9.14 License Expiration Date

Dear Retail Pro Business Partner,

If you have any customers that are currently running Retail Pro 9.14, please read the following important announcement.  If you do not act, your customer's Retail Pro 9.14 will stop functioning on June 1, 2011.

As you all should be aware, the current version of 9.14 has an expiration date of June 1, 2011.  This expiration date was placed into the product since it does not have licensing.  This expiration date is built into the product.  It is not shown in RP Orders.  9.14 has had expiration dates before.  The last time that this expiration date had to be renewed was back in 2009.

To make sure that your customers can continue without interruption, you must either upgrade the customer to 9.2 or make a request to extend your customer's expiration date.

Attached to this message you will find our "9.14 Extension Process" as well as our "9.14 License Extension Request Form".  Please make sure to read the process document.  You must follow these steps to extend any customer.

Since 9.14 has no licensing we are taking this opportunity to gather complete customer information.  To gather this information we require that a"9.14 License Extension Request Form" must be filled out for each customer that will need an extension.  This document must be submitted to your Retail Pro Channel Manager prior to you extending any 9.14 systems.  This is a required step in the process and must be completed for each customer.

The "9.14 Extension Process" document describes the steps that you must take to extend any 9.14 systems that you may have installed and will not have upgraded by June 1.  This new extension process uses a new License Extension Tool.  You must download the new tool from our software download page.  This tool will be available for download starting next week.

Since the expiration date is June 1, 2011, it is strongly recommended that you begin this process now.  Our goal is to have all systems that need to be extended complete by May 15, 2011.  Since the extension process requires that forms and request files be submitted, please allow 5 business days for each request to be processed.

If you have any questions, please direct them to your regional Channel Manager.

Remember, failure to act will result in 9.14 systems shutting down on June 1, 2011.

Also, please remember that version 9.14 is not PCI compliant.  The only PCI compliant versions are 8.6 and 9.2.


Bernie Mulcahy
Support/Beta Program Manager

Published on Mar 18, 2014 in Store Operations, Licensing


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