How to migrate non-Retail Pro data to Retail Pro Prism 2 for new customers

When onboarding new customers to Retail Pro Prism from competitor software, one of the challenges a Business Partner may face is the task of getting the retailer's existing data into Retail Pro Prism. The following list outlines the options available to you to accomplish this task.

1. Manually enter the merchant's data into Retail Pro Prism

This is the best practice for retailers who are not already using store operations software and have no existing system data to migrate to Retail Pro Prism (e.g., they are starting a new business "from scratch").  

2. Inject data into Retail Pro Prism using the Prism API

This is the best practice for retailers that have small to medium-sized data sets from another system. The Business Partner will need to develop a tool or use an ETL process to pull data out of the source system and transform it to JSON data that can be inserted into the Prism API. As this can be a slow process, we do recommend that you plan, test, and stage systems in advance of deployments.

3. Inject data into Retail Pro Prism using the JSON Importer Tool from Retail Pro Professional Services

This is the best practice for retailers that have medium to large-sized data sets in another system. The Business Partner will need to develop a tool or use an ETL process to pull data out of the source system and transform it to JSON data that can imported into Retail Pro Prism using the JSON Importer Tool. While this is faster than using the Prism API, we still recommend that you plan, test, and stage systems in advance of deployments.

4. Inject the data to a Prism MySQL database using external database tools.

This is the best practice for highly technical partners to migrate retailers that have large sized data sets from another system. The partner will need to use an ETL tool to pull data out of the source system and transform it to the format of the Prism system. Retail Pro does not currently recommend or provide support for using third party ETL tools.

5. Contract with the Retail Pro Professional Services Group

With thousands of hours of experience working with the Retail Pro Prism data structures and APIs, the Professional Services Group can migrate a retailer's data from their legacy system to Retail Pro Prism for you.

Published on Oct 21, 2022 in Database, Initialization


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