Updated: April 15, 2024 7:45am

RPS Database Tables

Prism 2.0 Database Tables PDF


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE   Date/time row was created. Default = sysdate
MODFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of last employee who modified the record using the application UI.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time row was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME.
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default = 1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0 = inactive; 1 = active.
Default = 1
ADDRESS NVARCHAR2(100) No IP Address or URL, with optional port, for publisher's host machine.
USER_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Username for connecting to the publisher.
PASSWORD NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Encrypted password for connecting to the publisher.
PORT NUMBER(5) Yes Port through which the publisher can be accessed.
INSTALLATION_TYPE NUMBER(1) No Type of system the publisher resides in: 0=Prism, 1=RetailPro9


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time row was created. Default = sysdate
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of last employee who modified the record using the application UI.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time row was last modified
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Indicates application used to create row.
SUBSCRIPTION_GROUP_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to a subscription group.
SUBSCRIPTION_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) No Name given to this subscription. This will be the name on the subscription at the publisher.
EVENT_TYPE NUMBER(5) No Bitmask indicating which data events to monitor. Bit 1 = create, bit 2 = update, bit 3 = delete.
ATTRIBUTES_AFFECTED NVARCHAR2(1024) Yes If eventtype includes "create" or "update," this is th elist of attributes affected by the change. This functions as a type of filter on the event - if this is specified one of the attributes in the list must have been affected in order to match. Default = 7
RESOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) No Name of resource. By convention, same as the name of the Business Object entity.
DELETED NUMBER(1) No 0=Not deleted, 1=Deleted and pending notification to the publishers. Default=0
FILTERS CLOB Yes String list of filter expressions, each consisting of attribute, operator, and value.
LAST_PROCESS_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes The last time that data was processed into the local database.
LAST_MESSAGE_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Indicates the last date/time of a notification.
LAST_MESSAGE_TYPE NUMBER(5) Yes Indicates the status of the subscription on the publisher.
LAST_PROCESS_STATUS NUMBER(5) Yes Comment status on processed data. 0=Success, 1=Success with Errors, 2=Failed
LAST_MESSATGE_STATUS NUMBER(5) Yes Status on processed data. 0=Success, 1=Failure


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of last employee who modified the record using the application UI.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time row was last modified
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant subscription.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
SUBSCRIPTION_GROUP_ID NVARCHAR2(38) No Unique identifying, randomly generated guid value for this subscription group.
SUBSCRIPTION_GROUP_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) No Name given to this subscription group.
TEMPLATE NUMBER(1) No 0=regular subscription, 1=template that a new subscription can be initialized from
START_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Datetime when to start generating notifications fo this subscription group. Default=sysdate
SCHEDULE_TYPE NUMBER(1) No Schedule type (upon receipt, daily, weekly, monthly, hourly, one-time) Default=0
RECURRENCE NUMBER(2) No Repetition frequency
TIME_POINTS NVARCHAR2(60) Yes When to process notifications. Actual contents depends on schedule type.
LAST_PROCESS_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time of last attempt to process a notification.
LAST_PROCESS_STATUS NVARCHAR2(200) Yes Result of last attempt to process a notification


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of last employee who modified the record using the application UI.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time row was last modified
COINTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) Yes Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to tenant description.
SUBSCRIPTION_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to subscription.
PUBLISHER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to a publisher.
TRANSMIT_STATUS NUMBER(1) No 0=pending, 1-transmitted, 2=error. Default=0
LAST_FAILED_ATTEMPT_REASON NVARCHAR2(200) Yes Reason the last transmission attempt failed, including error codes.
LAST_FAILED_ATTEMPT_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time of last attempted (but failed) transmission.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who created the record.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time row was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(10) Yes Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. applications
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
TENDER_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tender.
TENDER_TYPE NUMBER(5) Yes Type of tender.
DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Document identifying number.
AMOUNT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Amount of this tender.
TENDER_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Datetime on tender receipt.
CUSTOMER_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Name of the customer.
CASHIER_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60)   Name of the casheir for the tender.
NOTES NVARCHAR2(120) YesYes Notes for the added tender.
EFT_INVC_NO NUMBER(10) Yes EFT Invoice identifying number.
OPEN_DRAWER_EVENT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Ties the found tender to the Open event when it was found
CARD_TYPE_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes .Contains the name of the credit card that is being added.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time row was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
TYPE_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) No Address type name (e.g., Home2, Work1)
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No The subsidiary to which this address type is associated.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(3) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time row was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME.
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10)   Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19)   The subsidiary to which this adjustment is associated.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes The store to which this adjustment is associated.
ADJ_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Adjustment memo number.
ADJ_TYPE NUMBER(5) Yes 0=Qty, 1=Price, 2=Cost
CREATING_DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Yes If the doc was created as a result of another doc, that doc no is listed.
CREATING_DOC_TYPE NUMBER(5) Yes Represents the SID of the document for which the adjustment was created automatically. 0=None, 1=PI, 2=Cost Override, 3=Markdown, 4=Cleanup, 5=Planned Pricing, 6=Planned Markdown, 7=Inventory, 8=Manual, 9=Reversing, 10=Cost Leave, 11=Audit, 12=Corporate, 13=Kit, 14=Unverified Slip,
ORIG_STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique ID for the original store where the adjustment was created.
ORIG_STATION NCHAR(1) Yes Identifies the station where the adjustment was created.
CLERK_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique ID for the clerk on the document.
PRICE_LVL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique ID for the price level on the document.
WORKSTATION_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the workstation that created the document.
STATUS NUMBER(10) Yes 0=None, 1=Changed, 2=Cancelled, 3=Normal, 4=Completion
ADJ_REASON_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the reason used for the adjustment.
TAX_AREA_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Override tax area should be 0.
USE_VAT NUMBER(1) Yes Use VAT? 0 = no; 1 = yes. Default = 0
AUDITED NUMBER(1) Yes Audited? 0 = no; 1 = yes. Default = 0
CMS NUMBER(1) Yes CMS? 0 = no; 1 = yes. Default = 0
VERIFIED NUMBER(1) Yes Verified? 0 = no; 1 = yes. Default = 0
WS_SEQ_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Workstation sequence number.
HELD NUMBER(1) Yes Held? 0 = no; 1 = yes. Default = 0
CONTROLLER NUMBER(5) Yes Controller number.
ORIG_CONTROLLER NUMBER(5) Yes Controller at time of document creation.
CREATEDBY_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the employee who created the document.
MODIFIEDBY_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the employee who last modified the document.
DOC_REF_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Used to externally identify a document prior to that document being updated or saved/held
TAX_AREA2_SID NUMBER(19) Yes In a multi-tax environment, identifies the tax area used for the second tax.
SUBLOCATION_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the sublocation.
DOC_REASON_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the document reason used on the memo.
SEASON_SID NUMBER(19) Yes SID of seasons.
SUBLOC_MOVE_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Used to identify adjustments related to sublocation quantities. 0=None, 1=MovementOnly, 2=Movement/Adjustment
NOTE NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Note text.
GL_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Sent to General Ledger? 0=No, 1= Yes.
COPIED_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Copied? 0=No, 1=Yes.
REVERSED_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Reversed? 0=No, 1=Yes.
TOT_ORIG_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Total original quantity.
TOT_ADJ_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Total adjusted quantity.
TOT_ORIG_EXT_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total original extended cost.
TOT_ORIG_EXT_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total original extended price.
TOT_ADJ_EXT_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total adjusted extended price.
TOT_ADJ_EXT_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total adjusted extended cost.
CREATING_DOC_SID NUMBER(19) Yes The SID of the document for which the adjustment was created automatically (e.g., reverse).
TOT_ORIG_EXT_PRICE_WO_TAX NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total extended price without tax for original value.
TOT_ADJ_EXT_PRICE_WO_TAX NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total extended price without tax for adjusted value.
TOT_ORIG_EXT_PRICE_W_TAX NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total extended price with tax for original value.
TOT_ADJ_EXT_PRICE_W_TAX NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total extended price with tax for adjusted value.
EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS NVARCHAR2(255) Yes This field is for third-party developers who write integrations to ERP systems where documents and data are sent from Prism to the ERP. In these cases, it is important to know what data has been sent, so as to not duplicate the sending of data unnecessarily. The EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS column can be used by these third-party developers to mark data as having been sent.
AL_EXTRACT_DATE DATE Yes Accounting Link extract date.
AL_POST_DATE DATE Yes Accounting Link post date.
CUSTOM0 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 0
CUSTOM1 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 1
CUSTOM2 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 2
CUSTOM3 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 3
CUSTOM4 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 4
CUSTOM5 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 5
CUSTOM6 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 6
CUSTOM7 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 7
CUSTOM8 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 8
CUSTOM9 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Custom field 9


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time row was created. Default=sysdate
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time row was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ADJ_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the adjustment.
COMMENT_NO NUMBER(5) No Comment number in the list.
COMMENTS NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Comment text


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of last employee who modified the record using the application UI.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTOLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default = 1.
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ADJ_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier of the adjusted item referenced in the ADJ_ITEM table.
GIFT_CARD_NO NVARCHAR2(32) No Gift card number for older non-central gift card numbers.
ORIG_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes The original quantity of the gift card item (older non-central gift card numbers)
ADJ_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes The adjusted quantity made to the gift card (older non-central gift card numbers) via quantity adjustment memos.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19)   Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30)   Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE   Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Employee ID of last employee who modified the record using the application UI.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19)   Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20)   Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10)   Optimistic locking value. Default = 1.
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ADJ_SID NUMBER(19)   Unique identifier for the adjustment.
ITEM_POS     Item position in the item list.
ITEM_SID NUMBER(19)   Unique identifier for the item.
ORIG_VALUE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original value (before adjustment).
ADJ_VALUE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Adjusted value.
COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Item cost.
PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Item price.
TAX_CODE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique identifier for the tax code.
TAX_PERC NUMBER(16,4)   Tax percentage.
TAX_AREA2_SID NUMBER(19) Yes In a multi-tax environment, a unique identifier for the second tax area.
TAX_PERC2 NUMBER(16,4) Yes In a multi-tax environment, the second tax's percentage.
SCAN_UPC NUMBER(18) Yes Scanned UPC value.
SERIAL_NO NVARCHAR2(50) Yes This column is obsolete and has been replaced by ADJ_SERIAL.
UDF_VALUE1 NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Used to record a UDF value that existed at the time the document was created. This field does not necessarily correspond to Inventory UDF 1. Extended with more characters to hold proper translation when necessary.
UDF_VALUE2 NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Used to record a UDF value that existed at the time the document was created. This field does not necessarily correspond to Inventory UDF 2. Extended with more characters to hold proper translation when necessary.
UDF_VALUE3 NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Used to record a UDF value that existed at the time the document was created. This field does not necessarily correspond to Inventory UDF 3. Extended with more characters to hold proper translation when necessary.
UDF_VALUE4 NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Used to record a UDF value that existed at the time the document was created. This field does not necessarily correspond to Inventory UDF 4. Extended with more characters to hold proper translation when necessary.
ORIG_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Corresponds to base item cost (from V8).
ITEM_NOTE1 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 1
ITEM_NOTE2 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 2
ITEM_NOTE3 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 3
ITEM_NOTE4 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 4
ITEM_NOTE5 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 5
ITEM_NOTE6 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 6
ITEM_NOTE7 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 7
ITEM_NOTE8 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 8.
ITEM_NOTE9 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 9.
ITEM_NOTE10 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Item Note 10.
ALT_UPC NUMBER(18) Yes Alternate vendor information.
ALT_APU NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Alternate vendor information.
ALT_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Alternate vendor information.
ALT_VEND_CODE NVARCHAR2(6) Yes Alternate vendor information.
SUBLOC_MOVE_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Used to identify adjustments related to sublocations. 0=None, 1=Movement Only, 2=Movement/Adjustment. Default=0
CMP_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Company on-hand quantity.
ORIG_TAX NUMBER(17,5) Yes Tax amount calculated for original value.
ADJ_TAX NUMBER(17,5) Yes Tax amount calculated for adjusted value.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ADJ_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the item.
LOT_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(25) No Lot number.
ORIG_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Original quantity assigned to the lot number.
ADJ_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes New lot number quantity. This value will be updated in the LOT_QTY table. It is retained here for history purposes only.
SUBLOC_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the sublocation.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATE_TIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to the tenant description.
ADJ_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the item being adjusted.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the store to which the adjustment is associated.
QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item quantity.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to the subsidiary to which the adjustment is associated.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ADJ_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the item.
SERIAL_NO NVARCHAR2(25) No Serial number.
ORIG_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Original quantity assigned to the serial number.
ADJ_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes New serial number quantity. This value will be updated in the SERIAL_QTY table. It is retained here for history purposes only.
NOTES NVARCHAR2(255) Yes 0=None, 1=Insert, 2=Remove
SUBLOC_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the sublocation.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ADJ_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the item.
SUBLOC_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the sublocation. Default=1.
ORIG_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Original quantity assigned to the sublocation.
ADJ_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes New sublocation quantity. This value will be updated in the SUBLOCATION_QTY table. It is retained here for history purposes only.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary to which the pattern is assigned.
PATTERN_ID NUMBER(10) No Sequential pattern number.
PATTERN_NAME NVARCHAR2(20) No Unique name for the pattern.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store to which the pattern is assigned.
ORDERED_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Quantity ordered or transferred to each store.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
EVENT_CODE NUMBER(10) No Code for identifying the event.
EVENT_DETAIL NVARCHAR2(2000) No Details of the event.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desription.
EMPLOYEE_SID NUMBER(19) No Current employee SID
OVERRIDE_USER NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Override user name.
PERMISSIONS NVARCHAR2(100) Yes List of override permissions


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
MIN_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Default=0
MAX_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Default=0
QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Default=0
ORD_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Default=0
MARK NUMBER(1) Yes Default=1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the subsidiary record.
CONFIG_NAME NVARCHAR2(200) No The user-defined name for the configuration.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No Active status for the configuration. 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=0
INC_SALES_ORDER NUMBER(1) Yes Include sales orders in calculation? 0=no, 1=yes. Default=0
INC_TO_IN NUMBER(1) Yes Include transfer orders for inbound transfers in calculation? 0=no, 1=yes. Default=0
INC_TO_OUT NUMBER(1) Yes Include transfer orders for outbound transfers in calculation? 0=no, 1=yes. Default=0
INC_INTRANSIT NUMBER(1) Yes Include in-transit quantities in calculation? 0=no, 1=yes. Default=0
EXCLUDE_ORD_PAST_CANCEL NUMBER(1) Yes Include orders past their cancel date in calculation? 0=no, 1=yes. Default=0
MULTI_STORE NUMBER(1) Yes Include multi-store purchase orders in calculation? 0=no, 1=yes. Default=0
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to store record.
ITEM_FILTER CLOB Yes Item filter.
PO_FILTER CLOB Yes Purchase order filter.
PO_TYPE NUMBER(5) No Purchase order type.
ASSOCIATE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to employee.
SHIPPING_DATE DATE Yes Shipping date.
CANCEL_DATE DATE Yes Cancel date.
PO_NOTE NVARCHAR2(255 Yes Note text.
PO_NO_FORMAT NVARCHAR2(10) Yes GSVDT in any where G=system sequence, S=store, V=vendor, D=date, T=time


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
AUTO_PO_CONFIG_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Auto PO configuration settings.
RANGE_TYPE NUMBER(2) No Date Range type. Default=0
DATE1 DATE Yes First date for the date range.
DATE2 DATE Yes Second date for the date range.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TAIME ZONE Yes Date the record was posted to the database.
AUTO_PO_CONFIG_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Auto PO configuration record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desrciption.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CAL_TYPE NUMBER(5) No 0=Store Schedule, 1=Retail Calendar. Default=0
CAL_NAME NVARCHAR2(255) No Calendar name.
FREQUENCY NUMBER(5) No second=1, minute=2, hour=3, day=4, week=5, month=6, quarter=7, year=8, 10-day=10, semi-monthly=16, semi-annual=18
ANCHOR_DATE DATE No Anchor date.
BEGIN_DATE DATE Yes Begin date of the calendar.
END_DATE DATE Yes End date of the calendar.
CAL_ID NUMBER(10) No Helps in identifying a calendar entry and any modification.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CONTROLLER NUMBER(5) Yes Controller Number.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) No Subsidiary number.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) No Store number.
BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Customer credit balance.
CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Currency Code.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CENTRAL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Central Customer SID
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Customer SID.
CONTROLLER NUMBER(19) Yes Controller number.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Subsidiary number.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Store number.
DOCUMENT_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Document number.
DOCUMENT_TOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Yes Document total.
TXN_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Transaction  type. 0=Add, 1=Redeem
TXN_REASON NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Transaction reason.
AMOUNT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Transaction amount.
CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Currency code.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CENTRAL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Central Customer SID
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Customer SID.
CONTROLLER NUMBER(19) Yes Controller number.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Subsidiary number.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Store number.
DOCUMENT_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Document number.
DOCUMENT_TOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Yes Document total.
TXN_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Transaction  type. 0=Add, 1=Redeem
TXN_REASON NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Transaction reason.
AMOUNT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Transaction amount.
CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Currency code.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_NO NUMER(5) Yes Subsidiary number.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Store number.
GIFT_CARD_NO NVARCHAR2(32) No Gift Card number.
GIFT_CARD_STATE NUMBER(1) Yes Gift card state
BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Gift card balance.
CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Currency code.
LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE DATE Yes Last date for activity.
ORIGINAL_BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original balance.
EXP_DATE DATE Yes Gift card expiration date.
MAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Maximum limit amount.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_NO NUMER(5) Yes Subsidiary number.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Store number.
GIFT_CARD_NO NVARCHAR2(32) No Gift Card number.
GIFT_CARD_STATE NUMBER(1) Yes Gift card state
BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Gift card balance.
CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Currency code.
LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE DATE Yes Last date for activity.
ORIGINAL_BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original balance.
EXP_DATE DATE Yes Gift card expiration date.
MAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Maximum limit amount.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Subsidiary number
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Store number
GIFT_CARD_NO NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Gift card number.
START_BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Starting balance for the card for the transaction.
AMOUNT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Transaction amount.
END_BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Ending balance for the card for the transaction.
TXN_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Transaction type. 0=Add, 1=Redeem.
DOCUMENT_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Document number.
DOCUMENT_TOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Yes Document total.
EXP_DATE DATE Yes Gift card expiration date.
MAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Max gift card limit amount.
CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Currency code.
CUSTOMER_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Customer name.
EMPLOYEE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Employee name.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Subsidiary number
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Store number
GIFT_CARD_NO NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Gift card number.
START_BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Starting balance for the card for the transaction.
AMOUNT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Transaction amount.
END_BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Ending balance for the card for the transaction.
TXN_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Transaction type. 0=Add, 1=Redeem.
DOCUMENT_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Document number.
DOCUMENT_TOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Yes Document total.
EXP_DATE DATE Yes Gift card expiration date.
MAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Max gift card limit amount.
CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Currency code.
CUSTOMER_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Customer name.
EMPLOYEE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Employee name.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary.
TERM_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the payment term.
DISC_DAYS NUMBER(10) Yes Number of days to make payment to receive the defined DISC_PERC.
DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Discount percentage for paying within the defined DISC_DAYS.
NET_DAYS NUMBER(10) Yes Number of days when full payment (NET) is due.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Subsidiary SID.
DOC_TYPE NUMBER(5) No Document type. 1=Sales, 4=SO, 6=Slip, 7=Voucher, 8=Check In/Check Out, 9=Customer Store Credit, 10=PO Fee Types, 11=PO Instructions
COMMENTS NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Comment text.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active
DEFAULT_VALUE DEFAUKT_VALUE(1) No 0=Not a default comment, 1=Default comment.
COMMENT_ORDER NUMBER(5) Yes Order in which comment will appear on the document.
COMMENT_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the comment


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desrciption.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
COMPANY_NAME NVARCHAR2(70) No Company name.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
FROM_SERVER NVARCHAR2(100) Yes From Server.
FROM_TYPE NVARCHAR2(20) Yes From Type.
COMPRESSED NUMBER(1) Yes Compressed? 0=No, 1=Yes. Default=0
RESOURCE_DATA CLOB Yes The resource data.
RESOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes The resource name.
INIT NUMBER(1) Yes Part of initialization? 0=No, 1=Yes
PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER(5) Yes Replication process order.
STATUS NUMBER(4) No Replication status. Default=0
RETRIES NUMBER(4) No Number of retries. Default=0
SEQ NUMBER(19) Yes Sequence number.
REPLICATION_VERSION NUMBER(5) Yes Replication version
HEADERS NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes Header information.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
FROM_SERVER NVARCHAR2(100) Yes Server from which the resource in the consumer error cache was sent.
FROM_TYPE NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Type of server from which the resource was sent.
COMPRESSED NUMBER(1) Yes Compressed? 0=No, 1=Yes. Default=0
HEADERS CLOB Yes Header data.
RESOURCE_DATA CLOB Yes Resource data
RESOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes The name of the resource that is in the consumer error cache.
INIT NUMBER(1) Yes Initialization? 0=No, 1=Yes.
PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER(5) Yes The resource's place in the replication process order.
STATUS NUMBER(4) No Replication status. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CONTACT_TYPE NVARCHAR2(20) No Email type such as home, business, other.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes inactive=0, active=1. Default=1
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Subsidiary to which this contact type is associated.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CONTROLLER_NO NUMBER(5) Yes User-defined database number.
CONTROLLER_NAME NVARCHAR2(15) Yes User-defined database name.
DEFAULT_SBS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to default subsidiary for this database.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to default store for this database.
ADDRESS NVARCHAR2(64) Yes IP Address of the computer to be used within VPN
V9_ADDRESS NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Address of the V9 at this physical location.
ARCHIVED NUMBER(1) No 0=not archived, 1=archived. Default=0
CONTROLLER_TYPE NUMBER(50) No 0=not used, 1=local, 2=remote, 3=custom. Default=1
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_1 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Postal address of server installation line 1.
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_2 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Postal address of server installation line 2.
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_3 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Postal address of server installation line 3.
CITY NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Postal address of server installation city
STATE NVARCHAR2(5) Yes Postal address of server installation state or province.
POSTAL_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Postal address of server installation postal code.
SERVER_LOCATION CLOB Yes Location of server at the postal address.
POA_CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to SID in the controller table.
CENTRALS_CONNECTION_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Centrals server connection identifier.
SSL_FLAG NUMBER(10) Yes 0=Not using SSL, 1=using SSL. Default=0
SERVER_PORT NUMBER(5) Yes Default=50025
TIMEOUT NUMBER(10) Yes Default=30
RESILIENCY_INTERVAL NUMBER(5) Yes Centrals server resiliency interval (in minutes). Default=10
STORE_ASSIGNMENTS CLOB Yes Used in TTK First Time Setup for Day2Day replication
DOMAIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Yes Used by Web TTK client for Enterprise Manager
SERVER_USERNAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Username for connecting to Central Prism
SERVER_PASSWORD NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Password for connecting to Central Prism


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
OWNER_CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the controller to which the store is assigned for the purpose of generating ASNs when a transfer slip is updated.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
COUNTRY_NAME NVARCHAR2(35) Yes Country name


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desciption.
SBS_ID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to Subsidiary.
SET_ID NUMBER(10) No Coupon set ID.
SET_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) No Coupon set name.
CODE_PREFIX NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Coupon code prefix for this coupon set.
CODE_LENGTH NUMBER(2) No Total length of coupon code for this coupon set including prefix.
DATE_TYPE NUMBER(1) No Type of date for coupons. 0=take start date, 1=add days on current date.
START_DATE DATE Yes Start date for this coupon set.
START_DATE_DAYS NUMBER(3) Yes Days to add on to the current date for promotions.
END_DATE DATE Yes End date for this coupon set.
END_DATE_DAYS NUMBER(3) Yes Days to add on to the current date for promotions.
AUTO_GENERATE NUMBER(1) No Auto-generate new coupon when unavailable on this coupon set. 0=No, 1=Yes. Default=0
VALIDATION_COUNT NUMBER(5) No Validate on running promotion. 0=unlimited, 1=once, x=count
TOTAL_COUNT NUMBER(5) Yes Total count of generated coupons.
ISSUED_COUNT NUMBER(5) Yes Total count of issued coupons.
USED_COUNT NUMBER(5) Yes Total count of used coupons.
STATUS NUMBER(1) No Coupon status. 0=new, 1=generated. Default=0
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Subsidiary SID
COUPON_CODE NVARCHAR2(75) No Coupon code.
ISSUED_STATUS NUMBER(1) No This coupon's issued status. 0=new, 1=issued. Default=0
USED_QTY NUMBER(5) No Quantity of this coupon used. Default=0
START_DATE DATe Yes Start date for this coupon.
END_DATE DATE Yes End date for this coupon


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19)   Subsidiary SID.
CARD_TYPE NVARCHAR2(6)   Credit card type.
EFT NUMBER(1)   EFT card? 0=no, 1=yes
ACTIVE NUMBER(1)   0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
LOWER_RANGE NVARCHAR2(20) No Lower end of the card range.
UPPER_RANGE NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Upper end of the card range.
DISABLE_MOD10 NUMBER(1) Yes MOD10 check (1=Disable, 0=Enable). Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CARD_TYPE NVARCHAR2(10) No Simple identifying string for lookup selection, e.g., amex, visa, mc, etc.
CARD_ISSUER NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Financial institution that issued the credit card.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CREDIT_CARD_TYPE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the credit card type record.
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Name of card, e.g., diners club carte blance
NUMBER_MIN_LENGTH NUMBER(5) Yes Minimum length of the credit card number string.
NUMBER_MAX_LENGTH NUMBER(5) Yes Maximum length of the credit card number string.
PREFIX_RANGE_BEGIN NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Beginning of valid range for prefix.
PREFIX_RANGE_END NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Ending of valid range for prefix.
SUPPORTS_DEBIT NUMBER(1) No Indicates card can be used for debit transactions.
SUPPORTS_CREDIT NUMBER(1) No Indicates card can be used for credit transactions.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CURRENCY_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Currency name.
DISCREPANCY_NAME NUMBER(16,4) Yes Discrepancy name.
ROUNDING NUMBER(6,2) Yes Rounding value.
DECIMALS NUMBER(3) No Number of decimal places to restrict values to and to round values
INTERNAL_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes ISO standard or custom currency. 0=non-ISO currency, 1=ISO currency.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No Indicates whether the currency is active.
ALPHABETIC_CODE NVARCHAR2(3) No Three letter alphabetic code as defined by ISO 4217
NUMERIC_CODE NUMBER(3) Yes Three letter numeric currency code as defined by ISO 4217
MINOR_UNIT NUMBER(3) Yes Number of digits after decimal separator as defined in ISO 4217
SYMBOL NVARCHAR2(25) Yes Currency symbol in unicode.
LTY_RATE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Rate used to calculate the value of Customer Loyalty points against Currency.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CURRENCY_SID NUMBER(19) No Currency to which this denomination belongs.
DENOMINATION_NAME NVARCHAR2(15) No The name of the denomination (e.g., penny, nickel, dime)
MULTIPLIER NUMBER(16,4) No Multipler. (e.g., for a penny the multiplier is .01)
IMAGE_FILE NVARCHAR2(80) Yes Path to the image file used for the tender button.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active.
DENOM_ID NUMBER(5) No Denomination ID.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DISTRICT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to customer's home district.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to customer's home store.
COMPANY_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to customer's company.
CUST_ID NUMBER(14) Yes Identifies the customer.
SHARE_TYPE NUMBER(5) No Indicates how the record is shared: 0=local, 1=global, 2=region, 3=non-shared. Default=1
LAST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Customer last name.
FIRST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Customer first name.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active.
MARKETING_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Marketing flag.
BIRTH_DAY NUMBER(5) Yes Day of customer's birthday.
BIRTH_MONTH NUMBER(5) Yes Month of customer's birthday.
BIRTH_YEAR NUMBER(10) Yes Year of customer's birthday.
CUST_TYPE NUMBER(5) Yes Indicates type of customer: 0=Customer (customer only), 1=employee
CUST_CLASS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to customer class description record.
TITLE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to person title record.
SUFFIX_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to person suffix record (e.g., Jr. or PhD)
GENDER NUMBER(19) Yes 0=male, 1=female
PRICE_LVL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes If populated, overrides subsidiary/store price level.
TAX_AREA_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tax area record.
TAX_AREA2_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tax area record.
CREDIT_LIMIT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Maximum credit amount.
CREDIT_USED NUMBER(16,4) Yes Amount of credit used.
STORE_CREDIT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Customer's store credit balance.
ACCEPT_CHECKS NUMBER(1) Yes 0=customer cannot use check tender, 1=customer can use check tender.
CHECK_LIMIT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Maximum amount that can be accepted from customer in personal checks. null=unlimited
DETAX NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates customer is eligible for detax. (detax customers are typically diplomats, military, etc.; used in VAT environments)
SUGGESTED_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Suggested discount available to this customer.
MAX_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Maximum percentage that a customer's purchase can be discounted.
HOUSEHOLD_CODE NUMBER(10) Yes Additional filter used for lookups.
MARK1 NVARCHAR2(4) Yes Accounting system flag.
MARK2 NVARCHAR2(4) Yes Accounting system flag.
SECURITY_LVL NUMBER(5) Yes Customer security level (legacy feature)
AR_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates status of last attempt to process customer information into accounting system. 0=No, 2=Yes, 3=Export
RELATED_CUST_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to associated customer record.
SHIPPING_PRIORITY   Yes Shipping priority.
PRIMARY_CLERK_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to employee record.
FIRST_SALE_DATE DATE Yes Date of first purchase.
LAST_SALE_DATE DATE Yes Date of last purchase.
LAST_SALE_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Amount of last purchase.
WSC_USERNAME NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Encrypted username.
WSC_PASSWORD NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Encypted password.
PAYMENT_TERMS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique SID referencing payment terms.
ACCOUNTING_SYSTEM_ID NVARCHAR2(40) Yes String tag identifying this customer within the accounting system.
UDF1_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF2_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF3_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF4_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF5_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
EMAIL NVARCHAR2(100) Yes Email address.
UDF1_CLOB CLOB Yes User-defined field.
UDF2_CLOB CLOB Yes User-defined field.
NOTES CLOB Yes Freeform text field
IMAGE BLOB Yes customer image
INFO1 NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Legacy data entry field.
INFO2 NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Legacy data entry field.
QB_LINK NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates if a customer record is being exported to QuickBooks via QBLink.
CMS NUMBER(1) Yes Used to determine where the customer may have been created: RP8, RP9, or Prism
LAST_RETURN_DATE DATE Yes Last return date.
TOTAL_TRANSACTIONS NUMBER(10) Yes Total number of transactins.
SALE_ITEM_COUNT NUMBER(10) Yes A count of all items on a transaction that are marked as sale items.
RETURN_ITEM_COUNT NUMBER(10) Yes A count of all items on a transaction that are marked as return items.
SEGMENTED NUMBER(1) Yes 0=segment rules not completed, 1=segment rules completed
EMPLOYEE_AS_CUSTOMER NUMBER(1) No Indicates employee is customer or not to determine if an employee can be used as a customer.
LAST_ORDER_DATE DATE Yes Last order date.
ORDER_ITEM_COUNT NUMBER(10) Yes A count of all items being ordered.
STATION NCHAR(1) Yes Station code.
ALLOWED_TENDERS NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Array of flags used to indicate the tender types this customer is allowed to tender with.
PROMO_CUSTLISTNAME NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Promotions: Customer Pricing List Name.
CENTRAL_CREDIT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Customer central credit balance.
LTY_OPT_IN NUMBER(1) Yes 0=customer opt out, 1=customer opt in
LTY_ENROLL_DATE DATE Yes The date the customer enrolls in the customer loyalty program.
LTY_BALANCE NUMBER(24,8) Yes The customer loyalty balance as updated by the centrals server.
LTY_ACCUMULATED NUMBER(24,8) Yes The accumulated points accrued for either YTD from the enroll date or total lifetime.
LTY_LVL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique identifier of the customer loyalty levels.
LTY_LVL_LOCKED NUMBER(1) Yes To indicate whether the Loyalty Level for the customer can be changed or not. 0 (or null)=Unlocked, 1=Locked
LTY_OPT_IN_MANUAL NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates manual opt-in to loyalty program.
UDF1_DATE DATE Yes User-defined date.
UDF2_DATE DATE Yes User-defined date.
EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS NVARCHAR2(255) Yes This field is for third-party developers who write integrations to ERP systems where documents and data are sent from Prism to the ERP. In these cases, it is important to know what data has been sent, so as to not duplicate the sending of data unnecessarily. The EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS column can be used by these third-party developers to mark data as having been sent.
CENTRAL_CURRENCYCODE NVARCHAR2(10 Yes Central credit currency code.
CHARGE_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) YES Terms of charge. Amount discounted if paid before end of Discount Days.
CHARGE_DISC_DAYS NUMBER(10) YES Terms of charge. Discount Days.
CHARGE_NET_DAYS NUMBER(10) YES Terms of charge. Net Days.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to customer record.
PRIMARY_FLAG NUMBER(1) No Indicates that this is the customer's primary address.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No Indicates that this address can be used in the workflow. 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
ADDRESS_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Descriptive name of the address as it relates to the customer.
COMPANY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Yes Optional name of company at this address
ADDRESS_1 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Address line 1: Number and street.
ADDRESS_2 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Address line 2: Suite or apartment number
ADDRESS_3 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Address line 3: c/o
POSTAL_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes ZIP Code or Postal Code
COUNTRY_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to country record.
BEGIN_DATE DATE Yes Date customer began living at or using this address.
END_DATE DATE Yes Date customer stopped living at or using this address.
SEASONAL_BEGIN_DATE DATE Yes If the customer uses this address seasonally, month and day the customer begins using this address.
SEASONAL_END_DATE DATE Yes If the customer uses this address seasonally, month and day the customer stops using this address.
ADDRESS_TYPE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to address type record.
ADDRESS_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Short descriptive code for this address (e.g., HOME)
BILL_SHIP NUMBER(1) Yes 0=billing, 1=shipping.
PHONE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to phone record.
ALT_PHONE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to phone record.
ADDRESS_ALLOW_CONTACT NUMBER(1) No Indicates customer has opted out of being contacted. 0=No contact allowed, 1=Contact allowed. Default=0
ADDRESS_4 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Extended address detail.
ADDRESS_5 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Extended address detail.
ADDRESS_6 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Extended address detail.
TAX_AREA_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Each address that is created can have a certain tax area.
TAX_AREA2_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Each address that is created can have a certain tax area.
ADDRESS_LINE1 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Address line 1. Typically the street number and street name (e.g., 123 Main St.)
SEQ_NO NUMBER(5) No The address' position in the list of addresses.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_CLASS_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) No Short descriptive name for customer class.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to customer record.
CONTACT_TYPE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to customer contact type record.
CONTACT_DATE DATE Yes Date to contact. This is different from the created_datetime because the date of contact may have been in the past.
NEXT_CONTACT_DATE DATE Yes Date next contact has been scheduled for.
UDF1_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF2_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF3_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF4_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF5_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
NOTES CLOB Yes Text field.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to credit card type.
CARD_TYPE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to card number.
CARD_NO NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Encrypted card number.
CARD_EXP_MONTH NUMBER(5) Yes Expiration month
CARD_EXP_DAY NUMBER(5) Yes Expiration day
CARD_EXP_YEAR NUMBER(10) Yes Expiration year
CARD_ORDER NUMBER(10) Yes Usage priority.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Document SID.
DOC_INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to item's inventory record.
ITEM_DESCRIPTION1 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Primary item description.
DOC_ITEM_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Document item quantity.
DOC_ITEM_TYPE NUMBER(2) Yes Item Type. 1=Sale, 2=Return, 3-Order, 4=Exchange Sale, Return. Used for filtering and sorting.
DOC_ITEM_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Document item price.
DOC_ITEM_PRICE_W_TAX NUMBER(16,4) Yes Document item price with tax.
CUSTOMER_SID NUMBER(19) No Bill To Customer SID. Foreign key to customer table.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Store number.
CURRENCY_NAME NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Currency name.
ITEM_ATTRIBUTE NVARCHAR2(8) Yes Item attribute (e.g., the color or a  second size value)
ITEM_SIZE NVARCHAR2(8) Yes Item size.
DOC_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Foreign key to the item detail on the orignal document. Also used to lookup Document_SID
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Subsidiary number.
ITEM_DESCRIPTION2 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Secondary item description.
DOC_CREATED_DATE_TIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the document was created.
DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Reference to original document.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to customer record.
EMAIL_ADDRESS NVARCHAR2(100) No Emaill address.
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Short text description of email as it relates to the customer.
EMAIL_ALLOW_CONTACT NUMBER(1) No Indicates customer has opted out of being contacted at this email address. 0=Do not allow contact, 1=Allow contact. Default=0
BEGIN_DATE DATE Yes Date customer started or will start using this email address.
END_DATE DATE Yes Date customer stopped or will stop using this email address.
EMAIL_TYPE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to email type record.
EXTENSION NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Extension may include information such as .com, .net, .org, etc.
PRIMARY_FLAG NUMBER(1) No Indicates that this is the customer's primary email address. Default=0
SEQ_NO NUMBER(5) No Sequence number.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_ID NUMBER(10) No Reference to customer record.
UDF6_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF7_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF8_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF9_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF10_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF11_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF12_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF13_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF14_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF15_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF1_LARGE_STRING NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes User-defined field.
UDF2_LARGE_STRING NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes User-defined field.
UDF16_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF17_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.
UDF18_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined field.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to customer record.
PHONE_TYPE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to phone type record.
PHONE_NO NVARCHAR2(30) No Phone number.
EXTENSION NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Extension to phone number.
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Description (e.g., Home, Work, Mobile)
PHONE_ALLOW_CONTACT NUMBER(1) No Indicates customer has opted out of being contacted at this phone.
BEGIN_DATE DATE Yes Date customer began or will begin using this phone number.
END_DATE DATE Yes Date customer stopped or will stop using this phone number.
PRIMARY_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates that this the vendor's primary phone number. Default=0
SEQ_NO NUMBER(5) No Sequence number.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
UDF_NO NUMBER(5) No UDF field number
NAME NVARCHAR2(15) Yes UDF field label.
REQUIRED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates an entry is required in this UDF field. 0=not required, 1=required. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
UDF_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the Customer UDF record.
FLAG_ID NUMBER(5) No Identifies the Customer UDF field.
UDF_OPTION NVARCHAR2(255) No UDF field entry for this field.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes Actie status. 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
DEFAULT_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates that this is the default entry for this UDF field. 0=not default, 1=default.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.

Note: Each of these tables have the same columns available.

Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CLIENTID NUMBER(19)   Client ID for whom the customization was created.
CUSTOMIZATOIONID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the custom application.
CUSTOMIZATIONNAME NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Custom application name.
REFERENCESID01 - REFERENCESID20 NUMBER(19) Yes Reference fields (references to other tables)
NUMBER01 - NUMBER20 NUMBER(19) Yes Numbers, for things like simple integers.
FLOAT01 - FLOAT20 NUMBER(16,4) Yes Float numbers, for things like Price and Cost.
TEXT01 - TEXT20 NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes Text fields.
CLOB01 - CLOB20 CLOB Yes Clobs (bulk data)
DATE01 - DATE20 DATE Yes Date fields.
DATETIME01 - DATETIME20 TIMESTAMP(0) Yes Date with timestamp
DATETIMEZ01 - DATETIMEZ20 TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Timestamp with time zone.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to document record.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to customer record.
CENTRAL_CREDIT_BALANCE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Customer's central credit balance.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DCS_CODE NVARCHAR2(9) No DCS Code to identify the department.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary.
USE_QTY_DECIMALKS NUMBER(1) No 0=do not use qty decimals, 1=use qty decimals. Default=0
TAX_CODE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tax code.
MARGIN_TYPE NUMBER(5) Yes 0=margin, 1=markup, 2=coefficient
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active. DEfault=1
MARGIN_VALUE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Department margin value.
PATTERN_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to allocation pattern.
D_NAME NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Department name.
C_NAME NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Class name.
S_NAME NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Subclass name.
D_LONG_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Department long name.
C_LONG_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Class long name.
S_LONG_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Subclass long name.
TAG_CODE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tag code.
REGIONAL NUMBER(1) Yes 0=not regional, 1=regional. Default=0
IMAGE BLOB Yes Image file.
PUBLISH_STATUS NUMBER(1) Yes 0=Published, 1=WIP, 2=ReadyToPublish
EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS NVARCHAR2(255) Yes This field is for third-party developers who write integrations to ERP systems where documents and data are sent from Prism to the ERP. In these cases, it is important to know what data has been sent, so as to not duplicate the sending of data unnecessarily. The EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS column can be used by these third-party developers to mark data as having been sent.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desrciption.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Nullable Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
STATUS NUMBER(1) No 0=None, 1=changed, 2=cancelled, 3=normal, 4=comleted
USE_VAT NUMBER(1) No Flag to indicate the  document uses VAT.
WAS_AUDITED NUMBER(1) No Indicates document was audited.
IS_HELD NUMBER(1) No Indicates document is in a held state pending future changes. Business rules for completion of a document do not apply to a held document, and totals from a held document are not included in daily totals reports.
DETAX_FLAG NUMBER(1) No Indicates tax has been removed from the document.
ARCHIVED NUMBER(1) No Indicates record has been archived.
TENDER_TYPE NUMBER(1) Nullable 0=cash, 1=check, 2=credit card, 3=COD, 4=charge, 5=store credit, 6=split tender, 7=deposit, 8=payments, 9=gift certificate, 10=gift card, 11=debit card, 12=foreign currency, 13=traveler's check, 14=foreign check, 15=central gift card, 16=central gift certificate, 17=central customer credit, 18=central customer loyaly
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) No Subsidiary number.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) No Store number.
BT_PRIMARY NUMBER(1) No Indicates the address is the Bill To customer's primary address.
ST_PRIMARY NUMBER(1) No Indicates the address is the Ship To customer's primary address.
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to tenant description.
DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Nullable Document identifying number; assigned when the document is posted or held.
DOC_REF_NO NUMBER(10) Nullable Document number of another document referenced by this document.
TRACKING_NO NVARCHAR(24) Nullable Tracking number assigned by the carrier (e.g., UPS).
VAT_OPTIONS NUMBER(10) Nullable Bitmask containing VAT rules.
CUST_PO_NO NVARCHAR2(10) Nullable Customer purchase order number.
DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Document-level discount percentage. If not null, supercedes DISC_AMT.
DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Document-level discount amount. Used if DISC_PERC is null.
TAX_REBATE_PERC NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Tax rebate percentage. If not null, supercedes TAX_REBATE_AMT.
TAX_REBATE_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tax rebate amount. Used if TAX_REBATE_PERC is null.
OVER_TAX_PERC2 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable N/A
WS_SEQ_NO NUMBER(19) Nullable Document sequence number assigned by the workstation.
CUST_FIELD NVARCHAR2(47) Nullable Legacy field from V9.
DRAWER_NO NUMBER(5) Nullable Drawer number, either 1 or 2. Should this be the
ELAPSED_TIME NUMBER(10) Nullable Number of seconds elapsed from time invoice was begun to the time it was posted. Does not include amount of time document was on hold.
ACTIVITY_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Percentage of work done onn this transaction by employee referenced by CLERK_SID.
ACTIVITY2_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Percentage of work done on this transaction by employee referenced by CLERK2_SID.
ACTIVITY3_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Percentage of work done on this transaction by employee referenced by CLERK3_SID.
ACTIVITY4_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Percentage of work done on this transaction by employee referenced by CLERK4_SID.
ACTIVITY5_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Percentage of work done on this transaction by employee referenced by CLERK5_SID.
EFT_INVC_NO NUMBER(10) Nullable Invoice number generated to satisfy eft processor requirements.
SHIPPING_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Shipping percentage.
DISC_PERC_SPREAD NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Percentage of the document-level discount amount that was spread to items..
FISCAL_DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Nullable Number returned by fiscal printer as the reference number assigned to the document in the fiscal printer memory.
UDF1_STRING NVARCHAR2(210) Nullable User-defined field.
UDF2_STRING NVARCHAR2(210) Nullable User-defined field.
UDF3_STRING NVARCHAR2(210) Nullable User-defined field.
UDF4_STRING NVARCHAR2(210) Nullable User-defined field.
UDF5_STRING NVARCHAR2(210) Nullable User-defined field.
UDF1_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable User-defined numeric field.
UDF2_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable User-defined numeric field.
UDF3_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable User-defined numeric field.
UDF4_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable User-defined numeric field.
UDF5_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable User-defined numeric field.
UDF_CLOB CLOB Nullable User-defined clob field.
TOTAL_FEE_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Total fee amount.
TOTAL_DISCOUNT_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Total discount amount.
SALE_TOTAL_TAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Total tax amount for the sale items in the transaction.
SALE_TOTAL_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Total amount for the sale items in the transaction.
SALE_SUBTOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Subtotal amount for the sale items in the transaction.
DEPOSIT_AMT_REQUIRED NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Deposit amount required. 1=Yes, 0=No
DUE_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Balance Due.
SOLD_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Nullable Total sold quantity.
RETURN_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Nullable Total return quantity.
ORDER_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Nullable Total order quantity.
TAKEN_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Taken amount.
STORE_CODE NVARCHAR2(5) Nullable Store code.
ORIG_STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Nullable Original Store No at time of document creation.
ORIG_STORE_CODE NVARCHAR2(5) Nullable Original Store Code at time of document creation.
TAX_AREA_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Nullable Tax area name.
TAX_AREA2_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Nullable In multi-tax environment, the name of Tax ARea 2
DISCOUNT_REASON_NAME NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Discount reason name.
WORKSTATION_NO NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Keeps the number of the workstation the document was created at.
CASHIER_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Keeps the login name of the cashier who created the document.
CASHIER_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable Keeps the full name of the cashier who created the document.
EMPLOYEE1_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Keeps the login name of the cashier (employee) who created the document.
EMPLOYEE1_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable Keeps the full name of the cashier (employee) who created the document.
EMPLOYEE2_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Keeps the login name of the clerk2 (employee) who created the document.
EMPLOYEE2_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable Keeps the full name of the clerk2 (employee) who created the document.
EMPLOYEE3_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Keeps the login name of the clerk3 (employee) who created the document.
EMPLOYEE3_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable Keeps the full name of the clerk3 (employee) who created the document.
EMPLOYEE4_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Keeps the login name of the clerk4 (employee) who created the document.
EMPLOYEE4_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable Keeps the full name of the clerk4 who created the document.
EMPLOYEE5_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Keeps the login name of the clerk5 who created the document.
EMPLOYEE5_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable Keeps the full name of the clerk5 who created the document.
BT_CUID NUMBER(19) Nullable Keeps the bill to customer unique identifier on the document.
BT_ID NUMBER(14) Nullable Bill To Customer ID.
BT_LAST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Bill To Customer last name.
BT_FIRST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Bill To Customer first name.
BT_COMPANY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Nullable Bill To Customer company name.
BT_TITLE NVARCHAR2(15) Nullable Bill To Customer title (Mr., Mrs., etc.)
BT_TAX_AREA_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Nullable Bill To Customer tax area name.
BT_TAX_AREA2_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Nullable In multi-tax environments, a second tax area assigned to the cusotmer.
BT_DETAX_FLAG NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates if the Bill To customer is a detax customer (eligible for detax).
BT_PRICE_LVL_NAME NVARCHAR2(6) Nullable Name assigned to the price level assigned to Bill To customerm
BT_PRICE_LVL NUMBER(5) Nullable Indicates the price level assigned to the customer.
BT_SECURITY_LVL NUMBER(5) Nullable Indicates the security level assigned to the customer.
BT_PRIMARY_PHONE_NO NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Bill To customer primary phone number.
BT_ADDRESS_LINE1 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Bill To customer address line.
BT_ADDRESS_LINE2 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Bill To customer address line.
BT_ADDRESS_LINE3 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Bill To customer address line.
BT_ADDRESS_LINE4 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Bill To customer address line.
BT_ADDRESS_LINE5 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Bill To customer address line.
BT_ADDRESS_LINE6 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Bill To customer address line.
BT_COUNTRY NVARCHAR2(35) Nullable Bill To customer country.
BT_POSTAL_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Nullable Postal code for the Bill To Customer's address.
BT_POSTAL_CODE_EXTENSION NVARCHAR2(5) Nullable Exension for the postal code.
ST_ADDRESS_LINE1 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Ship To customer address line.
ST_ADDRESS_LINE2 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Ship To customer address line.
ST_ADDRESS_LINE3 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Ship To customer address line.
ST_ADDRESS_LINE4 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Ship To customer address line.
ST_ADDRESS_LINE5 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Ship To customer address line.
ST_ADDRESS_LINE6 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Ship To customer address line.
ST_COUNTRY NVARCHAR2(35) Nullable Ship To customer's country.
ST_POSTAL_CODE NVARCHAR2(10) Nullable Postal code for the Ship To customer's address.
ST_POSTAL_CODE_EXTENSION NVARCHAR2(5) Nullable Extension for the postal code of the Ship To customer.
ST_CUID NUMBER(19) Nullable Keeps the ship to customer unique identifier on the document.
ST_LAST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Ship To customer last name.
ST_FIRST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Ship To customerr first name.
ST_TITLE NVARCHAR2(15) Nullable Ship To customer title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms.)
ST_TAX_AREA_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Nullable Name of tax area assigned to Ship To customer.
ST_TAX_AREA2_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Nullable In multi-tax environment, name of second tax area assigned to the Ship To customer.
ST_DETAX_FLAG NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates if the Ship To customer is a detax customer (eligible for detax).
ST_PRICE_LVL_NAME NVARCHAR2(6) Nullable Name of price level assigned to the Ship To customer.
ST_PRICE_LVL NUMBER(5) Nullable Indicates the price level of the Ship To customer.
ST_SECURITY_LVL NUMBER(5) Nullable Indicates the security level assigned to the Ship To customer.
ST_PRIMARY_PHONE_NO NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Ship To customer primary phone number.
ST_COMPANY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Nullable Name of Ship To customer's company.
FEE_TYPE1 NUMBER(5) Nullable Keeps the type of fee the document might have.
FEE_NAME1 NVARCHAR2(25) Nullable Keeps the name of fee the document might have.
FEE_TYPE2 NUMBER(5) Nullable Keeps the type of fee the document might have.
FEE_NAME2 NVARCHAR2(25) Nullable Keeps the name of fee the document might have.
FEE_TYPE3 NUMBER(5) Nullable Keeps the type of fee the document might have.
FEE_NAME3 NVARCHAR2(25) Nullable Keeps the name of fee the document might have.
FEE_TYPE4 NUMBER(5) Nullable Keeps the type of fee the document might have.
FEE_NAME4 NVARCHAR2(25) Nullable Keeps the name of fee the document might have.
FEE_TYPE5 NUMBER(5) Nullable Keeps the type of fee the document might have.
FEE_NAME5 NVARCHAR2(25) Nullable Keeps the name of fee the document might have.
TENDER_NAME NVARCHAR2(25) Nullable Keeps the name of the tender the document was tendered with.
CURRENCY_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Keeps the name of the currency the document was tendered with
TILL_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable keeps the name of the till the document was tendered with
BT_EMAIL NVARCHAR2(100) Nullable Email address of the Bill To customer.
ST_EMAIL NVARCHAR2(100) Nullable Email address of the Ship To customer.
HIST_DISC_AMT1 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_PERC1 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_REASON1 NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_AMT2 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_PERC2 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_REASON2 NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_AMT3 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_PERC3 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_REASON3 NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_AMT4 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_PERC4 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_REASON4 NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_AMT5 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_PERC5 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
HIST_DISC_REASON5 NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Tracks discount information for the document.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Nullable Date/time row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as created/modified datetime.
UDF1_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Nullable User-defined date field.
UDF2_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Nullable User-defined date field.
UDF3_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Nullable User-defined date field.
INVC_POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Nullable Date the invoice was posted. Note this is not the same as the post_date in the standard header.
FEE_TAX_INCLUDED1 NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates tax is included on the fee. 0=not included, 1= included
FEE_TAX_PERC1 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Fee tax percentage.
FEE_TAX_INCLUDED2 NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates tax is included on the fee. 0=not included, 1= included
FEE_TAX_PERC2 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Fee tax percentage.
FEE_TAX_INCLUDED3 NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates tax is included on the fee. 0=not included, 1= included
FEE_TAX_PERC3 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Fee tax percentage.
FEE_TAX_INCLUDED4 NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates tax is included on the fee. 0=not included, 1= included
FEE_TAX_PERC4 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Fee tax percentage.
FEE_TAX_INCLUDED5 NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates tax is included on the fee. 0=not included, 1= included
FEE_TAX_PERC5 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Fee tax percentage.
PRICE_LVL NUMBER(5) Nullable Stores the price level on the document.
PRICE_LVL_NAME NVARCHAR2(6) Nullable Stores the name of the price level on the document.
SHIPPING_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the shipping amount.
SHIPPING_TAX_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the tax percent of the shipping amount.
SHIPPING_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores shipping tax amount.
SHIP_METHOD NVARCHAR2(20) Nullable Stores description of how items are shipped.
CANCEL_ORDER NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates if the document will cancel the referenced order upon update.
ROUNDED_DUE_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Suggested rounded next tender amount.
ORDER_QUANTITY_FILLED NUMBER(10,3) Nullable Quantity of an order document that has already been filled.
OVERRIDE_MAX_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Override maximum employee discount percent for all items on the document.
ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Stores total tax amount for the order items in the transaction.
TRANSACTION_TOTAL_TAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Stores total tax amount for the transaction.
SALE_TAX1_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Stores Tax1 amount for the sale items in the transaction.
ORDER_TAX1_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Stores Tax1 amount for the order items in the transaction.
TRANSACTION_TAX1_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Tax1 amount for the transaction.
SALE_TAX2_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Stores Tax2 amount for the sale items in the transaction.
ORDER_TAX2_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Stores Tax2 amount for the order items in the transaction.
TRANSACTION_TAX2_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Stores Tax1 amount for the transaction.
ORDER_TOTAL_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores total amount for the order items in the transaction.
TRANSACTION_TOTAL_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores total amount for the transaction.
ORDER_SUBTOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores subtotal amount for the order items in the transaction.
SALE_SUBTOTAL_WITH_TAX NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores subtotal with tax for the sale items in the transaction.
TRANSACTION_SUBTOTAL_WITH_TAX NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores subtotal with tax for the transaction.
SO_DEPOSIT_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable (Obsolete)
SO_DEPOSIT_AMT_PAID NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores deposit amount that is paid for the transaction.
TOTAL_LINE_ITEM NUMBER(10) Nullable Stores the number of line items for the transaction.
TOTAL_ITEM_COUNT NUMBER(10) Nullable Stores the total item count for the transaction.
TRANSACTION_SUBTOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the subtotal for the transaction
GIVEN_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Keeps the given amount for the document.
FEE_AMT1 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee amount.
FEE_TAX_AMT1 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee tax amount.
FEE_AMT2 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee amount.
FEE_TAX_AMT2 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee tax amount.
FEE_AMT3 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee amount.
FEE_TAX_AMT3 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee tax amount.
FEE_AMT4 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee amount.
FEE_TAX_AMT4 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee tax amount.
FEE_AMT5 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee amount.
FEE_TAX_AMT5 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Stores the fee tax amount.
SHHIPPING_TAX_INCLUDED NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates if shipping tax should be included in the document.
WORKSTATION_UID NUMBER(UID) Nullable Keeps the workstation unique identifier on the document.
WORKSTATION_NAME NVARCHAR2(64) Nullable Keeps the name of the workstation the document was created at.
STORE_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Store name on the document.
TAX_AREA_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 1 percentage on the document
TAX_AREA2_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 2 percentage on the document
TAX_AREA_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 1 amount on the document
TAX_AREA2_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 2 amount on the document
TAX_AREA_SALES_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 1 sales tax amount on the document.
TAX_AREA2_SALES_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 2 sales tax amount on the document.
TAX_AREA_ORDER_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 1 order tax amount on the document.
TAX_AREA2_ORDER_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Used to store tax area 2 order tax amount on the document.
REASON_CODE NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Predefined reason code on document.
REASON_DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Predefined reason description on document.
POS_FLAG1 NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable POS Flag 1 on document.
POS_FLAG2 NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable POS Flag 2 on document.
POS_FLAG3 NVARCHAR2(60) Nullable POS Flag 3 on document.
COMMENT1 NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable Comment 1 text.
COMMENT2 NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable Comment 2 text.
NOTES NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable Note text.
DEPOSIT_AMT_TAKEN NUMBER(16,4) Nullable (obsolete)
DEPOSIT_REF_DOC_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Used to indicate the source document for additional deposit.
TOTAL_DEPOSIT_TAKEN NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Reflects the total for all deposits taken for the document.
SUBSIDIARY_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Indicates the Subsidiary of the document.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Indicates the Store for the document.
NOTES_GENERAL NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable General notes for the document.
NOTES_ORDER NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable Order notes for the document.
NOTES_SALE NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable Sales notes for the document.
NOTES_RETURN NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable Return notes for the document.
NOTES_LOSTDOC NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable Lost sale notes for the document.
SHIP_PARTIAL NUMBER(1) Nullable Flag to determine if items can be split across sipments.
SHIP_PRIORITY NUMBER(5) Nullable Priority assigned to the order. 0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High.
TILL_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to unique identifier for the till.
CASHIER_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to unique identifier for the employee recorded in the Cashier field on the document.
EMPLOYEE1_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to unique identifier for the employee
EMPLOYEE2_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to unique identifier for the employee
EMPLOYEE3_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to unique identifier for the employee
EMPLOYEE4_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to unique identifier for the employee
EMPLOYEE5_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to unique identifier for the employee
EXCHANGE_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Nullable Total exchange quantity.
DISCOUNT_TYPE NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates what type of discount was applied to sale/return part of the document: 0=initial value, 1=discount amount, 2=discount percentage
REF_ORDER_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Keeps the reference to the document to fulfill.
ORDER_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Discount percentage for the order items on the document.
ORDER_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Discount amount for the order items on the document.
ORDER_DISCOUNT_REASON_NAME NVARCHAR2(80) Nullable Discount reason for order items.
ORDER_DISCOUNT_TYPE NUMBER(1) Nullable Discount type for order items. 0=initial value, 1=discount amount, 2=discount percentage
SO_CANCEL_FLAG NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates the SO was cancelled.
TOTAL_DEPOSIT_USED NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Total amount of deposits used on the document.
ORDER_FEE_TYPE1_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier for Order Fee Type.
ORDER_SHIPPING_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier for shipping reason.
ORDER_SHIPPING_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Shipping percentage applied to the order portion of the document.
ORDER_DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Nullable Document number of the order referenced on the document.
USED_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Amount of discounts used on the document.
USED_SUBTOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Subtotal
USED_TAX NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Tax amount used on the document.
USED_FEE_AMT1 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Fee amount used on the document.
USED_SHIPPING_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Shipping amount used on the document.
ORDER_CHANGED_FLAG NUMBER(1) Nullable Flag to indicate the order was changed after it was created.
PROMO_GDMANDISC NUMBER(1) Nullable Global discount amount from promotions on the document.
ORIGINAL_STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable The SID of the store where the document was originally created.
RECEIPT_TYPE NUMBER(2) Nullable Receipt type.
ORDER_TYPE NUMBER(2) Nullable Order type. 0=customer order, 1=layaway, 2=special order
HAS_SALE NUMBER(1) Nullable 0=no sale items on document, 1=sale items on document.
HAS_RETURN NUMBER(1( Nullable 0=no return items on document, 1=return items on document.
HAS_DEPOSIT NUMBER(1) Nullable 0=no deposit on document, 1=deposit on document.
ORDER_SHIP_METHOD_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier for the order shipping method.
ORDER_SHIP_METHOD_ID NUMBER(5) Nullable Identifies the shipping method for the order items on the document
ORDER_SHIP_METHOD NVARCHAR2(20) Nullable Shipping method for the order portion of the document.
SHIP_METHOD_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier for the shipping method.
SHIP_METHOD_ID NUMBER(5) Nullable Identifies the shipping method.
SS_COPY NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates a Send Sale copy.
SS_STATUS NUMBER(3) Nullable Send  Sale status.
SS_LAST_EVENT_ERROR TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Nullable Timestamp of the most recent error on a send sale.
SS_LAST_ERROR NVARCHAR3(500) Nullable Error message associated with the most recent error on a send sale.
SS_FULFILLMENT NUMBER(1) Nullable 0=Send sale not fulfilled, 1=Send sale fulfilled.
DETAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Detax amount.
ORDER_SHIPPING_AMT_MANUAL NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Shipping amount manually entered for the order.
SHIPPING_AMT_MANUAL NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Shipping amount manually entered for the sale.
ORDER_SHIPPING_AMT_MANUAL_USED NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Indicates the amount used of the order shipping amount.
ORDER_TRACKING_NO NVARCHAR2(24) Nullable Tracking number for the shipment assigned by the carrier (e.g., FEDEX.
ORDER_STATUS NUMBER(1) No Order status.
TAX_REBATE_PERSISTED NUMBER(1) Nullable 0 = no tax rebate applied, 2 =tax rebate applied, 3 = tax rebate applied and persisted
RETURN_SUBTOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Return subtotal.
RETURN_SUBTOTAL_WITH_TAX NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Return subtotal with tax.
RETURN_TAX1_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Tax 1 amount.
RETURN_TAX2_AMT NUMBER(17,5)   In multi-tax environments, the tax amount of the Tax 2 on the document.
RETURN_TOTAL_TAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Nullable Total tax amount of the return items on the document.
SHIPPING_AMT_MANUAL_BDT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Shipping amount before manual detax.
ORDER_SHIPPING_AMT_MANUAL_BDT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Order shipping amount before manual detax.
FEE_AMT1_BDT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Fee amount before detax.
ORDER_FEE_AMT1_BDT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Order fee amount before detax.
REFUND_DOCUMENT_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to the order or other document referenced on this document.
REF_ORDER_BALANCE_DUE NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Balance due on the order referenced on this document.
REF_ORDER_ORDER_DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Nullable Document number of order referenced on this document.
LTY_PGM_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier for loyalty program used on the document.
LTY_PGM_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Name of loyalty program used on the document.
LTY_START_BALANCE NUMBER(24,8) Nullable Loyalty points start balance.
LTY_END_BALANCE NUMBER(24,8) Nullable Loyalty points end balance.
LTY_REDEEM_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Amount of loyalty points redeemed.
LTY_GIFT_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Loyalty gift amount.
LTY_LVL_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier for loyalty level.
LTY_PERC_REWARD_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Loyalty percentable reward discount percentage
LTY_PERC_REWARD_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Loyalty percentable reward discount amount
LTY_CENTRAL_STATUS NUMBER(1) Nullable Loyalty centrals server status.
LTY_PGM_SID2 NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier for second loyalty program on the document.
LTY_PGM_NAME2 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Name of a second loyalty program used on the document.
LTY_PGM_SID3 NUMBER(19) Nullable Reference to loyalty program.
LTY_PGM_NAME3 NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Name of a third loyalty program used on the document.
LTY_ITEM_GIFT_PGM_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Unique identifier
LTY_ITEM_GIFT_PGM_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Loyalty item gift program name.
LTY_TOTAL_REDEEM_MULTIPLIER NUMBER(16,8) Nullable Multiplier for total-based redeem program
LTY_TOTAL_EARN_MULTIPLIER NUMBER(16,8) Nullable Multiplier for total-based earn program
LTY_ITEM_REDEEM_MULTIPLIER NUMBER(16,8) Nullable Multiplier for item-based redeem program
LTY_ITEM_EARN_MULTIPLIER NUMBER(16,8) Nullable Multiplier for item-based earn program
SALE_TRANS_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable To track precise sale discount amounts without affecting total tax calculations. Note that this field is not spreadable, does not affect calculation of total tax or shipping amount and is independing from global discount amount. This field might be used by loyalty program.
ORDER_TRANS_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Nullable To track precise order discount amounts without affecting total tax calculations. Note that this field is not spreadable, does not affect calculation of total tax or shipping amount and is independing from global discount amount. This field might be used by loyalty program.
ORDER_TRANS_DISC_AMT_USED NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Amount of order transactional discount that has been recorded on sale.
LTY_ORDER_TOTAL_BASED_DISC NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The discount amount in base currency applied by the total-based program to the order part of the document.
LTY_SALE_EARNED_POINTS_P NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of positive points earned on the sale part of the document either from the item-based or total-based program.
LTY_SALE_EARNED_POINTS_N NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of negative points earned on the sale part of the document either from the item-based or total-based program.
LTY_ORDER_EARNED_POINTS_P NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of positive points earned on the order part of the document either from the item-based or total-based program.
LTY_ORDER_EARNED_POINTS_N NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of negative points earned on the order part of the document either from the item-based or total-based program.
LTY_SALE_USED_POINTS_P NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of positive points used to redeem items or applied to total-based redeem program on the sale part of the document.
LTY_SALE_USED_POINTS_N NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of negative points used to redeem items or applied to total-based redeem program on the sale part of the document.
LTY_ORDER_USED_POINTS_P NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of positive points used to redeem items or applied to total-based redeem program on the order part of the document.
LTY_ORDER_USED_POINTS_N NUMBER(16,4) Nullable The total of negative points used to redeem items or applied to total-based redeem program on the order part of the document.
FEE_AMT_RETURNED1 NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Returned fee amount.
SHIPPING_AMT_MANUAL_RETURNED NUMBER(16,4) Nullable Returned shipping amount (document level).
REF_SALE_SID NUMBER(19) Nullable Referenced sale document identifier (to return fees and shipping).
GIFT_RECEIPT_TYPE NVARCHAR2(40) Nullable Gif receipt preferences.
ORDER_DUE_DATE DATE Nullable Due date for sales order.
EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS NVARCHAR2(255) Nullable This field is for third-party developers who write integrations to ERP systems where documents and data are sent from Prism to the ERP. In these cases, it is important to know what data has been sent, so as to not duplicate the sending of data unnecessarily. The EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS column can be used by these third-party developers to mark data as having been sent.
DETAX_FLAG_MANUALLY NUMBER(1) Nullable Indicates detax was set manually.
AR_FLAG NUMBER(1) Nullable Sent to AR flag.
GL_FLAG NUMBER(1) Nullable Sent to GL flag.
AL_EXTRACT_DATE DATE Nullable Accounting Link extract date.
AL_POST_DATE DATE Nullable Accounting Link post date.
SHIP_DATE DATE Nullable The date after which order items can no longer be fulfilled.
ORDERED_DATE DATE Nullable The date that is reported as the ordered date for order items.
CANCEL_DATE DATE Nullable Cancel date.
CUSTOM0 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 0
CUSTOM1 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 1
CUSTOM2 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 2
CUSTOM3 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 3
CUSTOM4 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 4
CUSTOM5 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 5
CUSTOM6 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 6
CUSTOM7 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 7
CUSTOM8 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 8
CUSTOM9 NVARCHAR2(30) Nullable Custom field 9
ORDER_DOC_NO NVARCHAR2(20) Nullable Sales Order number
REF_ORDER_ORDER_DOC_NO NVARCHAR2(20) Nullable Ref Order number
REF_RECORD_SALE NUMBER(19) Nullable References sale recorded against the order


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to document record.
IN_OR_OUT NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates whether the coupon is being presented by the customer (in), or presented by the retailer to the customer (out) 0=in, 1=out. Default=1
COUPON_CODE NVARCHAR2(75) No Coupon code.
APPLIED NUMBER(1) Yes 0=not applied, 1=applied. Default-0
PROMO_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to promotion record.
PROMO_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Promotion name.
PROMO_COUPON_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Coupon type. 0=Normal coupon, 1=Serialized coupon. Default=0
PROMO_COUPON_SET_ID NUMBER(19) Yes Serialized coupon set ID.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date and time the document to which the deposit was added was created. Default=System date
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the document to which the deposit was added was posted to the POA.
ORIG_DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the document to which the deposit was added.
INVOICE_DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No The document on which the deposit (or part of the deposit) was taken.
USED_DEPOSIT_AMNT NUMBER(16,4) Yes The amount of the deposit used.
DOC_DEPOSIT_FLAG NUMBER(1) No Indicates that this is a document that affects the deposit balance. 0=does not affect the deposit balance (simply affects SO items); 1=affects the deposit balance.
DOC_DEPOSIT_TAKEN NUMBER(1) No Indicates that the deposit amount on the document was increased. 0=Deposit amount was not increased; 1=Deposit amount was increased.
USED_SUBTOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Yes Stores the used subtotal amount.
USED_TAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Yes Used tax amount.
USED_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used discount amount
USED_TRANS_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used transaction discount amount.
USED_FEE_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used fee amount.
USED_FEE_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used fee tax amount.
USED_SHIPPING_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used shipping amount.
USED_SHIPPING_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used shipping tax amount.
TAKEN_DEPOSIT_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Taken deposit amount.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to document.
DISC_CATEGORY NUMBER(5) No 0=any POS, 1=Sale, 2=Order, 3=Order
DISC_SOURCE NUMBER(5) No 30=Manual, 40=Promotion
DISC_POS NUMBER(5) No Position among similar discounts.
DISC_TYPE NUMBER(5) No 0=Price, 1=DiscPerc, 2=DiscAmt, 3=ForcePrice
DISC_VALUE NUMBER(16,4) No Discount value.
DISC_REASON NVARCHAR2(80) Yes Discount reason.
PREV_SUBTOTAL_W_DISC NUMBER(16,4) No Previous subtotal with discount
NEW_SUBTOTAL_W_DISC NUMBER(16,4) Yes New subtotal with discount.
NEW_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes New discount amount.
NEW_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes New discount percentage.
DISC_PROMO_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Promotion name.
DISC_PROMO_GROUP NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Promotion group.
DISC_ORIG_VALUE NUMBER(16,4) No Uncapped value entered originally


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
UDF6_STRING NVARCHAR2(10) Yes User-defined value.
UDF7_STRING NVARCHAR2(10) Yes User-defined value.
UDF8_STRING NVARCHAR2(10) Yes User-defined value.
UDF9_STRING NVARCHAR2(10) Yes User-defined value.
UDF10_STRING NVARCHAR2(10) Yes User-defined value.
UDF6_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric value.
UDF7_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric value.
UDF8_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric value.
UDF9_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric value.
UDF10_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric value.
UDF5_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date.
UDF6_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date.
UDF2_CLOB CLOB Yes User-defined clob value.
NOTE1 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Optional note text.
NOTE2 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Optional note text.
NOTE3 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Optional note text.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
FEE_TYPE NUMBER(5) No 1=other fees; 9=shipping fee; all negative numbers are fixed fee types and are populated as default data.
FEE_NAME NVARCHAR2(25) Yes Fee name
TAX_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes If the fee includes tax, the tax percentage.
TAX_INCLUDED NUMBER(1) No 0=tax not included, 1= tax included.
FEE_CLASS NUMBER(5) Yes Fee class.
CUST_REQUIRED NUMBER(1) No 0=customer not required, 1=customer requried.
ALLOW_TAX_EXEMPTION NUMBER(1) No Allow tax exemption? 0=false, 1=true
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No Active status. 0=inactive, 1=active.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to document on which the item is listed.
ITEM_POS NUMBER(5) No Item position.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to item record.
DETAX_FLAG NUMBER(1) No 0=not detaxed item, 1=detaxed item
KIT_FLAG NUMBER(1) No 0=simple, 1=kit, 2=broken kit, 3=package, 4=kit item, 5=package item, 6=gift card stored value, 7=gift card prepaid, 8=gift certificate, 9=fee, 10=gift card central
PROMOTION_FLAG NUMBER(1) No 0=no promotion applied to item, 1=promotion applied to item
GIFT_ADD_VALUE NUMBER(1) No 0=does not add value to gift card, 1=adds value to gift card.

0=unarchived, 1=archived.

ST_PRIMARY NUMBER(1) No Indicates the address is the primary address of the Ship To customer. 0=false, 1=true.
STORE_NO NUMBER(5) No Store number.
COMM_CODE NUMBER(5) Yes Commission code.
ST_PRICE_LVL NUMBER(5) Yes Price level assigned to Ship To customer
QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item quantity on the document.
ORIG_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original document price (before applying any discounts).
ORIG_TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original tax amount.
PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Item price.
TAX_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Tax percentage (in the tax area where the document was created).
TAX_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Tax amount.
TAX2_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Tax 2 percentage.
TAX2_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Tax 2 amount.
PRICE_BEFORE_DETAX NUMBER(16,4) Yes Price before detax.
ORIG_PRICE_BEFORE_DETAX NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original price before detax.
COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Item cost.
SPIF NUMBER(16,4) Yes Sales Person Incentive Fee
SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Schedule number.
SERIAL_NO NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Serial number.
USER_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes User discount percentage.
PACKAGE_SEQUENCE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Packge sequence number.
LOT_NO NVARCHAR2(25) Yes Lot number.
ACTIVITY_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes The percentage of the transaction allocated to the main clerk (clerk 10).
ACTIVITY2_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes The percentage of the transaction allocated to clerk 2.
ACTIVITY3_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes The percentage of the transaction allocated to clerk 3.
ACTIVITY4_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes The percentage of the transaction allocated to clerk 4.
ACTIVITY5_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes The percentage of the transaction allocated to clerk 5.
COMM_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Commission amount.
COMM2_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Commission amount.
COMM3_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Commission amount.
COMM4_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Commission amount.
COMM5_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Commission amount.
PACKAGE_NO NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Package number.
SHIP_ID NUMBER(10) Yes Identifies the Shipping Carrier.
ORIG_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original cost before the return.
GIFT_ACTIVATION_CODE NVARCHAR2(26) Yes Gift card activation code.
GIFT_TRANSACTION_ID NVARCHAR2(26) Yes Identifies a gift card transaction.
CUST_FIELD NVARCHAR2(47) Yes Customization field.
UDF1_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF2_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF3_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF4_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF5_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF1_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric field.
UDF2_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric field.
UDF3_FLOAT NUMBER(16,4) Yes User-defined numeric field.
DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Item discount percentage.
NOTE1 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE2 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE3 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE4 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE5 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE6 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE7 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE8 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE9 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
NOTE10 NVARCHAR2(350) Yes Use in Item note mapping document preference.
DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Item-level discount amount. Used if disc_perc is null.
ITEM_TYPE NUMBER() Yes 1=Sale, 2=Return, 3=Order, 4=Exchange
DCS_CODE NVARCHAR2(9) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original DCS Code for the item at the time the document was created.
VEND_CODE NVARCHAR2(6) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original Vendor Code for the item at the time the document was created.
DESCRIPTION1 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original Description 1 for the item at the time the document was created.
DESCRIPTION2 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original Description 2 for the item at the time the document was created.
DESCRIPTION3 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original Description 3 for the item at the time the document was created.
DESCRIPTION4 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original Description 4 for the item at the time the document was created.
ATTRIBUTE NVARCHAR2(8) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original Attribute for the item at the time the document was created.
ITEM_SIZE NVARCHAR2(8) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original Item Size for the item at the time the document was created.
ALU NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Used for historical purposes only. Records original ALU for the item at the time the document was created.
TAX_CODE NVARCHAR2(5) Yes Tax code.
TAX_CODE2 NVARCHAR2(5) Yes Tax code for Tax Area 2
COMM_LVL NCHAR(1) Yes Commission Level
COMM_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Commission percentage.
ST_ADDRESS_LINE1 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Ship To customer address, line 1
ST_ADDRESS_LINE2 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Ship To customer address, line 2
ST_ADDRESS_LINE3 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Ship To customer address, line 3
ST_ADDRESS_LINE4 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Ship To customer address, line 4
ST_ADDRESS_LINE5 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Ship To customer address, line 5
ST_ADDRESS_LINE6 NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Ship To customer address, line 16
ST_COUNTRY NVARCHAR2(35) Yes Ship To customer address, country
ST_POSTAL_CODE NVARHCAR2(5) Yes Ship To customer address, postal code
ST_POSTAL_CODE_EXTENSION NVARCHAR2(5) Yes Ship To customer address, postal code extension.
EMPLOYEE1_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the login name of the clerk who created the document
EMPLOYEE1_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Keeps the full name of the clerk who created the document.
EMPLOYEE2_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the login name of clerk 2 who created the document.
EMPLOYEE1_2_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Keeps the full name of clerk 2 who created the document.
EMPLOYEE3_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the login name of clerk 3 who created the document..
EMPLOYEE3_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Keeps the full name of clerk 3 who created the document..
EMPLOYEE4_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the login name of clerk 4 who created the document..
EMPLOYEE4_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Keeps the full name of clerk 4 who created the document..
EMPLOYEE5_LOGIN_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the login name of clerk 5 who created the document..
EMPLOYEE5_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Keeps the full name of clerk 5 who created the document.
ST_CUID NUMBER(19) Yes Keeps the ship to customer unique identifier for the item
ST_ID NUMBER(14) Yes Keeps the id of the ship to customer.
ST_COMPANY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Yes Keeps the company name of the ship to customer.
ST_LAST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the last name of the ship to customer.
ST_FIRST_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the first name of the ship to customer.
ST_TITLE NVARCHAR2(15) Yes Keeps the title of the ship to customer.
ST_TAX_AREA_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Yes keeps the name of the tax area assigned to the ship to customer.
ST_TAX_AREA2_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Yes Keeps the name of a second tax area assigned to the ship to customer (in a multi-tax environment).
ST_PRICE_LVL_NAME NVARCHAR2(6) Yes Keeps the price level name of the price level assigned to the ship to customer.
ST_DETAX_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Keeps the detax flag setting of the ship to customer. 0=not a detax customer, 1=detax customer.
ST_PRIMARY_PHONE_NO NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Keeps the primary phone number of the ship to customer.
DISCOUNT_REASON NVARCHAR2(80) Yes The reason for applying the discount.
ORDER_TYPE NUMBER(5) Yes 0=Customer Order, 1=Special Order, 2=Layaway, 3=Store Registry (not used in Prism), 4=Company Registry (not used in Prism), 5=Web Order, 6=Send Sale
ST_EMAIL NVARCHAR2(100) Yes Keeps the email address of the ship to customer.
SO_NUMBER NUMBER(14) Yes Sales order document number.
SHIP_METHOD NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Stores description of how the item is shipped.
HIST_DISC_AMT1 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount amount 1

(History) Discount percentage 1

HIST_DISC_REASON1 NVARCHAR2(80) Yes (History) The reason for applying the discount.
HIST_DISC_AMT2 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount amount 2.
HIST_DISC_PERC2 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount percentage 2
HIST_DISC_REASON2 NVARCHAR2(80) Yes (History) The reason for applying the discount.
HIST_DISC_AMT3 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount amount 3
HIST_DISC_PERC3 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount percentage 3
HIST_DISC_REASON3 NVARCHAR2(80) Yes (History) The reason for applying the discount.
HIST_DISC_AMT4 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount amount 4
HIST_DISC_PERC4 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount percentage 4
HIST_DISC_REASON4 NVARCHAR2(80) Yes (History) The reason for applying the discount.
HIST_DISC_AMT5 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount amount 5
HIST_DISC_PERC5 NUMBER(16,4) Yes (History) Discount percentage 5
HIST_DISC_REASON5 NVARCHAR2(80) Yes (History) The reason for applying the discount.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the document was last modified in this system. May not be the same as the CREATED_DATETIME.
UDF1_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
PRICE_LVL NUMBER(5) Yes Price level
PRICE_LVL_NAME NVARCHAR2(6) Yes Price level name.
ST_SECURITY_LVL NUMBER(5) Yes Security level of the Ship To customer.
TRACKING_NO NVARCHAR2(24) Yes Stores a tracking number of the item shipment.
INVENTORY_ITEM_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Used to record Inventory Item Type (e.g., Kit, Package).
INVENTORY_OH_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Used to record OH Qty at the time the document was created.
GIFT_EXPIRE_DATE DATE Yes Expiration date of central gift card.
OVERRIDE_MAX_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Override maximum employee discount for the item.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) No Subsidiary number.
RETURNED_ITEM_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Quantity of the item returned by the customer against the original receipt.
RETURNED_ITEM_INVOICE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to Invoice SID from original receipt.
RETURN_REASON NVARCHA2(80) Yes Reason the item is being returned.
PRICE_LVL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to the price level.
ORDER_QUANTITY_FILLED NUMBER(10,3) Yes Quantity of an order item that has already been filled.
GIFT_QUANTITY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Quantity for gift receipt.
SO_DEPOSIT_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Stores calculated minimum deposit amount for the item based on the item price, SO Item Type and preference settings.
REF_ORDER_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Keeps the reference to the item on the reference document to fulfill.
TAX_AREA_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Yes Tax area name.
TAX_AREA2_NAME NVARCHAR2(11) Yes Name of a second tax area (in multi-tax environments).
SERIAL_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes SERIAL_TYPE from Retail Pro 9 INVN_SBS.EXT flag, which contains SERIAL_TYPE and LOT_TYPE.
LOT_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes LOT_TYPE from Retail Pro 9 INVN_SBS.EXT flag, which contains SERIAL_TYPE and LOT_TYPE.
SEND_SALE_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes 0=item will not be fulfilled at an alternate location; 1=item will be fulfilled at an alternate location.
FULFILL_STORE_NO NUMBER(5) Yes The store number of the store that will fulfill a send sale request.
FULFILL_STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes The SID of the store that will fulfill a send sale request.
FULFILL_SBS_NO NUMBER(5) Yes The subsidiary number for the store that will fulfill a send sale request.
SO_CANCEL_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes 0=remaining amount due of the SO items have not been cancelled. 1=remaining amount due of the SO items are cancelled.
CENTRAL_DOCUMENT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes A reference to the central document this item relates to.
CENTRAL_ITEM_POS NUMBER(5) Yes The position of this item on a centrals document.
DIP_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Final virtual price of the item.
DIP_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Final virtual discount amount of the item.
DIP_TAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Yes Final virtual tax amount of the item.
DIP_TAX2_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Yes Final virtual tax2 amount of the item.
ITEM_STATUS NUMBER(1) No 0=valid, 1=incomplete package.
ENHANCED_ITEM_POS NUMBER(10) Yes Logical sort order in which items, packages, components, etc., are to be displayed so that package components appear directly after the package header.
IS_COMPETING_COMPONENT NUMBER(1) Yes 0=package component is not competing, 1=package component is competing.
PROMO_MANDISC NUMBER(1) Yes 0=promotions discount was not entered manually. 1=promotion discount was entered manually.
SHIP_METHOD_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Stores the shipping method SID from the SHIP_METHOD table.
SHIP_METHOD_ID NUMBER(5) Yes The ID of the specific shipping method and backward compatible with RIL or Retail Pro 9.
ORDER_SHIP_METHOD_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Stores the shipping method SID from the SHIP_METHOD table.
ORDER_SHIP_METHOD_ID NUMBER(5) Yes The ID of the specific shipping method and backward compatible with RIL and Retail Pro 9
ORDER_SHIP_METHOD NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Text field describing the specific shipping method.
TAX_PERC_LOCK NUMBER(1) Yes Lock tax percentage (0=disable, 1=enable)
QTY_AVAILABLE_FOR_RETURN NUMBER(10,3) Yes Quantity of referenced sale item still available for return.
CENTRAL_RETURN_COMMIT_STATE NUMBER(1) Yes The commit state of central returns. 0=not communicated, 1=registered with centrals, 2=committed when doc finalized, 3=committed by resiliency, 4=a replicated copy,
INVN_USE_QTY_DECIMALS NUMBER(1) Yes 0=do not use qty decimals, 1=use qty decimals.
SHIP_AMT_BDT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Shipping amount before detax.
TAX_CODE_RULE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Tax code rule SID
TAX_CODE_RULE2_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Tax code rule 2 SID
ST_ADDRESS_UID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique identifier for the Ship To customer address.
ORIG_SALE_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Original sale price of the returned item
LTY_PGM_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to the loyalty program.
LTY_PGM_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Loyalty program name.
LTY_POINTS_EARNED NUMBER(24,8) Yes Loyalty points earned.
LTY_ORIG_POINTS_EARNED NUMBER(24,8) Yes Orginal loyalty points earned (before the return).
LTY_PRICE_IN_POINTS NUMBER(24,8) Yes Loyalty price in points.
LTY_ORIG_PRICE_IN_POINTS NUMBER(24,8) Yes Original loyalty price in points.
LTY_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Loyalty program type. 1=earn, 2=redeem, 3=reward
LTY_PIECE_OF_TBE_POINTS NUMBER(16,4) Yes Proportional piece of loyalty points received by applying Total Base Earn program
LTY_PIECE_OF_TBR_POINTS NUMBER(16,4) Yes Proportional piece of loyalty points received by applying Total Base Redeem program
LTY_PIECE_OF_TBR_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Proportional piece of transaction discount received by applying Total Base Redeem program
EFTDATA1 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA2 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA3 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA4 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA5 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA6 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA7 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA8 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA9 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA0 CLOB Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA10 CLOB Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA11 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA12 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA13 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA14 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA15 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA16 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA17 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA18 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATA19 NVARCHAR2(32) Yes Additional data that is needed for printing on the invoice.
EFTDATBSMER CLOB Yes Merchant receipt
EFTDATABSCUST CLOB Yes Customer receipt
ACTIVATION_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Pre-authorization will provide this if the card was previously activated.
AUTHORIZE_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date the last time the card actio was authorized (can be used to check if request is stale or old.)
EMPLOYEE1_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to employee record.
EMPLOYEE2_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to employee record.
EMPLOYEE3_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to employee record.
EMPLOYEE4_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to employee record.
EMPLOYEE5_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to employee record.
PROMO_GIFTITEM NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates item is used for a promotion gift item. 0=false, 1=true
INTERNAL_ITEM_POS NUMBER(5) Yes Position of item. Separate for order and sale items.
DIP_PRICE_BDT NUMBER(16,4) Yes Fianl virtual price before detax of the item.
SUBLOC_ID NUMBER(10) Yes Sublocation ID.
OVERRIDE_CHECK_QTY NUMBER(1) Yes 0=do not overide check quantity, 1=override check qty.
ACTIVE_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Active Price.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) Yes Inventory Item UID


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Identifies the document item.
SPREAD_DOC_DISC_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the discount that was spread.
SPREAD NUMBER(1) No 0=native item discount, 1=from global discount
DISC_SOURCE NUMBER(5) No 0=Price Level, 1=Quantity Pricing, 2=Customer discount, 30=Manual discount, 40=promotion, 50=package.
DISC_POS NUMBER(5) No Position among similar discounts.
DISC_TYPE NUMBER(5) No 0=price, 1=discount percentage, 3=force price
DISC_VALUE NUMBER(5) No Discount value.
LOCK_TYPE NUMBER(16,4) No 0=not locked, 1=locked for fulfilling item, 2=locked for return item.
DISC_REASON NUMBER(5) Yes Discount reason.
PREV_PRICE NVARCHAR2(80) No previous price.
NEW_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes New price.
NEW_DISC_AMT NUMBER(16,4) Yes New unit discount.
NEW_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes New discount percentage.
NEW_TAX_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes New tax percentage
DISC_PROMO_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes pcp promotion name
DISC_PROMO_GROUP NVARCHAR2(50) Yes pcp promotion group
TMP_DATA NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Temporary data storage.
DISC_ORIG_VALUE NUMBER(16,4) No Uncapped value originally entered.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Identifies the subsidiary.
DOC_SEQ_TYPE NUMBER(5) No Document type.
NEXT_VALUE NUMBER(10) Yes Next available value for the document number.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
WS_SID NUMBER(19) No Identifies the workstation.
DOC_SEQ_TYPE NUMBER(5) No Document type
NEXT_VALUE NUMBER(10) Yes Next available value for the document number.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique system identifier for the document.
TAX_AREA NVARCHAR2(11) Yes Tax Area name.
TAX_CODE NVARCHAR2(5) Yes Tax Code name.
TAX_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Tax rate (percentage)
TAX_AMT NUMBER(17,5) Yes Tax amount.
TAX_NAME NVARCHAR2(12) Yes Tax Rule name.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19)   The subsidiary to which this POS flag belongs.
NAME NVARCHAR2(15) Yes Name of the POS Flag
IS_REQUIRED NUMBER(1) No Required? 0=No, 1=Yes
FLAG_NO NUMBER(5) No Flag Numbers. 1=POS flag 1, 2=POS flag 2, 3=POS flag 3


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DOC_POS_FLAG_SID NUMBER(19) No Identifies the POS flag this option belongs to.
FLAG_OPTION NVARCHAR2(20) Yes User-defined option for that given flag.
IS_ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No If this option is active or not. 0=not active, 1=active. Default=0
FLAG_ID NUMBER(5) No Identifies the flag.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
WS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to workstation table.
DRAWER_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Unique name given to each drawer of a workstation.
DRAWER_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Used to associate a physical workstation/drawer with the logical drawer name.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
EVENT_TYPE NUMBER(5) No Event type code. 1=open, 2=close, 3=cash drop, 4=disbursement, 5=cash in, 6= cash out
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record.
CASHIER_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to employee record.
WORKSTATION_SID   Yes Reference to workstation record.
DRAWER_NUMBER NUMBER(19) Yes Drawer number. Either 1 or 2.
TILL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to till record.
STATUS NUMBER(19) No Status indicates the state of data entry for this drawer event. 0=inactive, 1=processing, 2=open, 3=closed. Default=1
EVENT_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the open was performed.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time row was created or last modified in this system.
REFERENCE_EVENT NUMBER(19) Yes Event that this is paired with. For example, an open event and a closed event.
WORKSTATION_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Workstation number that created this record.
WORKSTATION_NAME NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Name of workstation that created this record.
REASON_SID NUMBER(19) Yes This is the Reason associated with the drawer event.
NOTES NCARCHAR2(255) Yes Note text.
RECOUNTED NUMBER(1) No Indicates drawer has been recounted and is no longer active. Default=0
RECOUNTED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Indicates who recounted the drawer.
REFERENCE_DOCUMENT NUMBER(19) Yes Indicates the new active drawer event.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1-active. Default=0
CLOSED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee who closed the drawer.
BLIND_ATTEMPTS NUMBER(5) Yes Counts the number of blind attempts made when closing a drawer. Default=0
CURRENCY_TOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Yes Total value of the currencies for the current drawer event. Default=0
SEQUENCE_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Sequence number asigned if drawer_event.event_type (cashdrop=3, popdrawer=4, paidin=5, paidout=6)
FINALIZED NUMBER(1) Yes This field is used to trigger finalization code of the server. 0=not finalized, 1=finalized. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DRAWER_EVENT_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to drawer event record.
CURRENCY_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to currency record.
CURRENCY_COUNT NUMBER(10) Yes Number of currencies.
AMOUNT NUMBER(16,4) No Amount of the drawer event.
TENDER_TYPE NUMBER(5) No 0-Cash,1-Check,2-CreditCard,3-COD,4-Charge,5-StoreCredit,6-Split,7-Deposit,8-Payments,9-GiftCertificate,10-GiftCard,11-DebitCard,12-ForeignCurrency,13-TravelerCheck,14-ForeignCheck,15-CentralGiftCard,16-CentralGiftCertificate,17-CentralCustomerCredit,18-CentralCustomerLoyalty
CURRENCY_EVENT_TYPE NUMBER(5) No 0=open amount, 1=leave amount, 2=counts, 3-override, 4=close
ORIG_AMOUNT NUMBER(16,4) No The value of the currency in the drawer at the time of the event.Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
EMAIL_TYPE NVARCHAR2(20) No Email type.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes Active status. 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Subsidiary to which this email type is associated.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record
EMPL_NO1 NVARCHAR2(15) Yes Employee ID number.
EMPL_NO2 NVARCHAR2(15) Yes Employee ID number.
EMPL_NAME NVARCHAR2(8) Yes Employee name.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active.
FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Employee full name
COMM_LVL NCHAR(1) Yes Employee commission level.
DRAWER NUMBER(5) Yes Drawer this employee uses at a point of sale station when acting as a cler,
TIME_SHIFT_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Time shift number.
MAX_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Maximum discount percentage for this employee.
JOB_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to job record.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to customer record, if applicable, associated with this employee when the employee makes a purchase.
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(200) Yes Short free text description.
HIRE_DATE DATE Yes Date the employee was hired.
EXEMPT NUMBER(1) No Indicates employee is exempt from time-tracking; salaried.
TILL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to till record
ORIG_SBS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes When a new employee is created, the subsidiary that created the employee. This is a field that cannot be edited by the user from within the applicaiton.
BASE_STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes When a new employee is created, the subsidiary/store that created the employee. This is a field that cannot be edited by the user from within the applicaiton.
REQUIRED_PASSWORD NUMBER(1) Yes 0=no need to change password upon login, 1=employee required to change password upon login.
EMPL_ID NUMBER(10) Yes Unique employee identifier used in Retail Pro 9. Used for reverse lookup of employee for data coming from Retail Pro 9.
STATUS NUMBER(1) Yes 0=pending, 1-completed.
OVERRIDE_PROFILE NUMBER(1) Yes If set to 1, indicates password never expires.
INTERNAL NUMBER(1) Yes 0=normal, 1=for internal authentication only.
USER_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Login user name.
PASSWORD NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Encrypted password. Password maximum length is 30 characters. The character length of 60 shown in the Data Type (length) column to the left reflects the encrypted password length.
USER_ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates whether user is active and can access the system.
XOUTSETTINGS NVARCHAR2(300) Yes Name and value pairs.
ADMIN NUMBER(1) Yes 0=not admin, 1=admin
PWD_MODIFIED_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Shows last date/time when password was modified.
LOCKED NUMBER(1) Yes 0 or null=user is not locked, 1=user is locked
LOCKED_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Shows the date/time when password was locked.
FAILURE_ATTEMPTS NUMBER(4) Yes Number of failure login attempts in a row.
EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS NVARCHAR2(255) Yes This field is for third-party developers who write integrations to ERP systems where documents and data are sent from Prism to the ERP. In these cases, it is important to know what data has been sent, so as to not duplicate the sending of data unnecessarily. The EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS column can be used by these third-party developers to mark data as having been sent.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CHECK_IN_REASON_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Refernece to REASONS table.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to Subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to Store record.
TILL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to Till record.
DRAWER_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Drawer number the employee uses at POS
CHECK_IN_TIME DATE Yes Date and time the check in record was created.
CHECK_OUT_TIME DATE Yes Date and time the check out record was created.
ELAPSED_TIME DATE Yes The total time employee worked.
EMPL_SID NUMBER(19) No Employee who is doing the check in/check out.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
EMPLOYEE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to employee record.
UDF6_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF7_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF8_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF9_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF10_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF11_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF12_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF13_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF14_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF15_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF16_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF17_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF18_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes UDF field text.
UDF1_LARGE_STRING NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes UDF field text.
UDF2_LARGE_STRING NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes UDF field text.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desrciption.
EMPL_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to employee record.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
EMPL_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to employee record.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
ACCESS_ALL_STORES NUMBER(1) Yes Flag indicates that employee works in all stores and has access to all stores. Default=1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19)   Reference to subsidiary record.
UDF_NO NUMBER(5)   UDF number.
NAME NVARCHAR2(15)   UDF field name.
REQUIRED NUMBER(1)   0=not required, 1=requried.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
UDF_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to UDF record.
FLAG_ID NUMBER(5) No Identifies the field.
UDF_OPTION NVARCHAR2(50) No UDF field option
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CURRENCY_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to currency record.
BASE_CURRENCY_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to currency record for base subsidiary.
EFFECTIVE_DATE DATE No The date the exchange rate goes into effect. Default=sysdate
TAKE_RATE NUMBER(20,8) No Exchante rate applied when taking money as tender.
GIVE_RATE NUMBER(20,8) No Exchange rate applied when giving money as change.
COST_RATE NUMBER(20,8) Yes Exchange rate applied when a vendor has a Currency assigned in the vendor record. Used to calculate cost of items ordered from vendor in the vendor's assigned currency.
OFFICIAL_RATE NUMBER(20,8) Yes Exchange rate according to money markets.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SERVICE_TYPE NUMBER(3) No The type of external service. 0=hardware, 1=eft
HOST_NAME NVARCHAR2(64) No The host name for the machine running the service.
IP_ADDRESS NVARCHAR2(15 No The IP address for the machine running the service.
PORT NUMBER(5) No The port the service is running on.
LAST_ACTIVE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes The last time the service reported being active.
AVAILABLE NUMBER(1) Yes Flag indicating the service is currently running.
CONFIG_DATA CLOB Yes Text configuration file; typically an .ini file.
STARTUP_DELAY NUMBER(5) Yes This is the time in seconds the client waits for the service to start before trying to communicate with it.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
APPLICATION_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to application record.
APPLICATION_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Application name.
RPRO_BP NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Retail Pro Business Partner
DOCUMENT_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to document record.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to controller record.
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to tenant record.
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
DOCUMENT_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Document number.
DOC_TYPE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Document type.
UDF1_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF2_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF3_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF4_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF5_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF6_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF7_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF8_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF9_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF10_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF1_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF2_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF3_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF4_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF5_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF6_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF7_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE   User-defined date field.
UDF8_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF9_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF10_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF1_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF2_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF3_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF4_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF5_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF6_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF7_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF8_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF9_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF10_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF1_CLOB CLOB Yes User-defined clob.
UDF2_CLOB CLOB Yes User-defined clob.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
FISCAL_DOCUMENT_SID TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Reference to fiscal document record.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NVARCHAR2(60) Yes Reference to item record.
UDF1_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF2_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF3_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF4_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF5_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF6_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF7_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF8_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF9_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF10_STRING NVARCHAR2(350) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF1_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF2_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF3_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF4_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF5_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF1_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF2_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF3_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF4_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF5_FLOAT NUMBER(10,4) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF1_CLOB CLOB Yes User-defined clob.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
SBS_NO NUMBER(10) No Subsdiairy number.
STORE_NO NUMBER(10) No Store number.
WORKSTATION_NO NUMBER(10) No Workstation Number.
DOC_TYPE NVARCHAR2(10) No Document type.
SERIE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Series.
SERIE_TYPE NVARCHAR2(10) Yes Series type.
NEXT_VAL NUMBER(10) Yes Next value.
VALIDATION_CODE NVARCHAR2(100) Yes Validation code.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active
ALREADY_USED NUMBER(1) Yes 0=not already used, 1=already used
MODIFIED_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time the document was last modified.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
GRID_DATA_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to grid data record.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) No Name of the attribute.
GD_DATATYPE NVARCHAR2(106) No Global discount data type.
TRANSID NVARCHAR2(25) No Translation ID of the attribute.
SORTABLE NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates whether the column is sortable.
VISIBLE NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates whether the column is visible.
ORDERINDEX NUMBER(1) No Indicates the order in which this column will display.
COLUMN_WIDTH NUMBER(1) Yes The width of the column when displayed.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
GD_DATATYPE NVARCHAR2(106) No Global discount data type.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
RESULTS_PER_PAGE NUMBER(5) Yes Number of records to display per page in UI.
GRID_DICTIONARY_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to grid dictionary record.
WORKSTATION_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to workstation record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to store record.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to subsidiary record.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
RESOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) No Name of resource.
TRANSID NVARCHAR2(25) No Translation ID of resource name.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
GRID_DATA_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to grid data record.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) No Name of the attribute.
GD_DATATYPE NVARCHAR2(106) No Global discount data type.
TRANSID NVARCHAR2(25) No Translation ID of attribute name.
ORDERINDEX NUMBER(5) No Order in which this column will display.
DEFAULT_SEARCH_BY NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates that this record is used by default when displaying search options. 0=false, 1=true. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
DIRECTION NUMBER(1) No 0=import, 1=export
DATA_SOURCE NUMBER(1) No 0=V8, 1=RIL, 2=Prism, 3=External
DATA_SOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Hostname, machine name or other identifier of the data source
PRISM_VERSION NVARCHAR2(15) Yes Prism version at time of data import or export.
DESCRIPT NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Description populated by api for UI display.
START_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time when the import or export started.
END_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time when the import or export stopped.
STATUS NUMBER(1) Yes In progress, Completed, Canceled, Failed, Paused.
STATUS_DESC NVARCHAR2(100) Yes In progress message updated by api which the UI can query.
TABLE_COUNT NUMBER(5) Yes Total tables imported or exported
CSVFILE_COUNT NUMBER(12) Yes Total import or export .csv files to process or generated.
LAST_TABLE_PROCESSED NVARCHAR2(35) Yes Last table being processed for the data imported or exported.
LAST_CSV_PROCESSED NVARCHAR2(35) Yes Last .csv file being processed. Indicates where to resume if processing stops.
COMPRESSED_FILENAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Name of compressed file used for the import or created by the export.
REIMPORT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes The SID of the previous import_export record if this record was created for a reimport.
DELETE_ZIP_FILE NUMBER(1) Yes Store user directive to delete import .zip file after successful import.
PAUSED NUMBER(1) Yes Webclient sets this to True when the user pauses an import or export.
SEED_DATA_UPDATED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates if SBS 1 and SBS 1 / STORE 0 were updated by this import.
MANIFEST_FILE CLOB Yes Holds the import or export manifest file contents.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
TABLE_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) No Prism table receiving the import data
SEQ NUMBER(5) No Import table processing order
EXCLUDE_IMPORT NUMBER(1) Yes True/False. 1=table is excluded from import.
ALT_CSV_FILENAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Used when the import .csv requires a different name than the table name default.
PARENT_TABLE_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Parent table name if this is a child table.
LOOKUP_COLUMNS NVARCHAR2(25) Yes The column names for looking up a a parent sid, which will also form the first part of lookup for unique row lookup.
RESOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes The Prism model or PODO name.
RESOURCE_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Prism resource type: 2=Core, 0=non-Core
REIMPORT_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Can be used in UI to specify which tables to reimport. Clear it after the reimport.
IMPORT_SOURCE NUMBER(1) Yes. Enum TImportExpSource=ditV8, ditRIL, ditPrism, ditExternal. Use if spl processing needed for a table based on data source.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
RESOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) No Name of the resource that is currently being processed.
RESOURCE_ROWS_PROCESSED_SOFAR NUMBER(30) Yes Total rows processed so far for this resource.
LAST_UPDATE_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIMEZONE Yes Date andtime this record was last updated.
HEADER_SID NUMBER(19) No Link to the initialization_status_header associated with this detail record.
TOTAL_ROWS_EXPECTED NUMBER(30) Yes Total records expected for this resource.
PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER(5) No The position in the process order for this resource. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
LOAD_STARTTIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Time when the initialization was started.
CURRENT_RESOURCE_WIP NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Name of the resource that is currently being processed.
TOTAL_ROWS_PROCESSED_SOFAR NUMBER(30) Yes Total number of rows processed for all resources so far.
LAST_UPDATE_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time this record was last updated.
COMPLETE_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes 0=initialization load not complete, 1=initialization load complete.
TOTAL_ROWS_EXPECTED NUMBER(30) Yes Total number of rows expected for all resources for this initialization session.
REM_SUBSCRIPTION_SID NUMBER(19) No Link to subscription used for this initialization.
CURRENT_RESOURCE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Identifies the current resource being processed.
CURRENT_PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER(10) Yes Identifies the current resource's position in the process order.
RESUME_COUNT NUMBER(5) Yes Number of times initialization has been resumed.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
HEADER_SID NUMBER(19) No Link to initialization status header record.
REMOTE_CONNECTION_SID NUMBER(19) No Link to remote connection.
TOTAL_PROCESSED NUMBER(30) Yes Total records received and processed by the receiver.
TOTAL_FAILED NUMBER(30) Yes Of the total processed, the number that have failed on the receiver.
STATUS NUMBER(1) Yes Status of connection. 0=cancelled, 1=in progress, 2=complete.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the item
IMAGE1 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE2 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE3 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE4 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE5 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE6 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE7 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE8 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE9 BLOB Yes Item image.
IMAGE10 BLOB Yes Item image.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to inventory item.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary.
MEDIA_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) No Descriptive name of media record.
MEDIA_TYPE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to media type record.
EFFECTIVE_DATE DATE Yes Effective date.
EXPIRATION_DATE DATE Yes Expiration date.
MEDIA_TEXT CLOB Yes Media text
MEDIA_IMAGE BLOB Yes Media image.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Used by API to navigate to INVN_SBS_ITEM resource.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date and time row was created.
POST_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date and time row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME.
INVN_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to item record.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) No Unique item identifier.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary record.
CMPN_MIN_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Sum of all STORE_MIN_QTY values for the item.
CMPN_MAX_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Sum of all the STORE_MAX_QTY values for the item.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desrciption.
INVN_MINMAX_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Min/Max record.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Store.
MIN_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Current min quantity. Default=0
MAX_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Current max quantity. Default=0
NEW_MIN_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Proposed new min quantity. Default=0
NEW_MAX_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Proposed new max quantity. Default=0
MINMAX_BEGIN_DATE DATE Yes Begin date of the min/max sales analysis date range.
MINMAX_END_DATE DATE Yes End date of the min/max sales analysis date range.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to item record.
UDF6_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF7_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF8_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF9_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF10_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF11_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF12_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF13_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF14_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF15_STRING NVARCHAR2(50) Yes User-defined text field.
UDF1_LARGE_STRING NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes Long user-defined text field.
UDF2_LARGE_STRING NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes Long user-defined text field.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) No Unique item identifier.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary record.
ALU NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Alternative Lookup value.
STYLE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to style.
DCS_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to department.
VEND_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to vendor.
DESCRIPTION1 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Description field
DESCRIPTION2 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Description field
DESCRIPTION3 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Description field
DESCRIPTION4 NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Description field
ATTRIBUTE NVARCHAR2(8) Yes Item attribute (typically color, or a second size.)
COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Item cost.
SPIF NUMBER(16,4) Yes Salesperson incentive fee.
CURRENCY_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to currency record.
LAST_SOLD_DATE DATE Yes Date of most recent sale.
MARKDOWN_DATE DATE Yes Date of most recent markdown.
DISCONTINUED_DATE DATE Yes Date that sales of the item are discontinued.
TAX_CODE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tax code record.
UDF1_FLOAT NUMBER(10) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF2_FLOAT NUMBER(10) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF3_FLOAT NUMBER(10) Yes User-defined float field.
UDF1_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF2_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
UDF3_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes User-defined date field.
ITEM_SIZE NVARCHAR2(8) Yes Item size.
FC_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Cost in the selected foreign currency.
FIRST_RCVD_DATE DATE Yes First date the item was received into inventory.
LAST_RCVD_DATE DATE Yes Most recent date the item was received into inventory.
COMM_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to commission record.
DISC_SCHEDULE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Referenfce to promotional pricing schedule.
UDF1_STRING NVARCHAR2(100) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF2_STRING NVARCHAR2(100) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF3_STRING NVARCHAR2(100) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF4_STRING NVARCHAR2(100) Yes User-defined string field.
UDF5_STRING NVARCHAR2(100) Yes User-defined string field.
SELLABLE_DATE DATE Yes Item cannot be sold until this date.
ORDERABLE_DATE DATE Yes Item cannot be ordered until this date.
USE_QTY_DECIMALS NUMBER(1) No 0=item does not use quantity decimals, 1=item uses quantity decimals. Default=0
FORCE_ORIG_TAX NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates whether tax should be calculated based on original price or discounted price. 0 or null=calculate taxes based on current line item price, 1=Calculate taxes based on non-discounted price.
FST_PRICE NUMBER(16,4) Yes Price for the item when it was received the first time.
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Item description.
REGIONAL NUMBER(1) Yes 0=not regional, 1=regional. Default=0
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No Indicates whether the item is active.0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
QTY_PER_CASE NUMBER(10,3) Yes Used to record number of items per case.
UPC NUMBER(18) Yes Universal product code.
MAX_DISC_PERC1 NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used to record maximum discount % allowed for item
MAX_DISC_PERC2 NUMBER(16,4) Yes Used to record maximum discount % allowed for item
ITEM_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Item number (used in V8 systems)
KIT_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=no entry, 1=kit, 2=package, 3=gift card stored value, 4=gift card prepaid, 5=gift certificate, 6=fee, 7=gift card central
SCALE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to scale.
PROMO_QTYDISCWEIGHT NUMBER(10,3) No Promotions: Qty Discount weight. Default=1
PROMO_INVENEXCLUDE NUMBER(1) Yes Exclude item from promotions. 0=do not exclude, 1=exclude. Default=0
LAST_RECVD_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Last received cost. It will be updated by voucher for primary vendor.
NON_INVENTORY NUMBER(1) Yes 0=not a non-inventory item, 1=non-inventory item. Default=0
ORDERABLE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=not orderable, 1=orderable. Default=1
LTY_PRICE_IN_POINTS NUMBER(24,8) Yes Cost of item in loyalty points.
LTY_POINTS_EARNED NUMBER(24,8) Yes Loyalty points earned.
ITEM_STATE NUMBER(5) Yes Item state. 0=normal, 1=proposed item
PUBLISH_STATUS NUMBER(1) Yes Publish state. 0=published, 1=proposed item.
MIN_ORD_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Minimum order quantity.
VENDOR_LIST_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Vendor list cost.
TRADE_DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Trade discount percentage.
LONG_DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(2000) Yes Optional longer text description.
TEXT1 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT2 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT3 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT4 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT5 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT6 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT7 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT8 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT9 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
TEXT10 NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Text field
HEIGHT NUMBER(7,2) Yes Used to record shipping dimensions for an item.
LENGTH NUMBER(7,2) Yes Used to record shipping dimensions for an item.
WIDTH NUMBER(7,2) Yes Used to record shipping dimensions for an item.
SPECIAL_ORDER NUMBER(1) Yes Special order item. None or 0=no, 1=yes. Default=0
EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS NVARCHAR2(255) Yes This field is for third-party developers who write integrations to ERP systems where documents and data are sent from Prism to the ERP. In these cases, it is important to know what data has been sent, so as to not duplicate the sending of data unnecessarily. The EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_STATUS column can be used by these third-party developers to mark data as having been sent.
MEASURE_UNIT NUMBER(5) Yes Unit of measure (e.g., inches or centimeters).
SHIP_MEASUREMENT1 NUMBER(10,3) Yes Standard (ground) shipment measurement (including packaging materials)
SHIP_MEASUREMENT2 NUMBER(10,3) Yes Expedited shipment measurement (including packaging materials)


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant desrciption.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to item record.
LOT_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Lot number string.
LOT_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes A name given to the lot number.
EXPIRY_DATE DATE Yes Expiration date for the coupon.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes Active status. 0=inactive, 1=active.
PUBLISH_STATUS NUMBER(1) Yes Publish status. 0=not published, 1=published
LOT_NOTE NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Lot note text.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_LOT_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary lot item.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record.
QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes item lot quantity.
SUBLOC_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the sublocation. Default=-1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
LTY_PGM_SID NUMBER(19) No Points to lty_level_program that registers inventory item as a reward item.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) No Unique item ID.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=actve. Default=1
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the item.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Store record.
QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item quantity.
TRANSFER_IN_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item quantity committed in on transfers.
TRANSFER_OUT_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item quantity committed out on transfers.
SOLD_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item sold quantity.
RCVD_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item received quantity.
ON_ORDERED_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Used to record the on-order quantity of an item.
TO_IN_ORDERED_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Planned transfer order to move item quantity into inventory from another inventory. Updated when transfer order is updated.
TO_IN_SENT_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Item quantity transferred into inventory from another inventory. Updated when transfer order is updated.
TO_OUT_ORDERED_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Planned transfer order to move item quantity out of inventory to another inventory. Updated when transfer order is updated.
TO_OUT_SENT_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Item quantity transferred out of inventory to another inventory. Updated when transfer order is updated.
PO_ORDERED_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Item quantity on order from vendor. Updated when purchase order is updated.
PO_RCVD_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Item quantity received to date from vendor. Updated when purchase order is updated.
SO_ORDERED_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Item quantity on order for a customer. Updated when sales order is updated.
SO_SENT_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Committed: Item quantity sent to a customer. Updated when sales order is updated (e.g., by a transaction that references the order).
ASN_IN_TRANSIT_QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Used to record the in-transit net quantity in regular (receive/return) asn.
LAST_ON_HAND_QTY_DATE DATE Yes Used to record the date when the quantity changed to zero last time.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(10) No Used by api to navigate to INVN_SBS_ITEM.
DEFAULT_SUBLOC1_ID NUMBER(10) Yes Points to sublocation where this item can be found.
DEFAULT_SUBLOC2_ID NUMBER(10) Yes Points to sublocation where this item can be found.
DEFAULT_SUBLOC3_ID NUMBER(10) Yes Points to sublocation where this item can be found.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary record.
SERIAL_NO NVARCHAR2(5) Yes Serial number.
SERIAL_NOTE NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Optional note text.
PUBLISH_STATUS NUMBER(1) Yes Publish status.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Store record.
QTY NUMBER(7) Yes Quantity for this serial number item. Default=0
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
RECEIVED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the serial number was received (listed on a voucher). Default-0.
SOLD NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the serial number was sold (listed on a transaction). Default=0
TRANSFERRED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the serial number was transferred (listed on a transfer slip). Default=0
SO_RESERVED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the serial number was listed on a sales order. Default=0
RETURNED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the serial number was returned by the customer. Default=0
RETURNED_TO_VND NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the serial number was returned to the vendor. Default=0
ADJUSTED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the serial number quantity was adjusted (listed on a memo). Default=0
SUBLOC_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the sublocation.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
QTY NUMBER(10,3) No Number of component items in a kit.
KIT_OPTION NUMBER(10) Yes Kit option.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique identifier to inventory item.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary record.
PRICE NUMBER(19) Yes Item price.
QTY_REQUIRED NUMBER(19) Yes Quantity required to qualify for this price level.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to inventory item.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to Subsidiary record.
ORIG_PRICE NUMBER(10,3) Yes Original price (before discounts).
ORIG_QTY_REQUIRED NUMBER(10,3) Yes Quantity required.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Used by api to navigate to INVN_SBS_ITEM resource.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record.
SUBLOC_ID NUMBER(10) No Identifies the sublocation.
QTY NUMBER(10,3) Yes Item quantity in the sublocation.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Used by api to navigate to INVN_SBS_ITEM resource.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) Yes Inventory item unique ID.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
VEND_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to vendor record.
UPC NUMBER(18) Yes Alternate UPC used by vendor to reference item.
ALU NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Alternative lookup used by vendor to reference item.
SCALE_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Scale number.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Used by API to navigate to INVN_SBS_ITEM resource.
LAST_RCVD_COST NUMBER(16,4) Yes Last received cost. Will be updated by voucher for alternate vendor.
VEND_NO NUMBER(5) No Identifies the vendor.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to inventory item.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to store record.
SERIAL_NO NVARCHAR2(50) No Serial number.
STATUS NUMBER(10) Yes Serial number status. (e.g., Received, Sold, Reserved)
SERIAL_NOTE NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Contains user-defined serial number data.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No Indicates whether the item is active.
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Used by api to navigate to INVN_SBS_ITEM resource.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to store record.
SERIAL_NO NVARCHAR2(50) No Contains user-defined serial number data.
STATUS NUMBER(10) Yes Serial number status.
SERIAL_NOTE NVARCHAR2(255) Yes Optional note text about the number.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
INVN_SBS_ITEM_SID NUMBER(19) No Used by API to navigate to INVN_SBS_ITEM resource.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
STYLE_CODE NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Style code.
ARCHIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=not archived, 1=archived. Default=0
IMAGE BLOB Yes Style image.
IN_PROGRESS NUMBER(1) Yes 0=style operation not in progress, 1=style operation in progress. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to subsidiary.
UDF_NO NUMBER(5) No User-defined field number.
NAME NVARCHAR2(15) Yes User-defined field label.
REQUIRED NUMBER(1) Yes 0=entry not required, 1=entry required. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
UDF_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the user-defined field.
FLAG_ID NUMBER(5) No Identifies the user-defined flag.
UDF_OPTION NVARCHAR2(50) No User-defined field option.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
DEFAULT_FLAG NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates that this is the Inventory item default UDF option.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
JOB_NAME NVARCHAR2(3) No Short descriptive name of the job.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No 0=inactive, 1=active. Default=1
JOB_DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(120) Yes Descriptive information about the job.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SBS_SID NUMBER_19 No Reference to subsidiary record.
CMPNT_ID NUMBER(10) Yes Identifies the component item.
CMPNT_NAME NVARCHAR2(30) No Name of component used in creating inventory kit.
CMPNT_ORDER NUMBER(5) Yes The sequence in which components are displayed in the UI.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
ENTRY CLOB Yes Encrypted log entry.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SECONDARY_ID NVARCHAR2(20) No Identifies the secondary installation.
FEATURE_NAME NVARCHAR2(20) No Feature name.
ENABLED NUMBER(1) No 0=Feature not enabled, 1=Feature enabled.
ELEMENT_COUNT NUMBER(5) No Number of licensed elements for this feature allocated to secondary.
PROPOSED_ELEMENT_COUNT NUMBER(5) No Number of proposed licensed elements for this feature allocated to secondary.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
SECONDARY_ID NVARCHAR2(20) No Client ID defined for the secondary license server, used to authenticate messages.
AUTH_PASSWORD NVARCHAR2(20) Yes Password defined for the secondary license server, used to authenticate messages.
ACTIVATED NUMBER(1) No Indicates whether the secondary is currently activated.
HWEXCEPTIONS NUMBER(10) No Number of minor hardware exceptions that have been detected during authentication.
ACTIVATIONS NUMBER(3) No Indicates that the secondary has been activated
IPADDRESS NVARCHAR2(15) Yes Indicates number of minor hardware exceptions that have been detected during authentication.
ACTIVATION_DATE DATE Yes Date the secondary was activated.
APPLICATION_ID NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Application ID passed down to secondary from primary.
MAX_SUBSIDIARIES NUMBER(5) No Number of subsidiaries allocated to secondary.
PROPOSED_MAX_SUBSIDIARIES NUMBER(5) No Number of subsidiaries proposed for secondary.
MAX_SITES NUMBER(10) No Number of sites allocated to secondary.
PROPOSED_MAX_SITES NUMBER(10) No Number of sites proposed for secondary.
MAX_SEATS NUMBER(10) No Number of seats allocated to secondary.
PROPOSED_MAX_SEATS NUMBER(10) Yes Number of seats proposed for secondary.
HARDWARE_SIGNATURE CLOB No Encrypted hardware signature of the secondary during the last activation/sync
ALLOCATIONHASH CLOB Yes License allocation has.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
BU_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to business unit.
DISTRICT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Refence to district record.
STORE_SID NUMBER(19) No Store assigned to business unit.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the customer reocrd.
LTY_OPT_IN NUMBER(1) Yes 0=customer not opted into loyalty, 1=customer opted into loyalty.
LTY_OPT_IN_DATE DATE Yes Date/time when LTY_OPT_IN was modified.
LTY_ENROLL_DATE DATE Yes Date/time the customer enrolled in loyalty.
LTY_BALANCE NUMBER(24,8) Yes Customer loyalty points balance on the loyalty program as updated by the Centrals server.
LTY_ACCUMULATED NUMBER(24,8) Yes The accumulated points accrued for either YTD from the enroll date or total lifetime.
LTY_LVL_SID   Yes Unique identifier of this customer loyalty level for this customer
LTY_LVL_SID_DATE Date Yes Date/time when LTY_LVL_SID was modified
LTY_LVL_LOCKED NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates whether the loyalty level for the customer can be changed. 0=Unlocked, 1=Locked. Default=0
LTY_LVL_LOCKED_DATE DATE Yes Date/time when LTY_LVL_LOCKED was modified.
LTY_OPT_IN_MANUAL NUMBER(1) Yes Indicates the customer was opted into loyalty manually (instead of automatic or prompt)


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier of the customer.
LTY_LVL_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique identifier of the loyalty level assigned to the customer.
EMPL_NAME NVARCHAR2(8) No Employee name.
EVENT_DATE DATE No Unique identifier of the loyalty level assigned to the customer.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
LTY_PGM_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to loyalty program.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to customer.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to document.
ITEM_POS NUMBER(5) No Item's position in the list of items on the document.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier for the item.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) Yes Subsidiary number
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) No Indicates this item was given to the customer as a loyalty reward
LTY_CUST_CENTRAL_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to loyalty central customer.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to customer record.
START_BALANCE NUMBER(24,8) No Customer loyalty balance before operation.
END_BALANCE NUMBER(24,8) No Customer loyalty balance after operation.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Unique identifier of the document.
DOC_CREATE_DATE DATE No Create date of the document.
DOC_NO NUMBER(10) Yes Document number.
DOC_TOTAL NUMBER(16,4) Yes Document total.
STORE_CODE NVARCHAR2(5) Yes Store code.
EMPL_NAME NVARCHAR2(8) No Employee name.
REVERSE NUMBER(1) No 0=direct modification, 1=reversal modification. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
CUST_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier of the customer.
DOC_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to the document.
ITEM_POS NUMBER(5) No Item position on the document.
INVN_ITEM_UID NUMBER(19) No Inventory item identifier.
SBS_NO NUMBER(5) No Subsidiary number.
ACTION NUMBER(1) No 0=reward, 1=return
DOC_CREATE_DATE DATE No Create date of the document.
DOC_NO NUMBER(10) No Document number.
DOC_TOTAL NUMBER(16,4) No Document total.
STORE_CODE NVARCHAR2(5) No Store code.
EMPL_NAME NVARCHAR2(8) No Employee name.
LTY_PGM_SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifier of Item Reward loyalty program
REVERSE NUMBER(1) No 0=direct modification, 1=reversal modification. Default=0


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
LTY_LVL_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Yes Loyalty level name.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=inactive, 1=active.


Column Name Type Nullable? Notes
SID NUMBER(19) No Unique identifying value.
CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) No Employee ID of employee who created the record.
CREATED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE No Date/time the record was created.
MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(30) Yes Employee ID of employee who last modified the record.
MODIFIED_DATETIME TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Yes Date/time the record was last modified.
CONTROLLER_SID NUMBER(19) No Reference to store record for database that owns the row.
ORIGIN_APPLICATION NVARCHAR2(20) No Indicates application used to create row. v9 and v8 are reserved for Retail Pro versions 8 and 9. This is the same value that will be used in licensing applications.
POST_DATE DATE Yes Date and time the row was created/last modified in this system. May not be the same as CREATED_DATETIME and MODIFIEDBY_DATETIME
ROW_VERSION NUMBER(10) No Optimistic locking value. Default=1
TENANT_SID NUMBER(19) Yes Reference to tenant description.
LTY_LVL_SID NUMBER(19) No Identifies the loyalty level.
LTY_PGM_NAME NVARCHAR2(40) Yes Loyalty program name.
EARN_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Earn type: item-based or total-based.
DISC_PERC NUMBER(16,4) Yes Discount percentage.
REDEEM_TYPE NUMBER(1) Yes Redeem type: item-based or total-based.
START_DATE DATE Yes Start date for the loyalty level program.
END_DATE DATE Yes End date for the loyalty level program.
ACTIVE NUMBER(1) Yes 0=record is inactive, 1=record is active
REDEEM_MULTIPLIER NUMBER(16,8) Yes Redeem multiplier.
EARN_MULTIPLIER NUMBER(16,8) Yes Earn multiplier.