Configuring the Epson TM88_X USB printer and pass through cash drawer with Windows 7
Configuring the Epson TM88_X USB printer and pass through cash drawer with Windows 7
OPOS Drivers
Use the EPSON OPOS ADK version 2.40E UPOS 1.8 drivers.
select the T88IIIU
select Multi_AU as the attached cash drawer in the OPOS utility configuration.
Retail Pro 8
In workstation preferences select the OPOS 1.5 and choose the LDN name for the cash drawer and the printer that you want set up.
Retail Pro 9
In Workstation preferences select the Cash Drawer and choose the OPOS Cash Drawer Plugin and select the configure button to choose the LDN of the device.
The OPOS Printer will be listed in the printers section of each document type.
Also turning down the UAC and turning off the Fire Wall may be required on some installs.
Windows Drivers
Use the latest Epson driver 4.20
Retail Pro 8
map an LPT port to the printer in order for RP8 to recognize it. The command to use is the following:
net use lpt2 \\\ /persistent:yes
This will allow Retail Pro to configure the cash drawer to lpt2
Use the following drawer kick codes; You will need to hold the ALT key down when entering the code than release the key for each code.
Code: 0027,0112,0048,0025,0250
Also turning down the UAC and turning off the Fire Wall may be required on some installs.
Retail Pro 9
In workstation preferences select the Cash Drawer and choose the Windows Driver pass through and select the configure button to choose the connection type. The Windows share printer name should be listed at the very bottom of the selection list.
Use the following drawer kick codes; You will need to hold the ALT key down when entering the code than release the key for each code.
Code: 0027,0112,0048,0025,0250
Also turning down the UAC and turning off the Fire Wall may be required on some installs