Updated: September 30, 2019 2:04pm

PI Sheet Filters Columns

Prism enables users to customize grid layouts in many program areas. Among the areas where grids can be customized is PI sheets. You can specify the columns displayed in the UI and select columns that can be added on the fly by the user when working in that area. Define grid formats in Admin Console > Preferences & Settings > Grid Formats. 

Column Label Type(length) Description/Notes
1st Rcvd Dt Date Date the item was first received into inventory.
Active Number(1) Active status. 0 = inactive; 1 = active.
ALU String(20) Alternate lookup.
Attr String(8) Item attribute (e.g. color or second size).
Class Name String(20) Name for the second level in the DCS hierarchy.
Cost Number(16,4) Item cost.
Created By String(30) Employee who created the PI sheet.
Created Dt Timestamp with Time Zone Date and time the PI sheet was created.
Currency Code Number(5) Currency code.
DCS String(9) Three- to-nine-character code that identifies the department to which the item is assigned.
DCS Sid Number(19) Identifies the DCS.
Department Name String(20) Name of the top level of the DCS hierarchy.
Desc 1 - Desc 4 String(20) Item description fields. Desc 1 is the Primary description field.
Discontinued Dt Date The date after which the item can no longer be ordered. This prevents the ordering of items that are being phased out of inventory.
Discount Schedule SID Number(19) Identifies the discount schedule of the item.
FC Cost Number(16,4) Item cost in the currency assigned to the vendor.
Item No String(20) Alternative identifier used in legacy Retail Pro versions.
Item Size String(8) Item size.
Kit Type Number(5)

Kit Type
0 = No Entry, 1 = Kit, 2 = Package, 3 = Gift Card Stored Value, 4 = Gift Card Prepaid, 5 = Gift Certificate, 6 = Fee, 7 = Gift Card Central

Last Received Date Date Most recent date the item was received on a voucher.
Last Sold Date Date Most recent date the item was sold on a transaction.
Lot Type Number(5) Lot type from RIL invn_sbs.ext_flag (The RIL ext_flag contains serial_type and lot_type).
Loyalty earned Number(16,4) Number of loyalty points earned by the customer who buys the item.
Max Accum Discount Number(16,4) Maximum accumulated discount that can be applied to the item.
Max Discount Percent Number(16,4) Maximum discount percentage that can be applied to the item.
Modified By String(30) Employee who last modified the PI sheet.
Modified Dt Timestamp with Time Zone Date and time the PI sheet was last modified.
Non-Inventory Number(1) If selected, indicates the item is a non-inventory item. Non-inventory items are used to sell things like services (e.g. gift-wrapping) that do not have a physical quantity.
Orderable Number(1) Orderable status. 0 = not orderable; 1 = orderable
Orderable Dt Date Date after which the item cannot be ordered on a purchase order.
Post Dt Date Date the PI sheet was posted to the RIL database.
Price in Points Number(16,4) Price in loyalty points.
Quantity Per Case Number(10,3) Number of units that make up one case (for items sold individually or by the case).
Regional Number(1) Regional status. 0 = not regional item; 1 = regional item
Scale No Number(5) Scale number.
Scale SID Number(19) Identifies the grid scale for the item.
Sellable Date Date This field enables retailers to prevent items from being sold until a certain date. Not currently implemented in Prism
Serial Type Number(5) Partial control or full control.
SPIF Number(16,4) Salesperson incentive fee. A fee earned by the Associate for selling the item.
Style Code   Style code.
Style SID Number(19) Identifies the style.
Subclass Name String(20) Name of the third tier of the DCS hierarchy
Subsidiary Name String(20) Name of the subsidiary where the PI sheet was created.
Subsidiary No Number(5) Subsidiary number.
Subsidiary SID Number(19) Identifies the subsidiary.
Tax Code String(8) Tax code name.
Tax Code SID Number(19) Identifies the tax code.
Tax Name String(20) Tax area name.
Tenant SID Number(19) Identifies the tenant.
Udf1 Date - Udf2 Date Date User-defined date fields.
Udf1 Float - Udf2 Float Number(16,4) User-defined number fields.
Udf1 String - Udf5 String String(30) User-defined string fields.
Use Qty Decimals Number(1) If selected, the item uses quantity decimals.
Vendor Account No Number(10) This field is part of the vendor record and stores the vendor's account number
Vendor Code String(6) A unique code to identify the vendor. Three to six characters.
Vendor List Cost Number(16,4)

The vendor list cost.
Note: If using Trade Discounts, the vendor's assigned Trade Discount % is applied to the Vendor List Cost and the resulting value is entered on the PO as the Order Cost.

Vendor Name String(20) Name of the vendor's company.
Vendor SID Number(19) Identifies the vendor.