 FST_PRICE field in RPS.INVN_SBS_ITEM table is always NULL and will not update The FST_PRICE field in the RPS.INVN_SBS_ITEM table gets updated properly when the preference "Allow Voucher to Update Inventory Prices" is enabled.
25159 When limits are reached in sequencing, the UI doesn't notify the user CCU When the limit of 2147483647 is exceeded then the user will immediately receive a yellow toast notifying them of the limit and the sequence will be set to that maximum. UPC is the one exception because the limit for UPC is 999999999999999999
23458 When fulfilling an order, there is no way to match the fulfilling document to the order on the printout Code has been changed, so that the Ref_Order_Order_Doc_No (referenced SO number) is now populated on the document header when assigned either DocRefSoSidAttr (fulfillment) or DocumentDepositRefDocSidAttr (take deposit). The Ref_Order_Order_Doc_No field can be used in Document Designer.
Data Migration Tool (BETA)      
25899 Import of store 251 can contain Min/Max quantities that should be filtered out during import to Prism Records in the INVN_MINMAX_QTY table that reference store numbers 240-255 will be excluded from the EXPORT.
25853 Export should filter out negative stores (for example -2) from the ADJ_QTY CSV file as they fail on import All adjustment quantity records that contain a negative store number are filtered out by the Data Migration Tool during Export.
25843 Export is replacing control characters in Description1 with extended characters that are causing import to fail When exporting string fields, the identified invalid Unicode is no longer exported.
25802 V8 - Cannot export properly when using mapped drive or full UNC Path Code was changed to allow the export of V8 data from a mapped drive.
25764 DMT Import not decompressing all files The 64-bit version of 7zip is now included in the Data Migration Tool so that larger files can be decompressed and imported into Prism.
25674 Unable to import data into Oracle server ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("PO"."LAST_ITEM_POS") The export portion of the Data Migration Tool has been updated to allow for Prism 2.2.1 database changes. With this release of the export utility both the Export and Import must be on version 2.2.1 or greater. An export done on an older version of the tool will produce errors on import.
25433 DMT Export does not contain Store Code on most of the exported documents. Store codes are exported.
25378 Export of v8 receipt with fee does not export the Fee Name and calculates fee and fee tax incorrectly, Fee Name is now exported. Additionally, the fee tax amount is now correctly calculated when tax is included with a fee.
22941 In Disbursement Lookup, Prism shows all the stores disbursements even if you have selected a specific sub/store from the top drop-down. Disbursement lookup now displays disbursements for a specific store when a specific store is selected.
Document Designer      
24986 UDF 7-15 fields do not print on merchandise tags All inventory UDF fields can be designed onto merchandise tag designs and printed.
23500 Doc Designer access Permission: OVERRIDE setting for access to the document designer functions the same as DENY the permission "Document Designer-Access" no longer has an override option.
23697 Need option to email receipts to multiple email addresses   Now the email address text box supports multiple comma-separated email addresses.
24791 Employees with a username starting with the letter 'E' followed by number cannot print and preview receipts, Usernames starting with ‘E' were causing print preview to fail because there was an unquoted string in the query, because the system thought it was a scientific notation. The issue has been resolved and now employees with username starting with the letter ‘E' can use print preview normally.
General System      
25578 Default operator for string value searches should be CONTAINS 2.2.1 The default operator for string value searches has been changed to contains throughout PRISM in 2.2.1.
25571 Update Apache to the latest version 2.x Apache has been updated to version 2.4.55
25550 Unable to save Installation Default if you change the default store This issue has been resolved.
25320 Add custom tables to Prism 2.x Ten custom tables (with API integration) have been added to the database.  Each table the following columns:
Replication resources are available to initialize or send the data with D-2-D replication.
For more details, please refer to the What's new document accompanying this release.
24968 Column width is not retained between screens in any module The areas of Prism that are managed by Grid Formats have column width saved at the workstation level so that the changes made by the user are retained for future ease of use.
24891 Company OH Qty value within item profile within Price/Cost tab is incorrect Company OH Qty is now properly calculated from the total of all On Hand Quantities from all stores within the company
24832 Cannot change subsidiary on ASN, PO, Slip, TO, Memo, and Voucher lookup when using a language different than English, Documents can now be looked up in other locations, regardless of the language set in Prism.
24197 Bypass CED transaction does not retail customer email address from customer record This issue has been addressed.
23771 CUSTOMER_UDF table not populated when creating subsidiary The CUSTOMER_UDF table is now properly populated when creating a new subsidiary.
23174 The Price Level Prices table is not editable, in the Item Details>Price/Cost pane Each price level is now editable.
A memo will be generated for each price change made.
The system will prompt the user for a reason to apply to the memo(s) created.
22102 Avanced filter for receiving resource does not filter correctly during replication The advanced filter for the receiving resource is now filtering correctly during replication.
20553 Multi-vendor item does not prompt for which record to use Searching for alternate UPC/ALU will show the primary item at POS, TO, Slip, Memo, Price Manager, and Inventory.
Searching for alternate UPC/ALU will give the user a modal to select from the alternate items in Vouchers, ASNs and Purchase Orders.
If an item is listed in advanced item lookup by item's primary UPC/ALU and the Doc Qty is 0, they can select from a dropdown list of vendors in the Doc Vendor column.
25136 Proxy is set as inactive on fresh installs and must be activated for them to be listed in the HAL settings Code was changed to the flag of a newly installed proxy as active.
24945 Shopperdisplay.exe does not shutdown under some circumstances when the proxy is shutdown Changes have been made to ensure the Shopperdisplay.exe will shut down with the Proxy and does not become 'orphaned'. If the Genius Device unexpectedly loses power while in a POS transaction, place your transaction on hold. Shut down the proxy and restart the Genius device and the Proxy. When the Genius device is back up, Un-hold your transaction. You should be able to see your items on the Genius device and be able to add more items.
25919 Fire Dac error - invalid number using the Clear option on scale  
25590 Filtering is not working correctly for the "Created Date" filter for inventory search (Document) When the created date filter is used, items that were created within the date range specified are returned in the search.
25568 SCALES: does not retain the order it was created in on MySql Verified properly sorted and displayed scales once they are attached to a style. Works in Oracle and MySql.
25532 DCS codes created with double digits will not appear in DCS drop-down menu This issue has been resolved. Some of the digit combinations inadvertently activated translations.
25508 Adding UPC codes in the style view using the UPC from the style drop down menu Code was changed to properly save the UPC entries from the style grid.
25459 Editing a Serial Number's qty to 0 does not create a memo to reduce the  oh qty of the SN Item itself. Whenever a user changes the qty for a serial number or a lot number is modified, the user is prompted to see if they want to create a qty memo for the item's OH QTY.
If the user selects yes, then they get to specify a reason and a memo is created to adjust the items OH QTY.
If the user selects no, then  there is no memo, and only the qty for the SN is adjusted.
25458 Cannot use Style Grid to enter item specific values during style creation 2.2.1 Users can now enter item-specific values in the style grid during style creation. For more details, please refer to the What's new document accompanying this release.
25438 Making a style "unorderable does not prevent the item from being ordered Making a Style unorderable now makes every item in that style unorderable.
25437 The user loses their place when they select Edit. When the user enters EDIT mode, the Style UI stays on the tab the user was working on.
If the user was on the Grid tab, then they will stay on the specific grid they were on but the grid will reset to the top.
25310 Inventory UDF field doesn't save 100 characters The UDF label has been corrected to (Max length of 50 characters) in the Store Operation-Inventory-UDF tab.
25303 The new way of adding vendors to inventory items allows adding an inactive vendor to an item If an inactive vendor is selected, the Return to Item button is disabled.
25302 The new way of adding departments to inventory items allows adding an inactive department to an item If an inactive department is selected, the Return to Item button is disabled.
25301 User can get blocked from returning back to the item they are creating if they  enter the vendors modal The Return to Item button is available to take the user back to the item creation before and after vendor creation.
If the user elects to cancel the creation of a new vendor, they are no longer stuck when they elect to cancel vendor creation.
25280 Inventory cost changes when costing method is set to 'Leave' Inventory cost doesn't change now when costing method is set to use 'Order Cost and 'Leave'.
25279 Look up of alternate vendor items does not list the item on Voucher/ASN. Error occurs ('Inventory Item does not exist') Multi-vendor items can be added to ASNs and vouchers by any of their alternate UPCs or ALUs if Alternate ALU/UPC is enabled in Admin Console > Transactions > General.
25212 'Cost is greater than price' warning should not appear before price has been keyed in This behavior has been changed. When items are initially created, there will be no warning, as Price and Cost fields are blank.
Warning appears on cost change and price change now if the other field has a value. It will only warn once, until the cost is less than price again, then if it is more than price after that it will prompt once until cost is less again and so on.
24642 Update each item in a style when UDF, AUX, Text, Long Description, Height, Width, Length, Sellable Date, and SPIF fields are populated When users make an entry in Style Details for UDF, AUXs, Text 1-10, Long Description, Height, Width, Length, Sellable Date, SPIF, Description 1-4 and Trade Disc % fields for any item in the style, Prism updates the corresponding fields for the other items in the style. For more details, please refer to the What's new document accompanying this release.
24577 Store Qty filter in inventory is not working properly The default RANGE values for this filter have been set to both fields being empty.
Empty in each case is an infinite value so ___ - ___ will return all items.
23974 Entering a Store Qty when creating an item removes the default Coefficient and will not generate a Price With "Margins Affect" set to Price, the user may set a new item's Store OH Qty prior to setting Cost the first time, and Price will be calculated using the Coefficient of the item's department. 
With "Margins Affect" set to Cost, the user may set a new item's Store OH Qty prior to setting Price the first time, and Cost will be calculated using the Coefficient of the item's department.
23892 Style creation cannot be completed from Advanced Lookup modal Once the size/attribute grid is defined, values can be assigned to each item in the grid individually or by selecting Create All Items, which will create all the items with an OH QTY of 0.
Once the item is saved/created, the grid changes to allow the user to select the Doc Qty for each item.
If Return to Document is used, each item in the grid with a defined Doc Qty will be added to the document with that quantity.
23839 Add Price Level grid to Style Details   Five new tabs have been added to the Style Details interface; General, Price/Cost, Purchasing, UDF, and Misc. The Price Level grid in the Price/Cost tab can be used to view/edit the price of the selected style at each Price Level.
23827 Store Min and Store Max values not saved on items in Style Details. By design, Store Min and Store Max values are not shown in the Style Details interface.
23563 Adding attribute and size to scales is limited to upper case *(edit attribute and size is not) Code was changed to force upper case entry for consistency when entering the attributes and sizes for individual items and style creation.
23527 Adding new Items to a style in a VAT environment does not copy over correct price Code was changed to properly handle the distribution of VAT price when adding to an existing style.
23293 Inventory>Item Details: Items with expired "Discontinued Date" cannot be added to Vouchers/ASNs that are created by Transfers Discontinued Items cannot be added to Purchase Orders, ASNs, or Vouchers.
Discontinued Items can be added to ASNs and Vouchers being generated from a transfer slip.
22136 Adjustment Memos created by UPDATE PI do not make Serial Numbers inactive. Serial Numbers not counted on the PI SHEET are now adjusted to QTY 0.
Serial Numbers adjusted in this way are now also made inactive.
22079 UDF numbers are off by one The UDF field grids have been refactored and renumbered in Grid Formats, Admin Console > Merchandise and Doc Designer and include UDF Date, UDF Text and UDF Number fields.
22084 Active Margin rounds to 0 or 100 Active margin % is now correctly displayed.
22009 Inconsistent behavior when serial number quantity is zero When a user changes the quantity for a serial number to zero without also making it inactive, the system will give the user the option to also inactivate the number.
21677 Enable Activate/Deactivate button for multiple items Users can now Activate/Deactivate multiple items with a single button click if all items are in the same state (Active/Inactive).
21236 In Style Details, add button to show all stores

Users can now press 'Show All Stores' button in the grid footer for OH QTY to open a modal to show all stores when in view mode. This opens a modal with a grid on it. The grid rows are grouped by the attribute or size name, depending on which one is along the left. (Based on Pivot) The user can expand any of these row groups to see each store's OH qty values.
Known limitations:
- only works for OH qty (only place it is really applicable)
- only viewable in view mode (not editable)

20481 Availability checking is not checking other items when using 'Item Type' and the 'Apply to all items' check box "Availability checking" now checks all items involved in item type changes at POS.
20145 Add ability to look up vendors and DCS from add item screen The Create DCS button has been replaced with a link to Departments. Users can create new departments, choose an existing department or make changes to existing departments. Users can return to item creation after selecting a department.
The Create Vendor button has been replaced with a link to Vendors. Users can create new vendors, choose an existing vendor or make changes to existing vendors. Users can return to Item creation after selecting a vendor.
20643 Need the ability to Filter inventory by Price Range Price has been added to the Grid formats for Inventory Search (Documents) and Inventory Lookup as Search By options. In both cases, this is a range filter that will return all items whose price fall with in the specified range.
19372 Inventory Item Type - Gift Card/Stored Value needed so Gift Cards can be sold within the transaction This Prism release introduces the ability to create 'Gift Card - Prepaid' and 'Gift Card - Stored Value' inventory items to be used with EFT solutions that support Gift Cards. For more details, please refer to the What's new document accompanying this release.
25481 User without permission to Cancel a transaction can logout or go back to the POS menu effectively cancelling the transaction This issue has been fixed.
22675 PERMISSION: "Inventory- Access item"  Is not working properly when set to OVERRIDE The override option has been removed from the "Inventory-Item Access" permission.
Physical Inventory      
25639 We neeed a RED TOAST stopping user from  updating a PI that has bad scans If a user tries to UPDATE a P.I. that contains bad scans, the system will stop the update with a RED TOAST that makes them aware they need to resolve the bad scans before the P.I. can be updated.
25587 When we do an import that creates zones, we get very ugly toast when we go into the zones sheet before its done. and we get kicked out of PI When the Import starts, the resource is locked and a green toast notifies the user that the import is running and they will be notified when its done. A yellow bar at the top of the screen lets the user know its importing, and another green toast will let the user know when it is done.
The ZONES button becomes disabled until the import is done.
25576 Prism doesn't ignore carriage returns and line feeds when performing fixed length PI import Prism ignores carriage returns and line feeds when importing fixed length files into Physical Inventory.
25466 Search by SN/LN allows lowercase letters When a user enters characters into a Serial/Lot Number search in Physical Inventory, Prism converts all such characters to uppercase.
25448 Merging zones refreshes to page 1 and not the page the user was on 2.x Whenever a user merges a zone or enters/exits a zone, the zone list refreshes to where the user was rather than refreshing to page 1.
25372 Resolve Lot never becomes available to use There is now a Resolve Lots button in Physical Inventory that allows the user to view the Lot Numbers already entered into your PI SHEET and resolve any discrepancies concerning them by adding or removing numbers from the list.
25371 Resolve Serial button is always disabled There is now a Resolve Serials button in Physical Inventory that allows the user to view the Serial Numbers already entered into your PI SHEET and resolve any discrepancies concerning them by adding or removing serial numbers from the list.
25353 Enable Lot Number Entry preference is not working There is now an "Enable Lot Number Entry" preference in Admin Console > Merchandise > PI Sheet (disabled by default).
When "Enable Lot Number Entry is disabled, lot number Items are added to a PI without the user being prompted for a number, and lot numbers cannot be entered on the PI. In addition, when the preference is disabled, the Resolve Lots button will be disabled.
25352 Enable Serial Number Counts Preference not working correctly. There is now an "Enable Serial Number Entry" preference in Admin Console > Merchandise > PI Sheet (disabled by default).
When "Enable Serial Number Entry is disabled, serial number items are added to a PI sheet without the user being prompted for a number, and numbers cannot be entered on the PI sheet. In addition, when the preference is disabled the Resolve Serials button will be disabled.
25315 The merge button is available on more tabs than it should be The Merge button is now only available on the  Add Counts and Imported tabs
25259 The permission "Modify PI Sheet Counts" is triggering in more places than it should When counts are modified in the Add Counts column of the Add Counts tab the permission is not triggered.
When the Add Counts tab is merged, the permission triggers.
When a user modifies scanned counts on the PI Sheet, Discrepancy, or Scanned tabs, the permission is checked.
25095 PI paging controls do not work properly when 'Enable Page Numbers and Item Counts in Pagination' is disabled When the Preference is unchecked, the paging is reduced to a simple back and forward button, without page numbers.
25023 Serial Number doesn't work properly in Physical Inventory There is an "Enable Serial Number Entry" preference in Admin Console > Merchandise > PI Sheet. When this preference is enabled, if a full-control serial number has its quantity modified on a Physical Inventory in any way, a modal will prompt for serial numbers. When you update the PI Sheet, the adjustment memos created to modify on-hand quantities will reconcile serial numbers.
When the PI Sheet is updated, the adjustment memos created to modify on hand quantities will also reconcile serial numbers.
24999 Unable to import a large number of PI updates (process fails w/toast) When an Import is performed in Physical Inventory, a YELLOW banner now appears at the top of the screen in PI.  the yellow banner will continue running until the import is completed and will be visible even if the user has moved to another zone in the PI and the PI is locked so you cannot do other imports or merge other counts until the import is complete. A green toast notifies us when the IMPORT is done, and at that time we can being merging other counts and/or begin other imports into the PI
24992 Provide zone details on the PI Zone page The following fields are in the Zone List grid:
Total Counts: Total scanned counts of the zone.
Bad Scans: All items scanned and not recognized.
Add Counts: Items entered into Add Counts but not yet merged to the zone.
Imported Qty: Items counts imported but not yet merged to the zone.
Line Items: The number of different items counted in the zone.
24982 Inactive stores are listed in the Send PI listing Servers that have been removed from the enterprise remain in the controller table but are archived.
When sending PI SHEETS, the system now filters out archived servers.
Servers that have been removed from the enterprise no longer can be selected when sending a PI SHEET.
24812 Clear Selection button from merged PI Zones is still active and able to be used Now "Clear Sel " button is disabled when zones are merged.
24745 Specific data is causing new PI's to be unable to be created Incidentally fixed.
24392 Add the ability to enter negative quantity on PI scan Qty fields (particularly in ZONE) Add Count column Negative counts can now be added into the quantity fields on the Add Counts tab.
24249 Serial Numbered items do not prompt for serial numbers on PI Serial Numbers not counted on the PI SHEET are now adjusted to QTY 0.
Serial Numbers adjusted in this way are now also made inactive.
23023 Update PI sheet start quantities is required to merge and unmerge zone We now have two permissions that governed Merging and unmerging zones:
Physical Inventory- Zone Merge:  
When set to override, an override credential is required to complete the merging of the selected zone(s) and when it is set to deny, then the merge button is disabled.
Physical Inventory- Zone Unmerge:   
When set to override, an override credential is required to unmerge he selected zone(s) and when it is set to deny, then the unmerge button is disabled.
23021 Importing into large zone would timeout but it will still finish the import. 2.0.1 CCU When an Import is performed in Physical Inventory, a YELLOW banner now appears at the top of the screen in PI. the yellow banner will continue running until the import is completed and will be visible even if the user has moved to another zone in the PI and the PI is locked so you cannot do other imports or merge other counts until the import is complete.
A green toast notifies us when the IMPORT is done, and at that time we can being merging other counts and/or begin other imports into the PI.
It is no longer failing or timing out, the resource lock is applied.
21481 Lot Number Entry Modal:    the action column method of changing the qty for each lot number seems inconsistent with the rest of PRISM The Lot QTY field in the grid is now editable 
The Lor Numbers are now fully editable. 
The Edit button in the action column has been removed
21479 PHYSICAL INVENTORY: ZONES: when entering a SN, the system will allow duplicate SNs to be entered, When a SN is added to PI, if the SN has already been entered, then the user will get a RED TOAST making them aware that the SN is already on the PI.
21476 "allow serial number count discrepancies" and "allow lot number count discrepancies" is not working as designed, Serial and Lot Number entry can now be enabled at Admin Console>Merchandise>PI Sheet.
When SN/LN Entry is enabled, then preferences to allow discrepancies for SN/LN on the PI can also be enabled.
By default, discrepancies are not allowed.
When Discrepancies are allowed, then the PI sheets can be merged and the PI can be updated without having all counts of SN and LN items having SN and LN for each count.
When Discrepancies are not allowed in a Simple PI the sheets can be merged but the user will be notified they are missing SN'LN entries, but the system will stop the user from updating the PI until they have reconciled all the SN/LN entries.
When Discrepancies are not allowed in a ZONE PI the sheets can be merged but the user will be notified they are missing SN'LN entries, but the system will stop the user from merging the zones to the larger PI until they have reconciled all the SN/LN entries.
21475 SN/LN preferences are not working as designed, Users can enter SN/LN into Physical Inventory. Serial and Lot Number entry is enabled in Admin Console >Merchandise > PI Sheet. When serial/lot number entry is enabled, then preferences to allow discrepancies can also be enabled. By default, discrepancies are not allowed.
21329 The "Lot Number" Search By  filter in the PI sheet doesn't return results We now have the ability to a search through the entire PI sheet for items with a specified Lot Number.
This Search uses "contains" logic and the results will include all items that have a lot  number that contains what is entered into the search field.
21328 The "Serial Number" Search By  filter doesn't return results We now have the ability to search through the entire PI sheet for items with a specific serial number.
This search uses "contains" logic and the results will include all items that have a serial number that contains the string entered into the search field
19134 Printing PI Sheet doesn't print correctly Each printout type (good/bad/discrepency) now prints the appropriate information.
25599 Automatically lock workstation freezes Prism Users will be routed to the POS document after being logged off. users will need to click New button to start a new transaction.
25579 POS tracking number field length is 30, UI only allows 24 characters Code changed to prevent more than 30 characters in the Tracking Number field.
25558 Item lookup: Multi Match - Prices are showing $0 for items When a * is entered into basic lookup, a multi match modal will pop up and give the user the ability to pick from the first 100 matches.
25537 The Serial Number Entry Modal only checks for duplicate Serial Numbers on the current page not the entire document. When a Full Control serial number item is added to a transaction, the user is presented with a modal to enter a serial number for each qty of that item. The Modal is paginated if there are more than 30 serial numbers needed and the system checks for SN duplicates across all pages of the SN entry modal to ensure the user doesn't enter the same serial number twice.
25399 Lot Number modal doesn't indicate Item Type when processing multiple item types with lot numbers The Lot Number prompt now includes the item type of each LN being requested.
25289 Look up of alternate vendor items does not list item on POS transaction and generates errors When an alternate UPC/ALU is entered into basic lookup at POS, the primary item will be added to the transaction.
25097 POS Transaction >Record Sale gives "Error" toast with no other information Record Sale only becomes usable once the transaction has been updated. Record Return only becomes available once Record Sale has been done and the transaction is in an updated state.
25063 New transaction Screen is missing the transaction details block The transaction Details information block is now correctly displayed on Simple Customer/Quick Tender and Quick Tender layouts when many Tender types are enabled.
24788 Screen freezes applying manual discounts with a restricted user with permission on override checked. "POS - Give Item Discount." When the permission "POS-Give Item Discount" is set to OVERRIDE, the user can apply a discount to items, but will be prompted for override credentials to finish applying the discount. 
The system no longer locks up when applying the override credential to discounts at POS.
When the permission is set to DENY, the system will not allow the user to enter a discount.
22739 Cannot create vendor invoice as it already exists User will not be able to save a vendor invoice if Vendor Invoice Amount is less than the Voucher Amount.
22714 POS sales tax incorrectly shown as 0 in negative total transaction We have added a "return tax amount" field to the transaction details>taxes tab.
This reflects the combined total of all tax being returned to the customer on the transaction.
19892 Document UDF fields not being fetched when they are added to the UI Code was changed to now include the following fields in document columns.
'udf_date1, udf_float1, udf_string1, udf_date2, udf_float2, udf_string2, udf_date3, udf_float3, udf_string3, udf_float4, udf_string4, udf_float5, udf_string5, udf_clob1'
19864 POS console error and nonspecific override on create and update permission settings Verified correct permission prompts.
17470 Adding a serial number item to the POS document and changing the qty to a large number is taking too long to return a response from the server.   When a serial number item is added to transaction the Serial Number Entry modal is displayed.
If the Qty of the serial number item is greater than one there will be a field to enter a SN for each qty. This modal is paginated and supports up to 30 numbers per page and checks for duplicate numbers in each field.
POS - Associates      
24172 Cannot change Associate on former transaction on Portrait Layout Now user can change the Associate on a former transaction on portrait layout.
POS - Customers      
25182 If there are more than one customers with the same last name, a list of possible matches is displayed but only the first and last name, the fields for address and phone are populated with dashes if you have more than one customer with the same last name, now multiple matches will display all the information related to the customers instead of dashes.
POS - Items      
24769 Cannot apply item discount using discount percent and pressing ENTER on the keyboard The ENTER key now applies a discount percentage the same way it would apply a price discount.
24763 BASIC ITEM LOOKUP/ADVANCED ITEM LOOKUP:   Multi Vendor:  Alternate Vendor lookup by ALU/UPC still brings up multiple item selector in documents when it shouldn't Alternate ALU/UPC searches return the primary item in Price Manager, Inventory, Adjustment Memos, Transfer Orders, Transfer Slips, and POS Transactions.
POS - Orders      
24762 Copied Orders where the original had a deposit returned are adding the returned deposit amount to the new copy of the order., The returned deposit on the original order is no longer added to the total due on copies made of that order.
23458 When fulfilling an order,  there is no way to match the fulfilling document to the order on the print out Code has been changed, so that the Ref_Order_Order_Doc_No (referenced SO number) is now populated on document header when assigned either DocRefSoSidAttr (fulfillment) or DocumentDepositRefDocSidAttr (take deposit). It can be can used it in document designer.
23121 Order Due Date on document orders  ( sales ) are not correct . They are behind 1 day The Order Due Date is no longer being displayed as the day before the date selected.
It is accurately showing the date the user selected.
POS - Tenders      
25365 Token return on exchange document shows the wrong authorization value and presents unnecessary prompt Prism will now only allow Referenced Credit Returns in combination with other returns. Attempting to combine Referenced Credit Returns with Sales or Orders on the same transaction will generate an error message.
25170 The tender screen is clearing the CARD_NAME from the taken side The Payments tab now reads Credit Card: "cardtype"
23790 Unable to Void Tenders in a Transaction Users can successfully void tenders if there are more than 12 tenders on the same receipt.
25589 'Bring Original Price from Price Level' setting does not save in admin console Code was changed to properly handle preference setting for price level.
24738 POS Transactions: Reason Code field does not reflect on the functionality. The label for Reason Code in POS has been changed to Discard Reason Code. The Discard Reason Code is only present on discarded transactions where a Discard Reason has been selected.
24737 There is no way to 'un-select' a default Reason code for Adjustments A Clear button is available in Admin Console -> Reasons -> Adjustment. This button will remove the Default reason code.
23996 Grid formats: Cannot move all columns from selected to available Users can select and move all columns from Selected to Available and vise-versa. 
Customer Lookup must have one column selected and prevents saving until that requirement is met.
18963 Add UDF 5-6 and AUX 1-8 to PO/Voucher/ASN grid formats and Doc Designer UDF fields have been refactored. All inventory UDF fields are now available in Grid formats for Adjustments, PO/TOs , Slips and Vouchers/ASNs and Doc Designer. Inventory UDF LongText fields are only visible in Edit/Details view for each inventory record.
18962 Add UDF 5-6 and AUX 1-8 in PO Grid Format The PO Grid Formats now have UDF1-6 and AUX1-8.
23496 Unable to configure Report Group under POS Transaction sub-areas The POS 'Use Groups' option is now available under all POS Transaction sub areas.
25389 Cannot add Gift item by ALU in reward rules Code was changed to properly handle the search filter for gift items in promotions.
24798 More than 30 coupon codes within a coupon set cannot be displayed Code was changed to properly display all generated coupons.
25737 On Order is not properly updated on some items on a PO (even after recalculating SRO) when the RECEIVED QTY field is NULL. Code was changed to properly handle the SRO process for calculated On Order
25521 cannot change PO cost on multi store allocated drop ship POs (that have been allocated with an allocation pattern) User can change PO cost on multistore allocated drop ship PO.
25518 Modified POs are not updating the store edition of the PO once they are changed at POA. Modified POs are now updating the store edition of the PO once they are changed at the POA. Replication from store to POA works correctly, as does looking up the document or editing the document from a different store
25402 PO number not printing on voucher/ASN if the PO number contains dashes ( - ) PO# with special characters will print properly on Vouchers & PO's.
25288 Look up of alternate vendor items does not list the item on PO and generates errors ('Unknown Errors Occurred') With Alternate ALU/UPC enabled in admin console:
  • Multi-vendor items can be added to a PO using alternate ALU or alternate UPC.
  • Alternate Items can be chosen from multiple-match item-selection modals.
  • When an alternate item is added after another is already on the PO, a red toast message is displayed: "This item is already on this purchase order."
25213 PO item note does not copy to voucher Item Notes 1-10 are now copied from the PO ITEMS to Voucher
25077 Unable to remove "TYPE" column from PO lookup Removing the 'Type' column in Grid Formats > PO Lookup (Show Columns) now correctly removes the column.
24981 Store name disappears With a red toast warning when you delete the Order Qty from PO allocation. Now the red toast error is not displayed and store name also doesn't disappear when deleting the Order Qty from PO allocation
24897 PO Cost does not populate the Voucher Cost when an item is scanned on to the voucher, This issue has been resolved. It can list PO cost on voucher when item is scanned after referencing the PO.
20569 If you click on another item while doing PO allocations, it doesn't save that last field entry PO Store assignment has been modified. Clicking on a different row still saves the value that was entered last, except when clicking on the UPC or 'Select item' column. In that case, the user will be warned that the last entry was not saved.
25351 Voucher can be updated with an inactive vendor & We now prevent the inactive vendor from being added to the Voucher.
25299 Resend Send Sale button is gone. The RESND button now always appears when a send sale is highlighted in Transaction lookup.
If the send sale was successfully sent, then when it is used the user will receive a red toast notifying them that they cannot send it because it is already sent.
24928 When creating a voucher referencing it to the PO with an inactive item on it, the screen blinks when you click on ALL DUE without giving any warning or errors that the PO contains an inactive item. Now if user try to reference PO that has Inactive item, Clicking All due will give you the proper error message that "Inactive Item can't be add to the voucher"
24779 The orig_qty field within rps.vou_item will change to match if an Item's qty is changed on an ASN User can edit the original qty from line item as well as from item details
24770 Multi Vendor Inventory Lookup: looking up by full or abbreviated UPC gives different results When an item has multiple vendors it can be listed on a voucher using any of the UPCs for that item either by typing the entire UPC including leading zeros, or by using the abbreviated UPC.
Items with multiple vendors can also be looked up by any of their UPCs in advanced item lookup.
If an item is listed in advanced item lookup by item's primary UPC and the DOC qty is 0, they can select from a dropdown list of vendors in the DOC VENDOR column.
22480 Spread Cost does not work with Voucher having 0 doc qty item Spread cost works correctly on Voucher having with 0 doc qty item.
22369 Prompt to enter the lot number in Voucher even when Tracking is set to None When Partial Control Lot Number Tracking is set to NONE on VOUCHERS, the user is no longer prompted for a Lot Number when adding a Partial Control Lot Number Item to a Voucher.
25432 PrismMQ Publisher times out while attempting to start initialization. Code was changed to PrismMQ publisher to properly handle initializations.
25403 Replication failed with compression turned on with a store's Windows regional and language for non-Unicode programs set to Chinese (simplified, PRC), Replication works correctly now. Tested with window regional and language local for non-Unicode programs set to Chinese(simplified Chinese), Japanese and Korean
24765 Document replicate with POA and change to inactive employee_sid Code was changed so that employee lookup for empl_name is case insensitive in order to handle situations with legacy data.  Additionally, Prism Login has been altered to ignore inactive employees;  preventing the inability to log in due to duplicate name/password.  If, however, multiple active employees have duplicate login names (ignoring case) it will be necessary to inactivate and recreate the duplicates with unique login names.
23487 ORA-24816: "Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column" Replicating document_extend  Table Code was changed to properly handle the CLOBs at the end of posting. 
Send Sale      
20523 Serial Number doesn't work properly in Physical Inventory "Enable Serial Number Entry" has been added to Admin Console>merchandise>PI Sheet.
When this preference is enabled, if a FC SN item has its qty modified on a Physical Inventory in any way, a modal will ask for serial numbers to be counted.
When the PI Sheet is updated, the adjustment memos created to modify on hand quantities will also reconcile serial numbers.
25408 Not able to select serial number on qty adjustment memo  
24034 Transferring Partial Serial Numbers between sublocations does not properly move the serial number

Sublocations have been added to the bottom pane of adjustment memo when sublocations are enabled.
The qty for items on qty memos are now adjusted in the sublocations pane.
When a value is changed for SN Item, a SN entry modal pops up.
The item details for SN items also has a SN pane where the sublocation for each SN is clearly viewable.
When configured in Admin Console, a Memo will prompt for SN with Partial Control SN items.

24007 Advanced item Lookup: Unable to enter a doc qty for serial number items in Advanced Item Lookup SN items can now be given a DOC qty from advanced item lookup results grid and the user will see that the item has been added when they return to the document
25221 Having Stores with an ampersand causes the identity file to hang during re-installation Code was changed to properly generate the identity script for oracle and mysql.
25118 Sublocations: Adjustment Memos Can not move Serial Number or Lot Nu to new location. Item moves, but serial number stays in old location Serial Numbers that are adjusted out of a sublocation are reduced to QTY 0 and made inactive in the sublocation they are being moved out of.
23484 Sublocations: unable to move serial numbers from one sublocation to another We are now able to move serial numbers from one sublocation to another. The result is that the serial number will be in both sublocations. The number will be inactive with a quantity of zero in one sublocation and active with a quantity of 1 in the other.
21536 Copy Sublocation Setup in Sublocation Management 2.0 When the user selects individual stores, the Copy button is enabled and the selected sublocations can be copied to the selected stores. 
When All Stores is selected, the Copy button becomes available and the selected sublocations can be copied to all the stores.
When the user selects the Subsidiary, all stores are selected but the copy button remains unavailable.
Tag Printing      
24694 Print tags by order of ALU   Code was changed to properly print tags based on the sorting of inventory.
25600 Return voucher generated by reverse slip does not update OH Qty at destination location It was corrected by the fix of another duplicate issue 23650. Return voucher generated by slips now shows correct qty for both source and destination store.
25588 "From Store #" filter on Transfer Slip Lookup is broken. Code was changed to remove the 'From Store#' filter. Users can select from the other two search types that provide the same store drop downs for searching.
24723 Total assigned and unfilled percent appear dollar formatted in the Transfer Order Lookup search results Unfilled % is no longer displayed as currency in Transfer Order Lookup.
23281 Adding Items with fully committed qty gives a red "reserved" error When the permission to Bypass Qty Checking is set to DENY, the option to apply the Qty Specified rather than the Qty On-Hand is grayed out.
Check On hand Qty is also now properly checking the On Hand Qty when performing the check.
23650 Return voucher generated from reversing a transfer slip does not update on hand quantity of the destination store., Reversing a slip now updates the on-hand quantities of the destination store correctly.
22451 Define default leave amounts at the workstation level for X/Z-Out & Users can now set default leave amounts at the workstation level for Z-Out.