Retail Pro R3 on 64bit Windows

Applies To:
New Installations (i.e. image file) of Retail Pro 9.20.601.98 through Retail Pro 9.20.602.137 on 64bit editions of any Windows operating system.

This advisory does not apply to any installation that was prior to 9.20.601.98 and that was upgraded using a maintenance pack.

Incomplete application of underlying database patch (Oracle Bundle Patch 19)

Explanation of the Issue:
It has come to our attention that new installations of Retail Pro (R3) on 64 bit Windows operating systems are not patched completely during the installation of the Retail Pro 9 Oracle database. Subsequent Maintenance Pack applications do not rectify this issue. Consequently any Retail Pro 9 (R3) installation on a server running 64bit Windows that was not an upgrade from (R2) will be missing the ?Oracle Bundle Patch 19?. Since the affected system is running with the patch partially applied unpredictable results may occur.

Corrective Measures

  • Identify the Affected System
  • Obtain and Run the ResetPatch19.encrypt Script
  • Apply the Retail Pro 9 MP that matches the release level of the affected system.

Identify Affected System:
You only need to take corrective measures on affected systems.

On the Retail Pro 9.2 (R3) Oracle server browse to the ?[Drive]:\Oracle\ODS11gr1\? folder and look for a file folder called ?Bundle?. If you do not see the ?Bundle? folder on the server the system is affected and must be fixed.

Obtain and Run the ResetPatch19 Script:
This utility script will reset the patch level in the database.

Contact Retail Pro Support (using WebTAC) and request the Patch19 fix. Instructions on how to run the script will be in the package that Support sends to you.

Reapply the MP:
Apply the Maintenance Pack that matches the current version of the Retail Pro installation (or higher) to the system and choose apply ?Database Patch? when prompted in the setup wizard. This will force the application of the Oracle patch. Proceed with standard action to complete the Maintenance Pack application by following and answering the usual prompts.

If you have any questions or issues with the procedures described above please contact support.

Published on Mar 18, 2014 in Installation, Maintenance Pack


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