Universal Accounting Link: Incorrect Login


The user wishes to use the Retail Pro Prism Universal Accounting Link on a workstation. They have created a shortcut on the workstation that points to a mapped drive where the application is installed on the server.


When the user launches the RP Prism Accounting Link on the workstation using the shortcut that points to the mapped drive on the server, he receives an "Incorrect Login or Password" message. The username and password being used are confirmed to be correct, and the same user can login to the Accounting Link successfully on the server.

Screenshot of issue - logon screen with dialogue box: Prism Accounting Link  Incorrect Login or Password   OK


In this case, the workstation does not have the necessary Oracle Client installed on it or that client is not properly configured.


To resolve this issue, we must install the Oracle 12c client from the Retail Pro Prism RIL Database installation image and configure the TNSNAMES.ORA file on the workstation to connect to the RPSODS alias on the server.


  1. Download the RIL installation image from my.retailpro.com solutions page to the workstation
  2. Launch the AutoRun.exe
  3. Choose RIL Oracle Database                
    RIL app launch page screenshot: Retail Pro Prism above the menu of options: RIL Oracle Database, RIL Management, RIL Communication, Apache 2.4.43, Prism Server, Prism Proxy, Exit             
  4. Select Oracle Client under type of install
    Dialogue Box: Setup - Prism Oracle Database  Type of Install Oracle Server Or Client Only    Oracle Server  Oracle Client(selected)  < Back Next> Cancel

  5. Enter the Prism DB Host where the Accounting Link is installed
    Dialogue Box: Setup-Prism Oracle Database: Select Destination Drive  This is the location where Oracle server/client will be installed    Select Drive: C:\  Enter Prism DB Host: PrismPOASvr  Install Folder: C:\Oracle  Disk Space(Free): 56442 MB  Disk Space (Required): 4000 MB  Phy.Mem (Total): 6143 MB  Phy.Mem (Required): 2048 MB  < Back Next > Cancel

  6. Browse to the Oracle client folder and locate the tnsnames.ora file
    admin folder view: sample(folder), sqlnet.ora, tnsnames.ora

  7. Edit the tnsnames.ora file, and change the alias from RPROODS to RPSODS.

*tnsnames.ora -Notepad window text: # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\ODS11GR1\network\admin\tsnames.ora  # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.    RPSODS =  (DESCRIPTION +  (ADDRESS_LIST =  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = PrismPOASvr)(PORT = 1521))  )  (CONNECT_DATA =  (SERVICE_NAME = rproods)  )  )

The Accounting Link will now be able to successfully connect to the database and authenticate the user when it is launched from the workstation.


The manual process of sharing out the folder where the Accounting Link executable is installed is only part of what is required to successfully use the application on a client workstation. The second part of that process is ensuring that the Oracle client software necessary for the Accounting Link to connect is also installed and properly configured.

Published on Jul 24, 2024 in Accounting Link, Configuration & Settings


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