Resolving the "Error copying archive log file" message during backups

Resolving the "Error copying archive log file" message that appears in the progress window while performing backups in TechToolkit.

Although it is not recommended there are times when for one reason or another archived redo logs are manually removed from the Oracle server. When this occurs subsequent complete backups made with the TechToolkit using the option to "Backup archive logs" will result in an error related to each of the missing archive files. Although this is a non-critical error it will continue until the Oracle controlfile has been rebuilt. 

How to fix this:

To resolve this issue, run the "Rebuild" option under the "Control File" branch of the TechToolkit following the complete backup. The next time a complete backup is run the error will not be displayed in the progress window.

Best Practice:

The best way to manage the accumulation of archived redo logs generated by Oracle is to use the following options as part of your TechToolkit Backup process:

  • Backup Archive Logs
  • Delete archive logs after successul backup

When the archive logs are removed in this way the "Error copying archive log file..." will be avoided in future backups. This is because the removal of the archive logs is recorded in the controlfile as part of the backup process. 

Published on Jan 13, 2017 in back, Backup & Recovery


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