Retail Pro Reports

Powered by Krunch

Retail Pro and SAP

Maximize the Value of Your Data
with Retail Pro Reporting

Retail Pro Reporting powered by Krunch is a robust operational reporting application that helps you gain valuable insight into your business.

  • Endless custom reporting potential
  • Comprehensive predefined reports
  • Powerful ad hoc queries
  • Rich visuals and dimensional analysis
  • Interactive KPI dashboards
  • Live link to your Retail Pro data
  • Access reports from any device with a browser


The following reports are for use with Installation of Retail Pro Prism Reporting v 9.1 or later.

To learn more about using Retail Pro Reports and how to import these reports into Retail Pro Prism, please visit the Retail Pro Reports Series on Retail Pro TV.


Adjustments Reports

Included Reports:

Cost Changes
The ADJUSTMENTS: Cost Changes report shows cost changes made on cost adjustment memos, including key information such as Old Cost(the cost before the cost change), the Adjusted Cost (the cost after the cost change), and the Cost Difference (the difference between the Old Cost and the Adjusted Cost). The report is grouped and subtotaled by subsidiary. At the end of the report grand totals for Old Cost, Adjusted Cost and Cost Difference values are displayed.
Price Changes
The ADJUSTMENTS: Price Changes report shows price changes made on price adjustment memos, including key information such as Old Price (the price before the price change), the Adjustment Price (the price after the price change), and the Price Difference (the difference between the Old Price and the Adjusted Price). The report is grouped and subtotaled by subsidiary. At the end of the report grand totals for Old Price, Adjusted Price and Price Difference values are displayed.
Quantity Changes
The ADJUSTMENTS: Quantity Changes report shows quantity changes made on quantity adjustment memos, including key information such as Old Quantity (the quantity before the adjustment), Adj Quantity (the quantity after the adjustment), and Diff Quantity (the difference between the Old quantity and the Adj quantity). The report is grouped and subtotaled by Store and Subsidiary. At the end of the report grand totals for the Old qty, Adj qty and Diff qty values are displayed.
Admin Reports

Included Reports:

Employee Time Clock History
The ADMIN: Employee Time Clock History report lists all check-in / check-out documents in order. The report is grouped and subtotaled by subsidiary, store and employee. At the end of the report grand totals for Total Hours are displayed.
Z Out History
The ADMIN: Z Out History report shows a list of all Z Out reports including relevant details such as open amount, close amount, over/short amount, workstation, employee, date and more. The report is grouped and subtotaled by store.
Departments Reports

Included Reports:

All Information
The DEPARTMENTS: All Information report displays detailed information about departments contained in your Retail Pro Prism database including: Department DCS, Whether quantity decimals is selected, tax code, allocation pattern, and the margin percentage.
Disbursements Reports

Included Reports:

All Disbursements
The DISBURSEMENTS: All Disbursements report provides general information about all disbursements that have taken place including important details such as disbursement amount, cashier, workstation, disbursement type, and more. The report is grouped by Store.
Cash Drops
The DISBURSEMENTS: Cash Drops report provides general information about all cash drops that have taken place including important details such as cash drop amount, cashier, workstation, reason, and more. The report is grouped by Store.
PO Reports

Included Reports:

PO Merchandise On Order - DCS
The 'PO:PO Merchandise On Order - DCS' report shows merchandise on order. The report is grouped and subtotaled by DCS. At the end of the report grand totals for qty ordered, qty received, qty due, and total order cost.
PO Merchandise On Order - Vendor
The 'PO:PO Merchandise On Order - Vendor' report shows merchandise on order. The report is grouped and subtotaled by Subsidiary and by Vendor. At the end of the report grand totals for qty ordered, qty received, qty due, and total order cost.
Receiving Reports

Included Reports:

Voucher Journal
The RECEIVING: Voucher Journal report chronicles your receiving history voucher-by-voucher. You can see important information about each the items received on each voucher and other information such as date, store, etc. The report is grouped by company, store code and voucher number
Sales Reports

Included Reports:

Item Discount History - grouped by Associate
The "SALES: Item Discount History - grouped by Associate" report provides a list of all item-level discounts that have occurred. The report is grouped and subtotaled by Store and by Associate. The report shows information about each item discount such as associate, original item price, discount amount, store, date, and more. Other identifying information about each item will not be present.
Item Discount History - grouped by Reason
The "SALES: Item Discount History - grouped by Reason" report provides a list of all item-level discounts that have occurred. The report is grouped and subtotaled by Store and by Discount Reason. The report shows information about each item discount such as associate, original item price, discount amount, store, date, and more. Other identifying information about each item will not be present.
Item Summary
The SALES: Item Summary report shows net sales by item. This report shows important item data such as quantity sold, extended price, and more. At the end of the report grand totals are displayed for quantity sold, extended cost, extended price and extended margin. This report is grouped by subsidiary. Also, this report only shows items which have a non-zero sales history.
Receipt Journal
The SALES: Receipt Journal report provides sales and return receipts organized by originating store. This report provides a detailed look at individual receipts, including item detail, extended cost, discount information, etc. This report does not include cancelled receipts or high security receipts.
Receipt Journal - No Item Details
The "SALES: Receipt Journal - No Item Details" report provides sales receipts organized by originating store. and by workstation. This report provides receipt details such as date, amount, receipt number and more. This report does not show item details. And this report does not include cancelled receipts or high security receipts.
Receipt Journal with Detail
The "SALES: Receipt Journal with Detail" report provides sales and return receipts organized by originating store, and is very similar to the "SALES: Receipt Journal" report although containing more details. This report provides a detailed look at individual receipts, including item detail, extended cost, discount information, etc. This report does not include cancelled receipts or high security receipts.
Receipt Journal with Detail with serial No
The "SALES: Receipt Journal with Detail with Serial No" report provides sales and return receipts organized by originating store, and is very similar to the "SALES: Receipt Journal" report although containing more details including item serial number. This report provides a detailed look at individual receipts, including item detail, extended cost, discount information, etc. This report does not include cancelled receipts or high security receipts.
Store Summary
The SALES: Store Summary report provides net sales by store for a specific date range. The following key values are displayed: Quantity Sold, Gross Sales, Discounts, Net Sales, Margin and more. This report includes a bar chart which visualizes net sales per store.
Style Summary
The SALES: Style Summary report shows net sales by Style and relevant data which is included are: quantity sold, extended price, DCS, Vendor, and more. At the end of the report grand totals for the entire company are displayed. This report is grouped by subsidiary and only shows item styles which have a non-zero sales history.
Vendor Summary
The SALES: Vendor Summary report shows net sales by Vendor. Includes relevant data such as quantity sold, extended price, and more. At the end of the report grand totals for the company are displayed.
Workstation Summary
The SALES: Workstation Summary report shows net sales by Workstation shows additional workstation data such as quantity sold, qty returned, net sales and more. This report is grouped and subtotaled by store.
SO Reports

Included Reports:

Deposit Journal
The SO: Deposit Journal report lists deposits made for sales orders, along with information about the amount remaining due on the order, order date, cancel date, etc.
Summary Reports

Included Reports:

Receiving Merchandise
The SUMMARY: Receiving Merchandise report lists receiving vouchers. Information on the report includes Extended Cost, Item Qty, Vendor Invoice Amounts, and more. This report enables retailers to quickly see how much merchandise has been received and has been paid on vendor invoices.
Transfers Reports

Included Reports:

Item Summary
The TRANSFERS: Item Summary report displays a list of items transferred during the report date range. You can see how many units of each item were transferred, and the extended price and cost of those transfers.
Slip Journal
The TRANSFERS: Slip Journal report contains information about transfer slips, including the source and destination stores, dates,, slip number, slip items, and more. The report is subtotaled by subsidiary, source store, and slip number. At the end of the report, grand totals for the company are displayed.


Admin Reports

Included Reports:

Journal by Transaction Type
Report listing all sales, returns, and order transactions that have occurred, and relevant information such as the transaction type, date, workstation, amount, taxes and more. Note: Also includes discarded or pending transactions.
Z-Out Report History
A list of all Z-Out Report results showing relevant data such as workstation, store, open and close amounts, over/short amount, total sales, and more.
Customer Reports

Included Reports:

Customer List (Detailed)
A list of all customers and relevant customer info such as name, contact info, customer ID, created date, UDF 1-18 fields, and more. Note: The same customer may be listed on multiple rows in the report in order to show all customer information, such as multiple phone number, etc.
Customer List B
A list of all customers and relevant customer information such as name, contact information, customer ID, created date, and more. Note; The report may list the same customer on multiple rows in order to display all customer information such as multiple phone numbers.
Customer Store Credit and Last Sale Date - B
A list of customers that have a store credit balance, and includes customer information such as name, contact information, customer ID, store credit balance, central credit balance, home store, and last sale date. Note: Only customers with a store credit balance or central credit balance will show on this report. The same customer may appear on multiple rows in order to have all customer information displayed.
Customers with Store Credit
Report which will list all customers that have a store credit balance. Showing relevant data such as customer name, home store, store credit balance, central credit balance, and last sale date. Note: If a customer has no balance (zero) for both store credit and central credit, they will not be listed on this report.
Customers with Store Credit (Detailed)
Report showing customers that have a store credit balance. Showing relevant data such as customer, home store, store credit balance, central credit balance, contact information, customer creation date, and more. This report is grouped by store.
Disbursements Reports

Included Reports:

Disbursements - Cash Drops
Report showing all cash drop disbursements at each store. The report shows relevant data about each cash drop disbursement such as amount, date, cashier, reason, disbursement number, and more.
Disbursements - Paid Ins
Report showing all paid in disbursements at each store. The report shows relevant data about each paid in disbursement such as amount, date, reason, cashier, drawer balance, disbursement number, and more.
Disbursements - Paid Outs
Report showing all paid out disbursements at each store. The report shows relevant data about each paid out disbursement such as amount, date, reason, cashier, disbursement number, and more.
Discounts Reports

Included Reports:

Item Discounts by Associate
A list of all item-level discounts given per cashier. For each discounted transaction you will see relevant information such as date, store, receipt number, discount amount and more.
Item Discounts List
Shows all item discounts from sales transactions. Showing each item discount on each row of the report, along with relevant information such as item description, transaction date, and more. Note: This report does not show global discounts (a.k.a. transaction-level discounts).
Employee Reports

Included Reports:

Employee Performance Report Daily
Shows performance of each employee by listing each employee's daily sales figures such as number of transactions, total amount sold, units sold, and more. The report is grouped by employee.
Employee Productivity Summary
A list of all employees (grouped by store) showing each employee's productivity data such as total number of transactions, avg units per receipt, avg sale amount, total sales, returns, markdowns, and more.
Inventory Reports

Included Reports:

Adjustment Memo Report - Quantities
Report listing all items that are on quantity adjustment memos. The items are grouped by memo number, and by store. Shows important data such as original vs. adjusted quantity, date of adjustment, cashier, item definition fields and more.
OnHand Item Report (grouped by Store and Sub)
Shows all inventory items that are on hand, including data such as item definition, on hand qty, on hand at cost/price, and more. The items are grouped by store and by subsidiary.
Physical Audit Report (at Price)
Shows merchandise quantity adjustment summary, grouped by adjustment number and by store. Shows transaction information such as date, orig qty, new qty, orig on-hand at price, new on-hand at price, and more. Note: This report does not show item definition fields.
Physical Audit Report (at Price) Detailed
Shows merchandise quantity adjustments summary grouped by department and by store. Shows transaction and item information such as date, item description, orig qty, new qty, orig on-hand at price, new on-hand at price, and more.
Stock Movement by Store - Detailed
A report of transferred inventory items (items on transfer slips), including item data such as transfer date, to/from store, date of transfer, slip no, item definition fields and more. The report is grouped by "from store" and date.
Stock OnHand Summary by Department
Shows all items in inventory grouped by department and by store. Shows each item's relevant data such as on-hand quantity, on-hand at price, and more.
Orders Reports

Included Reports:

Layaway Orders Report
Report showing all layaway order items grouped by store. The report shows data about each item such as order date, order number, customer, price, cashier, and more.
Sales Orders Report
Shows a list of all sales orders and their details, including order number, customer, order status, date, store, total amount, deposits taken, open balance, and more. Note: This report includes both customer orders and layaway orders.
Sales & Returns Reports

Included Reports:

Cash Receipts Amount
Shows transactions which were tendered by all cash. Includes data on each transaction such as store, date, ID, customer, amount, tax and more. Note: Will only show transactions tendered with all cash. Will not show transactions that were split tendered.
Credit Card Tenders
Shows all credit card tenders and relevant data such as card type, tender amount, date and time, cashier, store where transaction took place, and more. Report is grouped by type of credit card.
Employee Sales Summary by Department
Report showing each employee's sales history per department. For each department and employee, you will see units sold, amount sold, returns, tax, proportion of sales volume, and more.
Employee Sales Summary by Item
This report lists all items sold per employee. The report shows item-level data such as transaction no, transaction date, sold price, tax, discounts, and more. The report is grouped by employee.
Flash Sales by Department
Report showing sales per department. The report breaks down department-level sales figures by date, and by store. Includes a bar chart to show visualization of sales across all departments.
Flash Sales by Employee
See sales performance across employees with this report showing each employee's amount sold and units sold, with employees grouped by home store. Also includes a bar chart.
Hourly Sales Report
The report shows hourly sales figures for each date, and relevant information such as each hour's amount sold, units sold, returns, discounts, taxes and more. The report is grouped by date, and the report will only show hours that have sales. If there were no sales for a particular hour, that hour will not be listed as a row on the report.
Item Sales Report by Date
A report showing all items sold by date. The report will show a row for each item sold on different dates. For each date, you will see an inventory item's sales information including item definition, units sold, total sales, discounts, and more. The report is grouped by store.
Items Sold Daily (grouped by Store)
A list of items sold for each day at each store. Including qty sold, amounts sold, taxes, and more. You will see all item definition information, as well as be able to drill up or down by date and by store.
Monthly Sales Summary by Department
The report will show monthly sales summaries for each inventory item. The report then groups these item-level sales summaries by department, by month, and by store. Note: The report will not list items that have zero sales history.
Monthly Sales Summary by Store
Report shows a monthly sales summary for each store. Each store's monthly sales summary includes units sold, amount sold (before/after tax), discounts, returns and more.
Monthly Sales Tax Summary by Store
Report showing a monthly ta summary for each store. The monthly summary includes tax collected, tax rate, units sold, total sales before tax, after tax, and more. The report is grouped by tax area and then by store.
Returned Merchandise Report
Shows all returned items and includes relevant data such as return date, item information, original transaction number, amount, associate, and more.
Sales by DCS - This Period vs Last Period
A report showing sales history per DCS classification and compares two different time periods. For each DCS you will see sales data such as units sold, amount sold, and total taxes (for both current period and previous period). A bar-chart is included for quick visualization of sales per department. Note: user must manually define "Current Period" and "Last Period" dates in the Report Filter.
Sales by Department YTD vs Last Year
Shows YTD (year-to-date) sales history per department. The data includes units sold, total sales, discounts, taxes and more. The report compares with the same YTD figures last year. You can drill down into each department to see item-level sales figures. Note: This report does not show returns, only sales.
Sales Summary by Employee
This report lists all employees and their sales history including data such as units sold, amount sold (pre-tax and after-tax), discounts and more. Includes a bar-chart visualization of net sales (pre-tax) per employee. Note: only employees with non-zero sales history will show on the report.
Sales Tax Summary by Transaction No
This report shows all sold and returned items with items grouped by transaction number. For each item you will see tax related details such as units sold/returned, tax rate, tax amount, gross/net sale amount, and more.
Send Sale by Item
A list of items sold in send sales. Shows sending store data, receiving store data, item data, customer data, and more.
Tax Free Invoices (Detax) Report
Report showing transactions that are associated with detax customers. The report will show each transaction linked to a detax customers and related information such as transaction number, date, customer name, tax, total amount and more.
Weekly Sale Report by Store
Report showing the sales performance for each store, broken down by week (52 weeks per year). On each row you will see a weekly sales history showing units sold, units returned, amount sold (pre-tax and after-tax), and discounts. All rows of the report are grouped by store.

Need More Information?

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