Updated: September 30, 2019 2:17pm

Price Manager Columns

Prism enables users to customize grid layouts in many program areas. Among the areas where grids can be customized is Price Manager. You can specify the columns displayed in the UI and select columns that can be added on the fly by the user when working in that area. Define grid formats in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Grid Formats. 

Column Label Type(Length) Description
Applied Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date the markdown was actually applied.
Created Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date the markdown was created
Markdown Date DATE Date the markdown was applied.
Markdown Name NVARCHAR2(30) Name to identify the markdown.
Modified Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Date the markdown was last modified.
Price Level NUMBER(5) Price level that will have its prices updated by the markdown.
Restore Date DATE Date the markdown will be restored.
Restored Date TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE Actual Restored Date
Season Name NVARCHAR2(20) Season Name.
Status NUMBER(5) Markdown status.
0 = Completed/Updated
1 = Planned
2 = Reversed
3 = Pending
Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary where the markdown was created and applied.