Updated: February 20, 2024 12:52pm

Voucher Lookup

Use the Voucher Lookup feature to find a previously updated voucher. You can enter a variety of search criteria, including a date range when the voucher was created, the Store, or the Associate.

  1. Click the Retail Pro button in the lower-left corner and select the Store Operations button.     
  2. Select the Receiving button. Click the Voucher Lookup button.
    receiving menu    
  3. Enter filter criteria.  Click the Search button.
    voucher lookup filter    
  4. A list of matching document is displayed. Select the desired voucher by clicking the checkmark on the left side of the grid. Click the OK button.
  5. Click Edit if you need to make changes to the voucher.

Filter Voucher/ASN Lookup for Transfer vs. Receiving Vouchers
You can filter Voucher/ASN Lookup to display documents created for transfers or those created for receiving merchandise from a vendor. This makes it easier to find the desired documents.
Add the following filter elements to Grid Formats and search ASN/Voucher Lookup using a combination of the fields.

Column Description
Class The Class indicates the type of voucher: 0=Voucher, 1=Pending Voucher, 2=ASN
Slip True=The ASN/Voucher was created from a transfer slip. False=The ASN/Voucher was not created from a transfer slip.
From Store Name The source store name.

In Admin Console > Node Preferences > Grid Formats, select Voucher/ASN Lookup from the drop-down. In the Allow Search By and Show Columns areas, move the Class, Slip and From Store Name columns from the Available to the Selected list and reposition if needed.