Updated: December 17, 2021 1:27pm

Deactivate Customer with Store Credit Balance

This section has information about what happens when a customer with a store credit balance is deactivated. When deactivating a customer with a store credit balance, the system auto-generates a "store credit adjustment receipt" to zero out the store credit.
Required Security Permission
The ability to deactivate a customer with a store credit balance is controlled by the following security permission:
Customers - Deactivate Customer with Store Credit Balance
Deactivate Customer with Store Credit Balance
Use Customer Lookup to find and select the customer.
Click Deactivate.
A confirmation is displayed. Click OK.
store credit adjustment prompt 
Prism auto-generates a transaction to zero out the customer's store credit balance.
Sample Tender Details for transaction that is auto-generated when a customer with a store credit balance is deactivated:
store credit adjustment receipt, tender details

Sample Transaction Details > Fees tab for transaction that is auto-generated when a customer with a positive store credit balance is deactivated:
Store credit adjustment receipt, transaction details, fees

Sample Store Credit Adjustment Receipts on Z-Out Report Non-Cash Tenders screen; click each adjustment receipt to acknowledge:
Sample store credit adjustments on z-out



On the printed report, store credit adjustment amounts are listed in the Fees section.
Sample printed Z-Out report with store credit adjustments (SC_ADJ) listed:
Z-Out report with store credit adjustments in fees section