Updated: September 30, 2019 2:13pm

Department Columns

Prism enables users to customize grid layouts in many program areas. Among the areas where grids can be customized is Departments. You can specify the columns displayed in the UI and select columns that can be added on the fly by the user when working in that area. Define grid formats in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Grid Formats. 

Column Label Type(length) Description
Active NUMBER(1) Active status. 0 = inactive, 1 = active.
Class STRING(20) Class name. The second level in the DCS hierarchy.
Class Long Name STRING(60) An optional longer version of the class name.
Coefficient NUMBER(16,4) This number is equal to the price of an inventory item divided by the cost of the item. It can be used to calculate price if it is multiplied by cost. Coefficients are typically used by retailers in VAT countries.  The coefficient is automatically applied to new items assigned to the department.
Created By STRING(30) Employee who created the department record.
Created Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the department record was created.
Department STRING(20) Department name. The top level in the DCS hierarchy.
Department Long Name STRING(60) An optional longer version of the department name.
Full DCS Code STRING(9) A three- to nine-character code that identifies the department. Each segment is one- to -three characters.
Margin % NUMBER(16,4) Margin percentage. The cost as a percentage of the price.
When you add an item to inventory that has a DCS Code with a predefined margin, Prism automatically computes the price from the cost using the predefined margin (Margin %, MarkUp %, or Coefficient)
Margin Type NUMBER(5)

Margin, Markup, or Coefficient

Margin Value NUMBER(16,4) Default margin value for items assigned this DCS.
Modified By STRING(30) Employee who last modified the department record.
Modified Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date and time the department record was last modified.
Post Dt DATE Date the department record was posted to RIL.
Regional NUMBER(1) Regional status. 0 = not regional, 1 = regional
Sbs No NUMBER(5) Subsidiary where the department was created.
Subclass STRING(20) Sub class name
Subclass Long Name STRING(60) Optional long name for the subclass.
Use Qty Decimals NUMBER(1) Use quantity decimals. 0 = items assigned this DCS do not use quantity decimals. 1 = items assigned this DCS do use quantity decimals.