Updated: May 30, 2023 1:16pm Release Notes


This topic includes information related to the release of Prism This release of Prism is a completely standalone product and marks a significant change from previous versions of Prism

  • Prism 2.0 can be installed over-the-top of a legacy Prism 1.14.7 system, with a Prism Oracle database, or with a MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0 database (see Prism 2.0 Getting Started Guide)
  • Prism 2.0 does not natively communicate with RPI legacy applications, including RIL, Retail Pro 9, or Retail Pro 8 and cannot be initialized from legacy versions of RIL or Retail Pro.
  • Prism 2.0 is not compatible with previous versions of Prism, including 1.14.5, 1.14.6 and 1.14.7. This is a standard requirement that Prism versions cannot be mixed in an enterprise.
  • Prism 2.0 uses Oracle or MySQL as its database storage.
  • Windows 10 users: Launch the Proxy using the Run as Administrator option.
  • Clear the cache before trying to log in! This is an important requirement after installing the upgrade. Failing to clear the cache before logging in can result in unexpected results and in some cases may prevent user log in.
  • A Prism server can initialize a server on a different version; however, some data may not replicate in such a scenario (e.g., data for newly added resources). Once the servers are on the same updated version, data replicates normally and the servers "catch up" with each other.
  • When installing Prism 2.0 "over-the-top," if the Prism Server has any plugins that communicate directly with the Prism database, close (exit) the Prism Proxy before installing Prism 2.0. If the plugins connect to the database via a REST API, there is no need to close the Proxy before installing Prism 2.0.
  • Before installing, disable SSL certificates. Re-enable SSL certificates after the install is finished Fixes List (140 issues)

Issue ID# Title Solution
Adjustment Memos    
20163 Inactive store still listed in dropdown for Quantity Adjustment Memo There is new functionality is added. Click subsidiary/store button to change subsidiary and store for the new document - when you click, it gives store dropdown which only list active stores
19720 serializer error performing a reversal in adjustments when you do not have the price level set on the store level in admin console node If there is no price level at store level, then adjustment memo now uses sub price level. The error when choosing a reason prior to adding items has been removed.
19713 Selecting a Default Reason for Adjustments results in an error toast when saving  new items with QTY assignments if you are requiring reasons and do not change the default Adjustment memos now have default reason at memo creation When default reasons are defined in Admin Console.
19718 When generating a voucher from an ASN after pressing the Cancel button the following error appears on the bottom right corner: Error: Delete Action not allowed on former vouchers or saved ASN. If a user tries to cancel a voucher created from an ASN, they now receive a red toast alerting them that vouchers created from ASNs cannot be deleted.  The voucher then becomes "pending" and can be reopened, edited and updated.
21935 Prism Hangs when you return an item with loyalty point used in purchase from item-type change Return. Validated return item type when item with loyalty is returned.
21822 Suggest central credit as tender doesn't work without central customers enabled The "Centrals Customers" now must be enabled in order for the "Centrals Credit preference to become available.
21817 Central credit balance doesn't display at POS without central customers enabled. The "Centrals Customers" now must be enabled in order for the "Centrals Credit preference to become available.
21809 "Central customer not enabled" when using central credit but not central customers The "Centrals Customers" now must be enabled in order for the "Centrals Credit preference to become available.
21553 Not able to type in central gift-card In POS tgransaction The centrals gift card amount can now be entered when selling a centrals gift card at POS.
20671 Central gift card details from transaction options doesn't have carriage line return This behavior has been changed. When querying the balance for a Centrals Gift Card via Transaction > Options > 'Central Gift Card Detail', the user can click 'Enter' instead of having to click the 'OK' button.
Customer Loyalty    
20353 Unknown error prompted when loyalty point adjusted The user is now able to edit and save the amount of loyalty points available to a customer within the Customer Details Modal within POS.
21711 Require customer for shipping fee preference does nothing When "require customer for shipping fee is enabled in admin console, then the system presents a red toast error message if they try to update a transaction with shipping that has no customer.
21506 Zipcode mapping not working Once Data Injection is run without error, Postal Code Lookup is functional in customers and vendors.
20800 Allowed tenders defined on customer record in Payments are not obeyed. Tenders selected as allowed within a customer record are now properly available for the customer in the tender modal at POS.
Tenders not selected as allowed within a customer record are now properly disabled in the tender modal at POS.
19228 Gift card transaction not showing up in customer history Gift Card, Gift Certificate and Store Credit purchases now appear in customer history.
21243 Accounting Link flags are missing from the Prism schema Accounting flags in Prism are now present in the API.
21157 Long running request to apply promotions can result in a mismatch between the number of line items and sold qty in a transaction Code was changed for MySQL databases to handle promotions.
20931 Patches for embedded Oracle for Prism The Prism Server Installer now uses the latest patch tool (OraPatch121_002.exe) that installs the latest Oracle patches
20284 Vendor invoice name field needs to be expanded to account for larger values Vendor invoice name field has been increased to allow up to 15 characters.
19409 Request for custom fiscal tables as part of the database Custom fiscal fields are now in 2.0.
21569 Paid in/out are reversed Disbursements Paid In/Out are now correctly added to/subtracted from register totals.
21562 Drawer balance in Disbursements does not include open register amount Drawer balance in Disbursements (Structured mode) now correctly include the register's opening balance.
Document Designer    
21658 Exchange receipts do not display total receipt amount Receipt designs have been modified to include total receipt amount on exchange receipts.
21635 Image added to inventory item shows in UI but not when printing to a receipt. Images can now be printed on receipts.
21522 Thousand separator (%2.2n) does not display correctly Fixed fastreport library. frxClass unit now is using system FormatSettings instead of Global format settings as it is modified by Prism Core.
20696 Receipts for item images are not displaying Item and Style Images can now be uploaded in item Item Details.
Item/Style Images can now be set to be displayed at POS and on receipts in Themes and Layout Image settings.
20687 Request to add Total Foreign Cost field to PO templates

No changes were made to existing code.  This is possible by modifying an existing PO design in the Prism Document Designer.

When a PO has a single foreign currency, the general process is:
1. Insert Group Header & Group Footer bands around the PO Item details band
2. The Group Header will be defined by data field 'purchaseorder.SID'
3. In Group Footer will contain an expression similar to:
    *This expression will sum the FC Cost of items in the DetailData1 band and format it based on the foreign currency code.

(See the Prism Document Designer documentation for more details).

19782 Transfer Slip Doc Design needs instore zipcode. INSTOREZIP is now in the Doc Designer for Transfer Slip
16637 Request to add the ability to print different price levels with doc designer Code changed to have the ability to print different price levels with doc designer.
EFT - B+S    
20476 Can't extend the timeout configuration beyond 1 minute (60,000 ms) The maximum Timeout setting in the Prism B&S Cardservice Customization has been extended to150,000 ms (2.5 minutes).
21602 User group List View button clickable while entering new record The user is now prompted to save their changes if they select "List View" during group creation.
21493 No Reportuser in the Oracle  RPS database schema. ReportUser will be created if not existing the Oracle RPS database schema.
21068 Employee with no permission can still print voucher Code changed for voucher print permission.
General System    
21752 Store information fields are missing in Admin Console Global Store Code, Address4-5-6, FiscalCode, and UDF1-5  have been added to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Node Selection > Store preferences.
21662 Unable to save Tax Percent and Class entries for Transaction Fees/Shipment in Admin Console Changes made to Fee Type settings can now be saved.
21568 Unable to add more than one datatype The (+) can now only be pressed 1 time and thus only one data type can be added at a time.
21565 The TTK executable and shortcut are not removed when upgrading to 2.0 on MySQL The Native TTK shortcut is removed from public desktop. The installer is not supposed to remove the existing native Desktop TechToolkit executable. Over the top install leaves an existing Techtoolkit.exe. A fresh install does not install Techtoolkit.exe.
21402 Unable to print and send email on new PO Code was changed to properly handle the emailing of purchase orders at the time of printing.
21200 No of decimal settings under Language and Local is not working correctly Changed attribute for price and cost fields in Item Details

An issue has been identified with the Prism Proxy that results in Proxy Customizations being forcefully closed and restarted in certain circumstances when Central Returns are enabled.

Proxy was confusing a timeout at the server with a timeout at the customization. Suppressed forced restart of the customization in this circumstance.
20913 Voucher Subtotal and Total didn't match after spreading freight or fee. Subtotal and Total  are now properly calculated when freight or fees are spread in voucher details.
20911 Printing tags in price adjustment memos prints the old original value, not the new adjusted value Code was changed to properly handle the printing of the correct values to tags from a price adjustment.
20868 Cashier name appearing incorrectly on the print receipt The Cashier and Associate fields are now properly populated on POS receipts.
20645 Voucher type shows as 'Normal' in voucher lookup, no matter if it is normal or return There are two columns in Admin Console > Grid Formats > Voucher Lookup: 'Type' - shows Receive and Return values for voucher; ' Voucher type' - shows voucher status - Reversed and Normal. Now Type column shows correct values for Receive and Return Voucher in Voucher Lookup grid
20642 Serial Number not available in Grid Formats Serial Number and Lot Number have been added back as Search By options in Grid Formats for Item Lookup.
20628 Updating a price in inventory doesn't accept the default reason code Updating a price in inventory now accepts the default reason code.
20619 An issue has been identified with the Prism Proxy that results in Proxy Customizations being forcefully closed and restarted in certain circumstances when Central Returns are enabled Corrected sharetype when loaded customer. Added to show error toast when create a new customer with sharetype is 2.
19324 Customer country Country has been added in Customer Address Section for both Transaction->Customer->Edit and Customer Lookup->New, Edit customer records
It can be added when creating customer by quick customer on POS
It can be saved on selection by clicking save button
It is not a mandatory field.
It is available on receipt if customer has a country selected in records
18480 Grid format: Change "from store" and "to store" to use store code rather than store number Store Name, Store Code, and Store # have been added to several areas of GRID FORMATS where they were not previously included.
18387 Prism license service doesn't always start after reboot The service monitor starts the license service when it is set to manual.
Gift Cards    
20882 Unable to key in manual gift card A new preference has been added to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > Requirements called Max Gift Card Number Length." This preference enables users to change the maximum length of gift cards, if necessary. The maximum length is 32 characters. The default value of the "Max Gift Card Number Length" preference is 25 characters.
19620 Gift Card character limit A new preference has been added to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > Requirements called "Max Gift Card Number Length." This preference enables users to change the maximum length of gift cards, if necessary. The maximum length is 32 characters. The default value of the "Max Gift Card Number Length" preference is 25 characters.
21603 Unable to delete completed Initialization Users can now delete completed Initializations in Connection Manager.
21855 If an item is counted in more than one sub location, the Update PI will fail Update PI now updates successfully with same item(s) counted in multiple sublocations. Each sublocation is updated appropriately. On-hand qty for each item is the sum of the items from all sublocations.
21730 Available Qty Does not update correctly if an Customer Order is closed and store credit is issued. When an order is closed out without being fulfilled, the Available Qty is properly incremented in inventory.
21634 Sold Qty Does not populate in Inventory Search (document) on purchase order when added to Grid Formats Sold Qty can now be added as a viewable column in Inventory Search (Document) in Grid Formats.
21494 Error message when trying to change price of a style with an inactive item When updating price/cost for whole style it skips inactive items and updates price/cost for all active items.
21199 You have to click search again when you change store in Inventory Search When Store/Sub/Price Level/Season is changed in inventory lookup, the results are now refreshed.
21178 Description 1 and Description 2 are case sensitive, while ALU is not ALU, Description 1 and Description 2 are no longer case sensitive in Item Lookup.
21144 Can't edit price of style with VAT There is now a Price with Tax field and it is aligned left with the other item detail fields,
20914 Extended UDF UI needed for Merchandise > Inventory Users can now edit/create UDF fields in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Merchandise > Inventory > UDF.
20838 Have available qty show in Inventory Available quantity now shows in Inventory
20509 Item is still selected in inventory list view, but shows as not ticked  in 2.0 for item lookup and style lookup. It clears the grid and requires to click search button for searching
20302 Add new PI Phase 2 functionality Zones can now be assigned to Sublocations in Physical Inventory. Update PI now creates adjustment memos  to adjust inventory quantities in Simple, Zone, and Zone-Sublocation PI Sheets. Inventory Management is now done solely in Prism and is independent of RIL or V9
20297 When adding an item using scales ALU's are not in order When using  scales ALU's assigned to items are in order
19932 Sort on column Price with Tax in inventory search returns "No Records Found" even though prior to the sort there are inventory items The Price with tax column is no longer sortable
19767 Only Current Price Level on the Item Details Price / Cost tab in Store ops > Merchandise > inventory > Item Details> price cost> Price Levels Code changed to display all price levels display in item details.
21532 Check Available (on-hand)  does not account for item Qty that has been added to slip at the same time in separate sessions With the permission "Bypass On Hand Qty Checking" set to Deny, the user is prevented from updating a transfer slip with items are not available "on hand".
21736 Store is blank when using a restricted employee when trying to lookup transaction or pending transaction The "blank" in the store drop-down is no longer present. It has been replaces with "all".
21465 Transaction shipping and fees managed within Prism Implemented UI for managing POS fees in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Fees/Shipping.
19096 Spread discount is adjusting the receipt total incorrectly in some cases when a BOGO is applied Calculation order was changed to properly handle spreading discounts with promotions and manual discounts.
21213 Users can generate a voucher from an ASN when not assigned to the store. Users can no longer generate vouchers from an ASN at a store they aren't assigned to with or without the "Allow Missing Packages" permission set to Deny.
Physical Inventory    
21185 "Add Counts" button is grayed out when you move to Page 2 in Physical Inventory The "Add Counts" button is no longer grayed out when pagination is advanced beyond page 1
19817 Serial number doesn't work properly in Physical Inventory Serial numbers listed on the PI sheet now are added to the SN list for their SN item. Serial Numbers not listed on the PI sheet now are made inactive in Prism.
Point of Sale    
21545 Unable to remove  Associates from a sale There is now an X button next to each associate that becomes available if the Activity % is 0. Click the X to remove the associate from the item or transaction.
21305 Exempt Item shows Taxable when Returned Code was changed to properly handle the tax codes for return items.
21190 Zero-priced items can be repeatedly detaxed in VAT Code was changed to properly handle detaxing zero-priced items that are edited when added to the transaction.
20721 Item Lookup: Toast error message when entering UPC too quickly System no longer has errors when entering UPCs quickly.
20618 Issue with automatic lock setting in Prism. Auto-Lock is no longer triggered when the user is logged out as a result of the "Force Logout after Completing Transaction" feature.
20517 Default discount reason is not applied to transaction discount. Default discount reason is now reflected as the reason when a discount is applied at POS.
Point of Sale - Items    
21640 "Apply to existing Items" is greyed out in price levels The "apply to existing items" is disabled by default but becomes available when the price level for an item is changed.
21529 Images don't display in transactions Style images now use the correct SID and display properly.
21207 Price Override on a Return Item doesn't work. Code was changed to properly handle the way discounts are applied to return transactions.
19854 Scanning items with multivendor alu/upc enabled is extremely slow The time it takes for items to be added to a document has been significantly reduced with multi-vendor ALU/UPC enabled.
19173 Bring original Price From Price Level > selection is ignoring the assigned price of item on document when the selected price level has a 0.00 or Null value. Code change prompt for price should only occur if the active price is zero.
16903 On a return transaction when referencing an item incase the central service is not reachable the local button doesnt work With the release of Prism 2.0, this has been addressed.  After attempting centrals, the user can now search the local database for matching results.
Point of Sale - Orders    
21138 Date Picker chooses previous date of date chosen The datatypes have been changed. In Oracle, SHIP_DATE, ORDERED_DATE, and CANCEL_DATE were changed from TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE to DATE. In MySQL, those columns were changed from DATETIME to DATE. Existing data is converted accordingly (the time portion gets truncated).
21554 Special orders not working. 25 character maximum has been set as the default value. A new preference has been added to Nodes> Transactions> Tenders>
Requirements called "Max Gift Card Number Length." The maximum value is 32
Currently the processor only supports 26 characters.
Point of Sale - Tenders    
19741 Taking an overtender with split-currency can result in impossible "give" senarios. The default give tender is now properly applied in the quick tender modal at POS based on user specified settings in Admin-Console>Tender Requirements.
18913 Can not type decimal character in the "Take Amount" field for the Tender if you have "Arabic - Saudi Arabia" as the Present Regional Settings. Arabic decimal can be used in take amount section during tender when Language & Locale is set to "Arabic - Saudi Arabia" in the Preset Regional Settings.
Price Manager    
21654 Price Markdown Price and PricewTax are displaying incorrectly when set to VAT The "Mkdn Price" column now shows the price with the tax subtracted when using VAT tax method.
20531 Gift receipt does not automatically print when there is a default designed assigned to POS receipt and Gift receipt print document types Gift receipts now print as requested when default designs are assigned in admin console and when selected within the print modal at POS.
19723 Print Preferences always overrides sub-areas Sub-areas in Print Preferences are now only overridden  when the feature "Override Sub-areas" is selected in Admin Console. 
21793 Promotion with apply unlimited activation and 0 item qty validation makes Prism hang A promotion with the APPLY preference set to UNLIMITED and  the validation ITEM QTY set to 0 no longer causes PRISM hang up  trying to  apply the promotion an unlimited amount of times.
21538 Predefined Discount reasons are missing in Promotions Fixed Promotion predefined reason missing issue. It is displaying properly now when preference is selected.
20871 Sort order combo option in Rewards Rules tab for BOGO promotion is not displaying ,when the language is in Spanish. Fix verified. Sort order combo option in Rewards Rules tab for BOGO promotion is now displaying correctly
 when changes to any language.
20236 add "Save" and "Cancel" to the edit screen in Promotions Save and Cancel option is available when creating new and edit existing promotion. Save option saves all the changes one by one and back to non-edit mode. Cancel option discards all the changes and close with no save
19740 Promotion created has two records with the same 'POS' value in pcp_validation_item_rule table, causing promo's to be applied to incorrect items. Code was changed for the way promotions are saved after all steps of creating the promotion has been completed.
18859 Need automated way to clean up promotions.

New process was added to allow users to scheduled the automatic deletion of inactive promotions based on days inactive.
Action end point = /v1/rpc

Action Payload = [{"Params":{"Days":"40"},"MethodName":"PCPromoDeletePromo" }]
This payload is for deleting inactive promotions that are 40 days inactive or longer.

20926 When receiving a Voucher from a PO you can receive more than order quantity due in PO items. Items added to the PO are accounted for in the PO Items MODAL to prevent the user from adding items to the PO and then selecting "ALL DUE" and over fulfilling the PO.
If the AC Preference is check-marked, the user receives a red toast "Voucher is limited to the PO Quantities specified" if they try to ad items to the Voucher that would go over the PO item qty.
20896 Inactivating a PO at the POA is still active at the Store Code was changed to properly handle the replication of edited PO's and inactivated PO's
20779 PO Type on Purchase Order Lookup shows Range The "type" filter in Purchase Order Lookup is now a dropdown list consisting of Drop Ship" and "Marked For"
20484 PO number not on TOs generated from 'marked for' PO, have to manually enter after generating PO # is auto populated on TOs generated from 'marked for' PO
15893 Change Request - Add case ordered in PO and Doc Designer Added OrdCaseQty field for Purchase Order. You must add the column in grid formats to use this. This field is only editable for case qty items. QTYPERCASE and ORDCASEQTY fields added to doc designer
15352 Please add SOLD QTY to the list of available columns to be added to the advanced inventory item lookup window in PO New search column has been added to inventory search. Sold Qty.
Also new columns have been added to the Item details page in the Qty tab for 'Sold Qty'
'Received Qty' and 'On-Order Qty'.s
21836 Pending voucher will not let you edit it until you select edit, then put it on hold, then un-holding it. Editing pending voucher puts document in edit mode when voucher not complete.
20785 Cannot delete pending vouchers Users can now delete pending vouchers.
20740 Browser refresh (F5) causes Vouchers that reference an ASN to switch between being in Edit mode and not Voucher now stays in edit mode even after refreshing the page
20713 Like Items on vouchers and ASNs do not consolidate Like items are now combined on voucher/slip/ASN.
20033 Pending Voucher lookup filter form is inconsistent between areas The "Delete Selected" button is now available in all "pending vouchers" and "pending ASN" modals
Send Sale    
21408 Send Sale is not committing inventory in fulfillment store (is committing in originating store) SendSale quantities are correctly updating quantities in the fulfilling store.
20247 In Vouchers, Serial Number window only appears on first page Added paging-control to SN entry modal form in Vouchers.
Tag Printing    
20157 Qty Multiplier when printing tags are limited. Code change to allow qty multiplier to be set above 99
Time Clock    
21333 Time clock column sort is not working Code was changed to allow the proper sorting of all columns on time clock.
21633 SRO not calculating date range correctly The SRO tool now calculates date ranges for the beginning and end of the month properly.
21461 SRO Tool giving invalid date range Removed date range check for N x ago
Transfer Orders    
20533 Allocating to stores using arrow keys to traverse left and right in TO loses focus and not able to enter numbers Focus is fixed when use arrow keys to traverse left and right in the store allocation grid in TO
19724 In the Transfer Order, you cannot edit or unassigned an item quantity from a store. The field doesn't accept zero as assigned quantity for the store. Quantities can be adjusted after they have been allocated in a Transfer Order.
Quantity allocations may not be made that would exceed the doc quantity for the item.
21621 Receiving preferences  "Allow vouchers to update inventory prices" is not implemented There is now a preference in Admin Console that ads a price field to vouchers that can be used to update  the price of inventory items.
21537 Availability checking on transfer slips doesn't display prompt when user has Bypass Qty Checking

Availability checking now prompts the same in Transfers as in POS.
"Bypass Qty Checking" permission now prevents the adding of quantities in excess of the on hand qty when set to Deny.
"Bypass Qty Checking" permission now prompts for override modal when adding quantities in excess of the on hand qty when set to Override

21041 Slip Resolution generates error  "transferseditformerslipPermission denied" unless you have edit Slip permission A User is now prevented from editing the items on  the voucher created from the slip if they do not have the permission to edit received items
20927 There should be a prompt when adding a 0 OH quantity to Transfer Slip. On Hand Qty checking now prompts properly in Transfer Slips.
20516 Due Quantity and Percentage Unfilled calculated incorrectly in Transfer Order The Unfilled % column in Transfer Order Lookup now accurately reflects the % of the transfer order that has been filled.
20347 Note field on Slip cannot be edited after it's updated This issue has been addressed, notes on former slips can be edited via the API.
20346 Error when executing the insert () function at slipcomment Fixed insert method in 'slipcomment' model.
19764 Cannot reverse slip with a full-control lot number item on it ASNs containing full-control serial number/lot number can now be successfully reversed.
Turbo Initialization    
20937 Employees with character value in COMM_LVL field cause Import/Export tool to fail during export process. Fixed commission level export/import.
20936 Import Export tool returns incorrect  misdirecting error during failed export Fixed export process.
20899 Turbo Initialization fails on export The Export portion of this tool now successfully exports data from RIL and V9, and the Import portion of this tool can then be used to Import that data into Prism.
Vendor Invoices    
20750 Cannot assign negative vendor invoice to return voucher Vendor Invoices can contain a negative value when used on return vouchers.
20610 Lead Time is not editable "Lead Time" field is editable now and will display the correct value from the database table. Other "Lead Time xxxxxx" fields are read-only with empty values, i.e. these fields will display calculated-values in future when "Vendor Profile" will be implemented.
20611 Lead Time information is not displaying in Prism. Lead time is now editable.
X/Z-Out Reports    
21741 Z-Out reports don't reflect returns with loyalty Negative discount (for returns) now is included in X/Z-Out calculation.
21722 Tax on shipping/fees is misrepresented on xout/zout The Sales, Fee, Tax and Totals are properly calculated in X-Out/Z-Out
21284 Unable to see credit card transaction in Zout Code was changed to properly look at the cashier assigned for the drawer and not associate.

Customer Loyalty as a discount is adding to sales in x/z out reports

Loyalty discounts were erroneously included with the Sales amount on the X & Z-Out reports.  Sales discounts due to use of Loyalty points will now only be factored into the Discounts section of the report.  The amount of tax, if applicable, will still show on the report for Tax collected, but the Sales section will be reduced by the amount of tax that was paid for with Loyalty points.
20358 Zout report xml uses the term "base" for the currency_code tag on non currency type tenders  ( for example credit card) Code changed to display correctly the currency code tag on Z-Out report XML
20274 Half-Dollar and Half Dollar listed in Z/Out currency media counts Installation checks existing denomination values for each currency. If the value exists, Prism does not add defaults
19735 Quarters and Quarters listed in Z-Out currency media counts Installation checks existing denomination values for each currency. If the value exists, Prism does not add defaults
17411 No way to select specific foreign currencies for a subsidiary/store. The available foreign currency can be set in Admin Console at the corporate/sub/store/workstation levels.