Manual Un-Installation Guide 9.20 (R2+) - Server

There are times when it is necessary to uninstall Retail Pro 9.2 manually.  This document outlines the steps to do that. The following are step by step instructions on how to completely remove Retail Pro 9.2 R2 or higher from your server.


  • Conventional attempts within Windows have failed to remove the application completely.
  • You have reviewed preparatory steps and made any necessary backups of reusable components.
  • You are on the actual Server where Oracle and Retail Pro are installed and have full administrative privileges.
  • Retail Pro is the only Oracle instance installed on this server.
  • You do not have BI installed.
  • This is NOT a client installation of the product. If it is please follow this link for details on how to manually uninstall client instances.


As with any re-installation scenario you may want to reuse some parts of the installation that you are removing. In those cases you will need to make backups of the components you want to keep. Please keep in mind that part of the installation removal process involves deleting the Retailpro9 and Oracle folder structures. Store any preserved components outside of the Retailpro9\ and Oracle\ directory structures.

Reusable Items and Where They Are:

  • The Oracle Database                        \Oracle\oradata\rproods
  • Any customized reports                     \Retailpro9\Reports\...
  • Any customized screen designs          \Retailpro9\Layouts\...
  • Any customized document designs      \RetailPro9\Design\DocDesigns\...
  • Workstation settings.                        \RetailPro9\Workstations\...   


Below are the steps for creating a manual cold backup of the oracle database.

  1. If possible deactivate the database through the licensing manager
  2. Stop the RPROODS
  3. Copy the contents of the [drive]:\Oracle\oradata\rproods to a secure location outside of the Oracle\ and Retailpro9\ directory structures.

Removal Procedure 

  1. Stop any of the following services if they are installed and running.

Retail Pro Centrals Service
Retail Pro License Service

  1. Manually delete the services from Windows. To do this open a command line and run the following commands..

sc delete RPROcentrals
sc delete RProLicSvr
sc delete OracleServiceRproODS
sc delete OracleODS11gr1TNSListener
sc delete OracleJobSchedulerRproODS

    3. Reboot

    4. Manually remove the Oracle and Retailpro9 files from the system.
       To do this delete the following folders using Windows explorer
[drive]:\Program Files\Retailpro9
[drive]:\Program Files\Oracle

NOTE: you may have an error deleting [drive]:\Oracle\ODS11gr1\BIN\ociw32.dll   file because it is in use, if so rename the file to ociw32.OLD and reboot the system again. You will then be able to delete the file.

     5. Clean up the registry

Remove the "Oracle" key from   
Remove the Retail Pro key from
Remove all the references to DLLS in the Retailpro9 folder in the following key 
Remove the following uninstall reference to Retail Pro application

WARNING From Microsoft: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows 95. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

At this point your installation of Retail Pro 9.2 R2 or higher should be sufficiently removed to begin the reinstallation process

Published on Mar 18, 2014 in Installation


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