Updated: August 12, 2024 9:09am

Chapter 19. Purchase Orders

Prism 1.14.7 User's Guide Chapter 19. Purchase Orders PDF

Prism 2.4 User's Guide Chapter 10. Purchase Orders PDF

About Purchase Orders
When merchants need to restock or add new merchandise, they create and send documents called purchase orders (POs) to vendors.  A PO typically includes the following information:

  • The vendor
  • Order, shipping, and cancel dates
  • Special shipping instructions if necessary
  • A list of the items to be ordered and information about those items, including description, price, cost, and the quantity ordered
  • The total cost of the order, including discounts, fees, and taxes

The merchandise ordered on a PO is added into inventory when the merchandise has been received on a voucher referencing that PO. When a PO has been filled or cancelled, it should be deleted. The permanent record of the items purchased is provided by receiving vouchers. When creating a purchase order (or voucher), the user must enter a Vendor Code (the unique code that identifies the vendor). When creating a voucher, the user can enter a PO # and bring the items/quantities from the PO to the voucher, updating the PO Fill Status.
Before creating purchase orders, make sure you configure related Prism permissions and preferences. 
Basic Steps for Purchase Orders
1.    Start a new PO and select the vendor.
2.    List the items you are ordering from the vendor.
3.    Enter any discounts, fees, or shipping charges.
4.    (Optional) Enter the payment terms for the order.
5.    Save the order. When the merchandise arrives, create a voucher that references the PO.

Drop Ship and Marked For POs
There are two types of POs: Drop Ship POs and Marked For POs.
Drop Ship POs: Use Drop Ship POs to order merchandise that will be shipped directly to the stores where it will be sold. You can use a Drop Ship PO to order merchandise for shipment to one store or to multiple stores, with subsequent distribution to the selling stores. If ordering for shipment to multiple stores, you can use allocation patterns to plan the distribution of merchandise. The allocations you make will result in separate shipments to the individual stores.
Marked For POs: Use Marked For POs to order merchandise that will be shipped to one location, typically a central warehouse.  If the merchandise is going to be transferred to other stores, you can auto-generate a transfer order (TO) that follows the PO's allocation instructions to transfer the merchandise.
Purchase Order Permissions
The following permissions enable retailers to control employee access to purchase orders:

Permission Description
Access Purchase Orders Allow group members to access the Purchasing > Purchase Orders area.
Print Purchase Orders Allow group members to print purchase orders.
Access Inactive Purchase Orders Allow group members to view/edit inactive purchase orders.
Edit Purchase Orders Allow group members to edit purchase orders.
Edit Purchase Order Item Notes Allow group members to edit the Notes field for purchase order items.
Create/Copy Purchase Orders Allow group members to create a new voucher using the New button or by copying an existing voucher.

Purchase Order Preferences
The following preference areas have settings related to purchase orders:

  • Grid Formats
  • Purchasing > General ( has preferences for both POs and Vouchers)
  • Purchasing > Purchase Orders
  • Purchasing > Comments (PO Instructions)
  • Sequencing

Grid Formats Preferences
In Grid Formats, users can customize the Advanced Item Search, Purchase Order and PO Lookup grids. You can specify which fields will be displayed by default in these grids and which fields can be added/removed by users.
Purchasing > General
These preferences apply to both purchase orders and vouchers and are inherited (Corp, SBS, Store, WS).

Preference Description
Cost to use for POs and Vouchers This preference determines how the PO Cost field for PO Items is populated: Order Cost, Inventory Cost, or Trade Discount (future release). By default, when a user lists an item on a PO, the item's current Cost in Inventory is entered as the PO Cost. If a voucher references the PO (or was generated from the PO), the PO Cost becomes the Voucher Cost. If the Voucher Cost is different than the item's current cost in Inventory, and if the Inventory Costing Method is set to "Average" (default), then updating the voucher will update the item's Cost in Inventory. Prism also has an Order Cost field for items. The Order Cost field provides an additional field for tracking cost and is used with the Trade Discounts and Foreign Currency Orders features. The default setting is to use Order Cost on POs and Vouchers. Unless you are doing something special with the Order Cost field, like using Trade Discounts or Foreign Currency Orders, the Order Cost field will be populated from the Cost field.
Here are the available options:
Order Cost: The item's Order Cost in Inventory is used to populate the PO Cost field for items.
Inventory Cost: The item's current Cost in Inventory is used to populate the PO Cost field.
Trade Discount (future release): If selected, the Trade Discount % entered in the vendor's record is applied to the Vendor List Cost to determine the Order Cost and PO Cost for items.
If the item is not listed on a PO (either because a PO was not referenced or the item was not on the original PO), then the setting from this preference determines how the Voucher Cost field is populated. (Note: The FC Cost field stores the cost in the foreign currency. When a foreign currency order updates the FC Cost field, updating the voucher will update the item's Inventory Cost, too.)
Inventory Costing Method This preference determines how Inventory Cost will get updated when the cost from the vendor is different than the Inventory Cost. By default, Prism will Average the quantities received at the new cost with the existing quantities at the old cost.
If Leave is selected, Inventory Cost is not updated when items are received at a cost different than the current Inventory Cost.
If Overwrite is selected, the cost on the receiving document overwrites the Inventory Cost instead of averaging the quantities and costs on the voucher with the quantities and costs in Inventory.
Restrict to one vendor per PO/Voucher If selected, the items on the document must have the same vendor as the vendor selected in the document header.
If not selected, items from different vendors can be listed on the PO/voucher.
PO/Voucher Fee Types In this area, define fee types for POs and Voucher.

Purchasing > Purchase Orders Preferences
These preferences only apply to purchase orders and are inherited (Corp, SBS, Store, WS).

Preference Description
Allow negative quantities on POs If selected, items on POs can have a negative Doc Qty. This is typically used when returning merchandise.
Allow receiving against PO after Cancel Date If selected, a user can create a voucher that references a PO that is past its Cancel Date.
Order by cases only This preferences applies to items that are sold by the case or individually. If selected, users must order whole case quantities when ordering; partial cases are not allowed.
Case rounding method Select how to round the quantity if a case quantity item is listed at a quantity that does not make a full case: Up, Down, or None.

Purchasing > Comments
In this area of preferences, you can define any PO Instructions (and Voucher Comments) that will be available for selection when creating a purchase order or voucher. These preferences are inherited (Corp, SBS, Store, WS)
1.    Click the plus sign icon.    
2.    A blank text field is displayed. Type the PO Instruction text.    
3.    Click the Check Mark button.     
4.    Repeat as needed to create additional PO Instructions or Voucher Comments.    

Document # Sequencing
Retailers can customize the document sequences used for purchase orders. This is a two-step process.
First, in the Sequencing area of preferences, select the level at which sequences will be defined: Subsidiary, Store, or Workstation. Next, you can edit the Subsidiary, Store, or Workstation records as needed and specify the starting number for the sequence. The default starting number is 1. These preferences are inherited (Corp, SBS, Store, WS).

New Purchase Order
By default, a new purchase order is created for the Default Subsidiary and Default Store of the logged-in user who is creating the PO. Users with the required security permissions can change the Subsidiary/Store.
1.    Navigate to Store Operations > Purchasing.
2.    Click New Purchase Order. (Or click the New button on the Purchase Order bottom menu.)
3.    A new purchase order form is displayed.
4.    Enter a unique PO No (Purchase Order Number).
5.    Select a Vendor Code.
6.    List the items being ordered by scanning or typing the UPC.
7.    Alternatively, click the Adv Lookup button to search Inventory.
8.    Click Purchase Order Details to add fees, discounts, etc.
9.    Save the Purchase Order.

Purchase Order Details
Click the Purchase Order Details button to enter fees, discounts, shipping and other details. On the General tab, users can enter Fees, Discounts, and Freight.
Select the Vendor tab to select Payment terms or define new payment terms.
(Optional) Select the Instructions tab to select or enter PO Instructions
Click the Notes tab to enter any other notes or information related to the PO.
Click the Close button to exit Purchase Order Details.

PO Fields
PO Date Fields
In the header area of the PO are key date fields:

Date Field Description
Order Date The date the PO was originally created.
Cancel Date The date after which the PO can no longer be received against.
Ship Date The date the ordered merchandise is expected to be shipped from the vendor.
Last Edit Date The date of the most recent edits to the PO.

PO Number
The PO Number is auto-populated with the next sequential PO Numbers. By default, the PO number in preferences is set to 1, so the first PO you create will be assigned #2. In Node Preferences > Sequences, you can change the number that will be the next number in the sequence. PO Numbers are unusual in that they may sometimes be alphanumeric instead of only numeric. This is something to consider when looking up purchase orders by PO Number.
By default, the current logged-in user is entered as the Associate. Users with the required security permission can edit the Associate field(s) on purchase orders.
PO Type
Drop Ship POs ship merchandise directly to the stores where it will be sold. You can use a Drop Ship PO to order merchandise for shipment to one store or to multiple stores, with subsequent distribution to the selling stores. If ordering for shipment to multiple stores, you can use allocation patterns to plan the distribution of merchandise. The allocations you make will result in separate shipments to the individual stores.
Marked For POs ship merchandise to one location, typically a central warehouse. From there, the merchandise can be transferred to other stores.
Vendor Code
Select a Vendor Code from the drop-down. The Vendor Code is a unique 3-6 character field that identifies the vendor.
Account No
The vendor will typically assign an account number for the retailer. When creating a PO, enter your account number for that vendor.
Ship To Store
By default, the Ship To store is the store to which the current logged-in user is assigned.
Subtotal and Total
The Subtotal and Total for the purchase order are displayed in the bottom right.
Number of Line Items and Order, Rcvd, Due Qty
You can view the total number of line items on the PO as well as information about the ordered and received quantities.

Freight, Discounts and Fees
In this area, you can view any Freight, Discount and/or Fee applied to the PO.

Purchase Order Details (Freight, Discounts, Fees, Payment Terms, Instructions)
To enter freight (shipping), fees, discounts and/or payment terms, tap or click the Purchase Order Details button. The values that you enter in Purchase Order Details are carried to the voucher that references the PO.
Purchase Orders Details has three tabs:

  • General: Enter freight, fees and discounts
  • Vendor: Enter payment terms and/or your account number with the vendor
  • Instructions: Enter up to five lines of PO Instructions

General Tab
In the Freight Amount field, enter the amount of any freight or shipping charges associated with the order.
In the Discount area, enter a discount as a percentage of the subtotal or as a specific amount. Click the Percent/Amount tab and then enter a Discount Amount or percentage.
In the Fee area, you can enter any fee amount associated with the order. Select a Fee Type from the dropdown and then enter the Fee Amount. Important!  The list of Fee Types available for selection comes from the list of Purchase Order Fees defined in Node Preferences > Purchasing > General. The Fee value you enter can be spread across the voucher items when spreading cost.
Vendor Tab
Select the Vendor tab to define "prompt payment" and other payment terms for the order. The payment terms you define are for informational and tracking purposes only. They are not used in any calculations.

Sample Payment Terms

Term Description
2/10 net 30 This means the retailer must pay within 30 days of the invoice date but will receive a 2% discount if they pay within 10 days of the invoice date.
3/7 EOM  This means the retailer will receive a cash discount of 3% if the bill is paid within 7 days after the end of the month indicated on the invoice date. If an invoice is received on or before the 25th day of the month, payment is due on the 7th day of the next calendar month. If a proper invoice is received after the 25th day of the month, payment is due on the 7th day of the second calendar month.
3/7 EOM net 30 This means the retailer must pay within 30 days of the invoice date but will receive a 3% discount if they pay within 7 days after the end of the month indicated on the invoice date. If an invoice is received on or before the 25th day of the month, payment is due on the 7th day of the next calendar month. If a proper invoice is received after the 25th day of the month, payment is due on the 7th day of the second calendar month.
2/15 net 40 ROG This means the retailer must pay within 40 days of receipt of goods but will receive a 2% discount if paid in 15 days of the invoice date. (ROG is short for "Receipt of goods.")

Instructions Tab
Select the Instructions tab to select one of the predefined Instructions defined in RP Prism Preferences. Users with the required security permission can enter free-form instructions on this tab.
Print a PO
With the PO displayed, tap or click the Print button. The standard print dialog is displayed. You can assign a default print design for Purchase Orders in Node Preferences > Hardware > Printing.

Options Button on Purchase Orders
Click the Options button on the PO form to display a pop-up menu of options of common tasks when working with purchase orders.

Option Menu Selection Description
Purchase Order Lookup Select this button to search for an existing purchase order.
Pending Purchase Orders Select to view purchase orders placed on hold or POs that were in progress when the user exited without saving.
Generate ASN Voucher Select this button to generate an ASN voucher from the PO.
Generate Transfer Order (Only available if PO Type is Marked For and the PO has been saved) Select to generate a transfer order for the items listed on a multi-store PO. The TO will have the same store allocations as on the PO. This feature is typically used with Marked For POs when the merchandise is to be shipped to one central location for subsequent distribution to individual stores. It is not for use on Drop-Ship POs where the merchandise is shipped directly from the vendor to the individual stores.
Print Tags Select to print price tags for the items on the PO.

Purchase Order Lookup
When users navigate to Purchase Order Lookup, the screen is split into two panes. The left pane is for defining search criteria. The right pane is for displaying the results of your search). 
Click the Search By drop-down to see a list of the available filter elements.
Use the scrollbar or arrow keys to view the list. Click the desired element (or press ).
An alternative method is to start typing the name of the desired element in the text box. The list of elements is filtered automatically. Select the desired element and press .
When you select a filter element, the element is added to the filter pane.
Next, select an operator for the element and enter a value. The operator that is selected will determine how the search is performed. In the example shown below, the "Modified By" element has been added to the filter and the operator is set to Equals. Clicking the dropdown displays a list of employees. The user can scroll the list and click on the desired employee to search for documents modified by that employee.
Alternatively, you can begin typing the first few characters of the employee's first name. Prism automatically filters the list. Highlight the desired entry and press .
Click the Search button. A list of matching records is displayed. The current document is excluded from the results. Note: If the results list is long, use the pagination buttons to navigate the list.
Pending Purchase Orders
Pending Purchase Orders is a special holding place for purchase orders placed on hold or that were not completed (e.g., because the browser was accidentally closed).
Navigate to Store Operations > Purchasing.
Click the Pending Purchase Orders button. (Note: You can also use the Options button on Purchase Orders)
Select one or more filter elements and enter search criteria.

  • Created Date: Enter a date range to find purchase orders created within the range.
  • Created By: Select the name of the employee who created the purchase order.
  • Modified Date: Enter a date range to find purchase orders last modified within the range.
  • Modified By: Select the name of the employee who last modified the purchase order
  • PO No: If you know the PO number, enter it and then click Search
  • Vendor Code: Select a vendor to display all POs from the vendor within the range

Select an operator for the search: Equals, Not Equals, Contains, Not Empty, Empty
Click the Search button. A list of matching POs is displayed.
Select the check mark (left side of grid) for the desired PO and then tap or click the OK button
Cancel, Deactivate, or Delete a Purchase Order
You can cancel a PO that has not been saved yet. On a PO in progress, simply click the Cancel button. A prompt asks for confirmation that you want to discard the document.
Deactivate a PO
You can deactivate a PO at any time. POs that have deactivated cannot be referenced on vouchers. Users with the required permission can access inactive POs (and reactivate, if necessary).
1.    Use Purchase Order Lookup to find and display the PO.    
2.    Select the checkmark for the PO.
3.    Click the Deactivate Selected button.     

Delete a PO
You can delete purchase orders that are on hold but no longer needed.
Use the Pending Purchase Orders button to find the order you put on hold. Click the Delete Selected button.
Hold/Unhold a PO
Click the Hold button to place a purchase order on hold.
To unhold a PO, use the Pending Purchase Orders button to search the list and view the PO. With the PO displayed, click the Unhold button. To make changes, the user must tap or click the Edit button.

Printing Tags for PO Items
You can print tags for the items on a purchase order. In this way, the price tags will be ready when the merchandise arrives.
Select the Retail Pro button in the lower-right corner.     
Click the Store Operations button.     
Click Purchasing > New Purchase Order.    
Click the Options button     
Click the Print Tags button.    
Make selections in the displayed dialog and then click the Print button.     

Multi-Store POs
Retailers using RP Prism can allocate the merchandise on a single purchase order among their various stores, greatly simplifying the ordering process. When you make a multi-store PO, you can then generate transfer slips from the PO to record the transfer of each store's share of the merchandise. When the merchandise arrives at individual stores, vouchers can be generated from the PO to add the merchandise to Inventory.
There are two ways to create a multi-store PO:

  • Select Drop Ship as the PO Type, then allocate the PO items among your stores. Allocations on Drop Ship POs represent separate shipments to the individual stores.  When a store manager or associate creates a voucher at the time merchandise is received, only the items and quantities for that store will be listed on the voucher.
  • Select Marked For as the PO Type, then allocate the PO Items among your stores. The merchandise allocations on Marked For POs represent a distribution plan for the transfer of the received merchandise after it has arrived at the receiving location.  When the merchandise is received, typically at a central warehouse, a Marked For transfer order (TO) can be auto-generated.

With either method, you can manually enter the number of units for each item for each store or use an allocation pattern.
New Multi-Store PO

1.    Select Store Operations from the Prism Menu.
Click the Purchasing button.    
2.    Click New Purchase Order    
3.    Select a PO Type: Drop Ship or Marked For.    
4.    Select a Vendor Code from the dropdown.    
5.    List the items being ordered.    
6.    Allocate the items to individual stores.
If using an allocation pattern, click the Apply Allocation Pattern check mark and select a pattern.    
7.    Save the PO    

Manually Allocate PO Items to Stores
You can allocate items manually by entering an Order Qty for each store, or you can use an allocation pattern to automatically distribute the ordered quantity. When allocating merchandise manually, enter the item quantities for individual stores in the grid below the item list.  The individual store quantities for each item are then added together to produce the total quantity ordered for the item.  
Steps    Instructions    Screen Elements
1.    Find and display the PO. Click the Edit button, if necessary (you must be in edit mode).    
2.    Select an item in the item list.    
3.    A grid is displayed below the item grid.
Enter individual order quantities for each item at each store in the Order Qty column.
4.    Repeat the process for each item on the PO.    
5.    Click the Save button.    

PO Allocation Pattern
An easy way to allocate merchandise among multiple stores is by using an allocation patterns that specify the relative quantities to be ordered for each store.  The system assigns quantities for individual stores based upon the total quantity ordered.  RP Prism does this by first summing the quantities entered in the allocation pattern for all stores and determining what percentage of the total has been allocated to each store. Retail Pro then multiplies each store percentage by the total item quantity to determine the quantity of that item to be ordered for each store.  If you change the quantity on the PO, the quantities ordered for each store will be recalculated according to the allocation pattern.
An allocation pattern specifies the relative quantities to be ordered for each store.  The example pattern shown here orders 4 for Stores 0 and 1 but only 1 for Stores 2, 3, 4 and 5.
If the Total Order Quantity is a multiple of the total quantity in the pattern (e.g. 36), then the pattern is applied as shown below, with each store receiving the specified relative allocation:
If the total quantity ordered is not a multiple of the allocation pattern (e.g. 21), the remaining items are allocated to the stores one at a time.
Department Allocation Patterns
You can also assign a default allocation pattern to each department.  If you assign a default allocation pattern to a department, that pattern will be automatically applied to all items from that department as the items are listed on the PO. However, if you want, you can select a different allocation pattern when making a PO.
New Allocation Pattern
Steps    Instructions    Screen Elements
1.    In the Apply Allocation Patterns dropdown, select New Pattern.    
2.    Enter a user-friendly name for the pattern.    
3.    Enter relative order quantities for each store.
For example, in the allocation to the right, Store 3 will be allocated twice as many unites as Store 1, 2 and 4. Store 0 and Store 5 will not be allocated any units.    
4.    Click Done when finished.    

Apply Allocation Pattern
When applying an allocation pattern, you can apply the pattern to the selected items, the entire document, or the entire style. To apply an allocation pattern to selected items, first select the check mark icon on the left side of the item grid. To apply a pattern to an entire style, select the check mark icon for any member of the style.
Steps    Instructions    Screen Elements
1.    Start a new PO and list the items being ordered.    
2.    Select the check mark icon for individual items as needed.    
3.    Select the desired pattern from the Apply Allocation Pattern dropdown.    
4.    Click the check mark icon.     
5.    Select how the pattern will be applied: Selected Items (each item with its check mark icon selected), Entire Document, or Selected Styles (applied to each item in the same style as the currently selected item).    
6.    The pattern is applied to the PO. Complete the rest of the PO.    

Edit Allocation Pattern
If necessary, you can edit the allocations in an allocation pattern. You can add, edit, or delete the allocations specified in the pattern.
Steps    Instructions    Screen Elements
1.    Select a Pattern in the dropdown.
Click the Pencil icon.    
2.    Edit the Pattern Name and/or Pattern Qty for individual stores.
You can also delete an entry, if necessary.    
3.    Click the Done button when finished.    

Showing/Hiding Allocations
The Show Allocation button is a toggle that shows/hides the item allocation grid.

Searching for a Specific Store's Allocation in the Item Allocation Grid
You can search the grid for a particular store's allocation. This is especially useful when there are a large number of stores. Simply type in the Store Name or Store Number. The list is filtered automatically as you type or delete characters. This enables you to easily view the allocations for any store. Alternatively, you can use the Up and Down arrow buttons to scroll up and down the list of store allocations.

Generate TO from a Multi-Store PO
This feature is typically used with Marked For POs, when the merchandise is to be shipped to one central location for subsequent distribution to individual stores. It is not for use on Drop-Ship POs where the merchandise is shipped directly from the vendor to the individual stores.
Use Purchase Order Lookup to find and display the PO.    
Click the Options button.    
Select Generate Transfer Order.    
Click the Marked For button.    
A confirmation is displayed.     

Generating Slips from the Transfer Order
If you generate a transfer order from a PO, keep in mind that the TO is a planning document. To execute the transfers, use Transfer Order Lookup to find the TO and then select Options > Generate Slips.

Generating ASN from a Multi-Store PO
If you generate an ASN voucher from the purchase order, then you can generate a voucher from the ASN. If an ASN was not generated, then you can reference the PO on the receiving voucher. The quantity available on the voucher will be the quantity allocated to that store on the PO. If you create a PO at an HQ, either marked-for or drop-ship, with allocated quantities to multiple receiving stores; and the HQ generates the ASNs, the HQ must also send the PO to the receiving stores.  Prism does not support sending only the ASN to receiving stores.
Use Purchase Order Lookup to find and display the PO.    
Click the Options button.    
Select Generate ASN Voucher.    
Click the Generate ASN(s) button.    
 A dialog displays the number of ASNs generated.
Click the Close button.    

Referencing Multi-Store PO on a Voucher
If an ASN voucher was generated from the purchase order, then you can generate a voucher from the ASN. If an ASN was not generated, then you can reference the PO on the receiving voucher. The quantity available on the voucher will be the quantity allocated to that st

Select Store Operations from the Prism menu.    
Click the Receiving button.    
Click the ASN Lookup button.    
Enter search criteria and then click the Search button.    
Scroll the list of ASNs until you find the desired ASN. Note: You can filter the list of ASNs, if necessary.
Click the View button.    
Click the Options button on the voucher.    
Select Generate Voucher.    
Make any needed changes to the voucher (e.g. adjusting the number of items being received).
Click Update Only or Print Update to update inventory quantities.    

Printing Multi-Store POs
When printing a multi-store PO, the user has two options:

  • Print a single PO that shows the store allocations for each item
  • Print a separate PO for each store that has allocations. The quantity for each item on a given document will represent the allocation for that document's store

Foreign Currency Cost (FC Cost)
Vendors can be located anywhere in the world. Working with foreign vendors means that you're dealing with your own currency as well as the vendor's currency when you order merchandise. Prism provides several options to help you manage the foreign cost of items you order, including:
Display foreign order cost and currency type when you order merchandise.
Automatically recalculate order cost and foreign order cost when either value changes.
List items by multiple foreign vendors, while Prism calculates each item's foreign order cost using the appropriate exchange rate.
Important: Prism calculates foreign order cost based on the active exchange rate for the current time period. When a new exchange rate becomes active, Prism automatically recalculates foreign order cost in Inventory; however, foreign order cost on saved/updated documents is not updated.
Foreign Order Cost and Currency Fields
Using the Grid Formats preferences, you can add foreign currency fields to your PO/Voucher screen and document designs to help you manage foreign order costs.
FC Cost displays the cost in the vendor's currency.
Currency field in the vendor record is the vendor's currency type (yen, Euros, rupiah etc.).
You can add the following foreign currency fields to PO, voucher grid formats:

Foreign Currency Field Description
FC Discount The document discount amount in the foreign currency.
FC Cost Cost of the item in the vendor's assigned currency
FC Price Price of the item in the vendor's assigned currency
Ext FC Cost The document extended cost for the item in the foreign currency
Ext FC Price The document extended price for the item in the foreign currency
Orig FC Cost    The original cost of the item in the vendor's foreign currency (before any di

Currency and FC Cost on POs and Vouchers
When you enter a Vendor Code on a purchase order, the currency assigned to that vendor is automatically entered on the PO.
Prism applies the exchange rate for that currency to each item's order cost (PO Cost) to calculate the FC Cost. If you change the item's order cost, Prism automatically recalculates the FC Cost. Likewise, if you change the Foreign Order Cost, Prism recalculates the PO Cost. The exchange rate(s) used for currencies come from the settings in Admin Console > Global Preferences > Currency > Exchange Rates.
FC Cost on Vouchers
To carry FC Cost information from the PO to receiving vouchers, select the Use Order Cost on POs and Vouchers option in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Purchasing > General.
Spreading Fees and impact on FC Cost
If you use the FC Cost field for voucher items, be sure to:
Restrict your system to one vendor per PO/Voucher (this is the default setting)
List the vendor on the voucher at the time you perform the spread operation.
When you list the vendor on the voucher, Prism can spread the fee correctly (and unspread, if necessary) and update each item's FC Cost.
If the vendor is not listed on the voucher at the time of the spread operation (Vendor Code = blank), then the base currency is used.
Items From Multiple Foreign Vendors on a Single PO
If your system preferences are configured to allow items from multiple vendors on a single PO or voucher, and these vendors use different currencies, you can change the Currency field for individual items, as needed. Prism calculates each item's FC Cost based on the Currency.
Defining Currencies and Exchange Rates
Define foreign currencies and exchange rates in Admin Console > Global Preferences > Currency > Exchange Rate.

Minimum Order Quantity
In each item's Inventory record, users can define a Min Order Quantity. If a min Order quantity is defined, any purchase orders that include that item will be required to obey that minimum order quantity.
When the item is listed on a PO, the Ord Qty is set to the value entered in the Minimum Order Qty field.
The user can enter a larger value but not a smaller value. If a user tries to enter a smaller value than the value entered in the Inventory record Minimum Order Qty field, an error message is displayed explaining that the value is less than the Minimum Order Quantity.

Marked For Purchase Orders
In this example, a Marked For purchase order is created that orders merchandise for two stores: 000 and 002. Marked For purchase orders are typically used when merchandise is shipped from the vendor to a central receiving location. From the central location, merchandise is then distributed to individual stores as needed using transfer orders and transfer slips.
Step 1. Create a new purchase order and set the PO Type to Marked For. Allocate the merchandise on the purchase order to the stores where the merchandise will be transferred.
Save the purchase order.
Step 2. Click the Options button and select Generate Transfer Order.
Click Marked For.
A message informs the user when the transfer orders have been generated.
Step 3. Navigate to Store Operations > Transfers > Transfer Order Lookup and search for the transfer order. Select the TO in the Results pane and click OK.
The TO is displayed. Note that the PO# is entered on the transfer order.
Step 4. Click the Options button and select Generate Slips.
A list of the generated slips is displayed. Print if needed and then click the Close button.
Generating the slips also generates ASNs for each Sent To store. The ASNs are used to receive the merchandise.
Step 5. At the Send To Store, navigate to Store Operations > Receiving > ASN Lookup. Search for the ASN. Select the ASN in the Results pane and click OK.
The ASN is displayed. Notice there is no Vendor Code on the ASN. To enter the Vendor Code, the user must link the ASN to the purchase order.
In the Ref PO No field, click the Search icon.
Search for the PO and select it. When the Reference PO No is entered, the Vendor Code field is updated.
Save the changes to the ASN.
Step 6. Click the Options button and select Generate Voucher. The voucher is displayed. Update the Voucher.

Item Discounts on Purchase Orders
Users can apply a discount to individual items on purchase orders. This is useful when a vendor offers a special discount on specific items. Previously, users could add a transaction-level discount to a purchase order (via the General tab in Purchase Order Details) but not a discount for a specific line item.
To add item discounts on purchase orders, add the Discount and/Discount % columns to Purchase Orders Grid Formats preferences (Admin Console > Node Preferences > Grid Formats).
To enter or edit a line-item discount amount or percentage on a purchase order:
List the item on the purchase order.
Click the item in the item list and then navigate to the Discount or Discount % column. Enter the desired value.
Save the purchase order.

Alternate (Multi) Vendor Items on Vouchers
When searching for a multi-vendor item in Advanced Item Lookup, you can select the desired vendor in the Doc Vendor column. The results grid dynamically updates to show the selected vendor's Cost (Doc Cost), Price (Doc Price) and UPC or ALU. This enables you to easily select the desired vendor for multi-vendor items and view the key values for that vendor on the document. 
The Doc Vendor drop-down is only enabled if the following are true:

  • There are alternate vendors for the item (ALT_VENDOR table for the item has a length greater than 0)
  • The item Doc Qty is 0
  • The search value doesn't match an alternate record (as opposed to the primary)

Scroll to Display Doc Vendor Column
The Doc Vendor column is found at the far-right end of the scrollable part of the grid. Move the horizontal scroll bar to display the Doc Vendor column.
Sample Advanced Item Lookup results showing scrollbar moved to the right to display the Doc Vendor dropdown. Selecting a different Doc Vendor updates the Vendor Code, UPC and ALU for the item:
Prism 2.2.1 Doc Vendor column