Updated: August 3, 2023 3:57pm Release Notes


This topic has information about the release.


  • Clear the browser history cache before you try to log in
  • Windows 10: Launch the Proxy using the "Run as Administrator" option


  • Tracking No expanded from 24 to 30 characters (for Data Migration Tool)
  • Password field expanded from 24 to 30 characters (for Data Migration Tool)
  • Phone1 Phone2 on Store records now has a max length of 30.
  • New API calls: DocumentImport (#21527, 21528), GetOriginalTenders (#21808), PurgeD2DStatus (#17696), ReprocessAllData (#24438), GetLastLeaveDrawerEvent (#23164)
  • PrismMQPublisher.exe replication component program added

No new requirements for this release.

  • Navigate Lookup Results  (#20930)
  • Import Items on Backoffice Documents  (#21527, 21528)
  • UDF Fields Redesign with additional UDF Fields  (#22380)
  • Search Options for Currency  (#23423)
  • New Document State upon Switching Location  (#21394)
  • Record Sale for Orders and Send Sale  (#15610)
  • Email PDF copy of Receipt  (#22040)
  • Delete Time Clock Records  (#22628)
  • Edit Document Date permission  (#20197)
  • Set Give Tender to last Take Tender  (#22534)
  • Fulfill Send Sale at different Sublocation  (#21561)
  • Multiple Address, Phone, Email included in Customer Lookups  (#21684)
  • Add Created Date to Customer History Grid Formats  (#23012)
  • Customer Required fields: "Company" and "Name or Company"  (#22461)
  • Refund by Reference for Global Payments (Cayan)
  • Promotion "Search By" Filters  (#17428)
  • Validate Promotions by OH Qty  (#23163)
  • Validate Promotions by Price Range  (#22614)
  • Apply Item Promotion to Single Item or All Items  (#23200)
  • Suggest Z-Out Open Amount match previous Leave Amount  (#23164)
  • "Allow Add (tender)" setting in Tender Requirements  (#21869)
  • Style UDFs  (#21194)
  • In Transit Qty fields in Item Details - Qty tab  (#22615)
  • Create All button in Style View  (#19281)
  • Pagination for Adjustment Memo Lookup  (#23143)
  • Auto TO
  • Source OH, Target OH on Transfer Slip Item Grids  (#23860)
  • Allocation Patterns for Transfer Orders  (#21210)
  • Reason preferences for slips and transfer orders  (#21067)
  • PO Lookup on Vouchers by Bill To Store, PO Store  (#23819)
  • Disable editing of Qty field on ASNs  (#24759)
  • Vouchers - Edit Pending permission  (#23005)
  • Consolidate like items on ASNs, Vouchers and Slips  (#24445)
  • Update Order Cost when Making Vouchers  (#25042)
  • Convert Store Credit to Central Credit Tool in Tech Toolkit  (#24736)
  • Show Total Discount Amount on Printed Receipts  (#24768)
  • Add Foreign Currency symbol to PO Doc Designs  (#20149)
  • Store Address and UDFs/Aux, Z-Out Read Count in Doc Designer  (#18637)
  • Serial and Lot Number Fields on Tag Design  (#23037)
  • Print Preferences for Standard, Return, Order Receipts  (#21566)
  • Document Designer Subsidiary/Store Assignment  (#22695, 24111)
  • PrismMQPublisher.exe (released as part of a 2.1.2 CCU)
  • Purge Day-to-Day Replication History  (#17696)
  • Reprocess All Errors (Entire enterprise or single connection)  (#24438)
  • RabbitMQ Queue Cleanup when removing a server  (#23983)
  • Log Settings for Data Replication Programs in Service Manager  (#24643)

FIXES (189 issues)
The following list outlines key issues that have been addressed with this release.

Issue ID Title/Description Build Found Solution
Adjustment Memos      
24705 Cost/Price/Qty Adjustment Memo buttons each have the HTML tag named as 'TransferSlipNew' This issue has been addressed.
24557 Need a way to identify changed inventory quantities Code was changed to properly update the modified_datetime for all items.
Changing cost updates the modified_datetime on invn_sbs_item.
Changing the price updates the modified_datetime on invn_sbs_item and invn_sbs_price.
Changing the quantity updates the modified_datetime on invn_sbs_item_qty.
24550 Print option is disabled for adjustment memos replicated from RIL or made from voucher or other documents Code was changed to properly print finalized adjustments. Will always print an adjustment with the status of 4.
24419 Sublocation movements do not update discrepancies if there are differences in quantity When sublocation quantities are edited, the Price/Cost/Qty values are now immediately adjusted at the bottom of the memo to reflect the changes.
24314 Default Adjustment Reason override the reason selection when editing Qty in inventory Code was change do properly handle saving the selected reasons for adjustments when they have been changed from the defaults.
24312 Would like carriage return to move the cursor focus to the Serial Numbers entry box of Sublocation items (currently requires pressing ) Code was changed to properly handle the scanning of serial items on a voucher.
23825 On a former Price adjustment memo, users need to be able to print all the adjustment tags for the store On Hand Qty Original option is changed to Print Selected Tags
Print All Tags has been added.
On Hand Qty has been added as a print option to the Print Tags modal.
24684 Error creating two new inventory quantity entries Code was changed to properly allow the update of item quantities for store locations that have not had a Qty before.
24252 Prism API is always recalculating and applying sales tax to a posted transaction even though the posted transaction asserts zero tax When processing an API request to create a document where tax_perc_lock = true, Prism no longer calculates and adds tax to the created document.
24759 User can change both the Qty field and Original Qty on an ASN when Qty field should be disabled 2.1.2 This has been addressed. On ASNs, only the Original Qty field is editable.
22973 Prism is missing Total Qty column in Grid Formats for Voucher/ASN Lookup. Total Qty has been added to the Grid Formats as a column for ASN/Voucher Lookup.
Auto Tools      

Page navigation in pending auto POs does not work. Page pagination now works correctly.
24949 Wrong labels on Auto PO item filter Label changed from DCS SID to DCS Code.
24297 Auto PO displays only 20 vendors from Min/Max and filter does not function All vendor codes are now correctly shown in Auto PO
23209 There is no column to see company min/max  from Inventory 2.1.2 The Company Min/Max values have been added to the Inventory > Item Details > qty tab.
Batch Receiving      
23890 Cannot mark ASN with serial number item This has been addressed. When trying to batch receive an ASN with a full control serial number or lot number item for which no serial number or lot number has been entered, a warning will display, and the ASN in question will NOT be marked.
24558 Central Gift Cards: 1.14.7 Central Gift cards cannot have lowercase letters This issue has been resolved. Any field that requires entry of a Centrals Gift Card number will automatically convert entries to uppercase, and is limited to 25 alphanumeric characters.
24231 Prism becomes hung when the central server name field in installation defaults is blank and centrals are activated.

When Centrals has been enabled in Preferences but a centrals server name has not been entered in AC -> Installation Defaults, a proper error ( 'Centrals Server not configured' ) will be displayed in POS when trying to save a newly created customer in POS -> Customers. The customer will still be saved and replicated.

Connection Manager      
24438 Need a way to reprocess all replication errors In Admin Console > Connection Manager > Prism Dashboard > Day to Day, there are now options to reprocess any errors encountered during Day to Day replication. The options are to Reprocess All or Reprocess only for a specific connection. See the What's New in 2.2 topic.
24300 Select more than 36 subs from list of subsidiaries and an unknown error occurs when trying to save profile This issue has been addressed.
17696 Enhance D2D reporting so that each day has a separate replication status header record; set active business logic to keep the active record from being purged. Several new Purge options have been added in Admin Console > Connection Manager > Day to Day in the form of buttons to control the purging of D2D history. At the top level, you will find a button called 'Purge All History' (for all active connections). If you drill down into a specific listed server, you will see a button called 'Purge History' (only for that specific active connection). See the What's New in 2.2 topic.
24702 While creating a new customer, refreshing the web page via the browser will cause the subsidiary field to disappear

The subsidiary no longer goes blank when refreshing the browser during customer creation. The user can repopulate the customer information that was cleared out by refreshing the browser.

24569 If the user is assigned to a different store from where the customer is created, the user can't edit the customer at other stores, This issue has been addressed.
23516 Controller numbers that have a 0 at the end are treated as the same number when prepending installation id to customer number. Code was changed to properly handle controller numbers being used for Prepend Installation ID to Customer ID.
22461 Company as customer required field, Two new options for customer required fields has been added.
Company: The Company field will become required.
Name or Company: This one is dynamic. This selection will require any of the three fields (First Name, Last Name, Company) to be populated. Once any of these are populated, the requirement is met.
21684 Can't lookup customer by phone2 Code was changed to allow searches at POS or in customers, to include alternate address, phone, and email.
Customer History      
23012 Grid Formats needs Customer History: Document Date field

Created Date has been added to Customer History grid formats.

Data Migration Tool (BETA)      
24969 DMT lowercase lookup If two or more exported list entries are identical except for uppercase/lowercase, the export tool recognizes each list entry separately. Any list entries created by the export will be inactive.

Data Migration Tool flags duplicates for DCS, not considering spaces in Dept, Class or Subclass The export now allows DCS Codes with spaces.
24881 Unique constraint error on import of store.csv when the exporting store does not have name and code defined for 000 and 001 Apostrophes are now properly parsed in Subsidiary Name, Store Name & Store Address fields
24870 Employee references added do the rps.employee table by import/export do not include customer record reference Inactive employees are exported from v8 with all required info so they can be reactivated once imported into Prism.  However, in v9 inactive employees have lost all reference to a Login name, so these cannot be reactivated in Prism at this time.
24848 DMT Export does not catch missing item_sid in PO item resource Deleted Items are now recreated by the export process.
The items created by the export now have:
description1 = DMT-Desc1
description2 = DMTDesc2
Vendor Code = DVV1
Document Designer      
24768 would like at the bottom of the receipt to show the total discount amount that has been given across all items. 2.x

This issue required no changes to the code, as the field to show the Total item Discount is already available in the document_item section. and is called TOTAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT
The easiest way to show the accumulated total Item discount, is by widening the band called 'GroupFooter: Sold_Qty_Block' , and then dragging the above mentioned field in there. Double-click on the field, and change the text to read:
Then click OK. You might want to put a label with text in front of it. See the What's New in 2.2 topic for this release.

24456 Doc Designer irrelevant UDF field number The UDF field numbers in Prism and Doc Designer now match. Note: There is some shift of UDFs when using the Data Migration Tool to import legacy data into Prism.
23037 Add the Lot Number and Lot Exp Date Fields to the Tag Design The Item Lot Number and Item Lot number Expiry date fields have been added to Tag design list of available fields
20149 Ability to add the Foreign Cost Symbol when added to a PO Printout in doc designer For items with a vendor with a Foreign Currency Cost (FC Cost), it is possible to have the Foreign Currency Symbol displayed in the PO document in the GUI and in Doc Designer in the PO design. For Doc Designer, when you add the 'FC Cost' field to the PO design, you have to re-format it. After listing the field on the design, double-click it. You will see the text [poitem."FCCOST"]. Replace this text with [FormatCurrency2(,)] (all characters included) and save it.
18637 Would like Store Address, UDF fields, AUX fields and Z-Read Count available in Prism document designer. New fields have been added to the Z-Out area in Document Designer: Store Address1- Store Address6, ZIP Code, Phone1, Phone2, UDFString1- UDFString5 have been added to the Filter area. Retry Count field has been added to the header info. See the What's New in Prism 2.2 document
EFT - Adyen      
24855 Add SO Deposit Refund to EFT for Adyen EFT 2.2.0.x This release completes issue 13835 and adds SO Deposit Refunds to the Adyen EFT implementation.
24113 Need ability to configure Adyen timeout for longer than 60 seconds The maximum timeout in the Adyen configuration menu has been increased from 60000 to 150000 milliseconds
22108 Adyen plugin does not support special characters in the iPad name Prism iOS launcher has a new parameter to set the iOS name for the iPAD, independently of the Apple iPAD name. This parameter has a maximum character length of 15 alpha numeric characters as well as '-' and .
20183 Prism's signature screen is truncated at the bottom so part of the customer signature is lost This issue has been addressed. The entire customer signature is now captured.
EFT - Cayan Genius      
23557 Implement Refund By Reference/Token Refunds 2.x This release introduces Refund By Reference/Token Refunds for Cayan/TSYS EFT. If a returned item references an original Sales receipt, and the original receipt listed a credit card as tender, the customer will be offered to issue the refund to the original card. No credit card is required at the time of the return. This feature ONLY applies to credit cards
22040 Re-introduce ability to email PDF receipts In the Email Server Preferences screen in Admin Console, an option has been added to choose between PDF and HTML receipts. See the What's New in Prism 2.2 document.
24067 Unable to change password to Enforce Strong Password   Code was changed to add special character @ to password characters.
General System      
24717 Unable to enter Japanese characters in a workstation Name field on iPad In the mobile app, workstation names can now include Japanese characters.
24712 With alternate vendor and UPC lookup on, advanced search for UPC using contains doesn't return search results.   The UPC filter now returns results properly when doing "contains" searches, returning all results that contain the numbers entered in the filter.
24691 Reason Code Shrinkable flag is not functional and should be hidden 2.2 The Shrinkable column and flags have been removed from the Create/Edit Grid.
24522 Option (Check OH Qty) is not working causing the inventory to go negative Check OH QTY is now properly applied at POS.
Unless the user has the permission to do so, they cannot sell QTY at POS that are not present in the store and the Check OH QTY popup notifies the user when they are trying to sell more than OH qty can supply.

Store Phone Number is nvarchar2(30) but the UI only allows 15 digits The Store Phone number field now has a max length of 30.
24357 Timeout processing promotions when certain combinations of promotions are enabled  -Data Specific Adding ALU 4897042280042  is no longer prevented by having the aforementioned promotions active.
24072 Creating a new store after enabling sublocations will not automatically create any sublocations When a new Store is created, a Primary Sublocation is now created if sublocations is enabled.
24006 AV errors in the producer logs occur regularly when the producersenderthreads is set to > 1.  Set the value to 1 and the AV errors no longer occur. 1.14.7 This issue has been fixed.
23230 Request to maintain search filter when using transaction lookup Search filters have been added to sessionStorage when a search is conducted.
Fields are auto filled from sessionStorage if they are there when entering transaction lookup.
When returning to transaction lookup, the filter information is loaded.
The user simply needs to rerun the search with the preloaded filter.

No way to use or see extended supplemental UDF data in Prism (UDFs above the default 1-15)

1.14.7, 2.0 The UDF interfaces in Admin Console has been redone for Inventory, Customer, Vendor, and Employee UDFs.
22704 Unable to configure Prism Proxy not to launch browser on startup This issue has been fixed.
21566 Add Return receipt type as a POS Transaction type under Print areas so the user can define number of copies for returns separately

This issue has been addressed by adding several new sections under Print Preferences > POS Transactions, each with their own settings. For details, please see the What's New in 2.2 topic.

21527 Import SKUs on a back- office document (voucher/ASN, transfer, adjustment) 1.14.7

The ability to import delimited and fixed length item lists has been added to ASNs, vouchers, slips, transfer orders, purchase orders and adjustment memos. This will allow users to bring lists of items into these documents. See the What's New in 2.2 topic.

21394 Changing store when creating a document should end in state to enter merchandise When changing location from within a document, the system is put into a new document state and the user is free to move forward adding items to their document.
21030 Translations for Tech Toolkit 2.1.2 All strings in Web Tech Toolkit can be translated
20365 Please add the ability to limit A Subsidiary/Store assignment modal has been added to Document Designer. Users can use this modal to determine which sub/store will be able to use the design.
Store and Subsidiary assignments for document designs will replicate.
24273 When doing a silent install using a PowerShell script, PowerShell is hanging near the very end of the installation. Changing the command argument /VERYSILENT to /SILENT and removing /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES causes an error.

Silent install now works correctly when MySQL Root user passwords contain upper/lower case characters and numbers.

25164 Error adding new alternate vendor 2.2 Changed the cols on request when adding a new vendor to an item from '*' to vendname,sid,vendcode,vendid
24964 Request to add ALU to style grids 2.2 Creating a style grid now allows the entry of ALU values for all items while creating a style.
24963 Request to add UPC to style grids 2.2 Creating a style grid now allows the entry of UPC values for all items while creating the style.
24658 Not getting an Item SID during item creation in Store Ops > Merchandise > Inventory > Style > Add Attribute/Size > OH Qty 2.2 Updated the web client call to include the Active Store SID.

Duplicate UPC issue, With Allow Duplicate UPC enabled, when a UPC is added to a document for which there are multiple matches, a modal gives the user the ability to choose the item they want from all active duplicate UPCs.
24564 Inventory item can't be edited when sublocation is enabled Verified edits can be saved when editing sub location data.
24515 Items with a default Margin % via Department do not auto populate the Margin% and Price fields in inventory after giving Cost a value. Margins are now correctly applied when creating new inventory.
24411 Prism Inventory UDF2 saves as UDF1String leaving the UDF2 field blank with no data Saving UDF2 no longer clears UDF1.
24388 Adjustment reasons popup cannot be suppressed or disabled from Admin Console settings Code was changed to properly handle reason requirements for adjustment memos
24295 Choosing Edit or Save on a newly created item causes "Unknown Error" This issue has been addressed. One cannot repeatedly click "Edit"/"Save" button as this button become disabled when you click "Edit", and enabled only when a change is made.
23795 Can't Edit Freight and Discount on a former Voucher in Prism 2.1 Freight, Discount, Fee, and Tax amounts can now be edited on updated vouchers.

Inventory Details: Can't move Qty of serial item between sublocations The sublocation qtys are now properly adjusted for each SN once the memo is created/completed.
22749 Some items take excessively long (25 seconds) to lookup item(s) in Merchandise > Inventory item lookup when doing partial match lookup on Description1 The query that returns results for partial match Description1 searches has been modified to improve performance
22615 Add in transit ( transfer in qty and transfer out qty ) to the list of available fields in Store Operations > Merchandise > Inventory SO Sent, SO Ordered, PO Ordered, PO Received, Transfer In Qty, Transfer Out Qty, TO In Ord Qty, TO Out Ord Qty, TO In Sent Qty, and TO Out Sent Qty have all been added to the Qty tab in Inventory Lookup > Item Details. These fields have also all been added to Grid Formats "Search By" filters and "Show Columns" for Inventory Lookup
21194 Add ability to set UDFs for a style A UDFs pane has been added to Styles.
These UDFS are the same as the Inventory UDFs that are configured in Admin Console.
They may be edited from within Styles and applied to either just the primary item of the style OR all items within the style. See the What's New in Prism 2.2 document
20930 You should be able to click Next or Previous to move through the records called in the search The ability to browse through document/inventory/department/vendor search results in Detail mode has been added.  After a search, if selecting Details for one of the results, there will be a Next & Previous button to allow continuing to scroll through the search results.  The buttons are not available in Edit, Copy or New mode.
19281 For styles there should be a way to add base qty There is now a Create All Items button in the style grid that becomes usable once the user has selected Edit mode.  This button assigns a 0 to each field in the OH Qty table in the Style grid.  Items are created in inventory for each such field once the style is saved.
iOS Launcher      
24547 On latest IOS 16.2,  iPad/iPhone device name does not display as the Workstation Name after connecting to Prism server. Instead it shows as "iPad" or "iPhone" Starting with Retail Pro's iOS Launcher version 3.0.9 (, the device name that iOS iPADs and iphones appear in Prism with, can now be changed in iOS Launcher, independently of the name in the actual devices. Max length is 15 characters, Alphanumeric and '-' and 'space' are allowed.
22357 Item lookup via Camera causes the same item to scanned multiple times Single mode is the default. When the user taps the button to toggle the mode, a blue notification is displayed at the bottom of the screen to let them know that they have changed it - this notice also mentions the mode they are changing to.
There is a delay of 2 seconds between successful scans for iPad devices using repeat mode. The scanning feature will be disabled during this time to allow the user to move away from the current barcode
Unable to get Prism to list in iOS device settings preventing the app from using the camera

App settings will not show up in device's Settings app until specific settings are requested within the app. So the camera setting will not appear until the user tries to access the camera scanner within the app for the first time. Once they accept/deny the requested permission in the app, they will be able to see that setting under Settings -> Retail Pro Prism and be able to change it as desired.

21606 Camera scan does not pick up barcodes as easily as all other apps on the device iOS 16 Apple has released a new camera scanning framework. Code in Prism has been changed to improve upon this framework.
24028 When there are too many destinations (connections), PrismMQ writes data to the producer cache very slowly (copy of 24027, but for 2.1) 2.1 Code has been changed to improve the performance of replication.
24503 Remove requirement to have Employee Management - Create/Edit permission in order to save X-Out default setting, The employee management permission no longer prevents the saving of X-Out filter settings.


24348 User Group Permission (Voucher - Print Update) not being enforced The permission has been renamed to "Print Updated."
The permission now prevents the printing of updated vouchers if set to DENY and prompts for override credentials if set to OVERRIDE.
23005 Add permission to allow updating of a voucher without editing.
When a voucher is pending to update it, it must be un-held if on hold and then edited in order to be able to update. In addition to the existing Voucher - Edit Finalized permission, a new permission has been added called Voucher - Edit Pending. The Voucher - Edit Pending permission allows group members to edit/update pending vouchers, while at the same time not being allowed to edit former vouchers.
Physical Inventory      

When merge a zone belonging to page 2, Prism refreshes the page and takes you back to page 1 instead of remaining on page 2 Code was changed to properly handle the navigation when marking or merging zones.
24695 When creating a new "PI" , screen just keeps loading and times out

Code was changed to improve the performance of creating PI sheets in large data systems.

24446 Physical Inventory leading zeros issue ALUs with leading zeros now are added to the PI as expected.
24298 Need to document the PI_Sheet > IN_PROGRESS value 4 2.1.1 The comment for the IN_PROGRESS field in the DB now reads:
0 or empty-normal, 1-in progress, 2-error occurred, 3-marked for deletion, 4-complete
24073 Cannot update PI when comments are required on Adjustment Memos The PI update dialog now correctly shows the Comments/Reasons dialog based on Preferences.

Total Difference Qty in list view has opposite sign from Total Diff in PI Sheets detail, The way Total Difference is calculated in the PI and in the PI list are now the same:
Total Diff = Total Counts - (total) Start Qty
22146 Creating a PI takes too much time to complete Code was changed to increase the performance time of creating a new PI on large data sets.
Point of Sale      
25091 Box to enter Phone # to lookup customer in New Transaction is missing Code was changed to properly handle the display of phone search by and listings.
24882 Accessing tender transaction screen on a return receipt gives error

Navigating to the tender screen on a return receipt no longer produces an error.

24735 With a user that require give item discount override, applying an item discount block user from completing the transaction This issue has been resolved. Discount overrides now correctly show the Override prompt.
24681 PO lookup by PO Number does not allow entering special characters for search criteria (this is important for imported data) 2.1.2 The following characters have been added to the available character list for PONO on the POs themselves as well as in the following PONO lookup areas:
1. New Purchase Order->PO No
2. Purchase Order Lookup ->Search by -> PO No
3. New Voucher/ASN->Reference PO No
4. New Transfer Order->PO#
24645 Select pop up showing up on pressing return key in item lookup This issue has been addressed.
24626 POS Discount- Unable to override discounts for an employee The employee override now correctly shows when discounts above the maximum are given.
24593 When trying to apply a discount to an item with a discount reason turned on, Prism screen freezes and not letting the cashier to select any reason Code was changed to correct the behavior of discount reasons at POS.
24370 Gift Receipt Items Gift Quantity is retained in former transactions from the last time it was used and should not be Code was changed to remove the saved gift qty on former transactions.

Duplicate Serial Number permitted in receipt Code was changed to prevent listing duplicated serial numbers on the same document.

When a user enters credentials to check in or out the user becomes the logged in user for all activities

Code was changed to verify login and refresh session.

24162 System asks to use Store Credit available even if the Store Credit belongs to the shipping customer Code was changed to properly suggest the Bill To Customer store credit and not the Ship To Customer..
23461 Performance problem in return receipt lookup screen

Code was changed to help reduce the amount of time it takes for a transaction lookup

23216 Reason Code doesn't disappear if it is unchecked as other module This issue was addressed by creating more consistency in displaying Reason Code fields in all areas for which Reason Codes exist. The reason code fields for an area will always be displayed, whether a reason code is required or not. If a reason code is required for an area, the user will be prompted for that code before updating the record. If a reason code is NOT required for an area, the user will not be prompted. If a default reason code is set for an area, that code will be applied without prompt to each record, even if not required
22974 Search for receipt menu should have store number/name value for each of the transactions Store code was added to the transaction filters for returns. In addition, the store name will be displayed for each transaction listed.

Need the ability to edit the customer after receipt is updated It is now possible to change the customer on a transaction after the transaction was updated.

Need the ability to add item notes to package component items Users can add and save notes for each package component and for package items
22057 Need the ability to edit the customer after receipt is updated It is now possible to change the customer on a transaction after the transaction was updated.
20197 Ability to edit Receipt Date on transaction screen or lookup The user can now edit the transaction date at POS>Transaction Details.
The permission "POS - Edit Document Date" governs this functionality.
A user with the permission set to DENY cannot edit the date
A user with the permission set to OVERRIDE can edit the date with override credentials.
A user with permission set to ALLOW can edit the date freely.
15610 Record Sale for Send Sale and Orders all A Record Sale button has been added to Order Details for all orders. When the user clicks the Record Sale button, the order is fulfilled, and qty is deducted from the fulfilling store. The user is given the option to print a receipt for the completion of the order. See the What's New in Prism 2.2 document.
POS - Customers      
23925 Change returned error message to be more descriptive when Central Customer option is enabled but without entering a central address, When the centrals server is not found, the system gives a yellow toast notifying the user that only local results are returned and then it displays the appropriate customer choices if there are any
18315 In Portrait Layout -> Customer Lookup, searching for customer does not provide pagination option. Pagination is now implemented in customer lookup of Portrait Layouts. The current page number is displayed in the bottom center of the screen and there is a forward arrow that pages forward and a back arrow that pages backward.
Point of Sale - Items      

Discount button becomes unavailable after listing the same item twice with the same discount % This issue has been addressed in 2.2
24307 POS users can print tags without permission The option to Print Tags in POS has been given the proper permissions.
23757 Using the 'Next Item' Button on item details can lead to 'Record not found for update' A refresh was added to the previous/next process to help prevent this error condition from occurring.
23102 Quick Lookup allows an inactive serial number to be searched for and added to transaction with no prompt. When you try to add a SN that has already been sold, it now gives you a message that states the SN has already been sold and asks if you really want to add it.

When returning an item, if the tax codes/rate are unchanged since purchase, keep the Tax Code set to the original tax code instead of override. This issue has been addressed. The original tax code is now shown.
Point of Sale - Orders      
24078 Fulfilling orders from a different store is not working Code was changed to properly handle the inventory quantity when fulfilling from another location.
Point of Sale - Tenders      
24898 Able to record a credit card without the card type being recorded when performing tender exchange (such as buying a gift card or store credit) The requirement to enter Credit Card Type, is now correctly enforced.
24505 Deposit Refund not allowed by Debit Card or Charge 2.1.1 Deposit Refunds now include the Debit and Charge options
24070 Foreign Currency Take Rate does not populate if no items are on the receipt (for tender swap) This issue has been resolved. Take Rate for foreign currencies is now correctly displayed, even when document total is $0.

Add option to automatically override default Give Tender to be current Take Tender A new preference "Set give tender to last take tender if allowed" has been added to Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > Requirements. For example, when the Give and Take defaults have been set to Credit Card, but in a Transaction the cashier selects a different Take Tender, e.g., Cash, a 'Give' tender will also automatically switch to that Tender type for that transaction, unless that non-default Tender type is not enabled for 'Give'. See the What's New in Prism 2.2 document.
21808 would like the option to require the original tender be used on returns 1.14.7 A new API call method has been added. See the What's New document for details
24729 Apply model subsidiary when creating new subsidiary create an extra luxury tax code There are no longer duplicate Tax Codes in the newly created subsidiary when modeling subsidiaries.
24445 Consolidate Like Items on documents is not working for Vouchers and ASN's
To manage the consolidation of like items separately for different document types we have added the following:
Consolidate Like items for Transfers preference in Admin Console > Transfers > General.
Consolidate Like Items for ASNs/Vouchers has been added as a preference in Admin Console > Purchasing > Vouchers.
23860 Request to add Store Qty to Grid Formats for Transfer Slip Items Source On Hand and Target On hand have been added to the grid formats for Transfer Slip Items. The numbers now update when the To Store is changed
22695 Would like a way for the POA to define the default receipt design at the store level. 1.14.7 A Subsidiary/Store assignment modal has been added to Document Designer. Users can use this modal to determine which sub/store will be able to use the design.
Store and Subsidiary assignments for document designs will replicate.
24504 Gift Receipts Print 1:1 gets stuck in the print queue Code was changed to properly handle the printing of large gift receipts.
25225 Store filter missing from promotions 2.2 The store filter option for Promotion Activation Details has been restored.
25224 After creating a promotion with a store filter (not a store selection) and then editing and removing the store filter, the promotion will be unable to be replicated; on the receiving side,  the error is "[Ora] ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified" Issue was corrected with the resolution of #23727.
23200 POS fails to reward one item of an Item promotion with an item subtotal rule Code was changed to include new radio buttons for item promotion.
23163 Need ability to define a Qty Threshold on Promotions for item type discounts so they could set a discount when a low qty threshold is reached 2.x Store On Hand Quantity has been added to validation rules.
Company OH Qty is a calculated field and cannot be used for this filter.
22614 Need the ability to filter item in Promotion validation rules by Price range The ability to specify a price range has been added to the price filter in Promotions.  This allows the user to set a range, and any item with a price in the specified range will trigger the promotion at POS..
17428 Request to add filtering ability in the promotion primary screen Code was changed to add additional filter types to promotion search. Promotion Group, Discount Reason, Store and Price Levels have been added to the 'Search By'
Promotion Group and  Discount Reason have been added to the 'Show Columns'


"_ " Not allowed in PO number field and cannot be looked up once imported from legacy system. Incidentally fixed.
24623 Cannot add items to a voucher when you have "restrict to one vendor per PO/Voucher " until the vendor is added. Adding an item to voucher (whether by ALU or otherwise, now adds the vendor code to the voucher, and with the AC preference enabled, prevents the adding of items with other vendor codes.
22939 When manually allocating items, item becomes deselected and page goes back to first page after Order Qty value inputted
The paging no longer reverts to page 1 when values are set for an item selected from other pages. The UI now stays on the page the user is working on.
18549 Purchase Order copy includes inactive items When a user attempts to copy a Purchase Order that contains inactive items, the system prompts them with a modal that presents three options:
1. The user can create a copy of the PO. with only the active items from the original PO.
2. The user can create an exact copy of the original PO. and in so doing, activate the inactive items.
3. The user can cancel the copy action and return to the original PO.
24704 Some fields don't populate on item detail modal for ASN vouchers and vouchers Item details are now properly populating in the Item Details modal within ASN/voucher documents.
24680 Voucher total incorrect if manually add Doc Qty from PO items   Total and Subtotal now calculate correctly when adding items to PO as well as when modifying Doc Qty manually and/or removing items.
24664 Unable to create voucher to add correct items from PO Items All items given a Doc Qty from the PO item list are now added to the voucher.
24662 Unable to cancel voucher. The original issue was that when the document was canceled, the system immediately started a new document.
Now when a document is cancelled, the New and Options buttons become highlighted, while the Edit, Cancel, Copy, Hold and Print buttons become grayed out.
24616 Vouchers in Prism are not pulling PO cost / price when scanning in product This issue has been addressed.
24613 Voucher can't be edited after it is saved as the button edit is missing from the screen When a voucher is updated/saved with the "After Voucher is Updated go to ..."preference set to Former Voucher, the document is put into View mode and the Edit button becomes available
24607 not able to search or filter based on active status within the ASN lookup screen, Active/Inactive filtering has been removed from ASN/Voucher Lookups. Active has also been removed from their Grid Formats
24511 Vouchers consolidation rules: Multi vendor support for same item on documents 2.1.2 Multi vendor items now will show as separate items on a voucher. Each time the item is added if it is entered with a different Doc Cost, UPC, or Vendor a new line for that item will be added to the voucher.
24043 Cannot list on voucher style with decimal attributes 5.5, 6.5 etc. Code was changed to properly handle decimal sized attributes and sizes in style grids.
23819 Please add the ability to search for PO by store code store number or store code in the PO number lookup of Vouchers "Allocated Store" and "PO Store" have been added to the search filters for P.O Lookup within Vouchers.
21700 Adding many PO items to a voucher is slow Vouchers referring to purchase orders with many items can now have their items added to the voucher.
25163 Inventory replication not updating items with Alternate ALU information 2.0 Foreign key constraints related to alternate inventory vendor were removed on following tables: PO_ITEM, TORD_ITEM, SLIP_ITEM, VOU_ITEM.
25111 Allocated POs are not updated when receiving vouchers are relayed to POA referencing the document The PO Fill levels are now updated when the vouchers are updated so even if POs are not replicating, they are accurate.
24437 D2D Failed totals don't always match list. A "Failed" column has been added to the document level of Day-to-Day replication  which indicates how many times that specific record failed. The total of the "Failed" columns will equal the total number of errors for the resource.
24280 PrismMQProducer does not keep up with PrismMQ anymore after #24027 fix Code was changed to properly handle the replication between PrismMQProducer and PrismMQ.
24155 Changes to tax rule names fail to replicate,

Tax rule name changes now replicate correctly.

24111 Move transformdesign from core Resources to normal Resources A Subsidiary/Store assignment modal has been added to Document Designer. Users can use this modal to determine which sub/store will be able to use the design.
Store and Subsidiary assignments for document designs will replicate.
23808 The locked status of an employee cannot be replicated A Subsidiary/Store assignment modal has been added to Document Designer. Users can use this modal to determine which sub/store will be able to use the design.
Store and Subsidiary assignments for document designs will replicate.
23808 The locked status of an employee cannot be replicated Code was changed to properly handle the replication between PrismMQProducer and PrismMQ.
20923 Customer charge limit and charge balance do not replicate from MySQL to Oracle Code was changed to prevent the replication of charge edits from lower enterprise locations going back up to the POA.
RP Companion      
23876 Unable to add an item by ALU in PI Tracker - iOS App 1.1.1 - iOS Build 15.6.1 Code was changed to prevent the removal of leading zeros of ALU.
23799 Qty missing on Companion app Code was changed to correct the font color to display proper text.
Send Sale      
21561 Send Sale fulfilling store unable to change sublocation of fulfilling transaction 1.99 Code was changed to allow the selection of sublocation at the time of fulfillment for send sales.
22914 Lot number not displaying in Lot Number Lookup Code was changed to properly handle the lookup of lot numbers from separate stores.
Service Manager      
24643 TTK Services Tool-Add manage separate log settings for the MQ service apps any New Service listings have been added to the Service manager screen. Now a user can independently change the log level settings for each replication service.
We added MQProducer, MQConsumer and MQPublisher. Each new listing has it's own configuration setting.
The stop, start, restart and  status commands are still controlled from the prism replication service.
24281 Sub-Location - Unable to activate a sublocation for a store after it's deactivated Reactivating a previously deactivated sublocation no longer produces an error message. The sublocation is reactivated normally.
Tag Printing      
24536 Prism Tag Design for Markdowns prints only one tag no matter what number you request This issue has been addressed. However, to use this field ( ) correctly, one would have to add special code to make sure the field displays the Price from the desired Price Level. Without modification, the above field uses the first available price from the column without regard for what Price Level it represents. This might cause undesired results.
24457 Print Tags is giving "Unknown error occurred" when adding invnquantity:Serialinfo field in Document Designer This issue has been addressed. No errors will show when printing merchandise tags with this field listed. However, be aware that the fields SerialInfo, lotinfo and sublocationinfo are for internal use only and won't print any data.
Task Scheduler      

SRO does not run when scheduled Code was changed to properly save the start times and dates for scheduled tasks.
24568 Saving a task adds a 31-DEC-1899 value to it's 'END_TIME' value Code was changed to properly save edits to scheduler tasks.
23349 Scheduler task start and end date decremented by 1 day when saved Code was changed to properly save date and time changes in the scheduler.
23219 Scheduler UI displays wrong start dates and start times any Code was changed to correct the date display.
Tech Toolkit      
23983 Removing a store from the enterprise does not delete it's rabbitmq queue RabbitMQ queues are now correctly deleted at the POA and Subordinate are now correctly deleted when a Subordinate is removed from the Enterprise. Please see the What's New document Accompanying this release for more details.
Time Clock      
Need the ability to delete Check-in/out There is now a Delete button in the Time Clock screen that enables a user to delete the most recent Time Clock record for any employee if they have the appropriate permission settings.
Two permissions have been added to GROUP MANAGEMENT: "Time Clock - Delete Check In" and "Time Clock - Delete Check Out"
21150 Add a reference sid to match check outs to corresponding check in Code was changed and added a column to the time_clock table called Ref_Sid. The check out will contain the reference sid of the check in.
Touch POS      
20716 Touch POS screen should display Shipping and Fees in addition to Subtotal and Taxes Shipping and Fees are now displayed in the Touch POS layout.
24805 Unable to update Slip with newly created items Users no longer receive an error when adding newly created items to a slip.

Unable to click Slip, TO and PO Details on updated document


Users can now look at Slip Details without entering edit mode. The same with TO and PO.


Transfer Resolution Rules setting in Admin Console doesn't affect transfer verification process Transfer Resolution Rules are now correctly applied
24500 Generating Slips from a Transfer Order referencing the PO#, prism is giving the following error This issue has been addressed.
24486 Timeout error when resolving slip and voucher pair with many items There is no longer a time-out when verifying voucher/slip sets with many (e.g., 1,200) items. When processing a slip/voucher set with many items, if the user tries to start a second transfer verification, the user receives a yellow toast making them aware that a transfer verification is already underway.
24347 Unable to add item in transfer slip - Error "Reserved" Check OH Qty now properly checks the OH Qty rather than the Available Qty.
21210 Would like allocation patterns in transfer order Allocations have been added to Transfer Orders.
The functionality is the same as it is in purchase Orders.
A pattern can be created or chosen and then applied to a specific item or to the entire document
Need required reason for Slip as we have for Voucher New reason options have been added to the admin console for the following;
Node Preferences > System > Reasons and Notes> Slips
Node Preferences > System > Reasons and Notes> TO
23008 The st_company_name value does not display properly when added to a standard shipping transaction screen The code that calls the attribute for this page customization was fixed.
24785 Leave amount being reset to 0 when you use the back button in the ZOUT close wizard  after you have added your counts  and This issue has been addressed.
24472 Date Filter For X/ZOut shows opposite PM/AM when using "Chinese (t) " Default Language Settings This issue has been corrected.
24226 Save Defaults on Xouts is not allow without the "Employee Management - Access" permission   X-Out defaults can now be saved without any permissions other than X/Z-Out permissions.
23164 would like the Z-Out opening amount to match the leave amount from the day before 1.14.x The Z-Out Leave amount will now be the suggested Open amount for the following day. The field remains editable.
21869 Would like to limit the non-currency options the user can add on the Z-Out; currently there is no way to limit that list to specific allowed tenders 1.14.7 "Allow Add" has been added to Tender Requirement preferences in Admin Console.
When it is selected, the tender option can be added to a ZOUT,
When it is not selected, the tender option cannot be added to a ZOUT.
16198 Match open amount to previous day