How to resolve issues assigning component items to a package in Retail Pro 9

Items designated as a Package Item have a non-zero quantity. When an item designated as a Package Item is updated in inventory via ECM through an unmanaged "IMPORT" station at the Primary, there may be an issue assigning component items to a package.



Items designated as a Package Item cannot be set to or from the Package Item designation if there is a non-zero on-hand value in any of the store records of the subsidiary to which the item belongs. Due to this, it is not possible to simply change the "invn_type" field of the item to "no-entry" (default) in the UI.

The only way to change the item designation is to use an update statement via the Technicians Toolkit> SQLShell. The field that corresponds to "invn_type" in the database is invn_sbs.kit_type.



To resolve this problem, the item must be set back to a standard item type and then the on-hand quantity zeroed out in each of the stores under the subsidiary in which it resides.


1. Reset the Item Designation to "no entry" on the Item

Sample update statement below. Replace the # symbols with the appropriate values.

Update invn_sbs  set  kit_type =  0 where  item_sid = ############### and  sbs_no  = #



2. Resolve the Quantity Values on the Package Item

  • In Merchandise > Inventory, locate the item and adjust out the on-hand quantity of the item in each store under that subsidiary.


3. Change the "invn type" of the item back to "Package Item"

  • In Merchandise > Inventory, locate the item and change the "invn_type" to "Package Item."


4. Assign /Add Component Names to the Component Items

  • Select "Package and Kit" from the side menu and modify the components as desired.



Avoid importing on-hand quantities to the Primary (Headquarters). Review and follow ECM Configuration Best Practices.




Published on Jul 29, 2021 in ECM, Inventory


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