Serial Number Functionality in Retail Pro 9.2

Retail Pro 9 incorporates basic support for serial numbers and will work well for general storage of serial numbers within a single location. However, there are limitations in this functionality within a multi-store environment that do not account for full synchronization of serialized items between stores and "corporate" installations. Some of these limitations are noted below.

  1. In a headquarter (HQ) to store environment where HQ manages inventory quantities, cost, price and description, serial numbers are being ignored on documents when those corresponding documents are processed in at HQ. For example, store 001 received serial number 123 for a brand new item in a voucher. Send the voucher via ECM to HQ. HQ will acknowledge the increase of quantity of 1 for store 001 but will ignore the serial number listed on the document. The serial number list at HQ will remain empty.
  2. If a PI with serial numbers is prepared at a store and sent to HQ, HQ will fail to import those PI files  within the Physical Inventory module. (A fix for this issue is scheduled for release in Q1 2011)
  3. If user updates the PI at the store instead, sending the resulting adjustment memo(s) to HQ, then HQ will not update the serial number list at HQ. (The root cause is noted in scenario #1.).

There are PI other issues not related to ECM:

  1. Listing a serial number on a Slip will mark the serial number with a status of "Sold with Receipt". (A fix for this issue is scheduled for release in Q1 2011)
  2. Need to add the ability to see active serial numbers for serialized items in Qty adjustment memos.

We have full intention of handling the issues noted above and providing a more complete set of functionality around serial number support. These changes will be included on various releases in 2011.

Published on Mar 18, 2014 in Store Operations, Features


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