Updated: April 30, 2024 7:12am

What's New in


This topic has information about the following new features and functionality added in Prism

  • Manage Packages and Kits
  • Require Finalization of Z-Out Reports
  • Auto-match Non-Currency Media on Z-Out Reports
  • Genius 2.0 and Store & Forward Changes (EFT Processing)
  • Refund deposits via (EFT) credit or gift card
  • Char and Message fields added to Tax Rules
  • Replicate Deletion of Records    
  • "Physical Inventory Send Destination" preference    
  • Reference PI sheet that created the adjustment.    
  • Use Zone Name flag on Import Maps for PI Sheet Zones  
  • Calculated Fields in document designs for purchasing, receiving, transfers   
  • "Custom" fields for Developers of Fiscalization Tools   
  • Fiscal Document Tables in RPSODS database    

Manage Packages and Kits
Users can manage package and kit items in Prism 2.1.1. Previously, package and kit items had to be managed (i.e., created, configured, edited, deleted) in RIL.
To add a new package or kit item, add a new inventory item. Enter item information (do not enter a Store OH Qty) and set the Inventory Type field to Package Item or Kit Item. Upon saving the item record, the Package Members or Kit Members button will be enabled. The Package Members/Kit Members button is disabled in edit mode. You must first save or cancel any changes to enable the button.

Package item with package members button enabled
Component Items
Clicking the Package Members or Kit Members button displays the interface for configuring the package or kit item. Configuring a package or kit involves adding individual component items to the package or kit and setting the Base Quantity.
To add a single component item, scan the UPC or click the Search icon to go to the Inventory Search screen.
With packages, a user can add a component item or a component list. A component list is a list of individual component items (instead of a single component item). When a component list has been added to a package and the package is listed on a transaction, the list is displayed so the Associate can select the desired item from the list. This allows users to "mix and match" items in the package. Prism includes a few predefined component lists (A, B and C); users can add/edit their own component lists as needed.
Package component item list
For more information, see the Packages and Kits topic.

Permissions for Packages and Kits
DevTrack ID# 23770
The following new permissions can be assigned to Employee Groups:

Permission Description
Inventory - Manage Kits Allow group members to add/edit/delete kits.
Inventory - Manage Packages Allow group members to add/edit/delete packages.
Inventory - Break Kits Allow group members to break kits.
Inventory - Assemble Kits All group members to assemble kits.

Require Finalization for Z-Out Reports
DevTrack ID #20860
A new "Require Finalization before Reopen" preference has been added in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Reporting > X/Z-Out. This preference is only available if "Use structured Z-Outs" is enabled. When the "Require Finalization before Reopen" preference is enabled, the current report must be finalized before Prism will automatically open a new drawer (even if the "Open Drawer after Close" preference is enabled). This finalization step provides a clear point in the closing process when the Z-out is finished and can no longer be modified. This preference helps retailers comply with fiscal regulations in countries like Germany where users are required to open the day at the morning and close the day at the evening.
Sample Admin Console > Node Preferences > Reporting > X/Z-Out:
Z-Out Reports preferences for structured mode The "Require finalization before reopen" preference works in tandem with the "Open Drawer after Close" preference and comes into play when the user clicks the "Close" button to reconcile the user-entered totals with the system-calculated totals. Among the buttons on the Reconciliation screen are an Exit button and a Finalize & Print button.
The following table has information about the possible combinations for the preferences and what happens when a user clicks the Exit or Finalize & Print button.

Open Drawer after Close Require Finalization before Reopen Result
On Off The drawer will open automatically when the user clicks the Exit button or the Finalize & Print button
On On The drawer will open automatically when the user clicks the Finalize & Print button. Clicking the Exit button will cause a message to display explaining that the report must be finalized

Note: In Z-Out Lookup, auto open is never used. If a user finalizes or force closes a drawer in Z-Out Lookup and wants to open a drawer, the drawer must be opened manually by the user.
Structured Z-Out Preferences Reorganized
As part of the fix for #20860, Z-Out preferences have been reorganized so that all structured mode preferences are grouped in a single panel. This makes it easier to configure preferences for structured mode.
Auto-match Non-Currency Media
DevTrack ID#20689
On the Count Non-Currency Tenders screen on Z-Out reports, users match each instance of each tender listed with the physical copy. A new preference option in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > Requirements enables users to configure specific tenders to "auto match" on Z-Out reports.
When auto-match is enabled for a tender, users closing a drawer (Z-Out) do not have to manually match each instance of the tender on the report. For example, if Credit Card is selected for auto-match in preferences, then on Z-Out reports in the non-currency media section, each instance of the credit card tender on the report will be matched automatically. Note: Users can still manually uncheck individual instances of a tender that was automatically marked verified.
As part of this change, the user interface in tender requirements has been reorganized. Previously, Take/Give/Return were in three separate columns; now Take/Give/Return share a single column. A new "Auto Match" column has been added.
Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > Requirements showing the "Auto-match" option for tenders:
Tender requirements preferences with auto-match setting

Genius 2.0 and Store & Forward Changes
DevTrack ID# 23552 (1.14.7), #22999 (2.1.1)
Prism 2.1 supports the new Genius 2.0 devices from Cayan/Global Payments, including the on-device implementation of Store & Forward. Store & Forward is a feature of Genius that will store EFT transactions offline in the event the network connection is lost. When the network connection is restored, the offline transactions are automatically forwarded to the Genius endpoints.
Genius 2.0 devices are next-generation Genius devices with the following improvements:

  • Firmware 6.x.x.x and up (Legacy Genius devices have firmware 5.x.x.x)
  • Store & Forward application is on the Genius device

Limitations and Considerations

  • If you do not have Genius 2.0 devices, you can continue using your Genius 1.0 devices with the same setup you had before. Nothing changed.
  • Using Genius 2.0 devices WITHOUT Store & Forward does not require a change of setup, except for the IP Address of the Genius device. In addition, the Cayan account (EFT Server configuration) setup can remain at Store level.
  • Using Genius 2.0 WITH Store & Forward requires updating of endpoints in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > EFT Server Configuration at WORKSTATION level.
  • The Cayan account setup should be done at WS level, as the endpoints are configured to point to a specific Genius device
  • When setting up the Genius 2.0 device for Store and Forward, the Port number should be set to 8443 (SSL) (in the WS HAL Settings)
  • Transactions NOT available while Genius 2.0 Store & Forward is OFFLINE: Gift card (CED or Bypass), Credit Card Bypass (Webtransport), Debit

Genius 2.0 Endpoints
On the EFT Server Configuration screen, select Cayan/Genius from the dropdown. Edit the endpoints to the correct value for your network.
Endpoints for Genius 2.0 without Store & Forward:
Use the old "non-Store & Forward" endpoints (displayed when user clicks "Load Default Addresses" > "Standard Defaults" button).
Endpoints for Genius 2.0 with Store & Forward:
If you plan to use your Genius 2.0 device with Store and Forward, please modify your endpoints according to the table below. Remember to do this at Workstation level, not Store level. As Genius 2.0 devices offer an On-Device Store & Forward solution, the endpoints for Store & Forward have to point to the actual devices IP address and cannot be set at Store level.

Field Endpoint
Credit Schema https://x.x.x.x:8443/v4/transportService46.asmx
Gift Schema http://schemas.merchantwarehouse.com/merchantware/40/GiftcardMagensa10
Credit Endpoint https://x.x.x.x:8443/Merchantware/ws/RetailTransaction/v46/Credit.asmx
Gift Endpoint https://ps1.merchantware.net/Merchantware/ws/
Web Transaction Server https://transport.merchantware.net/v4/transportweb.aspx?transportKey=

Sample configuration settings showing endpoints for Genius 2.0 with Store & Forward:

endpoints configured for store and forward feature
Change Port to 8443 in HAL Settings for Genius 2.0 Device
When using your Genius 2.0 device with Store & Forward, data sent to and from the Genius 2.0 device (whether Online or Offline) is SSL encrypted. Edit HAL settings for the Genius device and change the port number to 8443. (Default is 8080). To access HAL settings, navigate to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Node Selection. Drill down to the desired workstation and click the Edit button. Click the HAL Settings > Genius Device tab and select the device from the drop-down. Enter 8443 in the Port field and click the checkmark button to save.
Sample HAL Settings showing Port field set to 8443:
HAL Settings with port set to 8443

Refund Deposit via EFT (Credit, Gift)
DevTrack ID#13835, 23724
When closing an order, users can return deposit amounts via EFT (credit card or gift card). Previously, refunds of deposits could not be made to EFT tenders.

  • This feature does not check whether the card to which the refund is made is the same card used for the deposit (if the deposit was made by card).
  • Keyed entry is disabled when refunding a deposit to a card. Card information must be entered by swiping the card.
  • The refund deposit to card feature is ONLY available when online for Genius 1.0 users. For Genius 2.0 users, the refund deposit to card feature is available whether online or offline (with Store & Forward).

Configure Tender Requirements Preferences
Navigate to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Transactions > Tenders > Tender Requirements.
For the Credit Card and/or Gift Card tenders, select BOTH:
The checkbox for "Return"
The checkbox for Deposit Refund.
Save the changes.
Sample Tender Requirements preferences showing Take/Give/Return and the Deposit Refund checkbox selected for the credit card tender:
Tender requirements preferences for deposit refund When preferences are configured to allow deposit refunds by card and a user tries to close an order that has deposits, a modal is displayed for selecting the desired tender for the deposit return.
Select Credit Card or Gift Card in the Tender Type drop-down, enter card information and click Give.
Refund deposit to credit card or gift card

The tender is added to the transaction. Click OK to complete the deposit refund.
Deposit refund to credit card, tender applied

Tax Rules: Char and Message field
DevTrack ID#22233
The Char (also known as Reference) and Message fields are in the Tax Rules Grid in Admin Console > Node Preferences > Taxes > Tax Areas. These fields enable retailers to comply with requirements that an item's taxable status (taxable or non-taxable) be indicated on the Receipt when both types are sold on the same transaction. In the RPS.tax_code_rule table, the fields are labeled Reference (for the Char field) and Legend (for the Message field). Note: Add the fields to the appropriate document designs so they show up on printed receipts.
Replicate Deletion of Records
DevTrack ID#19564
A new process ensures deleted records are replicated correctly throughout the enterprise. For example, say a user at an upstream location deletes unused disbursement reasons. In the new process, a mini lookup payload for the deletion is replicated to other locations (whether downstream or upstream). Upon receiving such payload, the other Prism tries to delete this resource locally and spread it further based on its own replication profiles (as regular day-to-day replication). If the other Prism is unable to delete (e.g., the resource is referenced by another resource), the other Prism sends the payload back in order to "undelete". In this case, the other Prism sends the payload directly to the immediate source, regardless of the replication profile. After the payload is received at the immediate source, further spreading of the "undelete" message is based on existing replication profiles at each "node" where the payload is received.

"Physical Inventory Send Destination" preference
DevTrack ID #23537
A new preference enables retailers to control where a PI sheet is sent after the PI is finished. Using the "Physical Inventory Send Destination" preference, a retailer can choose a specific controller or display a prompt so the user can select a controller. Setting the preference to a specific controller helps prevent user error where the user selects the wrong location in the prompt.
To configure the preference, navigate to Admin Console > Node Preferences > Merchandise > PI Sheet. The table below  lists the available options for the "Physical Inventory Send Destination" preference:

Option Description
Prompt (Default) If set to "Prompt," when the user clicks the Send PI Sheet button a list of controllers is displayed so the user can select the desired destination controller.
If the preference is set to a specific controller, when the user clicks the Send PI Sheet button, the sheet will be sent to that destination without the user selecting the location.

Sample Admin Console > Node Preferences > Merchandise > PI Sheet > General:
Merchandise PI Sheet preferences

Reference PI sheet that created the adjustment
DevTrack ID#22639
When users update a PI, the URL will include a reference to the SID of the PI sheet that created the adjustment memos associated with the PI update. Previously, there was no way to link those adjustment memos back to the PI that created them. This was possible previously prior to 2.0 and migration to 2.0 for the customer requires this functionality as the ERP system requires this reference.
Now the PI sheet SID is added to the created_doc_sid in the adjustment table.
The PI Sheet SID is found at the end of the browser URL.

Use Zone Name flag on Import Maps for PI Sheet Zones
DevTrack ID#22879
The "Use Zone Name" flag in the Import Map configuration settings indicates whether zones in the import file are identified by zone name or zone number. In an import file, the "zone" is identified by the characters within the range specified by the "Zone Start/Length" settings in the import map configuration settings. If the characters within the "zone" range are numeric, then zones are identified by zone number. If the characters within the range are alphanumeric, then zones are identified by zone name and the "Use Zone Name" flag must be enabled. By default, the "Use Zone Name" setting is disabled.
Note: The "Use Zone Name" flag is only available when importing at the pi sheet level. When importing at the zone level, it is understood that the import is for the current zone.
To access the import map configuration settings:
On a PI sheet in edit mode, click the Imported tab to enable the Import button. Click Import to display the Import File Mapping schema modal. Select a schema name or click New to create a new schema (a schema is a saved group of import map settings).
Sample PI Sheet Import Map Schema showing Use Zone Name flag set to the default setting of disabled:
PI Import map with Use Zone Name flag disabled

Calculated Fields in Store Operations
DevTrack ID#17338
The following calculated fields can be added to document designs (except POS documents): PriceWTax, PriceWOTax, ExtPriceWTax, ExtPriceWOTax for POItem, RecvItem, SlipItem, TOrdItem

Custom Fields for Developer of Fiscalization Tools
DevTrack ID #21530
Prism 2.1.1 includes a set of custom fields (Custom0 through Custom9) that development partners can use when developing fiscalization tools. The fiscalization tools developed by partners help retailers meet fiscal document requirements. Custom0 through Custom9 are all NVARCHAR(30) in the Oracle and MySQL database schemas.
"Custom" fields in Document Designer
The Custom0 through Custom9 fields can be added to document designs as needed for: documents (pos transactions), vouchers, ASNs, slips, memos, disbursements, transfer orders, and purchase orders.
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Prism\DocumentDesigner
Select the desired area and document and click Edit.
Expand the main node for the design and scroll down to locate the Custom0 through Custom9 fields. Drag and drop the fields to the desired area of the design and save the changes.
Fiscal Document area in Document Designer
The Custom0 through Custom9 fields are available for all the document types listed previously. This is useful for adding fiscalization-related fields to existing document designs. DocumentDesigner.exe also includes a "Fiscal Documents" area where users can create and store designs for fiscal documents.
Fiscal Document Tables in RPSODS database
The following tables that store information related to fiscal documents are available in the RPSODS database: