Configuring the Windows Dynamic Port Range for Retail Pro Prism

The default port for the RabbitMQ service is 61613. When a RP Prism service is assigned port 61613 as its local port, the port becomes unavailable to the RabbitMQ service, resulting in the RabbitMQ's failure to launch.

You can prevent this issue by configuring the range of available Windows dynamic ports.

By default, the Windows dynamic port range start port is 49152 and the default end port is 65535.  

If you change the dynamic port range so 61613 is outside the range of ports which can be dynamically allocated, then the port will always be available for binding to RabbitMQ.

See Microsoft documentation for more information.



Example of Configuration Change:

Run this command to check current dynamic port range configuration.

netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp


The following command executed from an Administrator command prompt will set a new dynamic port range. (Start port 40000, end port 60000)

netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=40000 num=20000

Published on Mar 19, 2020 in Installation, Configuration & Settings


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