Updated: May 19, 2022 9:02am

Customer Default Charge Terms

Users can add default charge terms for customers in the Customer record on the Payment tab and those terms will be automatically entered on the tender screen when the customer is listed on a transaction that uses Charge as the Tender Type. Previously, charge terms had to be entered manually at POS. This feature makes it easier to manage things like business-to-business (B2B) transactions.
The following fields for charge terms are available in the customer record:

Field Description
Discount % he discount percentage to apply when the customer pays in full within the specified number of Discount Days. Integer or null.
Discount Days If full payment is made within the entered number of days, the Discount % is applied. Integer or null.
Net Days  The number of days when full payment is due (discount or no discount). Integer or null.

Sample Customer record showing Default Charge Terms:
Default charge terms on customer record 
If a customer with Default Charge Terms is entered on a transaction and the user select Charge as the Tender Type, the default terms are automatically entered.
Sample tender screen with Tender Type of Charge and the default charge terms shown:
Default cust charge tender